>try to play DS2 again
>get to Earthen Peak
>can't take how ugly and boring it is
>quit game
>repeat this for the last two or three years
I always have good time until then. God, I wish DS2 wasn't that ugly, I really want to enjoy it
>try to play DS2 again
>get to Earthen Peak
>can't take how ugly and boring it is
>quit game
>repeat this for the last two or three years
I always have good time until then. God, I wish DS2 wasn't that ugly, I really want to enjoy it
Other urls found in this thread:
Im currently going through it on PS4. Im stuck on the Demon of Song
Felicia the fucking strong and me are having trouble
The worst zone in 2 is the Shrine of Amana. By far.
I don't really like Dark Souls 2, but Demon of Song and the area that you fought him in were really nice. Also, yeah Earthen Peak is garbage. I enjoyed the Dreg Heap in 3 until I realized they were reusing that area for some godforsaken reason. Huge let down certainly.
I like Dark Souls 2 but Earthen Peak is the most boring area in the game and ugly.
>Earthen Peak re-used in Dark Souls 3 of all areas
Just to be clear, I mean his literal boss arena. Shrine of Armana is a poor area in my opinion. I really enjoyed Ash Lake, though. It kind of baffles me when people on this board don't take into account that Dark Souls 2 had obvious, explicit call backs and inspirations from things in Dark Souls 1 which failed to work out for some; in a similar vein to Dark Souls 3.
>Earthen Peak in DS3
Explain this?
I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 more than 1