Tony Taka
Shining girls
they're super hot but they have a bad case of sameface which is actually a good thing since that makes Tony's porn act as non-official official porn
Rinna is best girl.
this is true
I have often jerked off to Sakuya.
This game started off good, until you have to trek halfway across the world, without the ability to fast travel. It became boring fast.
I want to spank this butt.
I wish this game was a bit more popular because the 3D models have been ripped for a while yet we've gotten no SFMs made...
Tony Taka and Asagi Ryu and boring.
I think Beatrice is the best girl.
they are, but I'll still fap to their stuff
I want to rape Misty.
I want to hotglue her figure, but I don't own it...
This man speaks the truth
I'd do the same user.
They should be raped by bandits.
Is this that Shining Resonance Refrain game on Steam? Is it good? Looks fun
The MC is an insufferable faggot.
Yes.on Steam.
That's a big turn off, but is the rest of the game good or at least the girls?
I want to be a bandit in Shining world.
I gonna capture Shining girls and rape them.
Can't tell you. I couldn't stand the MC so I stopped playing two hours into the game. Not even the girls could stop me from dropping it. If I have to say he's way way worse than Rito from To Love Ru.
I really want to rape Misty.
Because she is very saucy and proud.
is her game fan-translated?
Shining Hearts and Shining Blade.
What a godlike artist
it's been 5 years since the last new tony taka shining game, hope they keep making them
Thank goodness a real ero-artist wasn't posted. Good night, Yea Forums.
this full pic is good
fapped to it a lot when I was younger and it first came out
It's shit.
The fights are piss easy, only 50 level highers mobs are somehow fun but you get a WIN button attack a few hours in the story which can be spammed with no consequences.
AI is retarded, even your mates.
Any characters other than the MC is slow
Story is shit
No teleport, you go to point A, come back to the hub then have to go point B, rince and repeat.
"Random" Dungeon are fun for the first 20minutes because you can grind then end up being boring.
The romance aspect is non existent, 5 or 6 Visual Novel lines and that's it.
he's not a good artist, but the one type of girl he draws is super fuckable, so his stuff is always good for a fap
Off model crap is a low-quality fap. That's not Aqua, so fapping to a generic anime girl is like jacking off to randos on the street.
that isn't supposed to be aqua
Ok, yeah I was wrong. TT faces are horrible sameface though. It could have been Aqua and made no difference.
god I want to have rough sex with all of tony's shining girls until my cock explodes
does she have any rape porn? she seems like the type of character who'd get stuff like that.
these threads make me sad because there's never anything new
once we get a new shining game with tony art we'll have new stuff.
Came here to post this.
you mean IF we ever get one.
i think resonance sold well enough to get a new one, the series has never been extremely popular, even the genesis games are only moderately popular due to the constant re-releases. They'll probably make a new one in the next couple years. maybe they'll change some stuff about the series though now that it's being localized again.
It's been a long time since the last game and there's no indication anything is currently being worked on. Shining Resonance did poorly in the west, got terrible reviews, and they also had a survey in which people wrote about how much they hated modern shining and specifically hated tony taka. The genesis games were pretty damn popular back in the 90s but the series seems like it's just about dead.
tony taka killed the shining series
Fault was good though
epstein didnt commit suicide
Tony is ultra overrated.
Where's Kirika?