Games with this feel?

games with this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fire Emblem Three Houses, if you choose the Black Eagles route

Attached: D5VswYpWsAAfJF3.jpg (1199x1200, 133K)

Infamous evil route

Hotline Miami 1 & 2

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>Dmitrifag can't keep his autism to one thread
Stop sorting by new, faggot.

Any game with a moral system,

However what are some games where the person is falsely accused/?

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spec ops the line is the only real answer

I cant believe they threw the book at him

Persona 5
Chrono trigger
that's all I can think of

Save it for your Polygon article, deep thinker.

Man i am getting some real don patch vibes from this fellow

It was bullshit, he didn't do it!

fuck off
this thread is too based for Yea Forums
welcome to the best channel on youtube

super mario sunshine

Does anybody hate pilotredsun? He's too based

Now they got him locked up for life...

Oh, I'm sure there's some reddit kid on Yea Forums who will say he's "le randumb XD" to try to fit in.

Any game with two ending dictated by morality
special praise goes to undertale tho

im still waiting for the "reddit meme man" reply

He literally is
Just made 1 funny vid and tried to do the same thing again and failed
Nobody except Yea Forumsirgins remember him
Kitty0706 is the only truly based yt individual

absolutely garbage tastes

>Kitty0706 is the only truly based yt individual
You're extremely unbased.

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LISA the painful

they're both based faggot

>indie pixelshit
lmao ok retard

>t. People who were 12 at the time when they first watched that dumb garfield vid

How is he any different than the million other randumb animators on newgrounds? Underage faggots

Excuse me I am an edefag and proud. I will stand by my empress until the very end.

stop trying to ruin kitty's name, faggot

wasnt this the exact story for MGSV

>T. Low testie contrarian trying to make friends

ITT: zoomers who have never played 90s adventure games

Shut up faggot i knew kitty during his youtube poop days you probably only heard of him on this site
Kill yourself underage zoomie

he wants to be cboyardee really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad but since cboyardee isnt around anymore i guess its ok, and he has gotten pretty good. i just can't watch any of his content without feeling like im watching a rip off. it sucks for me, i wish i didnt know

I played 90s adventure games like day of the tentacle or zack mcracken
Iam from germany adventure games are still popular here

wow they are similar

Oh, it's the guy who made the Golfield video

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More or less, just in the most subtle way of any game yet. The player empathizes with big boss completely playing that game, it's incredible.

That's his worst vid

so random xD


I bet your humor is fucking hilarious

this guy probably

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Nignog, who the fuck cares ya knew him personally? Hell if you knew him personally then you're obviously his furfag ex.

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>calls u le soi with no comeback

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beasts fucked me up when I first saw it