Monster Hunter Thread

I like to make an announcement. Deviljho is a bitch-ass motherfucker

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Other urls found in this thread:

>bitch ass herbivore
>stole his lunch


That makes the post even better.

Dinovaldo > Glavenus

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Valfalk sounds like Valkyrie, which is where the name is inspired from. Valstrax sounds like a fucking Razer product

Falk comes from falcon you retard.

Did you SEE the diablos vs deviljho turf war?
>t. jealous Diablos
Deviljho chokeslams that worhtless animal into the ground

Even better. Valkyrie+Falcon=Valfalk. Still proves my point that Valstrax name is gay and homoism

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Raizex > Astalos
Gamuto and Tamamitsune have pretty much the same name in english so they're equal

Nothing came from Valkyrie you retard. It's valor falcon. They literally combined the hiragana for valor and falcon for it.

Describe your reaction to a monster with a single image/gif/webm

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Tigrex is a shit monster and really needs to stop being brought back

I just beat Deviljho for the first time after being carted 100 times... feels good.
Never played a game that made me want to play it more the more I lose.


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Feel like they could expand on tailraiders into a weapon class, where you full tame the animals, and whether it’s a herbivore or carnivore it does blunt or cut damage and you can feed it mushrooms so it can apply status effects too, . And maybe give the under like a short sword, or something like a smaller weapon you can use so you’re not completely reliant on the pet to attack for you

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So basically prowler but combined with MH stories?


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I just fought a Malfestio for the first time, and I am in love. Everything about him was great. I think I have a new favourite monster.

Kinda? Think more like a hunting dog weapon you see in other game, like evolved. Maybe it could have a neat gimmick if there being rare small monsters to could capture to and they’d be like rarity 12 or whatever, or if you feed enough elder dragon parts to your pet it goes up in rarity, maybe even mutate to resemble he elder to

Is there any helm that beats the Kulu or Wiggler head?

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I wish I was able to learn how truly bad Generations was without needing to waste 15 hours on it to find out. What a god damn waste of time.

Kirin alpha you memer fag


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seltas queen

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what dont you like about it user

it was a concept weapon during 4th gen

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You did it's LR fight right?
But yeah Malfestio's great, it should have been a fated four instead of Gammoth

Handler is vile and useless, horning in and taking credit for your hard work.

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That doesn't mean he ate it

Wiggler is a meme, Kulu is only god-tier if you don't pair it with the fucking Gala outfit and have a respectable color.

holy fuck this

>no great -ggi/drome sub species
I bet it would be great.

God, when I looked up the source to that page I really wasn't expecting it to be futa

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all the variants on veloci/jaggi are basically subsepcies

>tfw no Autumn goth handler gf
Why even hunt

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>no dragon
>no elder
Yeah, no.

so 90% of all subspecies aren't actually subspecies?

Yeah, I'm on my first run through of GU. I can't wait to get to his better fights.

He has a deviant, so have fun with that.

>Rathalos and Rathian

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Yeah i just started GU too, breddy fun

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reminder that if you have a computer powerful enough world you also have a computer powerful to emulate every previous MH game, play them if you haven't and don't have the handhelds

>doesn't know shitty artists immediately by how bad their lines are
If it's a westerner there are only two options. Dicks on girls, or blacks. That's all these shitters know how to draw.

>unlock 10* quests in village
>mfw prowlers can learn farcaster ability in gu
Fuck, I wasted so much in gathering quest.
This fucker is worse than Glavanus and Rathalos in "don't ever stop moving" and this fucking laser thrice in a row.


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doesn't 4u run like shit
this might of been awhile ago

no, I've been able to run it at a constant 60fps 1440p with a 4790k, citra canary works well now and the only thing that's wonky is roars cause slowdown

>be worldbaby
>game is pretty hard, ATs are gay
>finally pick up LS
So this is where the complaints of World being easy are coming from.

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nigga it's an HR game. Those haven't been hard since Dos. Just be thankful you don't have shit nearly as broken as arts and styles.

boy you should see Valor LS in GU

yeah that's about right

>140 Yian Garuga

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Lance is easymodo too

Almost everything. Styles were worthless outside of one specific style for each weapon type or the weapons were just so bad that they weren't worth using at all. Arts were just mmo tier cooldown moves and most of them were shit, the remainder were extremely overpowered. It would have been better to just expand the bsde moveset instead of doing this arts crap. The new upgrade requirements were fucking stupid, you needed mid game item rewards to start leveling up your starter game gear even one time. I can't imagine who thought that would be a good idea. The new maps were boring and felt disjointed, the monster introductions were extremely lack luster to the point where I began to felt like they may as well not even have one, and the music, for the most part, was pretty bland. It also focused too much of shitty gen 1 and 2 monsters that didn't even feel touched up at all, as if they were just taken from shit like FU and re textured without addressing hitbox issues and animation fuck ups. I really liked some of the Quality of Life improvements, like continuous gathering, but the main experience was fucking shit. It felt like a half assed cash grab.

Wow that looks incredibly gay, too bad the stats suck and no layered

I'm not about to fight AT nergi or lunastra with switch axe or even hammer for that matter, shit is hard
that requires actually building the right stuff and learning when to guard though, you can just go completely all in on damage with LS and you'll be fine because of how stupid and broken foresight slash is

Broken weapons always trivialize the game. There's one or two of them every game.

Longsword, Lance, Charge Blade, and Greatsword are all easy mode in World. Even with shitty weapons it's still easy as shit.
>muh HR
This HR autism is a recent development and even Tri had a decently challenging HR and LR. Tri Diablos was no joke.

I wanna continue a discussion from last thread
Magic in MH: Yay or Nay?

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Big nay

but what if you enjoy playing different weapons and trying out playstyles instead of going straight for the easiest way out

How the fuck do I use foresight slash? I've been ignoring it this whole time on my new hunter.

Nah ranged is already broken enough. Magic would just annihilate the already broken balance

The closest this series should get to magic are the abilities elders possess, period.

Fucking lost

so i finished world. Which monster hunter should i play now so i can get my satisfaction until iceborn releases?
Platform/Console doesn't matter i have most of them.

>decent challenge
Maybe if you were playing on wiimote. The only thing difficult about that game was getting used to how shitty the underwater controls were. On land it was far more lenient to play and the difficulty was barely moderate.
Barroth was probably the only thing that was "hard" and that's just because he came early enough for you to have shit weapons and armor.

Foresight slash is basically invincibility for a second. it lets you dodge anything that isn't a multihit for free.
The real kicker is that when you actually dodge an attack that would have hit you (there's a ding to let you know) the followup slash gives you a full spirit gauge. You can follow that up with a spirit attack that is the expensive combo ender which raises your sword's spirit gauge level. Since the LS is all about raising the spirit gauge level for more damage and this is the fastest way to do it, you can see how you can just endlessly keep your spirit gauge high at no risk

I get not liking styles splitting up moves and the new upgrade system and the lazy intros, but everything else applies to a lot of the other games, both 4/4G and World have cooldown moves with the wystones and mantles (and they're mandatory in 4U with apex bullshit), each gen has had its share of bad maps like dunes, flooded forest, volcanic hollow, ancient forest, etc. Ruined Ridge seemed like an upgrade to me over a lot of bad 4th gen maps, the music is literally just copy paste from previous games with the exception of the new monster themes, and every gen besides 3rd had tons of gen 1/2 pandering, and the only gen that actually fixed them for the gen's mechanics were 3rd and 5th, do you remember how big pushovers early monsters were in 4U with mounting?
I don't really get not liking those specific things when the other games in the series have plenty of if not more of what you're complaining about.

Nay. The setting is fantasy sure, but outright magic would be a big turn off. Part of the series’ appeal is that it’s ‘grounded’ more than most other fantasy vidya. Actual magic would detract from its uniqueness and offer very little in return since there’s non magical elements of the setting that allow for crazy fantastical stuff to happen.

>Big ass dangerous dragons shitting out meteor and winds and teleporting through thunder clouds
>Regular people, fish people, dwarves and dragon elves wielding actual magic instead of working around with big ass dangerous dragon parts
Tribal charms and powerups from sentai armors > literal fucking magic

Based 3U

While I agree, they already gave you a dinky fire spell in world after you finish the witcher stuff.

>It felt like a half assed cash grab.
Because it was a half assed cashgrab. There was a reason why it was almost globally hated at launch. I don't know where this recent defense of Gen comes from, almost everyone hated it until last year.

3U if you want something completely different
4U if you want something more like World
GU if you want a best hits collection with weird unbalanced mechanics

ok user

GU, really
its a fun best-of game with tons of content, and using guild style + no art make it a "harder" vanilla traditional MH, or just fuck it and unga bunga with valor HBG
anyone still have that style chart?

>flooded forest
Stopped right there, pleb. This map was great and got gutted in P3rd.

yes user I too love fighting a monster half the size of the area with my vision being obscured and aoe attacks flying everywhere


Yes, but flavor it like an alchemist and have them rely on hammer space monster materials they use a staff loaded up with different trigger mechanisms to apply for effect.
>basic combo ends with tossing out a small cloud of thunderbugs the hunter slams part of the staff covered in charged zinogre fur to cause a fulgurbug lightning burst
>special charge move like Bow's dragon piercer where they rummage through their pack for a barrel of brachy slime they clumsily toss into the air before quickly recovering into an overhead slam with the slime tipped staff to trigger a large explosion, can't cancel it after the barrel comes out
I dunno, seems like you could get creative with the lore behind some of the monster biology.

so like Alchemy style in XX but its own weapon

Comparing Wystones to Arts is dumb because the stones didn't give you bullshit broken attacks, they just gave passive upgrades. Arts are objectively shittier than those, not to mention tht gen still has mounting and even makes monsters even more of a pushover with aerial style spamming and art bullshittery. Even with your argument that other games had similar faults, these faults were dialed up several times in Generations.

>GU music
hey, you know what, your taste is fucking shit
that aside, the gen 2 monsters were touched up quite a bit. they just feel outdated when compared to the newer monster. and the maps feel nice to me, well except Valstrax's map. that thing is confusing to navigate
the arts and styles are horribly balanced, true

Follow up question
Hunting Horn buffs: magic or no?

Someone post that GU weapon chart please.

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they really need to do something with Alchemy. It's a good idea that needs expanding

>people trying to bring glutton cluster into lavasioth runs
>each one i've seen constantly eats shit and carts from a lavaball direct hit

go try your "cheese" strat somewhere else and stop joining SOS calls.

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>he's not jamming so hard that his adrenaline surge, his muscle tensed, his stance steeled, and his ears immune to roars

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Lagiacrus was the only monster that was bad to fight there, and it was only because it was too big for any of the zones. Luckily it only needed to get fought there once. In general, Flooded Forest was a good map. It had good music, nice paths, nice aesthetics, and it also had thematic consistency throguhout the entire map itself. If you think the entire map sucks because of one optional shitty quest then you're stupid.

Literally the best strat against him is bringing a GL. In fact, its the only time GL shelling excels

Yes, Gen music is largely bland. A couple decent tracks doesn't save the entite OST.

Why not just solo him

Wildspire Waste > Elder Recess > Coral Highlands > Rotten Vale >>>>>>>> Literal dogshit >>>>>>>>>> Ancient Forest
Prove me wrong, you can't.

you didn't need arts in any case with fighting monsters, they were just there for you to use and not mandatory to actually fight things, without them your attacks are all unusable against fighting certain monsters.
X has just as much broken mounting as 4/4G, again I don't see how you can praise one yet shit on the other for the exact same thing.
And many of the faults you listed could be applied to other games in a much greater capacity than the X games, I really don't get it, are you just shitting on the game to shit on it?

I don't get why people didn't just dung it in that narrow river area, the underwater cave space was fine

Make sure you get the quropeco lamp. It’s important.

LR Diablos would shit on almost everything in Gen and World. If you deny this, you are either delusional or never actuslly played the game. The water sections were also fine, did you morons never find out that you can change the swimming controls? The default swimming controls were pretty shit, but the alternate controls basically made it feel like land combat with an extra dimension.

i agree
coral highlands would be higher if some of its more interesting pockets of the map were better utilized but you really have no reason to go to any of them right now

Not a fan of Coral cause sometimes you have to wait too long if the monster somewhere on the mountain. Great aesthetics though.

I think there is a bigger quality gap between coral and rotten but other than that, you're completely right

Rotten Vale is literally just a fucking snake with a little basement area at the bottem. Ancient forest at least has more interesting areas to fight in.

Rotten Vale isn't that good but every single fight in Ancient Forest is shit due to the cramped spaces, way too uneven terrain and shitty layout

Please. Diablos was already gutted compared to second gen. But then again your entire take on underwater is pure delusion. You act like no one ever messed with controls to try and fix the sluggish, garbage underwater controls and combat.
Only tribabs think underwater felt good and every single one always says "no bro trust me this made it feel exactly as good as land combat" but it's always shit.

not to mention the horrible, horrible fps dips

Ancient forest tanks the framerate, is a bitch to navigate, and isn’t even interesting. Fuck that shit. I die a little on the inside when rath fucks off to its nest but I can’t fast travel to it because steve’s retarded cousin decided to fly into the wall next to me for 30 seconds.

in what ways way diablos gutted? can you point to actual stats like hitzone or speed changes?

>aerial style
well, if you are talking about gen, maybe? but in GU that style actively fucks you sideway unless you go for the meme support build
like, i rarely see any hunts get 2-3 mounts, and even then the shitters tend to die 1st

Never had a problem with fps in the ancient forest, if anything I think the workshop is the worst area in that regard. Also just use a flash pod when it's about to run away.

He does less damage per hit in every version. He goes slower all around, and his start up on every attack is slower. His jump from the ground has a smaller hitbox and takes longer for him to come out.

please back this up with hard data

Praise? Where am i praising anything from 4? I didn't praise anything you idiot. Lack of criticism isn't praise, and there is no reason for me to criticize 4 since the entire argument was anout Gen.
>mounting was just as broken
At its core, sure, but now you have aerial style jump spam on top of the same shitty broken mounting that 4 had. It is objectively worse in Generations.
>the other games had the exact same problems!
You keep saying this but fail to actually describe it. My mounting example shows how its worse in gen, and you brought up wystones but arts are a far worse implementation of cooldown upgrades and attacks and I even explained how this was the case. You didn't even bother talking about how terribly the X games handled weapon upgrade requirements, which is something only it did for absolute starter gear. There is also the half assed introductions, which you so grossly ignored.

still mad we didn't get the swampy looking forest we saw in the pre-release footage it looked much more interesting

So you want me to go scouring ancient Japanese bulletin message boards for Portable 2nd, 2G, and Tri?

Worth noting that every game after 4U significantly boosted how much monster mounting resistance goes up after each successive mount, and the cap on that resistance.

If you want to see "gutted", just compare Tri Diablos to World Diablos, or even the Barroth. Hell, even the Ratiphian got nerfed with its weaker hits and cut moves that now only exist on the pink version.

did you ignore the other posts in the chain? I agreed that the upgrade changes and intros were bad. And it seems like you're just trying to shit on things and starting to use insults so I'm going to stop replying, if you can't have fun with 4th gen at all I feel bad for you, have a good day.

yes, I'd like some data for you to back up your claims, hitzone data is readily available on the wiki


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>White Fatalis going armor mode

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>Event, Piscine, Tempered
Easiest limited bounty ever.

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You better pay me then if I'm going to spend the next two days compiling frame data and animation comparisons from old Japanese archived websites.

if you make a claim it's generally on you to prove it user, it's not wise to say something and not back it up

>tfw started to play this game since monday there's a progression but whenever I see these threads on Yea Forums I feel like I'm missiong out

mounting was nerfed in gen to compensate for aerial style, tho, aside from the "attack the monster while mounted to accelerate the bar a pitiful amount, when you should just sharpen/combine more ammo"
>need more total aerial dmg. Take IG for example. in 4U you need 3 hit for the 1st mount, ~10 hit for the 2nd. in GU you need 6-7 hit for the 1st, and 30+ for the 2nd
>downed monsters stay down much shorter (from ~20s+ to 10-12s, not counting the stand-up animation time, which is the same)
>aerial style evasion is fucking shit. have fun surviving in the AoE shitfest that is G-rank

You better start doing a frame by frame comparison then for tri to every game after to prove your point then because you fags only ever say hitzones without ever accounting for anything else. That's how Gen fag got blown the fuck out when they did side by side frame analysis of Narga running at the same exact speed.
I also expect you to paypal me $500 in three days when I'm done you tribab shitter.

The funny part is that you're mad at me calling you dumb because you tried to claim that I did things that I never actually did. You argue like an idiotic 14 year old, all because I criticized Gen and your dumb ass thinks that I'm praising all of 4 because I never actually decided to shit on it for no logical reason since it was never a factor in the original argument.
>did you read the rest of my post?
Yeah, at the start you mentioned that at least half of my post criticizing generstions was accurate but you never actually sais anything other than "sure". That isn't saying much. Good riddance, you just seem to get mad at people for disliking things you like and can't actually defend the thing you like properly. Gen is shit.

>Want to play World
>There's a blackout just as you pick up the controller
Guess I'll just play GU then

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here user, I'll give you some data to sample
now you try

No way, hunters would feel way less scrappy if they could just shoot lightning at a monster
It doesn't matter what rarity they are, weapons like SA, CB, and GL really feel slapped together with what the smithys could find and it's great
Having magic defeats the charm, but I would say alchemy like from XX could make things interesting if it doesn't go too far

sounds to me like you hate fun

Not provide the frame data, active frames, start up frames, hit box versus hurt box, etc.

I'm not the one making the claims that diablos was nerfed user, that's on you

Stop replying to listfag.

And I said you fags only talk about hitzones and never anything real. And I also said you have to paypal me $500 in three days when I'm done digging up all the old frame data values and recording the side by sides.

Lel at this dumb fuck, probably gen4tard, brainlet making claims then expects everyone else to give him the data he needs to back up his argument. Like fucking clockwork.

I believe I require context in order to understand this image. It's clear that those balloons contain semen, but what does she mean with "so much for being his handler"?

That's what the Guild Gal "handled" out of the hunter.
Saying she's better.

Gen is shit. If you think this trash is fun you just have attrocious taste.

>steal someomes food
>dont even eat it

Omega male move

Damn, that hunter is more semen than flesh, blood, bone and grease then. So she's taking him away from her? Hot.

Hunter just drank and Mega Dash Juice before hand. Infinite stamina.
That or just had a pocket HH in the corner being a bro.

Which dickhead working on Iceborne decided we'd want another fucking piscine wyvern? I'm pretty sure Juratodos and Lavasioth are the least fought monsters in World, and Plesioth is permanently among the most despised monsters in the series.

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>what is transmog

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>hh in the corner being a bro
Thanks for the hilarious mental image.

It's what came from both the Hunter and her. It's a futanari comic.

>the music, for the most part, was pretty bland.
Yeah because World's music was any better.



Strax originates from stratosphere or some shit, which fits in well with what it does in the air.

we cant make anymore skeleton, prease understand


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Ain't it great?
All that stuff happening on the bed, and just this guy rocking out nearby.
Even better if you think of him playing one of the Saxophone ones.

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zamtrios was in bed sick and they needed a stand-in for him


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I just started playing and I have one very important question Does Handler ever shut the fuck up for 5 minutes?

No. If you turn the language to Monster Hunter language she's tolerable at least because it's just simple noises instead of words.
Also you should play on Monster Hunter language anyway because it's better.

Uhm, when are we going to eat?

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imagine being a prick who can only live in the desert and eats cacti lmao

The Handler is the only problem with MHW that everyone can agree on

Which is just plain bizzare and jarring when MHW is host to bigger problems the community will disagree with, like gimped monsters, rampant stunlocking, etc.

Set it to Monster Hunter Language, you'll thank me later

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Start World yesterday and god, I have to sit through 20 hours of cutscenes just to kill 7 jagras. I just want to kill some monsters. I don't give a shit about what happen in the world.

>HH bro has got your back even in your most intimate moments
bro, just thinking about it makes tear up a little bit out of joy, bro
pic unrelated

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I already have it on Wyvernian she's still annoying and I dont even want to think of how she says HEY PARD :DDDD in english


>be worldbaby
It's ok, you're not missing too much other than monsters and those are being added in overy time

I mean, some cutscenes are mandatory for the story, otherwise at some point in the story you'll stand there asking yourself "why the fuck am I on a walking volcano and what is this place?"

still cant understand how they shitted the bed after a whole series worth of good guild-gals
Tanzia gal the best

earlier shitposting aside I'm wondering about this now, can anyone find FU hp values anywhere?

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>300 hours later

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i know its their 1st venture into the HD, AAA world (heh), but 4U's pacing was much better for a story focused game
and the theme is basically the same too, a hard-ass dude in search of a strange creature, traveling places to places and solve their problem

Nergi is actually piss easy with a hammer. Stuns and Knockdowns for days.

Lunastra on the other hand.... She can go dive in an ocean and drown.

I installed the mod that changes drop tables and I don't feel bad about it at all

Is there any good MH on pc?

AT Nerg gets trashed by Hammer until the 2nd half of the fight, it's hard to find good openings when the aggression increases. Still easy to dodge but actually doing good damage is rough.
Maybe I just need to squeeze Focus into my Hammer set for faster uppercuts

Stacked monsters can be pretty cute

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I will if you would just hold still for, like, a second.

aside from World?
ppsspp gen 2, or cemu 3U, or citra XX
your choice

>accept quest
>kill this monster
>go kill monster
>quest end

>accept quest
>follow me here, i cant stop talking
>cutscene, follow me here now
>more cutscene, oh god just let me kill something
>watch 50 millions hours of cutscenes

You can emulate literally all of them

what decos, armor do i need to be good with HBG? i've seen many using the xenojiva hbg so great. what's their secret?

You're right

Spare Shot gives you a ~20% chance to not consume ammo on any shot, which means less reloading. It's only available on the Xeno armor and Lunastra/Xeno guns so plan accordingly.
In general you want to get the skill that boosts that weapon's main shot type (Spread/Pierce/Normal/Artillery) and probably a couple levels of Evade Extender for safety/mobility. And then all the usual damage shit and Health Boost.

Emulate XX with the english patch

>missed out on the plushies that are before World
>capcom plushies go for over 100 bucks and some are over 400
>brachydios one is 600 fucking dollaroos
>chinkshit plushies that are 10 bucks look like fucking garbage (brachydios is orange and light blue what the fuck)
The fucking statue models are cheaper than this. I'd rather collect those

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I just bought Monster Hunter and I'm not having a good time with it. Maybe it's because I'm using that Axe/Sword weapon, but I'm having trouble just trying to do damage - and then the monsters run sometimes. I've had to use whetstones during a fight. I'm wondering if I missed something obvious, because as of now, it feels really tedious to play, and I want to see what other people see in this game.

Got a link for that? I've been meaning to play XX/GU but I don't own a Switch so I haven't bought it.

guys, I'm gonna go take on ancient leshen

what weapon/armor/decorations should I bring?

is there an english patch for citra's XX? And is it hard to do the things you would normally do with a touchscreen with a controller? I was hoping yuzu would have the switch port but it's not happening...


>anything from gen 1 and 2

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3 Other players worth. All with Heavy Bow Guns and Cluster Bombs. Every monster is susceptible to Cluster Bombs.


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Try other weapons out and see what clicks. The main story is basically an extended tutorial.

For Switch Axe specifically, use Axe for mobility and Sword for damage, so whenever you need to back off from the monster switch back to Axe

you guys have gone full general. It's time

evade extender/quick sheathe will let you get clear of the high damage vines faster, and for the love of god bring the fire talisman and flash pods

give /mhg/ a look and you'll find good reasons


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Lunar Nargacuga

switch axe is an interesting weapon.
You basically want to be using sword mode as much as possible. Every single attack you do in sword mode builds up a gauge in the top left which is a bit hard to see, but when you fill it all the way, every single sword attack will do additional bursts of damage and you'll be able to latch onto monsters with your big dick discharge move. Quick attacks (Y/triangle) are good in case you need to roll out but combo attacks (B/circle) build up meter faster.
I personally just sheathe it when I need to move and open directly into sword mode with RT in fights. Axe mode is good for reaching targets directly above you and B spam is pretty good especially in openings since you can combo that into sword mode.
If you don't like it I suggest hammer, it's really simple once you know the basic moves but is always fun.

>Land of the Tremors

Attached: 1370076467579.gif (400x488, 282K)

>chinkshit plushies that are 10 bucks look like fucking garbage (brachydios is orange and light blue what the fuck)
That’s a bootleg of the Raging Brachydios plush with slightly off colors. No idea why the normal one hasn’t been bootlegged yet.

At this stage, your best hope of finding lower print old plushes is to scour the Japanese internet and hope you get lucky. I got a Brachy for $50 about 6 months ago that way from some random seller on Rakuten.

>play gunner
>every fucking quests, every monster goes after you
Leave alone for 5 sec, there's 4 of us!

>play GU
>everything except the actual hunts is tedious as fuck

that's all of MH

100% correct. Wildspire Waste is comfy as shit.


Attached: man of shade.webm (404x720, 181K)

All the games before World are tedious trash
I'm glad World is simplified and more casual
Fuck all the dumb nostalgiafags that think otherwise

Gunners and horn users draw more aggro

>any piscine

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It's just unfortunate that extends to the fun part, the hunts, too.

Thanks, I'm gonna try out hammer.

Attached: 60675738_p8.jpg (972x962, 292K)

World has the best combat in the series
And the monsters are better than they've ever been

I WOULD play them if you gave me a good place to download iso's from

Attached: 1523103675278.png (480x580, 359K)

>try out every weapon
>played for almost 150 hours now
>still can't sit on one weapon
I fucking hate this. Why can't I be a one trick autist.

tips for hammer
r2 + b (circle) makes you stronk until you get staggered
Hold r2 and try out its various followups with Y (triangle)
spam B on a downed monster's head and have fun

I didn't even mention World, you fucking schizo.

why are the eyes censored

Wow, such masterful gameplay.

Attached: unga bunga.webm (427x240, 2.66M)

absolutely based
I haven't seen a shitpost of this quality in a long time

I have like 20 saved sets across 6 weapons.
I get bored doing the same thing over and over.

they aren't she's making a -_- face

holy fuck you really are obsessed

Still better than Freedumb Unite

it's an autist from /mhg/, just report and ignore

Typical FUfags

nah just some Gentard obsessed with GU

Honestly I dunno whether to be hyped for iceborn
G rank sounds nice but if it's as empty as the vanila endgame then no thanks

Oh is he? My mistake then.

what's the skill that lets you shoot repeatedly? or does that only works in LBG?

the endgame might turn out to be way better but we wont know until its out

Attached: 1454507023260.png (700x600, 73K)

MHG's HR was as empty as World but got a chunk of content with GU. Iceborne even has more monsters and locale than previous G-rank expansions. Even today they confirmed more varients for Tigrex and Narga

Are you only saying this as spite towards the mhg autist or do you really believe there's nothing wrong with how much easier most monsters are as a result of the combat QoL? I don't really have any issues with the farming changes, they're a good thing.

Why is Narga so fuckable?

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Every LBG has Rapid Fire on certain ammo types which has them fire 2 extra shots with every trigger pull. The extra shots do reduced damage but it still adds up to quite a bit, especially on elemental ammo.
HBG used to have Siege Mode as an equivalent but that's gone now in favor of special ammo I miss it

Legit question, no shitposting, no console faggotry, no genwars or shit. Why was World's content compared to other games WITH FUCKING G-RANK? I've seen retards on tons of forums that calls World's content abymal by comparing it with 4U and GU. Meanwhile, Tri is worshipped 24/7 despite having the most abysmal HR content?

Why can't these fucks just wait until Iceborne or at the very least compare World with games like Tri and MHGen? In fact, I completely remember MHGen being shat on and even was in the list of worst MH game in many user's ratings in MH threads years ago. That fucking changed with XX, but replaced content complaints with balance complaints like Valor style but that's another subject.


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Because of how fluffy and cute he is.

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consolewars and shitposting is the reason

I mean to be fair you can still compare the variety and difficulty in the LR and HR from those games to Worlds.

I feel like it's because the West has only really dealt with the Ultimate editions, so they don't really have a proper reference point.

>Why was World's content compared to other games WITH FUCKING G-RANK? I've seen retards on tons of forums that calls World's content abymal by comparing it with 4U and GU. Meanwhile, Tri is worshipped 24/7 despite having the most abysmal HR content?
Because you're talking to westernfags who haven't experienced HR games very often and only G-rank games to compare to, tri is excused nowadays by nostalgiafags but people talked shit about it's content back in the day too, gen got overshadowed by genU so most people forgot about it

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We did get MH1 -> (skipped a bunch that never came out in NA) -> FU, which also included everything from Dos and the previous PSP ports, as well as Tri -> 3U and Gen -> GU though
Now I know hardly anyone gave a shit about the series until FU and I can't entirely blame them but 4U is the only time we only got the G Rank version

they still got Tri and Gen.
FU and Tri? yes there's debate. Gen? absolutely not, both Gen and World have easy LR and HR and world's ATs are the only difficult part of the game which is post-content

Attached: 1552434122329.jpg (440x219, 17K)

>Oroshi Kirin
>Unknown giant monster
>Unknown Vaal-like monster
>Everwyrm (could also be Fatalis)
>Tigrex sub/variant
>Narga sub/variant
>Barioth sub/variant
Who's on your wishlist? No bugs, crabs or snakes

Attached: MH15th-Fatalis.jpg (437x648, 267K)

Is there blood in MHW yet?

When are we getting a fucking fist weapon.

Great Jaggi and his two retarded cousins please
>but user those are weak raptor monsters!
Don't care just do it

you get rocks

that's so shit I'm going back to FU

this big boy

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>no crabs
why do you hurt me, user?

Same, also don't feel bad about using the KT droprates editor. Fuck the endgame grind.

Fuck me. Just before my bros were about to start hunting with me, I managed to wear myself out. I finally have the opportunity to not hunt with randos, and I blow it. FUCK.

Honestly after the flashy anime slashes from GU, I'll take rocks over this. It covered like 40% of the screen with each hit

Gore and Shagaru, Stygian Zinogre, White Fatalis.

I just wish they were variable, even if they are rocks
relying on non-ui feedback instead of damage numbers and other stuff is something I like MH a lot for and it moved away quite a bit from that with World

Technically his skeletons already in the game too. It would be a waste to not show off a full sized one.

yeah if they were variable, then I would have disabled the damage numbers. Is there even a mod that does that or something?

>Oroshi Gobul
>Unknown giant gobul monster
>Unknown gobul-like monster
>Gobulwyrm (could also be Gobul)
>Fulgur Gobul
>Ebony Gobul
>Viper Gobul
>Nightshade Gobul
>Coral Gobul
>Acidic Gobul
>Shrieking Gobul
>Ruiner Gobul
>Gobulrex sub/variant
>Gobul sub/variant
>Gobul sub/variant

Based and Gobulpilled

Attached: 1562844168715.jpg (3444x2107, 687K)

Unironically that was ‘him’ starting his shitpost crusade against World after he realised it didn’t actually flop and instead beat all past sales records.

Now he's gonna say "BUT IT FLOPPED IN JAPAN BY 3 MIL" with no proof. Dude's predictable

I got all three Stonethrower Jewels! I'm ready for Iceborne!

This is the Kulve Taroth armor, the best looking set since Helios. Please say something nice about it.

Attached: Kulve Taroth alpha.png (480x915, 817K)

Seeing Slinger Capacity becoming the meta would be a welcome surprise

>*Toots you with Attack Up XL*

Attached: hot sax.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Cut off its tail and used it as a cape, 10/10 would make a terrible set with it again.

How did Hunting Horn get buffed in Iceborne?
I love the thing but my dumbass just can't get enough damage in with it compared to GS or CB.

>Iceborne still has unskippable cutscenes

Attached: Pissedgrex.jpg (717x1045, 265K)

>we'll be able to craft layered sets from any armor piece in iceborne
i guess these leftover kulve parts really are going to be useful for something

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Echo Note songs (the attack for the new note hits a ton of times) and apparently buffed damage in general

>German site confirmed a Barioth sub/variant
It's gonna be Sand Barioth right?

Attached: 61278412_p6.jpg (917x879, 277K)

World's newcommers are terrible.

It's likely but hopefully they give the glav treatment and give a sub that mixes up the fight completely

Sand Barioth
Green Barioth
Flame Barioth

No surprise considering that World was never meant to have newcomers to begin with

It was actually 2 million, but that was 1 year ago and had no updates since it fell off the charts after that. It's going to be higher now, but I can't say by how much since charting for the week on media create doesn't take much in terms of sales.

so we still dont have current sales figures for japan

Who knows, the site also said that Narga and Tigrex had subs/Variants too but Green Narg and Brute Tiggy would be weird because their moves got implemented into the originals for Iceborne.
Maybe Barioth, Narga and Tiggy will be the first monsters to get two subs or both a sub and a variant.
Or maybe the german site is just misinfo, who knows.

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The trophy leak had a trophy about hunting varients so its probably true.

>people actually think Fatalis isn't in as the final final boss

what's the best option for empress cannon stix? more recoil suppressor or more reload assist?

Yes, but if we assume that it has been selling but not enough to chart, that could throw it around a 2k weekly sales average. It could even be 1k for all we know. All we know is that it stopped charting one year ago, and if it sold 2k every week that would be a little over 100k sales in a year.

Recoil/Recoil/Reload or Shield is pretty standard.


Kushala Dora

Attached: Temeraire.jpg (1024x768, 132K)

Moving while shooting is always more important than moving while reloading. If you can get both then great, if not you spend a lot more time shooting than you do reloading.

>Any Fanged Wyvern

They're all just so easy to dominate.

Attached: DarkQueenDarkened.jpg (651x900, 115K)

again, need current sales figure. I don't want theorycrafting. Hell, it doesn't even include PC sales

Not complaining, but how do MH threads survive the stupid jannies and not have to submit to reaction culture resetera edits like CTR threads to stay on Yea Forums?

where the fuck did the rest of the post go? Trying to say is, it doesn't even include PC sales so it may have spiked in sales massively, especially since it still pulls 60k players per day concurrent

media create/gematsu only track physical sales
japan's digital adoption rate is pretty historically low (with about 10% at an all time high) which is why these sales figures show how accurately games are doing in the nip ecosystem
if anything it's sold a few hundred thousand more, but we'll have to see once IB starts tracking if enough people manage to buy the base game for it to start tracking again

There’s no big competing game to mass report the threads for being a low-key general the way, say, WoW and XIV threads go at each other’s throats. And since they’re relatively slow I guess they just go unnoticed. Actually it’s kind of surprising since that one user has had to bring up listfag to the mods directly more than once but they don’t seem to care that we always have a thread here.

Even with all the wank about japan sales figure, why does it even matter? who the hell even cares about this other than Capcom officials and japs?

it sold 13 million, that's the data that matters to all of us AND Capcom.

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does non-elemental boost increase the power of LBG and HBG?

Japan isn't known for buying games on PC, and their digital adoption rate is very low, as another person said. You can guarantee that at least 90% of all MH sales in japan are on PS4 and the PS4 version is what we're talking about. We know it couldn't have sold that much more over there simply because it stopped charting on Media Create.

kulu ya-ku

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you think there's an MH version of KFC in the MH canon?

Only if they can’t load any elemental ammo.

If they dont have any elemental/status ammo

fair point as mario kartfags were shitting up CTR threads since day one they'd reach bump limit pretty quick.

Well someone mentioned 3 million japan sales. That's where the discussion started. Capcom also never said that 13 million people bought MHW. they only do shipped figures, but they include sales into their shipment figures. Still, it is the most successful game in the series. All that really matters now is how expensive it was to make and advertise, and it was probably very expensive if the budget of 4G is any indication.

Hang on, this is what I've been hoping for since IB was first revealed. Did some new interview just confirm it?

kulushala yaora

Attached: 1565175502308.png (640x540, 384K)

yeah weeks ago. There's a screencap somewhere but I don't have it. Anybody got it?

like as long i don't load any elemental ammo?

>Did some new interview just confirm it?
No, in fact an interview came a lot closer to saying the opposite even if not quite. They were asked if transmog like XX would be in Iceborne and they responded that the system would be the same as World's.

What? no, the armory had a craftable layered armor tab and revealed this

More like: 'Crotch Claw Attack'.

Attached: HH.webm (720x1080, 2.57M)

It can’t be capable of loading it period. If the option is available to a bowgun, NEB doesn’t work.

Attached: Barioth CB.webm (850x736, 2.91M)

Wasn't XX transmog bound to individual armor pieces? If they said the same system as World, as in Layered, then isn't that better since you can freely change layered gear?

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This artist really loves Tigrex

The Smithy has a tab for Low/High rank and Master Rank Armors. That doesn't confirm every piece is craftable(yet). It just means that's where the Sets will be when you unlock the ability of them. They could still be select Armors from the different ranks, but there's hope.

Yes, they said that new layered armor was made in the armory instead of with those mini quests, but that's not the same thing we're talking about.


I don't think it's possible not to.

Attached: 60236433_p26.jpg (792x822, 200K)

>diacritical mark あ

Man I really should have done Ancient Leshen when it came out. Nobody does it anymore. Even EX Behemoth still gets posted pretty often, but not tree idiot. I know the fight is a slog but it’s a lot easier imo.

Now try that on arch temp nerg and tell us how you got your ass slapped.

I never even bothered to farm it I just went in with plunder rang got the two mutugens for the layer armor and I was out I rather go fight at nerg.


Not agreeing with the other guy, but this comes pretty close
AT Kushala is even worse.

I suppose I ought to go about it that way.

My dumb ass fought At kushala without skill counters with a switch axe that shit was cancer

You can get by with rocksteady mantle but I can see how SA can be hell in that fight.

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>zenith khezu

Attached: 1564984393409.gif (235x180, 1.94M)

Any tempered/AT Elder Dragon with a nip in the hunt

Attached: 1556618782858.webm (640x360, 650K)

>any flying monster

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>Khezu gets deconfirmed
>Khezufags disappear completely

Attached: 1560059992788.png (303x343, 10K)

I just fought Plesioth for the first time. This is the only monster that was able to cart me 3 times in HR. ONLY ONE

Attached: 1564091928262.jpg (1080x777, 58K)

pretty funny, isn't it?

Plesioth is annoying because no one wants to fight a fish with legs. Until you fight a fish with legs and realise they should not exist.

Piscine wyverns are the fucking worst to fight, which is frustrating because I want to kill them so much harder than other monsters.

>>Tigrex sub/variant
>>Narga sub/variant
>>Barioth sub/variant

Attached: 4db.png (680x514, 72K)


Piscine wyverns and stone wyverns (Basarios/Gravios) are the only times I say 'fuck it' and whip out a bowgun
Fighting them in melee is about as fun as pulling teeth but they eat shit at range.

Attached: 1425944700176.jpg (960x1016, 244K)

being a world baby in 2019 when
>ps2 emulator exists
>psp emulator exists
>3ds emulator exists
>japanese VPN exists
>switch exists

you have no excuse

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everything in world

Attached: duck_vomiting.jpg.jpg (484x461, 117K)

>being a faggot and not liking all MH games
And yes even MH1 you fucking casual

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>And yes even MH1 you fucking casual

i like every monster hunter game
except MHOnline and World because they are equally shit

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I am happy to have played MH1.
If asked to play it again, I will say no very strongly.

but 40 minute los quests are fun

well that's your personal taste m8

Attached: 1528924585918.gif (500x429, 652K)

yes it is, its also the only good taste

that's also your persona taste m8

Attached: 1562978696925.jpg (1048x512, 147K)

nah it's pretty shitty but everyone is allowed to have their own specific taste, yes even you!

Well I was more thinking of the:
-Can't combine in box
-Right stick attacking
-No skills
-And probably more

But 40 minute Los quests are up there too.

>started with mhfu
>started playing mh1 a day ago to finally connect with the origins of my favorite series
>two entire ranks of nothing but gathering and velociprey hunting so far
I'm sticking with it but damn it is a slog. Frontier's seriously ruined me when it comes to any kinda of gathering. You learn to love not having to worry about it ever again, and you don't go back.

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Good night everyone

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If they remastered MH1 today, as it was, and brought back the online portion of the game I would play the fuck out of it.

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>Brachydios being confirmed for Iceborne

Attached: 1565069033730.webm (1920x1080, 427K)

>Oh hey let's check out the shop lady
>Is that fucking honey for sale?
>It is fucking honey for sale

And then I had an entire page of my item box that was nothing but honey.
Thank you Frontier for fulfilling that dream.

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MH1 (not Freedom1) will have you gathering the most since theres no other ways to get honey and godbugs other than going out yourself to get it. thats the only reason i know the gathering spots for all old maps like the back of my hand.

running through F&H you can get paintberry, mightseed, blue mushroom, honey, godbug, and flashbug if im not mistaken, and lots of dung. there is a secret bush in 9 though its not very useful.
the only really truely annoying part is needing to grab your materials to the smith to create gear. everything else is like i suppose thats how its gonna be lol

there are skills you just need a full set.

i spent hours farming los to make his set. only to learn you cant make the helmet without an online piece of gear

i dont mind stick attacks, its the same in Dos.
which is a much comfier game. though i prefer the old maps. especially jungle

Attached: QuestBG06.png (350x198, 133K)

>invite my buddy to play MHGU with me on the switch
>he finds the item DLC's and gives himself 150 golden eggs and honey and ores

ugh hes gonna be upset once we get to highrank

>waiting every wednesday for the sale
>sell all your mats for as much honey as possible


they released MHG for the wii


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I didn't mean to reply to you but it's too late now

I CAN'T TAKE THE LOAD TIMES ANYMORE. I'm starting again on PC. Any tips to make the grind back to high rank quicker?

get a save import mod

if you have a jail broken ps4 you can transfer your save file

Crossover shit doesn't really count

>Narga or double Green Plessy in the Old Jungle
These are the things PTSD is made of.

I do miss those open areas in the swamp with the animated reeds though.

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i regret not playing MH1 when i had the PS2 though i never even heard about this game until MH3 when it was released on the wii/wiiU though back then in PS2 i was not familiar on the online gaming so the frustration of playing alone would made me quit the game

Why do so many people like Bow? It's rotation is so boring
>shoot shoot shoot circle circle circle
>shoot dodge circle circle circle
I just wanted to be a ranger, man

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I have just about every gem save for the fuck ton attacks you need and guard. It really sucks too because I want to get into Lance/Gunlance but that gem is needed for the best builds.

The nazis leaked the info

working on an action RPG, was wondering how to make ranged classes more engaging, any suggestion?

Most Lance setups will end up using the Ironwall charm anyways

take notes from Dragon's Dogma

>mfw Aerial Hammer in GU

Attached: 1499374754162.gif (650x366, 3.71M)

ill check that out thanks

I like how the ammo management works for the bowguns, so taking that to an extreme would be nice.
Dragon's dogma does ranged pretty well also.
I think just trying to be creative with skills and giving a wide variety to the moveset is the most important thing. Think of V from DMC5. He's a really novel concept but he gets old because a lack of loadout or skills. Make different bows or guns have new gimmicks.

Oh shit, it's Fruity Rudy.
Bow's been called easy mode, but personally I find it fun more as an exercise in repositioning and adjusting your aim on the fly since I keep the "keep cursor stationary while dodging" option disabled.

Though I don't really use bow on much else other than Luna nowadays.

This guy beat me to it. DD is an astounding basis for ARPG mechanics, I’m shocked no one has tried ripping it off yet. The rest of the game is mixed quality but mechanically DD ft likethe next big step forward in ARPG game design that went criminally underlooked by mainstream devs. I enjoyed Dark Souls as much as the next guy but I’d rather it was Dragon’s Dogma that was getting all the clones.

To add on for potential gimmicks
>short range bows specializing in rapid fire and mobility for flanking
>longer range option with manual arrow control, heavy gameplay focus on traps and utility like smokebombs and explosives
>six shooters with a style meter: purposefully doing dangerous and stylish things will give you grit to unlock new moves that burn through the meter; heavy focus on the burn and build flow

>Mostly use swords/melee in whatever game I play
>Main GS and SA in MHW
>Never touch the bowguns or bow
>Can't git gud against AT and KT with those weapons
>Start using ranged to cheese fights just to get AT armor pieces
>Start carting a lot less
Wish I knew the bowguns and bow were ez mode earlier, would have saved me a lot of headaches with most of the flying monsters.

World is unfair

Attached: 1561140078025.jpg (640x480, 404K)

Dont fall into the “backflip 360 no-scope” trap, value the game feel more
Like, take valor HBG for example. Sure its just a lot of dakka, but the run and slide into siege mode, the ramping up of shooting rate, the sound and visual are all extremely satisfying
World’s bow is nice with all the dodge too, but it will work better with faster enemies that is constantly on your heels, forcing you to weave dodge into shoot into dodge

The short-range/long-range bow bit sounds kind of like Horizon Zero Dawn's different bows.

Steven Spielberg of twink porn

Sniping wont work in a monhun game, tb h. You cant balance it for multiplayer when 1 baiter + 3 snipers will always be fast and optimal
Well, its not that different than the current hbg, but its a problem by itself too

really? ziggy is back? im happy then

I was just giving examples for an ARPG, not monster hunter specifically

There was actually a trailer for a DD clone maybe a year back, but its been radio silence since then
So silent i even forgot the name

Old Lavasioth did nothing wrong

Attached: FrontierGen-HC_Lavasioth_Render_001_%28Edited%29.png (1260x756, 1.26M)

th-thanks thats a lot of info. ty!

Attached: 8401946106_72eb4c2416_b.jpg (1024x437, 195K)

Yeah, but even then unless you build your whole game around it (say, sniper elite, but fantasy), its cheese central
I havent seen a good game that utilize such concept yet. Maybe this user could make the next big thing

I've never played it personally but I'll have to check it out

>frontier lavasioth is 2x as big and has 4x as much HP and does 3x as much damage

holy shit we never killed it but we tried

All -sioth monsters have committed the great sin of existing


Attached: e93.jpg (680x419, 26K)

lavasioth is so annoying to fight, no wonder it was the least monster to fight. the event only proves that unless it gives something worth fighting for, nobody would bat an eye


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Should I play Tri, 3U, or P3rd? Or all of them?

For the games available on portable: emulate, or play on their native handhelds?

That Cygames one, right? It’s something generic like ‘Project Awakening’, probably won’t be an awful lot less generic a title once they’ve got a finalised title. I’m hopeful for it since Cygames are a literal billion dollar company due to their gachashit and their console projects are purely made out of passion because they can afford to take risks. Their PS4/PC remake of Zone of the Enders 2 was outstanding.

citra runs monster hunter XX pretty well if you have a decent computer that can run World .

if you can afford it just buy MHGU(XX) on switch

You still have the flashy anime slashes tho, everytime you crit there's lens flare everywhere

>Should I play Tri, 3U, or P3rd?

Attached: 1533519213730.png (534x590, 536K)

You can disable damage numbers in the menu

well he mentioned P3rd so you might aswell play something else

atleast 3 and 3U have value because of underwater

Tri has the most challenging LR and HR, but otherwise P3rd and 3U are superior in every way. I’d say 3U because it has G Rank and underwater. Like it or hate it, underwater is a quirk only third gen has and it’s worth experiencing at the very least.


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are people still playing the other games? i am afraid to get into the gathering hub and nobody in it to do quests

> Lunastra

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3U is a must, P3rd beforehand is a strong recommendation if you're not very experienced with Classic MH otherwise it's not really necessary. Tri is literally just 3U with missing content and offers absolutely nothing over it unless if you're autistic about models and framerate.

3U for the full “muh water” experience, and the fun that is clashing fists
P3rd is easier to emulate, and has 3 “unique” big bosses (Ama, ukanlos and akantor), and maximum comfy town. But its a tad bit too easy
The bestest credit tho
>tfw Kokoto theme hit
>tfw Pokke theme hit
>tfw you thought they are pulling the plug on the series, and this is the goodbye

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GenU's g-rank is fairly active 4U still has a handful of stragglers doing G-rank too but everything else is dead

3U is like a retirement home of 10 grandpa who still somehow have a WiiU
4U is like a rural town with a population of 100 where everyone know everyone
GU is literally Chinatown

3U carries over a lot of nerfs that monsters got in P3rd, Tri still has the lighting mechanics that are missing in all the other games, but is pretty barebones, still worth a look if you're super into the series


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> Behemoth

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Not him but I was wondering about that. I just started HR Hub in GU Switch and was wondering where the hell everybody was. Guess I'm bulldozing my way to G-rank again.

>giginox cave

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You know how every Monster Hunter game has a sort of leitmotif to it? 1st gen has Proof of a hero, Dos has Hunter, Go Forth, Tri and 3U have To One With Life, so on. If you listen closely, all of the portable games except F1 have the same thing going on (though FU's was basically added in posthumously with Pokke theme showing up in every FU related monster's theme remixes). FU/F2 has the Pokke theme, P3rd has the Yukumo theme, Gens/GU has the Bherna theme. I just wish that they would've created a big unified orchestral version of said leitmotifs, in the same way that they've done in the past with the leitmotifs of numbered games

Even the sub 10 Deviants are hosted in Grank hub, so yeah
There’re quite a few new players around too. Just played the other days and saw a bunch of sub 50HR in HR13+ filter, and even more in lower
Guess World did make people curious/crave more

does anyone watch monster hunter players' videos? i like to watch cantaperme videos, it puts me in awe watching how autistic he is. i do wonder how many hours he puts into the game to just know how to hit it at the right time. sure he is not perfect but his videos are so good to watch


somehow despite using my favorite skeleton it is easily my most hated monster in the whole entire franchise

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Aside from speedrun? Used to watch Social dissonance/ teamwork podcast show back in the day. Its comfy watching 4 dudes just fooling around
Team darkside for maximum autistic cheese too

reminds me of omegarevolution when MHG/MHGU was released, it was fun to see 4 people planning out how to hunt a monster and fooling around even if they fuck up. is fun to see people teaming up and stat on sync. each video they hunt the same monster 2 or 3 more times. too bad he focused on other games now but can't blame him, he is not heavily focused on monster hunter, he just likes to play games with friends

i used watch omegaevolution play 3U like a decade ago

>Even the sub 10 Deviants are hosted in Grank hub, so yeah
Well fuck, that explains why I can't find any whatsoever.

But yeah, I bought GenU on switch because I have never enjoyed playing MH on handhelds. 3DS was absolute murder on my thumbs. As cool as World is, I still prefer the old formula by far. I have to wonder how populated the next classic formula game will be given World's existence, if one ever releases at all. No idea how Capcom can top GenU since it already has most non-world/non tri-3U exclusive monsters in it. The more I think about it, the less likely it feels we'll ever get another classic formula entry.


>start playing MHFU
>looking up for guides
>every youtube guide is from 2009-10
>they have cheesy intros and SOAD, Disturbed, LP and many more as soundtracks
Nowadays people are way more shy about their actual music interests. The only guide soundtracks are either meme/anime music or meme videogame osts like nu-Doom rip-and-tear.

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You don't get banned from official servers for using these kind of mods?

its likely we are getting a (portable) version of mh in the near future Though at the very least expect most if not all of W's quality of life improvements. hopefully its not a world port (please god no)

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When they implement Fatalis, they will just rip off Grigori's battle sequence and implement it as semi-siege battle.

i blame spotify and pandora

I honestly wouldn't be surprised

I hope we get another classic/switch game
so many monsters will never be in another game if not

I'm sorry user, did you mean odoragon set?

Being genuine is cringe now

They have moved on, like it or not, and the market demand so. Im satisfied with GU as the farewell to classic monhan
Still, i really want them to work on a more stylized artstyle. The “realistic” graphic look cool in still shots, but hell it strains my eyes in action with how everything blend into everything
Or im just not used to HD graphic, coming from a background of pure handheld

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As long as they are played one time and do not appear when you restart the mission, I'm fine with it.
The only quest that makes me truly despise them is the Witcher quest

Lavasioth's weapons used to be pretty fuckin good. It's a shame they all got gutted in every sense of the word.

>the Tigrex variant is just a Tigrex who isn't mentally challenged

I honestly want them to use Daimon 1.0 idea of a bipedal melee oriented monster and add it into monhun. His moveset was really fun. For example, make a Rajang-esque vampire pelagus with scaly wing flaps between his arms and sides who sucks your blood and all your demondrug/armorskin buffs into himself, getting ripped and proceeding to smash your shit even harder.

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so, a tigrex that doesn't spaz out? that would be boring to fight

most likely just molten

YFW bear exists

That's honestly a pretty good idea, a buff ass vampire gorilla not only removing but STEALING your buffs would be quite unique

So a muscular bat?
Hah, joke on him, i never use demondrug anyway
im a super hoarder. Even gem in stamina recovery in the older games cause i cant bring myself to use dash juice

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what crossover you want to see in the future? let's assume is not limited to just videogames but also anime/manga series. what monster (if possible) you want to fight and what weapon/armor you want to see applied in reference of it?

Was DDO cool?

I ran 20 behemoth runs with randoms today. 0 clears. I didn't cart because i usually play tank or dps.
But why the fuck cant randoms dps for shit? I was tanking with hbg and still doing 50% of the damage.
Why the fuck are lancers cancerous and unable to get aggro, i can get aggro in 10 seconds as hbg but lancers are adamant at flashing and canceling my aggro to get their own. What the fuck randoms?


They at least somewhat kept the general aesthetic of the DD monsters unlike Frontier with MH

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a lot depends on phial hough. Power phial has 1.2x damage multiplier on sword mode. something like element phila with paralysis element would make axe mode more powerful

>way more shy about their actual music interests
that and DMCAs

Behemoth's head moves constantly so you can't just AFK block and hope to get aggro, you need to chase it
Lancefags aren't used to moving

A RF4 colab so i can slap that Aquaticus bitch face as much as i want for cockblocking me with rng
Or this mofo right here, well, again

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>that one guy who was absolutely certain Diablos would defeat Deviljho

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honestly some of the frontier designs are kino as fuck and really makes you wonder why the mainline ones are so stale

paria puria
that metal laviathan
nono & kamu

ect ect

Monhun is the only game series I feel comfortable regularly using buffs and consumables since they make a difference and well integrated, because the effect persists either until you cart or for a significant amount of time. And you only fight a single monster at a time, maybe two of them in some cases. You don't have to chug shit on an hours long videogame dungeon full of small enemies to drain on your resources.

i would love a yugioh crossover again
>bring back gore magala as the red eyes black dragon and shagaru as the blue eyes white dragon (or have nergigante as REBD and xenojiva as BEWD)
>armor be dark magician and dark magician girl
>weapon be insect glaive in the form of dark magician's staff and the insect be replaced a as kuriboh
>optional weapons
>GS be the sword flame swordsman uses
>SnS be the weapon black luster knight uses
>DB be the lances gaia the mythical knight uses or make it lance but the shield is in the shape of gaia's helmet
>catapult turtle HBG

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I just use buffs only with big monsters like Gogmazios, Ukanlos or Behemoth
With the other ones it's never worth wasting them

Always love this thing. They just need to tone down the last phase and its dandy
Well until you get into farming mode and just grind a monster to extinction
I used up all my dash juice for a shaggy mantle farm (5 min/run, ds), and still didnt get 1
Have to abstain from ds for a while

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i miss my insects, crabs and monkey monsters. how long will it take for capcom to bring them back?

2021 At the latest

Diablos will start jobbing to everyone now, it seems. We have already seen Glavenus thrashing him about, now Tigrex will also shit on him. And whoever will be the next invader.

They’ll be back in MH6, production of it probably started a few months after world released, not counting any possible left over concept art and material they didn’t include into world that would save them some development time. I’d say around 2020 of the holiday next year or early 22021, that assuming they work the same slave labor hours as people there do in the anime industry.

We’ll at least get monkeys and leviathans for sure because of the remaining Skeletons they seek the easiest work with especially monkeys. Plus they’ll probably reuse map assets sparing them even more dev time

I expect MH6 to possibly be the best in the franchise and possible outsell world but by a slim margin

The Lunastra gear seems really good, but the weapons not so much. Are they worth grinding for if I’m a HBG and GS main?

People said that HBG is good for something, but I'm not a gunner. She has worthwhile SA, Lance/No shelling GL if you don't have kulve ones, DB/SnS are decent, IG is alright - basically, every weapon where it is hard to maintain white sharpness is good for at least this reason alone.
Don't bother with GS, though.

>I expect MH6 to possibly be the best in the franchise and possible outsell world but by a slim margin
why? i think world is more exploring focused, more immersed

>2020 or 2021
What the fuck are you talking about, it usually takes them years to make a numbered game, MH6 is coming in 2022 at the earliest

i see a lot of people going for the empress styx which is the luna/xeno gunner hbg

>apex herbivore getting trashed by predators
This bugs me, a lot. For Jho i can understand cause hes monhan 682, but why would Glav and Grex even touch him? Elephants are only kept in check by extremely low birth rate and lots of infighting for scarce esources. No predator dare touch an adult
>realism lul
Yeah i know

We've been over this, user. World practically retconned all monster ecology.

Ask yourself. Why hasn't Capcom made a single new ecology video for World?

glav wins because of flagship privilege I don't they've so tardgrex's interaction with blos yet


To be honest, Glavenus looks fuckhuge, easily bigger than Diablos. And invaders are commonly stronger than apex monsters.

Maybe because elephants are 10 times larger than any predator in their enviroment while Diablos isn't?

>Rathalos is a cuck
>Diablos is a jobber
>Jho kills everything
Nah it's exactly the same as before

Styx weapons were pretty good until Drachen, Teo gamma, and Xeno gamma came out and bloated armor sets with slots. Nerg weapons are better now.

>World practically retconned all monster ecology.
Any examples? Deviljho is a Rajang-tier threat, so which rules does the turf war break?

>Nerg weapons

>why is a theropod winning against a Triceratops with a shittier body plan?

>Rathalos is a cuck

Non canon.

It's all you can do Cucklos, even Nargacuga fucks you over now

ah shit, i just forged styx, now i have to hunt nerg to get his weapons?

lions dont dare touching bison/boar without overwhelming number, and even then they just prefer more docile preys
Its not worth it risking your life hunting something as big as you. cats run from sewer rats
>tfw hunters just hunt everything for sport and fashion, including mountain-sized goliath
Truly the apex of apex

You deal more damage and have no need for the weapon slots anymore.

But why even use Nerg weapons when you can RNG a rarity 8 Taroth weapon with high raw, natural white, and a big slot for non elemental boost? Why use those when you can use a Kjarr weapon and run a standard blademaster set without the limitations of normal elemental dependent builds because the weapon has built in crit element?

I cannot wait for iceborne to screw over everyone who didn't invest in non kulve taroth gear.

Ps2 emulator is shit, why would you even recommend that crap? Just tell them to play FU.

they confirmed that the kulve weapons will be upgradable in IB

Bisons are still bigger than lions
Both Glavenus and Jho are larger than diablos and unlike diablos they have either fire or lasers, not to mention surpassing diablos in the only thing it has(strength)

Hunt both. Styx weapons are easier to make sets with. When you clear those ATs and Behemoth, then go back to Nerg or Taroth gear.

Honestly? The game is so easy bar ATs that you're fine with even a Styx weapon.

>not experiencing 1 or Dos
>or both

mmm not a true autist

All we can do now is hope they can't upgrade until the very end of G rank

There is already wildlife replacing technology, magic would be redundant.
A new weapon type like a musket would be cool tho, with bayonet and all

>everyone who didn't invest in non kulve taroth gear
If Kulve is unupgradable in IB, then Kulveshit will become irrelevant. That is until they introduce a new Kulve farm for master rank.

Because DD combat is overrated and is basically an offline MMO with mediocre cooldown action combat.


Duramboros is now the apex monster of jungle and desert biomes and Nerg is a bitch boi.

Fair point then
And yeah i did exclude Jho out of the equation, cause that fucker is literally the calamity bringer of every ecosystem

Well yeah, Duramboros is the only monster comparable to an elephant outside of Gammoth and probably has no predators outside of Deviljho

>Yian Kut-Ku

godspeed, you glorious chicken

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Deviljho wins because reasons. This is also why Nerg canonically wins against Fatalis.

will they ever add new weapons

despite how "fast" DB is you actually make less inputs than sns

and i dislike the lances & switch weapons & ranged weapons

am i the only one with this dilema?

Thank fucking christ for that.


Any news if Stories 2 is ever gonna happen? MHS was the definitive monster fighting game for me

Because I expect it to be world but more, like a world 2 basically, I love world ant more of it

>Why hasn't Capcom made a single new ecology video for World?
Because the entire game is the ecology video dude. Have you fucking seen what apceros do when giant monsters are feeling threatened by huge monsters? Watch them a little more closely next time.

It flopped in Nippon and they didin't even bother to give westerners the update, it's dead

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Well I mean like mhw2, they’re try to keep a yearly release scheduled so I wouldn’t surprised if it came out around then or 2022 at the latest, I can’t see them doing a switch titles unless it’s a really downgraded port of world

How the fuck do you get immersed with these horrible characters and neck snapping fireflies

>i dislike lance

user, git gud. Lance is fucking amazing in World because every action can be cancelled into something else.

okay, that's alright... you can kill me now.

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World is the 1st new generation game without new weapons, so i expect we will see 1 in the next game
What will it be is the question. Personally the melee lineup is too crowded alr, its time for a new ranged weapon
Or they’ll just say fuck it, 14 are enough

We haven't seen the whole turf war with diablos and glavenus, every clip just shows glavenus slamming diablos into the ground and then cut away. It will probably end in a tie when they show the whole turf war.


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i only have 50 hours in world, and im not adding any more

>want Portable 5 along with World for extra monhun content
>Capcom absorbed the entire portable team into World's development
>axes Frontier
>axes MHO
>now pretends Stories doesn't exist

This is the future we chose. I'm not sure what to think of it.

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Not him, but counter/block lance is neutered on high-tier monsters because of retarded chip damage. AT Nerg can rip through 5 guard by just spamming his minislams. Which randomly multihit into a chip hell. It feels like evasion lance will become a priority.

Why the fuck are you fighting AT nerg without health augment in the first place?

Chug a dash juice and power guard the fuck out of him. Do not block flying press and triple sidestep out of the way.

Nerg actually just shits on lance in general. He's the only AT monster lance has trouble with because Capcom thinks inflating stats is a good thing.

it's all the multihit moves he has, shit's terrible for using any blocking weapon

>tfw the monhan clone as a genre is dead
>soul sacrifice is dead
>freedom war is dead
>GE3 got luke-warm sale despite doing a MHW tier revision
>whatever the abomination Dauntless is
>now only MHW (and GU, i guess?) is standing alone
It just feel... weird

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I imagine a lot of western studios are going to try since World blew up so much in the west, I just wonder how they'll turn out

you got souls games i guess

somehow bloodborne's endgame is worse than worlds though

I like the administration stuff / busywork in classic monhun, it's comfy. It also effectively filters plebs.

>>axes Frontier
>>axes MHO

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I hope one of them scratches my /his/ itch if it does happen.

Capcom's next move is to shut down 3U, 4U, and Gen's servers.

It's literally just GU for another 2-3 years.


Good, these clones were all shit
It's the same exact thing with the Dark Souls clones

Why would you subject yourself to a cheap knock off instead of the real deal?

Sometimes the real deal is trash and the cheap knock off is more fun.

Shit as they are, they are all fun alternative during the wait for 3U and 4U, esp SS
Never before a game’s lore and music can be so great. delta’s spells mixing was fun too
>you will never hunt Ceberus with Yea Forums during demo days again

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Holy fucking shit don't remind me

just tried this recently, all of the weapons felt horrid.

You mean the farm/trader/meowster hunter/etc?
Those are tedious, but pretty damn fun, yeah. 4U’s mini palico game was fun

The monsters aren't much better, they all attack in the exact same sequence of moves without ever mixing it up
I realised this when fighting the extremely innovative and original OWLBEAR