This video has been sponsored by skillshare

>this video has been sponsored by skillshare

Attached: 1562058202096.png (611x508, 481K)

>skipping the first 20 percent of the show because it's just shilling

>exclusively watch Youtubers who are too small to get advertisers so don't have to bother with this

>this youchuuba has been sold to the chinese

Attached: aqua ai.jpg (300x364, 27K)

>2 Minute long sketch devoted to shilling sponsor
>1 minute video

Attached: coffee.png (853x480, 470K)

>sketch insults sponsor

Attached: 16.png (634x596, 389K)

>they're purposefully not changing colors for Ai 2 & 3 because fans might not bother clicking the thumbnail if it doesn't feature the original

>Jacksfilms videos at this point are literally three minutes, 90 seconds of which are ads, and the rest of them is him reading comments word for word

>Be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the bell, don't forget to check out my patreon and check out to get 75% off brexit 3 year plan, also be sure to check out the merch store, and I'll see you all in the next video!

I fucking wish I was an eceleb god damn.

Attached: 137735778958557.jpg (369x335, 28K)

>sponsor spot starts
>mash my right arrow key until its over

Attached: 1563656457062.jpg (1200x1694, 737K)

>This video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club

Attached: 1458183823657.png (3100x2885, 583K)

You're not cute

>guy has a beard
>won't shave it for the sponsor

Attached: sushi.gif (498x270, 752K)

>This video has been sponsored by Nord VPN
they're a botnet right?

Attached: 1508666047962.gif (475x270, 69K)

>This video has been sponsored by blue apron!

Attached: 1564582397656.jpg (1861x583, 398K)

>he mashes the right arrow instead of "L"
What are you, stupid?

>video is sponsored by raid shadow legends
Can't they get at least big ass mobileshit like Clash of Clans or FGO?

>Click everyones nordvpn link
They're fucking scumbags. What's a good vpn?

Those guys can afford their own adverts.

Attached: HW3hJ5a-e1431350490304.jpg (650x353, 35K)

On the subject, if you were to have a successful youtube career or whatever, is there any game or service that you WOULD happily advertise?

>guys my videos aren't monetized so I can talk freely and I don't have sponsors so they can't tell me what to do
>I do this because I feel passionate about it
>btw buy my merch
>and follow me on other social media
>and become a patreon
>also send me free shit to my po box pls

Attached: 1556566487260.gif (257x212, 2.91M)

Any and all of them. Gimme the money, fuck these idiot kids.

Well I'm a man so that's not news.

>this video was sponsored by the merchants guild

Attached: 1554320475826.png (480x480, 254K)

>ad comes in the middle and interrupts the video

Attached: major disapproval 13.gif (450x252, 2.9M)

>This Video is sponsored by Blue Apron (Or other Cooking Kit site)
>Long talk about how they never cooked in their life until now

Attached: 36fd9f020540_VA GENUINELY ANGERED.png (1198x670, 690K)

Why not make those youtubers shill it too? More shills means more potential shekel farms.

Attached: bowlshet2.png (2847x1412, 1.94M)

if you have to ask then you don't even need one retard

I'd probably advertise a lot of Blamco shit. I like a lot of games they publish

no shit. everyone who needs one was assigned one at birth

>Ctrl+F "Squarespace"
>Phrase not found

Attached: 1501128958171.jpg (600x450, 156K)

>on Yea Forums
sure you are, hon


>nobody is allowed to learn anything

>FGO team
>Put in effort to do anything remotely nice
Is Raid even any good?