You niggers are going to buy it on the Epic Games store, aren't you?

You niggers are going to buy it on the Epic Games store, aren't you?

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Nah im pirating until it goes to good o'l Steam

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Nah, I tried Borderlands during a free weekend and I didn't enjoy it

I'm not buying or pirating it. Borderlands was never good and Randy's a poophead.

I can wait till the game of the year edition when all the dlc is released.
I dont buy "parts" of full games anymore.

Not supporting Gearbox is BADASS


hopefully they have LAN functionality so my friends can pirate it too

I don't like it. The previous borderlands had too many MMO type quests. Kill X of this. Loot X of that. Boooorrinnnggg

Day 1 pirate

I'm not gonna buy anything on the anything store. Looter shooters are for faggots.

Nah, PS4 for me. Until I figure out how to make a pc the size of a console or get a house bigger than a box, no master life for me.

Pirating if they crack it to allow co-op, otherwise waiting for steam release. I'll admit I'm a faggot for enjoying the games, but I'll never install EGS. Same with this. Fucking loved the first one. Can't wait for SP Freelancer 1.5. I put more hours into Freelancer than any other game.

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Lol no. PS4

I'll buy it on cdkeys

We were all young and stupid at one point in our lives.

>playing a FPS on console at 30fps with a controller

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1 was recently released with all dlcs and 2/TPS got bundled and both came with all respective dlc. I will wait until a complete version of 3 is relesed.

I liked the FL4K trailer. Looks like a combination of Mordecai and Zer0, minus the melee stuff of the latter.

>paying money for diversityland regardless of where it's sold
How about no

weren't we boycotting this shit after they screwed a youtuber or something?
I'm pirating either way

Nope. I don't care about memelands enough to go out of my way for it.

Nope, anyone who isn't a homosexual will be buying Destiny 2 Shadowkeep on Steam instead

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I was never going to buy it to begin with. I find all of the Borderlands games obnoxious and unfun. The definition of "It's fun with friends :^)"

I dont want my shit datamined thanks

Not buying this shit after they sent goons after a youtuber. At most, I'll pirate it later on. But for sure will never pay a cent to them ever again for anything they make.