About to begin playing this, what should I expect?

About to begin playing this, what should I expect?

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get walled on the tutorial

Not joking, you can get walled if you get unlucky.

only on hard mode

I'd like to get into smt as well, but I'm not sure where to start. I emulated smt 1 and it has not aged well but I get the gist of it. Not sure if it's worth continuing or moving on

even in normal, all it takes is that one of those fuckers crit you and bam.

Shit storyline
Shit characters
But probably the best gameplay you could get for a turned based RPG
Basically Persona but without the boring daily life simulator

>No Dante

Why are you bothering with this garbage?

What are you playing it on? What is the best way to play this? Wanna try this too senpai

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I'll preface that I'm going to start on hard, I really hope it isn't like the Persona games where its baby time after the first dungeon.

>I emulated smt 1
big mistake, you eithter start by playing OP's or Strange Journey preferible the DS version THEN the 3DS, also there's DeSu and Raidou, all great starting points.

It's the closest SMT to persona so everyone cums over it. The New Vegas of JRPGs.

>Fight boss
>Almost good enough to beat it, but can't
>Have to spend hours to grind up demons for fusing the perfect one to beat boss
>Beat boss
>Walk five feet
>Fight boss
And repeat.

Nope, it gets easy once you have 2 deathstones.

Why haven't you bought a PS2 with HDD?

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boring shit, play digital devil saga instead

Emulate Nocturne Hardtype

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>Matador is a casual filte-

Attached: Nocturne Matador.webm (720x404, 2.91M)

Playing it on PS2 as I picked it up cheap at a local store, would have probably emulated otherwise.

You bout to get Matador'd, Son of Man. Get used to buff/debuffing and FUSE YOUR DEMONS. This isn't pokemon where you keep them around forever.

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A boring snooze fest that is shilled by Yea Forums
You are and will get bored from this game really really quick hell this game is even more boring than SMT1

lots of macca

I'm pretty autistic with fusing in Persona, I pretty much always tried to min max before heading onto the next dungeon so I think I'll be fine.

18+ site, fellas.

i really wouldn't play this game on hard mode unless you've played an smt game before
it's not very well balanced at all, especially for a blind run with the 3x shop prices resulting in obscenely expensive magatama you have to grind to buy
but that's just me

>more boring than smt1
weak bait

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>FUSE YOUR DEMONS. This isn't pokemon where you keep them around forever.
Not in Nocturne, I dare you to find a better healer/buffer than Daisoubro.

motherfucker kept me alive the whole hour fight aganist Lucifer

>I dare you to find a better healer/buffer than Daisoubro.
What do I win?

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I have a vita and i wanna try to remote play from a ps3 for max comfiness. Ps3 that is backwards compatible is pretty pricy tho so might just pull the trigger on ps2.

Looks interesting will check it out.

by the time you get her is basically endgame.

Honestly emulating it might be the best choice, PS2 emulation is at a point where most games run well.

It's on ps3 PSN, that's how I played it.

One of The Best OST Atlus has done next to DDS, 4, and maybe Persona 2
Best gameplay
Best Atmosphere
Reasons are better
Worst Human Rep characters
The best looking SMT
Somewhat Mediocre Storyline, but the ride their is fun
>boring then 1
That’s a goddamn lie

I'd start at SMT4, then move to Nocturne. If you're super into the games, play all the other ones in whatever order you want.

>Moving goalposts
Also, she's about the halfway point, assuming you're doing post game content.

You should expect to quit many times before finally finishing it.

>Best gameplay
Nope, even if it hurts 4 and 4A are far superior
>Best Atmosphere
>Reasons are better
God no, hell at the end of the day he's just Lucifer's Tenga and that's the better route
>Worst Human Rep characters
Point taken, nobody there deserved a flying fuck
>The best looking SMT
>Somewhat Mediocre Storyline, but the ride their is fun

Kalpas aren't postgame.

Why does it have so many annoying puzzle sections? in the prison with the mirror section, I just kinda stopped playing because I couldn't be bothered fucking around anymore.

Everything else is fun, especially combat.

i would say IV was a step back in terms of gameplay
you're right about IV:A though

Yeah will try both n see how it goes.
Thanks anons

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I started on normal and the fucking preta ghoul got two crits in a row on me.

>I'd start at SMT4

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I downloaded it on ps3 and played it there. Very smooth, very fun.

>even if it hurts 4 and 4A are far superior
Not with that dungeon design.

>daddy i like nocturne i'm really hardcore now right right
right back at you

PS3(American Version)

>Nope, even if it hurts 4 and 4A are far superior


Emulate and upscale to 4K or whatever playing through DQ8 rn and I've got to say celshaded ps2 games really hold up

Daisoujou is a bit different because of Prayer, I'll give you that. I dunno about you though, but I've been able to refuse him later and make him even better. That still doesn't mean you keep all your demons. You should be fusing, resummoning, and fusing more if possible to make better demons. Just because Daisoujou is so good doesn't invalidate that gameplay mechanic.

who are you quoting?

> Don't grind until you meet an obstacle.
> Obstacle is usually boss/miniboss that requires certain teamcomp. You don't grind for xp but to ensure your team counters the guy.
> Read how Magatamas work and at which levels you get which abilities. It's crucial for good Demifiend - and it's highly unintuitive.
> Use buffs/debuffs. They are bread and butter of SMT games.
> If you want easy and good life, build your protag as physical damage dealer. Focus + Phys skills (which mostly are... beams) is a way to go. Leave wizardry to your demons.

>They are bread and butter of SMT games.
Of Nocturne*
They are largely useless for SMT4 and 4A.

>use buffs and debuffs
Do people really not do this in these types of games? I've pretty much always focused on buffing and debuffing.

Unless you count Tetrakarn and Makarakarn as buffs.

>They are largely useless for SMT4 and 4A
Nigger what? You have to use Debilitate on *record scratch* otherwise he WILL tear a new one on you.

I did, he must be some kind of shitter because Luster Candy and Debilitate were almost a requirement during the endgame.

Hardtype misses the point of SMT, if anything the Maniac Chronicles plus version should be played.

buffs are very important in 4A, i'm sorry what? especially on the final boss, good luck without debilitate or luster candy

it's mostly advice towards people coming from other RPGs such as final fantasy where players are used to just attacking and healing i'd imagine

Exactly the reason why it's sugested. Are you dense?

extremely boring shit that's far less fun and less engaging than snes rpgs

I'll bite. Which SNES rpgs?

>uhhh no you have to use buffs and debuffs on the final boss
Great but why is 90% of the game just spamming AoE magic to victory?

Chrono Trigger

spamming aoe magic that will do no damage because you weren't buffing or debuffing

I don't give enough of a fuck to take a picture of my DS and play time but it absolutely did do a whole heck of a lot because the buff increase is so marginal even after stacking it's easier and faster to just churn out damage and be done with the visually lifeless battles ASAP rather than pretend there's any actual depth to the handheld games.

i suppose
what difficulty did you play 4A on?

>Baby mode

Learn fog breath.

I don't buff in Persona because it's garbage.

But buffing/debuffing on PQ and PQ2 is basically mandatory, especially on PQ2

The Persona Q games are Etrian Odyssey games. They don't count.




I started playing this a few weeks ago. Pic related was some good shit.

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>SMT elitists aren't total edgelor-

all me

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Because Raidou is way better.

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none are me

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What's different between the DS and 3DS versions?

>Nope, even if it hurts 4 and 4A are far superior
>No defence

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Hack your vita if you haven’t already and you can remote play your PC, including a PS2 emulator.


New endings, new dungeon, new awesome demons and Doomguy isn't a vending machine anymore.

could be argued that is easier but I say it is far more accessible, I like both.

3DS has more content and is essentially the same game but better, the only downside is it has worse art due to redrawing the characters without Kaneko. Only purists would say to play the original.


I hope you like cubes and wandering around mazes for hours.

This is what i dislike about nocturne. How's DDS 1 and 2 in this regard?

DDS 1 has a bit of it but DDS2 has almost none whatsoever.

That's a very painful part of the game but getting all that money feels fucking fantastic.

Literally the entire second half of DDS2 is the final dungeon during which you have five seconds of dialogue for each boss fight every few floors and nothing else.


It was pretty easy though.
>Use Estoma to minimise encounters
>Get the other skill to prevent back attacks
>Get Trafuri / Smoke Balls to escape encounters without risking failure
You can check your map whenever to make sure you don't go through the wrong doors.

>>Use Estoma to minimise encounters
Only works for demons lower than your level. All of them are higher than you. One surprise attack can end you if you're not careful.
The pisaca made it a lot easier though.

>Only works for demons lower than your level. All of them are higher than you
Guess that explains it, I thought I was just unlucky. The other two parts still work though.

best smt. they're literally intending to emulate iii's atmosphere for v

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>Post your face when battles are first person and the only animations are spell/attack effects.

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This, fuck dmc2 donte. Aside from DMC donte, any other Dante would have been so much better. It's not even because I hate dmc2, I just hate how serious and boring dmc2 donte is.

Impossible. They can't do that... can they?

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Unironically start with 4
Then nocturne, SMT 4A, then strange journey

Nocturne came before Persona retard.

You can save anywhere and healing in the ship is free now making it far less bullshit.

You mean Persona 3. Persona is older than Nocturne.


I doubt they'd be as lazy as gamefreak but part of me is legitimately afraid.
I hope the main character also gets unique attack animations and unique spells/attacks in general like the Demi-fiend did.


They already have the demons and animations from Persona 5, why would they throw out the work they've already done?