Unironically one of the best video game sites

Unironically one of the best video game sites

Attached: christcenteredgamer.png (512x512, 56K)

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Religionfags need to fuck off and die. They are the sole cause of 95% of the problems in this world. Go neck yourself and meet your maker. Oh yeah, you can't because of a bunch of contrived rules.

*tips trilby*


Attached: 1498452220282.jpg (413x395, 17K)

*tips mutilated cock*

Attached: 1559010775382.png (900x803, 612K)


>Sexual Content - 0/10

Attached: 1560723282318.gif (517x328, 1.69M)

The controller looks like Jake the dog

I just want to see their review of omega labyrinth life. outside of the anime titties it's a pretty fun if a bit "run of the mill" game, not sure I'd recommend it at $60 but I'm still enjoying it a lot I dunno

Actually the majority of problems we had in history is because of resources

yeah it's definitely ameripoor and spic hours again

That's a pretty good review

Amazing that religious fundamentalists can do more honest reporting than (((gaming journalists)))

Oh come on, somewhere deep in your mind you know it's a bunch of bullshit made for powerful amoral shitlords to control people.

Game Score - 80%
Gameplay - 14/20
Graphics - 8/10
Sound - 8/10
Stability - 5/5
Controls - 5/5

Morality Score - 56%
Violence - 7/10
Language - 5/10
Sexual Content - 0/10
Occult/Supernatural - 7/10
Cultural/Moral/Ethical - 9/10

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e u p h o r i c

>people try to recommend games that dont lead people into the temptation of sin.
Where were these people when I needed them before I played ps2 and it all went downhill. Now I cant get off to anything but incest /ss/ porn and lolis.

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>They are the sole cause of 95% of the problems in this world

Well, you technically aren't wrong.

Attached: jewish expulsion.png (632x724, 189K)

Upvoted! I tip my fedora to you sir!

What a weird way to spell Jews

You've found the most basic bitch take on religion and you stopped there and thought you were enlightened. Go deeper bud. If your viewpoints align with Bill Maher's then you should know you have some work to do.

*tips fedora respectfully in your direction*

Did he stutter?

>They are the sole cause of 95% of the problems in this world
That's only jews, the other 5% is muslims

Hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>the girl who writes reviews that comes over whenever Yea Forums surges the pageviews and gets her dick sucked by Yea Forums

What? WHAT? Who reviewed this? No REAL ninjas can run as fast as Usain Bolt with PLOT that big. You can't strip specific part of the clothes by randomly slashing

Attached: rage blossom.jpg (93x134, 6K)

People who wish death on others just for what they believe, are worse. You wouldn't say these things face to face with anyone in the real world though, because everyone else would see you for what you really are; a waste of oxygen. Well, maybe a religious person would still see some value in you.

Fuck off christtard

No Lewds is a 10/10.

i wonder if they are okay with you loving your vidya waifu

pic very related

Attached: 47e.gif (232x232, 2.98M)

t. Goldstein

>(((They))) are the sole cause of 95% of the problems in this world

I can see a review going south due to hand-holding
>Handholding -11/10

>falling for the Jewish trick that is Christianity
I thought you were better than this, Yea Forums