>this video has been sponsored by skillshare
This video has been sponsored by skillshare
>skipping the first 20 percent of the show because it's just shilling
>exclusively watch Youtubers who are too small to get advertisers so don't have to bother with this
>this youchuuba has been sold to the chinese
>2 Minute long sketch devoted to shilling sponsor
>1 minute video
>sketch insults sponsor
>they're purposefully not changing colors for Ai 2 & 3 because fans might not bother clicking the thumbnail if it doesn't feature the original
>Jacksfilms videos at this point are literally three minutes, 90 seconds of which are ads, and the rest of them is him reading comments word for word
>Be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the bell, don't forget to check out my patreon and check out nordvpn.com/subscribe to get 75% off brexit 3 year plan, also be sure to check out the merch store, and I'll see you all in the next video!
I fucking wish I was an eceleb god damn.
>sponsor spot starts
>mash my right arrow key until its over
>This video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club
You're not cute
>guy has a beard
>won't shave it for the sponsor
>This video has been sponsored by Nord VPN
they're a botnet right?
>This video has been sponsored by blue apron!
>he mashes the right arrow instead of "L"
What are you, stupid?
>video is sponsored by raid shadow legends
Can't they get at least big ass mobileshit like Clash of Clans or FGO?
>Click everyones nordvpn link
They're fucking scumbags. What's a good vpn?
Those guys can afford their own adverts.
On the subject, if you were to have a successful youtube career or whatever, is there any game or service that you WOULD happily advertise?
>guys my videos aren't monetized so I can talk freely and I don't have sponsors so they can't tell me what to do
>I do this because I feel passionate about it
>btw buy my merch
>and follow me on other social media
>and become a patreon
>also send me free shit to my po box pls
Any and all of them. Gimme the money, fuck these idiot kids.
Well I'm a man so that's not news.
>this video was sponsored by the merchants guild
>ad comes in the middle and interrupts the video
>This Video is sponsored by Blue Apron (Or other Cooking Kit site)
>Long talk about how they never cooked in their life until now
Why not make those youtubers shill it too? More shills means more potential shekel farms.
if you have to ask then you don't even need one retard
I'd probably advertise a lot of Blamco shit. I like a lot of games they publish
no shit. everyone who needs one was assigned one at birth
>Ctrl+F "Squarespace"
>Phrase not found
>on Yea Forums
sure you are, hon
>nobody is allowed to learn anything
>FGO team
>Put in effort to do anything remotely nice
Is Raid even any good?