
Tokyo Mirage Sessions thread


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Switch port when?

God this so much. I enjoyed the game but the loading times were such a fucking turn off.

Yeah this game needs a port.


Does this game have random battles or other low quality filler fights? Are the boss fights strategic?

I know that to asf for a sequel is never going to happen but fuck I still want a sequel of this game.

And I always believed that Oribe wanted somethi g with the MC.

I wanna fuck Maiko

Mamori is best girl

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very solid jrpg that was sent off to die, don't think i want a port though because they would almost assuredly not admit their mistake and undo the 4kids-tier censorship

Dude the battle system in this game is fucking incredible.
Not joking.

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I want to fiull Tsubasa with my cream filling.

Enemies are on the field and avoidable like Persona 3/4, but when you strike them with your weapon they just fall down instead of initating battle right away. It's pretty easy to knock them down and just run past if you want. Bosses don't require much strategy on hard mode, lunatic mode is pretty decent but I think you need to clear the game to unlock it if I'm remembering correctly.

I disagree.

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>never ever got to be a party member
I'm still mad.

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I agree with you.

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>I know that to asf for a sequel is never going to happen but fuck I still want a sequel of this game.
Unfortunately never ever

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Blame Nintendo for initially selling it as SMT x FE only for it to be Fire Emblem flavored Persona. Even if the game's pretty good, that soured it for a lot of people and led to it bombing. It's probably why after the initial set with #FE in it, FE Cipher never made new ones.

>Blame Nintendo
>for a game between Intelligent Systems and Atlus
>Fire Emblem flavored Persona
Oh here come the retards again

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The concept art was good.

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user, I've played #FE, tonally it's akin to Persona in quite a few ways and the combat system while adding its own mechanics is still building upon the Press Turn system.
When this game was initially teased, before it even had a proper TITLE, it was being referred to as a crossover of Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem. These are the simple facts of the matter, if Nintendo hadn't said anything until the TMS concept was finalized then it wouldn't have recieved the backlash and subsequent failure it did. A lot of people felt burned by it even if it wasn't a bad game and if you want to deny that then that's your problem.

>user, I've played #FE
>I-i just didn't know it was developed by IS/Atlus and not Nintendo

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>The game announced in a Nintendo Direct as SMTxFE initially is developed by one of Nintendo's 2nd party companies and Atlus
>This means there's zero correlation between that announcement and the failure of this game
Are you actually fucking braindead? Do you not like having an explanation for what fucking happened or do you think the dreaded "Vagina Bones" controversary was somehow what killed the game's chances at success?
Let me reiterate as slowly as fucking possible:





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Reminder that Black Rain is best song

>he thinks Nintendo made the video for the direct
>Are you actually fucking braindead

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Also remember that the original trailer explicitly showed recognizable Fire Emblem and SMT characters, that set the expectation.

I remember. I said blame IS/Atlus for that. Nintendo can't just use copyrighted material and throw together a video.

To be honest, I would be more interested in a prequel where your party is made of Maiko, the gaijin weeb and Tsubasa´s sister.

>gaijin weeb
God bless Goodman, representing all the pure-blooded loli fans from the west, in Japan

The point, retard, that you've decided to conveniently miss while talking shit is that it doesn't matter if IS/Atlus made the video, Nintendo made it or a fucking Janitor in the Atlus offices made it, they should've just announced the companies working on something together that wasn't ready to show instead of that fucking shit that got people hyped for something that wasn't going to actually happen.
I actually felt bad for the people who liked TMS and bought it at release, I felt bad for them because I tried the game and liked it too and knew it'd never see the light of day again, but of course someone like you has to be a fucking faggot and make me want to spit in your eye for acting like some fucking genius because you need shit to be so fucking specific down to the goddamn birth parents of the fucking idiot who initially decided to promote the idea this way to accept it as fact.

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>The point, retard, that you've decided to conveniently miss
>Blame Nintendo
Nintendo can not use other peoples IP, they didn't go to megami tensei fandom and steal renders and put together a fake trailer.
Stop acting all retarded

Top tier taste

>t-the censorship didn't hurt it
Cope. The game could have had its own niche but then they shat on the people they were pandering to as well right when Wii U CFW was reaching its peak and games were becoming easy moddable enough that a group went out of their way to fix it themselves.

I watched the full LP of this. You know the one.

The game mechanics looked nice, but the plot/characters gave me severe secondhand cringe. Even so, I enjoyed watching people suffer through it.

>I watched the full LP of this. You know the one.
What? You expect everyone to watch every eceleb? What one are you talking about?

I like how she wears a sexier version of the samurai uniform from SMT IV.

If they port a physical release and uncensor the game, I'll buy it.

Why on earth I would watch an eceleb or some jewtuber playing the game?

If I wanted to play some game then I get it and play it.The best review I would got will be mine.

The little details my men, the little details.

Typical to the Yea Forumsera crowd
>I watched this LP of this Wii U game and PEEE U IT WAS BAD LUL

You're responding to a person who thinks the SMT fanbase would have ever bought a Wii U to begin with, for a single game.
Ignore him.

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So Atlus and Intelligent Systems just snuck that fucking announcement trailer on the Nintendo Direct like ninjas right? They didn't have to clear it to Nintendo or show it to Nintendo despite Intelligent Systems being one of their second parties, the game being developed for the fucking Wii U OR the fact that the trailer was on Nintendo's video series about advertising games coming to Nintendo consoles? Nintendo could've said without a solid concept it can't just be outright announced yet, Nintendo could've had it simply promote the companies working on a project together, it's their fucking console, their fucking Direct but because the trailer may not have been made by them because Atlus is so paranoid about the Megaten IP that they just released an new entry onto a Nintendo console that they wouldn't surrender a few jpgs to some PR fuck in a cubicle?
Please do not try to claim Nintendo are some innocent school children in all this. Unless you were working at fucking Atlus and can prove your goddamn conspiracy theory, yes it's Nintendo's fucking fault because they had to put that reveal onto the goddamn reel.

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I guarantee you some of the Switches that got sold at launch are gathering dust over that SMTV trailer.

>So Atlus and Intelligent Systems just snuck that fucking announcement trailer on the Nintendo Direct like ninjas right
I will help your mentally challenged self right now
>Nintendo: We are preparing a Direct, any partners want to put trailers of games in it?
>Atlus: We have this teaser trailer for an upcoming collaboration with Atlus
Now in YOUR head Nintendo of Japan deliberately crafted and edited this trailer to mislead the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of hardcore SMT fans.
Fuck off.

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Please don't post my little sister without my permission

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yeah, two of them

Don't act like you're a hero for going on Twitter and spouting some dumbass hashtag over something that small. It sure as shit isn't why the game failed, even if you want to believe it was an epic win for gamers everywhere, a lot of people tuned out when it was revealed due to what I stated earlier, namely they felt decieved by the initial announcement.
Xenoblade Chronicle X did well enough that XC2 was able to happen and that was censored too. If you wanna cry about censorship, cry about Sony's active malice towards Japanese developers over it ever since giving control to California, this is fucking peanuts.

I was going to make a joke, but fuck it, it was the SBF one, which I thought was relatively infamous for punching that channel in the face with lower views.

But I don't want to play this game. However, being morbidly curious, I have no compunction about putting a let's play on in the background while I do other stuff so I can see what's going on.

I said the story and characters looked bad. That's a rather large difference. The mechanics looked perfectly serviceable.

>It sure as shit isn't why the game failed
FACT: Censorship hurt TMS in the west more than the 'bait and switch' outrage
>Xenoblade Chronicle X did well enough
>114k in Japan
>200k in USA
lol no

>Deliberately crafted
More like
>"Ok so here's something our guys at Intelligent Systems and Atlus are working on, a project bringing SMT and Fire Emblem together"
>Years pass of dead air
>"Update on that SMTxFE project, we finally have footage of it, here's Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE"
>People expected SMTxFE, and thus feel tricked
It was too undercooked a reveal and if Nintendo had told Atlus as such, to actually have something closer to the idea they have in mind to put on the table, TMS would've been better recieved.
Why are you so spiteful towards me for saying this?

>But I don't want to play this game
>I just wanted to watch some canadian liberal ecelebs bumble through it though
>I said the story and characters looked bad
I could already tell you were homosexual, no need to tell the class.

Only 3 games make the wii u not a total waste, this one, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Wonderful 101

>More like
>"Ok so here's something our guys at Intelligent Systems and Atlus are working on, a project bringing SMT and Fire Emblem together"
>Years pass of dead air
>"Update on that SMTxFE project, we finally have footage of it, here's Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE"
>People expected SMTxFE, and thus feel tricked
How is this Nintendos fault?
>I'm sorry IS this collaboration is far to loose to allow you to make a trailer for it like this, please go back and remake it
Absolutely delusional.

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Fine. I'm done arguing, live in a world of delusion where your heroic deeds saved the world from censorship just like Walmart taking violent video games off shelves is gonna solve mass shootings. I'm done arguing, if I have to deal with you and that other faggot going "NINTENDO DINDU NUFFIN" anymore it's going to ruin it for me of/when a TMS Switch port happens because in the back of my head I'm going to remember you dipshits arguing to me.

H-how did you find that picture of me?

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>Oh no some retard who is wrong might not be able to enjoy a port that will never happen 100%
Oh no, somebody think of the children

Then I don't get why you're here?

Fuck Atlus

Chrom got the booty tho

What was his problem?

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Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.

Remember, the future these NEETS want is a world full of Senran Kaguras. Dogshit games that get their dicks hard. These people need to go back to their hentai games and leave mainstream vidya alone.
People only interested in a videogame for a waifu, and willing to drop it because of a threat to the waifu content? Why the fuck should these people be catered to when they don't give a shit about the actual GAME? How is this any different to some idiot SJW who will only consider buying a game if it features a gay romance, and will then abandon it the moment it doesn't fall completely in line with what they needed to get their approval? Both waifufags and feminists don't give a shit about anything beyond being pandered to and they both need to fuck off.

>Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have
Proof or GTFO

Too much edge.

>FE Cipher never made new ones.
But they did, this is from the newest pack
Blessed Hideo Minaba and his team

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All of which aren't on the Switch yet, what a shame
Add Bayo 2 to that list as well, that game didn't deserve to get beaten by Dragon Age Inquisition for GOTY

>Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have
Waifushit saved Fire Emblem
It saved Xenoblade

Just another raging sjw coming at it from another angle. Don't think everyone doesn't see right through you.

Bayo 2 won the Yea Forumsga's, a rarity for a Nintendo game/game on a Nintendo platform

>It saved Xenoblade

From fucking what? It was just fine.

I think he means
>it saved Xeno-
As Xenoblade 2 outsold all other Xeno- games in a really fucking short period at full price compared to Gears, Saga, Blade 1/X
Waifus pushed Xenoblade further than ever possible before

Technically yes it didn't need saving but it pushed XC to relevance
All that money gave Monolith enough to build another building. Not office, but building.

this desu.
theres no reason not to port it

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OP here.
The battle system it's fun and entertaining.
The ost was good.
The concept art the game is very unique (not for all tastes) and it's very based on persona.
The loading times were a problem yes, but the game is a solid 8.
I don't get why a some people complain about the waifu pandering when FE since awakening becomes that, and even that kind of stuff was not relevant on the game.

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Both Persona and FE became waifu pandering.
Which this game is.
I don't know what the user you replied to is mad about.

I'm glad this shit is dead.
I agree but Tiki is up there too.

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Operation Kowashitaii spoiled Persona 5 to me for absolutely no reason.
So, I'm glad this game bombed. It's not about the spoilers themselves (at the end I didn't mind them very much), but the sheer maliciousness of it.

>I'm glad this shit is dead.
Seethe harder NeoGA/v/

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You are the one seething right now,but I'm going to tell you why it was shit:
The game was good the first half of the game, then it becomes repetitive as fuck and the session skills were so goddamn long that it made the gameplay a snoozefest, the characters were so dumb is not even funny, the best character development in the game was from Tsubasa and even then it was shit because she went from being "shy" to be a super idol with no problems at all in 5 quests with barely any dialog, the plot was completely retarded even for Fire emblem standards and the Idol shit in the game wasn't even good except for like 5 songs.
Also this thing exists: youtube.com/watch?v=MTl8gDQiKiE

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>Y-you are the one seething right now

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Nice argument fag.

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Thanks, if you weren't a seething NeoGA/v/ tranny you'd be cute.

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What about it is "incredible"?

Ok everyone, let's assume the teaser trailer never happened and instead the game was revealed with the first actual trailer. It would have done better?

It'd have sold slightly better, but thats about it. It was doomed the moment it was a Wii U exclusive, released at the tail end of its lifespan.

It would have been a bit better I think.
Obviously not enough to save it.

At least the next "anime" game switch will get soon is safe from bombing like this trainwreck.

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>comparing a platinum game with an IS game

This is literally the only Wii U game left not ported I really will buy

Don't understimate me user.

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#FE sold better than W101 tho and W101 is the one that getting port/sequel

Just opened up the US limited edition again. Why did they only make stickers of four of the characters in their regular forms-- these US LEs always suck

When will we stop talking about Tsubasa's game? It's not even good.

#FE opening week in japan was 20K units, W101 was...5K.

>Switch port with no censorship, additional FE characters, some ties to SMT5
God, I wish

The game was better than I expected.
It's basically Persona without the bullshit that makes Persona a drag.
No Calendar system tying story progression to dates which makes the game long as fuck for no reason.
No pointless social links with random characters with shitty soap opera stories.
Better dungeons.
Story is about the same, standard weeb stupid shit.

why do you think that it isnt good

Do any #FE characters show up in that mobile phone gacha shit Heroes?

That has to do with Switch actually being popular unlike Wii U, and only soccer moms bought Wii.


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No, smash spirits is the only shit they got.

No? She's not a Hero, just someone who imbibes the spirit of one

Getting a Wii U on Monday and excited to finally play this. Should I bother going through the trouble to uncensor it? I unironically like Tsubasa's sporty tomboy censored costume. Also does Tiki get a lot of screentime? She's voiced by the same actress who voiced one of my favorite idol characters so I'm psyched about that.

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Tiki has decent screentime because you have no choice but to see her all the time. As for censorship, do what you like.

Anyone has a PDF file of the artbook? I never found it.

i'm actually super glad this game flopped as hard as it did

We're on the same boat buddy.
I hope someone here help with that.

I bet your mom is super glad that her failure son will never breed.

Is it wrong that this is the only version of Tiki I know and care about?

Not yet, at least #FE got better than FE Warriors tho

>8618 buddhacoins
What the hell

>Operation Kowashitaii
What's that?

>what is that?
He doesn't know...

Well why don't you tell me sweetie?

mad anime weeb tells a person to have sex over failed anime game

Not that user but
I dont have the screencap

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it's a wii u game

nigga this game was gay af

They're not going to spend time and money porting a game that won't make them their money back
>but i'll buy it!
They're not going to spend time and money porting a game specifically for you. The game just doesn't have an audience.

>tfw this game has way better graphics than Fire Emblem Three Houses
I'm mad.


i would've bought a wii u if treehouse didn't butcher several games i was interested in
this is also why i haven't bought a switch yet

>switch ports have been successful
>jrpg when switchfags been dying for more proper jrpgs
>if uncensored will cater to those who skipped because uncensored
>add more content for those who had on wii u to double dip
>people hype for SMT V to try and hook them in

>Without the teaser trailer
Oh cool. Probably not gonna buy it because it doesn't look like my cup of tea.

>With the teaser trailer:
This is a joke right? Oh shit nuked Tokyo in the background Kawaishitai, oh shit they're going to pull a genre shift right in the middle aren't they? Oh man I'm excited to see how many people are going to get fooled by this trailer.

Yeah....I was betrayed.

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I don't care for it's aesthetic at all, but I will admit the models do look better than Three Houses.
The CGI is definitely higher quality too.

That said I like Three Houses' aesthetic more.

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How is poasible that this game almost got 0 doujins?
With the premise of idols is possible to make hundreds of them.

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The game was a huge bomb everywhere including Japan. It won't happen and it never will. Deal with it you delusional twats

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its the hentai lottery for whatever reason as the japanese sees fit, certain things will get porn as far as the eye can see, and others not a zip, or barely any coverage if lucky, and at worse really really fucked up doujins of the hardest fetishes

The game was shit in the idol department.
They just don't know how to make an Idol game so it was disapointing even to idolfags like me.

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post sauce right now. Have yet to see a single doujin of this game.

we need a sequel, uncensored, but its not happening, it didnt sell well

It did get some, just none were scanned as far as I know.

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Videogames doesn't have a meme price of 60 dollars in japan.

The director is open for port/sequel but ultimately it's up for nintendo decision

Post zipper panties

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Shamir from Three Houses reminds me of her

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