I've only done 3 attempts against him but I can already tell this is going to be a massive investment of time...

I've only done 3 attempts against him but I can already tell this is going to be a massive investment of time, energy and frustration and I don't think I care enough. Same goes for Father Owl and Demon Of Hatred.

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Why won’t you learn to play the game properly? Why do you keep running around like a bitch and panicking? Deflect with the right timing-don’t spam parry-and learn to dodge at the precise moments. It’s a culmination of everything they’ve tried to teach you. It’s easy and very rewarding once you utilize your learnings.

sekiro obviously isnt your type of game if your not willing to put in the time and investment to beat something

>Why won’t you learn to play the game properly?
I am playing it properly
>Why do you keep running around like a bitch and panicking?
I'm not doing that
>Deflect with the right timing-don’t spam parry-
I am
>learn to dodge at the precise moments
What does that even mean

Thank you, this will really help me beat a 4 fucking phase fight where you get destroyed if you mis-read one of his 500 extremely similar attack animations a single time.

What a faggot

eat shit and die

Yeah how fucking DARE he have difficulty with a game, what kind of piece of shit admits that a boss is tiresome and tedious.

All he does is test the mechanics that you were suppose to have learned during your playthrough of the game. If your actually having a hard time with him youre just genuinely shit.

I never felt like I hit a roadblock at any point in the game up until now, so how can I be "genuinely shit"? The point I'm making is that incredibly long and punishing boss fights are just tiresome. 4 phases is simply too much.

the third phase is the only genuinely hard phase. The others can be learned in a couple of tries

Do you actually know how to play the game? It's the only way I can imagine people having trouble with this guy. There's nothing about him uniquely hard or difficult. I mean at least Demon of Hatred is a huge and scary, floppy Bloodborne monster. I can understand how after a game of mostly one on one sword fights that can take some time to readjust. But Isshin is just a slightly harder combination of a few basic enemies you've already fought a hundred times by now. I can only imagine so many people struggle with him because they spent the game not learning the mechanics properly and just cheesing their way through it. He's not a total no effort cake walk, sure, but the amount of people talking this guy up like the hardest motherfucker in the series is ridiculous.

I think they started to develop this style of boss fight in the DaS1 DLC and in BB. Long, punishing boss fights where a single mistake has the potential to send you back to the start. Sometimes it's good but I do get it, sometimes the boss can feel too long and its exhausting. Four phases is a lot. Just try and not feel rushed and take pleasure in learning how the boss works and you will have a lot more fun. That's how I approached Kos, took me like 50+ tries and two sittings to beat him and I learned him inside out.

Git gud.

Attached: Sekiro AI Looping.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

>its another user complains to Yea Forums about how hard the last bosses are and how they are going to quit

If you aren't a little bitch the number of phases dont fucking matter. Hell, his last phase goes the quickest with the lightning counter. Just get fucking good.
This fucker gets it, DoH plays like a bloodborne boss which requires alot of running around and dodging, hes almost out of place in this game. Issn is no doh stop being a faggot

It's not that hard. You just have to keep deflecting and dodging and punishing him when he is recovering from an attack

genichiro is piss easy
isshins first phase is just parrying properly
his second phase is the only real phase
his third one is the second one with a hard counter which is lightning

Suffering with Real Corrupted now. I don't know who is harder, Monk or Owl.

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I put the game down for 2 months for no particular reason, picked it up again and beat this guy in 2 tries. Sekiro is the first From game where "git gud" actually applies.

Explain this to me.

monk is only hard if someone doesn't know how to parry properly

I don't understand the issue with real monk. She has bar none the most telegraphed attacks of any boss in the game. You just parry everything.

I got both owl father and isshin in less than three tries without using any prosthetics. manage your poster, deflect and mikiri, remember that holding block lowers your posture gauge.

demon of hatred is by far the hardest boss in the game by a mile

Up until I was almost done with the game I thought you took massive chip damage on every blocked attack so I literally never blocked. Always went for parries. I think that worked out to my benefit because I breezed through a lot of late game bosses that people seem to have trouble with. The only late game boss I really had to research and plan out to beat was demon of hatred. SS was incredibly fun and thrilling but I beat it within a few hours of really trying

Stop being a loser faggot and try until you win. You will never win at life with this attitude.

Use the umbrella dingus and he becomes piss easy.
You can use the umbrella on demon as well.

Owl father is the only true hard boss.






Explain this shit, anglos.

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He's actually not as bad as Owl and Demon of Hatred. Only his second lifebar is a pain, the rest is pretty easy. If you know how to consistently mikiri isshin is the easiest of the big 3. So you might as well get it over with.

you suck OP. this game isn't even hard.

sounds better

git gud XD

Weird because I'm on NG+ with the demon bell and no kuro charm and I didn't have a hard time with Demon of Hatred or Father Owl yet I for some odd fucking reason can't get past Isshin's second phase.

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it's shitty artificial difficulty especially for demon of hatred, owl felt way more fair
for this one all you have to do is survive through phase 3 and don't be afraid to throw the lightning back to him in phase 4

I got stuck on genichiro's first time and just soldiered through it until I won, and was so satisfied. Same with that ape, really hit a wall there til I realized I could use spirit confetti. I overcame the owl and the stupid monk, even that god damned demon of hatred, who was the only boss I had to turn off the bell demon for.....

but Isshin is just too fucking scary, guys. I go in and murder genichiro flawless, skip the cutscene, and then I just freeze. COME SEKIRO it's like he's the fucking boss of all video games. I'm terrified of him and idk why. I got the game at launch and though I had to work I was able to get to Isshin in about three weekends... and now it's like however long since then and I can't do it. I pick the game up and run around ashina outskirts farming the red guys over and over trying to earn enough money for a skill or a level up. The threat of people getting dragonrot is too much for me, because I'm out of those things that reverse it and can't find more, even though I have merchant discounts and infinite stuff at all of them.

I keep telling myself it's gonna happen, like when I got stuck on the big ass dragon in dark souls 2, or Laurence in bloodborne.... but I just don't know Yea Forums, I think I might need therapy to overcome the fear I have of that boss.

I fucking HATE the 3MB limit. Enjoy anyway and sorry for shit quality

Attached: Owl VS Sword Saint Isshin 2(2)(2).webm (1080x720, 2.75M)

>The threat of people getting dragonrot is too much for me
You know it does absolutely nothing right? The NPCs will never actually die.

GR number 2

>Suck shit
>Victimize self.
Get a new hobby.

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>simply suggesting that it is possible for a game to go too far with the demands it makes of the player means you need to "get a new hobby"
Okay retard

I did not know that. I've avoided all spoilers and I thought it would affect the ending I got or something. I never finished the thief merchant questline, the taro soldier ended up in the monkey world with that one monk, I got all the snake parts and the loli is now in the monkey house too praying or some shit... I killed my training dummy bro...

if it doesn't do anything what is the point of it, just to make you feel bad?

and I sent the wandering ronin to the surgeons and finished that, fought them and killed them too... would the red eyes help me kill Isshin do you think?

Isshin is just a back to basics boss taken to the extreme, best fight in from history mechanically. Also I never understood how Sekiro kills him since Isshin is hyped to be the most dangerous mf in Japan.

Nah, you're just a fucking loser. Get a new hobby.

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Exhibit A of why no one likes Sekirofags.

If an NPC gets sick you can't continue their quest until they are cured, but that's the only effect dragonrot has.

I think before the game came out it was said that NPCs could die to dragonrot, that didn't make it into the final game but people didn't realize and still worry about it.


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It's not the difficulty, it's making you repeat several phases of difficult bossfight just to have a chance of making more progress.

>circlejerk about how awesomely hard a game is
>get upset when someone points out it's hard

then git fucking gud you casual faggot and stop taking so many hits

What if the end of the game was that you had to fight all the bosses one after another with no resting, and they're all rebalanced to be as hard as Sword Saint. Would that be too far?

>whine about hard game
>whine more when told to get better

>4-phase boss being compared to every boss
it's supposed to be hard, not impossible.

So you do acknowledge that it is possible for this to be taken too far. Does the fact that a lot experienced players of these games also feel that this is an issue with Sekiro (and Dark Souls 3) mean anything to you?

None of the bossfights in Bloodborne take more than 4 minutes, maybe 5 if you're being cautious. From started bloating the fights in DS3 to pander to the MUH EPIC BOSSFIGHTS zoomer crowd.

i hope you realize that the zoomers like easy as shit bosses, rather than bloated hp bosses. I do agree there's a limit but this boss was fine

i thought sekiro was easy until i fought owl charmless on ng+3. holy shit what a fuckin pain in the ass.

bloated hp bosses is shit design

Lol wtf owl father is just owl again, I came extremely close to beating it my very first try, and owl took me like 7 tries originally

Thanks user bro that makes it a lot less scary. I... I'm gonna do it!

It seems that the developers had in mind to punish the deaths of the players in an indirect and more cruel way. Let others pay for one's mistakes and recklessness. For some reason the idea was discarded, because the stress of illness is felt very much in the early stages of the game, with the sculptor sick. But then the disease trivializes because you can get Dragon's Blood Droplet in stores. Curiously enough, have they regretted infringing that new kind of punishment?

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Owl? More like Owned lol

According to the wiki, there are only 17 player beads.

is this by chance?

It's not that massive. Maybe a couple hours at most, unless you're bad.

Isshin was alright. Owl is a lot of fun. Demon of Hatred lives up to his name, the fight isn't a challenge, its a chore, definitely not worth it.

Get better white boi

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Everyone got sick in my game but I could still use their services.
Why waste Dragon's Blood if they're coughing their life away but I can still buy their shit and use them for what they're worth?
I figured I'd keep dying and they'll all be sick again anyway.
So everyone in my game was sick the entire game.
No repercussions for dying.

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Too bad a faggot like you got filtered too late.

where my platinum niggas at?

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I couldn't bring myself to finish the prosthetic upgrades and I'm missing 2 or 3 prayer beads.

the AI in gets pretty spotty at times
I just did NG+6 genichiro a couple minutes ago in a few seconds using only ichimonji doubles because he wouldn't return any attacks
tomoe genichiro before the isshin fight stops moving entirely all the time too

> the fight isn't a challenge, its a chore, definitely not worth it.
git gud

>it isn't hard, just annoying!

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it's true though. I didn't have any real issues beating DoH, but the fight was boring as fuck and a lot of time is spent avoiding AoE attacks.

lol i beat him on my 0th try

Curious considering that if the consequences of the disease were to extend to death, they could first generate, lose characters that would avoid being able to get specific endings, information, lore and even bosses.

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How do you do a lightning reversal?
I am fighting Genichiro and i can go through the first two phases without taking a hit but that third is destroying me.

jump (don't do it too early)
get hit by the lightning
R1 before you hit the ground
that's it
one of the loading screen tips says something about L1 but ignore that one

This fight is a lot of fun. I needed a full nine hours to beat him. Three other friends of mine played it too, they needed 1, 2 and 4 hours.

Fuck me, grinding levels for all the skills was boring as hell. RIP purple ninja guy, and thanks for all the exp.

>jump (don't do it too early)
When should i jump exactly? As soon as i see him charging up the lightning or at the last second before i get hit?

You just have to be in the air when you get hit

Use the suzaku umbrella against the demon when slams you from the air and throws fireballs. Always stay close to him. He's not that hard if you have the umbrella

If you never hit a roadblock then you probably played it like a scared bitch. Stay in his face and learn counters

once the lightning appears on his attack you can jump
you just want to avoid landing before the lightning hits you or before you can reverse it so get a feel for his animations
if you really really can't do it you can also just not do the reversal and run behind him when he's in the air instead but reversal makes it a joke once you can do it

For Isshin's 2nd phase, you can keep your distance and wait out his combos until you see the thrust coming. Mikiri it. Reverse the lightning for his final phase.

You should time the jump so that you don't land too early while you are still charged. Also, you can use the raven prosthetic, it makes lightning reversal easier

He also has a big opening after you dodge the jump attack, and when he runs at you shooting with his gun you can get a cheeky hit in right after he stopped shooting which sometimes interrupts his combo. Also, the mist raven is actually pretty useful in this fight for getting of combos and recharge posture when it gets dangerously high.

I know what you mean, but its worth it. I actually regularly replay the game just for the father owl and sword saint fights. The latter is so fucking hard, but when you finally beat him its the most satisfaction I have ever felt in a From title.