Try to play DS2 again

>try to play DS2 again
>get to Earthen Peak
>can't take how ugly and boring it is
>quit game
>repeat this for the last two or three years

I always have good time until then. God, I wish DS2 wasn't that ugly, I really want to enjoy it

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Im currently going through it on PS4. Im stuck on the Demon of Song

Felicia the fucking strong and me are having trouble

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The worst zone in 2 is the Shrine of Amana. By far.

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I don't really like Dark Souls 2, but Demon of Song and the area that you fought him in were really nice. Also, yeah Earthen Peak is garbage. I enjoyed the Dreg Heap in 3 until I realized they were reusing that area for some godforsaken reason. Huge let down certainly.

I like Dark Souls 2 but Earthen Peak is the most boring area in the game and ugly.
>Earthen Peak re-used in Dark Souls 3 of all areas

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Just to be clear, I mean his literal boss arena. Shrine of Armana is a poor area in my opinion. I really enjoyed Ash Lake, though. It kind of baffles me when people on this board don't take into account that Dark Souls 2 had obvious, explicit call backs and inspirations from things in Dark Souls 1 which failed to work out for some; in a similar vein to Dark Souls 3.

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>Earthen Peak in DS3
Explain this?

I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 more than 1

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You visit the place on your way to the Ringed City.

Earthen Peak ruins at the end of the Dreg Heap in TRC DLC of DS3.
Yeah, it's true. It would have been more interesting to retain the variety of level design or try something new with it in the context of the Dreg Heap.

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Being ugly is not the main problem of this game. I usually quit because of the absolutely dogshit level design. Tseldora is typically the last straw. It's literally the worst vertical location in whole series and with the worst vendor placement on top of it. Enemies are so fucking braindead that fighting them is not interesting in any capacity on top of it, and molasses slow combat pacing doesn't help.

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I am going through the Souls games as a Pure PVE Co-op Sunbro caster.

What is the best casting school in Scholar of the First Sin? Hex? What about Dark Souls 3?

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Dreg Heap in 3 is a completely different location and Earthen Peak is only a part of it.
You can literally skip it entirely if you want too

Hexes followed by pyromancies thought both use the same stats so they're interchangeable depending on the situation

If you go hex then you have miracles, sorcery and really could easily go for a pyro hand as well.

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The Dreg Heap looks nothing like Earthen Peak, there are no windmills for a start

>What is the best casting school in Scholar of the First Sin? Hex?
Hex is extremely fucking boring. In pve it means spamming dark orbs.
The only good casting school in 2 is blue sorcery. Be warned though, magic is a complete shit in DLC areas.

In 3 pyromancies and endgame miracles are the most powerful forms of casting. Pyros easily reach full casting capacity after only like 3 bosses.

Hexes are too OP, you cheese the game easly just spaming R1 with sunset staff and dark orb equipped, and as says, it gets fucking boring

Pyromancy in 2 is extremely shit for pve. You won't even get the best pyro until ng++ or 500 arena wins.

To be more specific with magic in the DLCs, spells don't hit as good but infused weapons/magic buffs still do fine.

Yes but this still efffectively means playing in melee because spell resistance is like 60-90% on all enemies and i still don't understand what the fuck they were thinking with this.

It's says something when the ruins of Earthen Peak in DS3 look vastly better than the real thing.

>Dreg Heap in 3 is a completely different location
Is a completely different location than what? I'm genuinely confused with what you think I claimed.

>and Earthen Peak is only a part of it.
... Yeah? Have I said otherwise? No, so what is the point of you saying this?

>You can literally skip it entirely if you want too
Yeah, it's still a disappointing area in my opinion. Would never skip it on a strength build as I love the Doors

Because 'hurr durr spells are easy mode'

It's also more mechanically unique since you're hiding from angels and murdering their hosts or plunging on Haralds.

I remember launch Dark Souls 2 and how miarcles were fun.

Shitters cried so hard they gutted lIghtning in DS2 and DS3

>No windmills
>one right in your fucking face when you fall down to the bonfire.
Walk around, it even got some of the balconies.

I want to know why this opinion exists.
It has so many more gameplay flaws and shit bosses, were you just someone who got hit all the time in 1? It's so frustrating taking damage in 2 all the time from so much bullshit.

>10 casts? Lol how about 3, faithfag?

The Dreg Heap certainly resembles it in the embedded massive vertical structures alone, so your claim of "nothing like earthen peak" is exaggerated. Keep in mind they are ruins and it's not as if I claimed them to be very similar to begin with, I was simply showing the user what the area in question is, as they were clueless.

The funny thing is that an infused and buffed bandit axe is literally better than any DS2 spell.
It's actually other way around. They've gutted faith in DS2 itself to such a low point it's essentially barely playable as a casting build. In 3 it takes time to start going but becomes fucking ridiculous by the end, easily almost as good as pyros.

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How the fuck did you get through Shrine of Amana and struggle on the boss?
Even the post nerf baby Shrine is still pretty tough

That lightning bow miracle is the tits, though. I will we could hold any spell like that, would make casting a lot more fun.

Yeah you're wrong user.

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I did the same fucking thing for years. I bought SotFS years ago and would try maybe once or twice a year on a fresh character, always make it up to around midgame and then quit. Then this year there had been literally nothing coming out until the end of June so I went ahead and forced myself through it with a different build than I'd usually go. Really enjoyed myself once I'd made it to content I hadn't seen before, got invaded a few times by some meme builds, liked the look of my character a lot and would post screens but I uninstalled. Everything just fell into place and it's probably never going to happen again but I'm glad I can say I finished a playthrough + DLC and actually enjoyed it. Except for the snow storm rape horse area in the final DLC. Fuck that place and its garbage recycled boss, worst area in the entire series.

>mfw people told me the Destructo-Disk Miracle was hot shit
>do a pure faith only run and rush it so I can have an actual usable attack for the majority of the game
>It's actually great
In the end it wasn't the strongest thing I had, and it wouldn't have been able to compete with Blessed LKGS had I gone that route, but it was an absolute workhorse.

What is a good offhand for a hex build? Flaming Longsword or is there a better choice to dark infuse?

Bandit Axe or a Rapier, always

The bosses are designed in ways that allow more strategies, and same with the gameplay. That's why it's more enjoyable than DaS1.

rapier is my weapon to go with any non-melee build, you get enough hits before your stamina gets depleted,it's fast and for some reason it has a really strong poise break

Way of White Corona? Is it really that good?

I have a character sitting a few points away from 100, it would make sense to give him a new spell but I can't decide between that or Boulder Heave, which is fun as fuck but not that good.

Oh yeah, because the depths, tomb of the giant, anor londo with its archers, crystal cave, new londo with the ghosts, the wheel skeletons in the painted world, the hydra in the garden where you don't know when you'll fall, lost izalith, blightown and the depths are sooo much better.
Fuck off clown.

Me too

well, yeah, they are, I'm not really into ugly N64 textures copypasted all over the place, if you're that's your thing, faggot

>dropping a game because how an area looks

You sound like a girl. And a retarded one at that.

There you go. Makes it look almost as good as the bullshots from the OG trailers, if bad visuals bother you that much, zoomer.



DS3 is not particularly good though