What do you think about no man's sky? Are you going to play the new update?
What do you think about no man's sky? Are you going to play the new update?
What’s in the new update
They should not be forgiven for the amount of deception they pulled during pre-release as well as a little bit afterwards.
They were rushed to market by sony.
The nexus that acts as a social zone with random players going to and from a lobby in space, you can meet people at ports and go to their planets now if you add them to friends.
vr, better multiplayer, and a pile of minor updates and additions to overall gameplay that hasn't been explained well.
Should I start playing now or just wait for the update to drop?
They lied harder than Todd.
Wait for the 14th
>Start a game
>Start on a planet that is too hot/cold/toxic
Ok so Sony shouldn't be forgiven, by not buying this big pile of fucking lies.
32 players
taming animals somehow
milking animals
electricity for autofarms ide assume
VR support
theres prolly more, but I know its gonna be a buggy mess for a while
>tfw have shitton materials, money, a perfect multitool, near perfect fleet, a perfect warp/blaster monolith and blah blah blah from back the first MP update
>didn't touch the game since then
>that means I didn't touch submarine update and blah blah blah
>ps4 tho
I suppose I can give it a try, again, I still have all that shit soooo... it won't be hard to make a cool base
pic related is my (still legit) multitool
How's NMS if I just want to walk around exploring?
Is no man Sky probably the best come back story in video game history
its comfy, it can surprise you
>holding a grudge this long
okay lady, we know you wont let this go
Yah, I'm officially interested now that it will support VR.
>Conflict level: Unavailble
oy voy what did the Gek mean with this?
How has the game sold after the updates were released?
Honestly I'd like to play at this point but it's kinda expensive.
in-game it means the system is abandoned and the station is damaged, no coincidence
That's literally the point you retard. The game starts on an awful planet for you to get used to the survival shit
kinda looking forward to it
These faggots actually stuck with it and made it playable.
The last time I heard of this game was a crowbcat video. I couldn't believe what I was seeing with this update and what has already been added. I'm getting it very soon
yes I bought the game for it
I hope its not shit
I deleted my save just for the expac
Ok, but I can't find the materials I need in-time to survive.
i know but its the space jew so heh
Diablo 3
still no strafing while flying means no buy
There always is sodium near you
start>mine ferrite>repair scan>get Na
I just landed on a planet called New Israel
Its Irradiated.... the futures looking bright.
>666 LY away
Anyone have some basic tips for starting off? I read get sodium to start off. I know about the constant limited inventory space, anything you shouldn't bother mining until you get further in the game?
Sodium, oxygen at first to keep yourself alive
Ferrous and Carbon for your mining and Terrain gun.
Then just follow the story missions, they will guide you like a tutorial.
Also be sure to get the Inventory upgrade at EVERY starbase you come across.
Hope it adds more inventory space
I like to collect and store resources
Thanks guys.
did they fix the whole ships handling like shit?
also, proper flightstick support? kinda requires the former fixed though
Interesting idea, bad execution, extremely bad pr, and they got fucked sony
Good redemption arc, but still a niche game in my opinion, if you didn't like it the first time, I doubt you will now in spite of the multiple updates.
Also proper VR support is great and I'll gladly play it.
get scan tool upgrades from the space station vendors. the S-Rank ones will give you a shit ton of money for scanning flora and wildlife
>"big update"
>more multiplayer stuff
>mfw don't care about multiplayer and don't have a VR headset
Don't really give a dang about milking animals tbch, lads.
bigger bases
more shit for bases and building
something about logic engine, no clue what that is
sex trafficking
Farming, taming and riding animals
>sex trafficking
Hoping this will be the first worthwhile substantial title for VR.
Expecting to be disappointed at the same time
I guess I was really just hoping for more shit to do in space. Space is boring as fuck in the game, just a way to go from planet to planet.
i dont know if they did anything with that or not, they havent released everything there adding i dont think, have to wait til the 14tth
Well I'll keep my eyes open. I have the game already, and I like it and feel I got my money's worth (got it on sale). I just wish they'd focus on flying for a change, almost everything they've done and added to the ground has been about the planets.
Just picked up the game. It's actually pretty comfy. Should I be talking to every alien I see? Also, I tried survival but it felt like a slog so I went down to normal. Is it worth giving survival another shot?
Could check out nexus mods for the game to see if they do any space overhauls
Im more of a resource, craft, build type player myself and There are some mods that really changed and added to that, might be some for space and combat.
That is if the update doesnt add anything
How the fuck do I get credits and a multi tool? My shit is garbage and this game is a constant fucking grind so I’m always running on scraps. I just want a goo multi tool and ship to enjoy this game
It's far too fucking late and the bad blood runs too deep. They lied and deceived without a single shred of remorse and no amount of begging for forgiveness by adding features that should have been in the game from the start will change that.
I only play survival myself. a little harder at first, nothing wrong with playing normal until you get a feel of the game
And yea, id talk to every alien, that can teach you language words and trade gear that may be an upgrade
I know this was never supposed to be a space combat game, but did they at least improve it? How is base building? Can I make some fun shit with my friends. Did they fix the God Awful inventory requirement, making it so I have to always have some type of fuel on me to even take off?
No. The game is designed around annoying limited inventory management. Look at Minecraft and Subnautica, good games where you can hold tons of shit. In NMS, you get like 12 inventory slots and need to carry 50 items at any given time. It's just not fun. Space combat is still garbage.
Did they improve the UI? Last time I checked it was hot console garbage on PC
I really hope the update adds better storage
it seems kind of interesting now but I wouldn't buy it on principle
>locking nu-Necromancer behind a paywall
Space combat in this game feels like complete ass
>bad blood runs too deep
Jesus christ you're a dramafag. They've been spending years dropping free updates to fix the game and yeah, it should've been better at release but they at least didn't do a pump and dump like what's obviously happening with Anthem.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to VR. I've wanted a proper immersive experience and NMS is it.
hope they add more content and visual variety to planets