Is this tier list correct, Yea Forums?

Is this tier list correct, Yea Forums?

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lost is definitely worse than the keeper. all keeper needs is swallowed penny.
also drop judas and samson a tier, they're not nearly as consistent as easyzel

Nah, Lost can take 1 free hit every room. Plus he has flight and spectral tears. Keeper is far too slow for how frail he is. Getting swallowed penny or piggy bank is not a guarantee every run. Oh, and the Lost gets free devil deals. All of them.

The only benefit is that Keeper, with luck, gets free, infinite sacrifice rooms, but Maggy does the same while being able to take 8 hits naturally, being faster, thanks to her pill, and still being able to use the money to buy shit.

>lost over keeper
Lost should be its own tier, cain up there with judas and etc his luck up and higher damage and speed is waves higher than maggie and laz

why the fuck do people act like d6 is super good when it's all rng anyways

Lost is a really good fundamental character, though. As long as you make good use of your free wallhax. He's just way too good to be below Keeper, since he can actually pick up Abaddon.

>Enter item room
>Item is shit
>Reroll it
If it's good:
>Pick it up
If it's bad
>Walk around for a bit, do that jaunty little baby walk thing Isaac does
>Come back
>Reroll item
>It'll probably be good this time

Oh, and getting to see pretty much every devil/angel deal available is great. Isaac is the only character I've picked up Godhead with, and like 9 out of my last 10 runs where I got Sacred Heart or Brimstone have been with him.

>Lost over the Keeper
The Keeper at least has triple shot
>but he's slow :(
oh, fuck off, like that's a fucking deal breaker, wooden nickel can get you easy money and health, get a way to charge it constantly and you're set

Triple shot is bad.

He's still slow and dies in 2 hits. Triple shot is pretty bad on him, too, since his tear rate is really low.

Plus, his health is literally luck based. And good luck trying to fish for a penny drop while fighting the Stain, Bloat, or etc. The only thing Keeper is better at is fighting Hush

>It'll probably be good this time
Yeah no, the D6 can simply give you spacebar items over and over so it either gets replaced or it's all a fucking waste.

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Because you really only need one good item to set yourself up for the rest of the game.

Cain should be A tier, his luck speed and a but higher damage goes a long way. Especially with his lockpick

>Getting swallowed penny or piggy bank is not a guarantee every run
The drop rate when you bomb pots is pretty high that it's pretty much free.

You get 3 - 4x as many items to choose from as regular characters. I don't see the downside, especially since that means you have a good 60% chance of running into a Special Item in any given run, and any of these, except for Dr. Fetus and Ludovico, are almost guaranteed to win you a run.

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>Getting swallowed penny or piggy bank is not a guarantee every run.
It quite literally is tho

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Anyone who's tried unlocking The Forgotten can tell you how risky it is to rely on getting bombs in the first floor. And pots pretty much only appear in Basement/Burning Basement/Cellar, where you're not likely to have picked up many bombs yet.


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The Forgotten should be at least A tier. If you die with him god you're bad at vidya games...

Azazel is the most busted character in the game, easily
also what's wrong with tech X

Tech X is really really good tho. Probably one of the best tear effects in the game. Keeper is fucking GARBAGE.

>not in A tier
>built in spectral tears
>built in flight
>holy mantle
>d4 just in case your run turns out super scuffed and you're lacking damage items
>free devil deals
Lost only struggles against Ultra Greed,Hush and Delirium and only because they have the fucking health scaling bullshit making the fights drag on for too long, when his gimmick is getting so OP fights don't last long enough for you to take damage.

>tfw blue baby and the keeper are my fav characters

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Ask me how I know you've never played the game

Why does anybody like BB? I like the keeper for the triple shot, but BB has nothing going for him.

the entire game is rng you know

>indie pixelshit
imagine playing this rng trash
no skill required



>>d4 just in case your run turns out super scuffed and you're lacking damage items
Rerolls holy mantle too so it's automatically garbage.

I like it cuz if the challenge, after the 100th run with isaac or judas. Its good to go for something thats moderate in difficulty. Also i like the color blue

Youre mentally ill

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>isaac requires skill
>all rng

Weak b8

>no argument


Note: this tier list takes into account how many items you're likely to have when you fight the boss. Obviously Stan is a lot harder than most bosses, but by the time you get to him, he goes down like a bitch usually.

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Tech X is busted. The thing is, you're going to get it 1 out of every 10 Eden runs, and the rest you're going to get My Reflection + Ipecac, or Tiny Planet + Ipecac, or No. 1 and Cricket's Body.

Triple Shot ain't even good. It's damage neutral and makes it so you have to hit all 3 shots to do the same damage output as a normal character that doesn't have to smell an enemy's balls to be in range to hit them.

bloat is meme difficult lol. not that hard.
Put the fallen a little lower. His lasers are annoying.

The Fallen gives you a free devil deal item if you beat him. Plus, you can only encounter him after the first 2 floors, so you're likely strong enough to kill him and his split form in 30 seconds, unless you've gotten 0 damage/tear rate up items.

is this the most overrated item in Isaac?

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Nah, the most overrated one is probably this one.

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RNG Lord
Boring shit, shouldn't have changed his fucking ability from the original game
Die early for a purpose, FUCK YES DAMAGE
Fuck Rebirth for neutering Lucky Foot
>Blue Baby
I hate myself tier
Have fun with a shit tier item and shit stats to start every single goddamn time

Carrion Queen is a fucking asshole boss

It ruins synergies, but can still carry a run. Boring, maybe, but strong.

I used to have a highlighter that looked the same


What do you mean by overrated? So overpowered that getting it means a pretty much guaranteed win?

bone man and appollyon are a tier, drop Lazarus and eve a tier

>doable tier
Any except...
Any goddamn fucking shitcunt bullet hell boss fuck you if you think bullet hell is in any way good game design fuck you fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU

Sacred heart and like 50 other items are better but the isaac community likes to pretend it's the best

my nigga, be sure to use sac rooms effectively

Agreed. Carrion Queen and Scolex make me want to photoshop a picture of Edmund's baby to look like The Keeper and mail it to his house.

Bump Cain, Forgotten and Apollyon up a tier and drop Maggy, Lazarus and Samson down a tier and we're good

I always thought that The Bloat was a meme boss, until it ended a Lost Run on Rebirth, and i had picked up Holy mantle.

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Hush would be a lot less of a bitch if he didn't borrow in the ground to avoid damage

Bloat is only difficult because of his jump attack and his massive health pool in the beginning of the game. Ur just there shooting at him for a good 2 minutes and eventually ur mind will slip and he will hit

Nah, it's easily top 10 best items in the game. Just not top 5.

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Hush is fun as hell, though. He's the only fight in the game that I stop my video on my second monitor for. Partly to focus (I no hit him close to 50% of the time, trying to practice to get better), and partly to enjoy his kick ass theme. Easily the best song in all of Isaac.

>tfw it starts building up and the bass and guitar players go so hard that it makes me asshole clench tight enough to crush a bullet

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incubus and 20/20 should be in S tier

It turns shitty passives into stat upgrades and lets you stack active items. It's great. It's not preferable to a really good active that has a faster recharge, but there's not a lot of those.

>mega blast in S

There's no 20/20 there, though. I agree it would be S-tier if it were on the list, but Incubus is just a less reliable 20/20 due to conga-line shenanigans, and if I had to choose between it and any of the devil deals in B/A/S tier, I'm choosing them.

>Fuck Rebirth for neutering Lucky Foot
Paperclip tho

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Why isn't 20/20 a special item? It's literally just as good as quad shot

It was good before it was a fucking 6 room charge.

Mega Blast lets you clear 10 rooms in no time flat. Then you fight two more rooms and you start blasting again. I beat The Lamb with Eden by starting with it once, and it took me all of 12 minutes.

Void is only useful for Apollyon, is an early game item, if you get this item after Caves 2, then it sucks.

>seraphim and book of the dead that low

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>It's literally just as good as quad shot
It's better, objectively. The item is a straight up 2x multiplier on ALL damage you deal, no matter your shot type. Brimstone? 2x lasers. Already picked up a damage multiplier like Magic Mush or Cricket's Head or Steven? Still 2x damage. Epic Fetus? Epic Epic Fetus. God Head? Everyone's dead.

20/20 is a contender for the best item in the game.

>Easily the best song in all of Isaac.
We counting vanilla and Antibirth here? Because My Innermost Apocalypse and Machine in the Walls would beg to differ

In 300 hours of playing I dont think I have ever seen fistula, blastocyst, or turdlings spawn as normal bosses. Are they rare?

Book of the Dead is a garbage 3 room charge that's basically a shitty Monster Manual. For the price of one heart. Seraphim has less DPS than Devil Baby (and doesn't work in Gnawed Leaf form like Devil Baby). It is alright, though, just not as preferable as what's above it.

I've fought fistula as a normal boss once or twice. It fucking blows to fight the little worms on the first floor, since they have like 1/3rd the HP of Pin.

Dunno what you're doing wrong to not see Blastocyst or Turdlings, though. Gurglings/Turdlings are probably my most fought floor 1 boss.

Repentance when? it was announced ages ago

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I fucking hate the cellar and its shitty music

>Mom's "Synergy Killer" Knife
>S tier

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>Book of the Dead is just a shitty Monster Manual
>not using a infinite orbital generator

This year probably.

*it as
Guess you're not the only brainlet here

Why is Forgotten so low tier? He has some pretty ridiculous early game damage and while he scales off more towards the end I'd still put him around with Azazel.

>playing isaac
>not playing Monolith, the best rougelite

>omg muy quirky twitch emote xD


Hard disagree on Book of the Dead. You can find it in a Library or a Treasure Room as well, saving you from having to pick it up in a Devil Room for a heart.. After using it in a big room once filled with flies and other mooks, you can have an undead/orbital army that lasts for several rooms, if not an entire floor. Monster Manual is something that only works for the room it's used in, which IMO makes it shittier than Book of the Dead. It also contributes to one of the better transformations, but Monster Manual does as well so whatever.
By the way it's 4 charges not three but it's still useful.

I hope tech x in S+ or I fear you may be retarded

Fuck off.

Mom's Knife is preferable to Brimstone if you've got low damage. It fucking shreds bosses like no one's business. Sure, it's harder to use, but its damage scaling is like no other.

The item can win runs by itself. It's that good. Sure, it makes won runs harder if you've got good synergy, but you can just not pick it up.

>Forgotten on the same tier as Lilith
What? Forgotten is more OP than Azazel

Forgotten should probably be higher, but then again, edmund is a stupid mother fucker who made the bone exclusive to the forgotten. (Because Spirit Sword in Antibirth is like, the best new addition and edmund and tyrone have a raging erection for not fun)

>Prayer Card that high
>Goat head Gimpy and Holy Light that low

That's just devil/angel deals, my dude.

Lost is great with mantle

I'd move Judas, Samson, and Eve down a peg and raise Apollyon.

Forgotten is fun as fuck, but no way is he better than Azazel.

Kinda yeah, especially since Tears are nerfed to not deal ANY repeat damage and Godhead is basically just old piercing shot

Is repentance a dlc or sold as a new game?

What? I could literally care less about twitch. The game is fun.

When did you start playing isaac?
Like how is this even possible

Move Delirium to fuck you tier.

Lilith could be on Reliability with an * for only Greed Mode.
Remember when GM and Lilith were first introduced, BoF was a TWO CHARGE?


A couple of months before afterbirth came out

How good is Haemolacria?

Remember when they tried to nerf it into the ground for the dumbass horde mode only for car battery to show up slightly later and render the whole think pointless since it's essentially guaranteed to show up?
Not to mention the shit doesn't work on ultra greed/ier

Call me out for having a bias but BoF shouldn't have been nerf that hard
It being a 3 charge item would've been better for it

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I'll much rather fight Hush and Ultra Greed with Lost than the fucking Matriarch.
Fucking boss and her screen filling bullshit.

>Monstro 2 in medium and not casual
>Scolex being on "prefeable to avoid" and not in easy
>Mama Gurdy having a kick
This list has some problems

FUCK Scolex.

>isaac knights
Their not really. Just tank and annoying

You've got a "Stands Still" enemy in Hard Tier there, m8.

>walking host higher than host
At least you can cheese host with an item that deal contact damage

>enemy that turns into a host on death is "super easy"
>host is "very hard"

Godhead works differently than other tear power-ups in that you get the most damage from the aura that surrounds the tear than the tear itself hitting the enemy. You preferably want a slower tear travel rate, homing tears, or piercing tears to make the aura stick longer to the enemy.
That's why your tear travel speed dips when you pick it up. Booger tears will stick and keep the aura as well and that absolutely destroys most enemies.

That must be it
They have changed how often the easier bosses show up, but when rebirth first came out you show these bosses all the time
Why? its just an easier version of pin?
If you got Scolex in the flash version everyone would just laugh because how easy he is

Never understood why Azazal is ranked so high. I always found myself taking a fuckton of contact damage trying to get close because of his limited range

Holy wafer belongs in S

December. They just posted a new video on Twitter showing Maggie's new luxurious hair and revamped animations for The Wretched. The Little Horn tear upgrade now makes Big Horn's hands reach out from the ground and crush enemies for instant kills instead of them just instantly dying in regular AB+.

yeah but brimstone dude brimstone's the best dued, what do you not like brimstonedude it's not a won run

Just like Bumbo was coming out in December of last year.

god i fucking hate tumors

shit list but I'm too tired to tell you why

how is having at worst twice as many items to pick from a weak ability you fucking cretin

Stick and move. His only problems are end bosses like Ultra Greed and Delirium if you couldn't get enough range extensions on him.
Also Tammy's Head for him (or any Brimstone build) is a "I win" button for almost every normal encounter and it's fairly common.

Half the fun of brimstone is being able to murk niggers from across the room. Azzy's just feels more like a shorter Mom's Knife

Different people working on Bumbo than BoI. From what I heard the Bumbo team is mostly one guy and a few others who are being directed by Ed while the Antibirth guy is helping Nicalis directly for Repentance.

>the forgotten in C

Whoever made that list fucking sucks then, it's without a doubt the freshest fucking character PERIOD.

also: How the fuck do I get the missing poster ? (excluding luck)
I did over 100 reruns, not even exaggerating, and I got moms box 3 times, and never got the fucking poster even once

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McMillan hates fun and reacts violently to anything that gives the player an advantage, I think Lilith was hit so hard because she trivialize the new game mode at the time she was introduced, even though she's still very good because Cabian is still a thing, and you can still get lucky and get Succ or another Inc, Leech isn't bad either.

>Easier than Pin
Retard alert!

Prayer card is essentially infinite health. It's amazing. Especially if you got Duality and can pick up devil deals as well

Did you defeat The Lamb as Isaac first?
Reruns also won't unlock The Lost (or The Forgotten) anyway.

And what the fuck does anybody want red hearts for?

>better than anything


thoughts on Antibirth? also is there a mod that replaces Rebirth's OST with the original flash OST?

Red hearts are the cheapest way to buy devil deal/black market items. Sure, you don't get polaroid invincibility, but the rechargeable health is better anyways.

Antibirth is fantastic and one of the most excellent and transformative mods ever released for a game.

Of course there's a soundtrack mod, just search the workshop.

Yes I unlocked him
No I didn't mean reruns as in winning laps, I just spelled that wrong cause it's 5 in the morning

>the cage that high

>fight the Stain after grabbing multiple size down items
>it becomes a boss fight and not an HP tax

God I wish there was a way to filter newfags and people who are bad at games

Just bad RNG then, I see it on the regular when I would rather have Cracked Crown, Cancer, or Curved Horn drop.

I don't think I've ever fought Mask of Infamy as a floor boss, and I've never ever fought triachnid

What. Stain's bullet rain is easy to dodge, just stand back and move when the pattern shifts after the pause.

Lil Brimstone should be F tier for how you have to basically dedicate your attention to using it

Then why does everyone hate it?

I haven't played the game in years, i remember i stopped when i 100%'d Afterbirth.
Is that Afterbirth+ expansion good?

It punishes you for holding R by adding half soul hearts to the game permanently

They only replace red hearts.

Because they need to git gud evidently. All the bullet hell bosses except Delirium can be easily dodged if you just paid attention and Deli's only gets bad when he's near death and starts going psycho with the teleporting.

It was bad when it first came out, but now it's fantastic. The Forgotten is easily the best designed, most fun character in the game.

Lost is really good, idk why people shit on him so much. starting with flying and ghost tears and the mantle means you're unkillable unless you majorly fuck up.

I fucking hate mega fatty and the mummy faggot when I see him in the goddamn basement, HP is out of control. And after 1072 hours in this game, I still don't know if the late game spider bosses "random" stomp attack is avoidable.

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I played Crypt Of The Necro Dancer, Dead Cells, Risk Of Rain... all i got 10 hours in and never played them again, while i have nearly 400 in Isaac, why aren't other roguelikes as adicting?

here is my pro gamer list

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Isaac is heavily systems-based with lots of synergies and emergent gameplay possibilities. Really sets it apart from other roguelites that are more execution-heavy.

It seems to mostly be one or the other. I tried Wizards of Legend, Dead Cells, and Enter the Gungeon, but none of them are as fun or enticing as Isaac. Dead Cells is alright, but it feels far more slow and methodical than Isaac. Going fast will get you killed

>Prayer Card that high
>Succubus that low
>Holy Shot that low
>Gimply that low
>Void in F tier

Prayer Card is great, and no way is Succubus on the same level as wallhax, permanent map knowledge, bullet time, or SacDag.

>Blue Baby that low
He's one of the best characters in the game you retard

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the shooting in more than 4 directions at 0:34, is it just an item?

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>3 heart devil deals
>Can't regen health
>Can't use sac rooms
He also barely has higher damage than regular Isaac, and The Poop is one of the worst active items any character starts with.

That's Marked and it's pretty bad. It constantly fires towards the crosshair, which is actually pretty hard to control. It's only value is as a tears up. Doesn't currently have the dotted line, that's a Repentance thing.

Red hearts in late game are useless as shit
Succubus is the best familiar in the game period and should be obtained every run possible
Your reliance on high HP items is laughable and shows you suck at playing The Lost and Keeper

starting to realize boi is shit, you pray to get the best item so you can win, thats literally it.
if you don't get the best items you lose, or it may take 40+ minutes to get to isaac and THEN you lose.

Red Hearts are the most overrated thing in the game retard, if you worry about recovery so much you should get better at dodging

Ultra Greed is a solid 10 when it comes to design, he's so fucking great. Ultra Greedier however is disappointing and bullshit, fuck those doors.

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Lilith is stupidly fun in Greed Mode and easily gets bumped up a tier or two there; main game, not so much.

Marked and Analog Stick let you aim in diagonals. Analog Stick has no downsides unlike Marked's unstoppable shooting.
You can aim and fire Mom's Knife diagonally by itself as well. Being able to attack from those angles trivializes more enemies than you think since they weren't programmed to handle it.

Size doesn't even affect your hitbox

size down certainly does