
Could it be true?

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Leon is the least important Resident Evil character, Jill is literally the mascot followed by Chris

do you even play the game faggot

>Least Important
Good bait

I'll take the fucking bait.
Leon is the most popular RE MC. Capcom knows this and this is why Leon is front and center on RE6 advertising and why he's the MC for all the CGI films.
If there's somebody Nintendo is gonna want from Resident Evil it'll be Leon.


>Chris is announced
>Has Charizard's old Boulder Break

Cope it goes Jill > Wesker > Chris > Ada > Claire > Sherry > Leon. RE4 was retconned in RE5, Jake & Chris were the most important characters of RE6, Claire was the protagonist of RE2 since she got a direct sequel & the entire game was about her trying to find Chris

Are you fucking stupid ahahaha

wouldn't be surprised. those 2 characters have a good chance.

>victory screen has him holding a picture of claire and a picture of leon and making them kiss

This would be the best possible outcome desu

Capcom considers Jill & Chris the mascots, cope more no matter how much you seethe this will never change

>a post made in may when verg had already talked about hero and hints of banjo were everywhere
faker than my ex's orgasms

Oh fuck bros... We're not getting the DQ Heroes... We're getting slime...

All I wanted was Banjo & Kazooie, getting Leon AND Crash would be amazing

Attached: smash template.png (1945x1929, 2.56M)

Smash bros get in here QUICK

Attached: banjo.jpg (900x900, 78K)

I think Leon works in the same way Snake does in that their series are so campy. I cant think of any other "realism" characters that work like they do. I buy it. Crash is boring though.

desu I can see a RE character getting in

it would be shit tho

Attached: 1555461204605.png (768x448, 32K)

oh! oh! MY GOD!
He's so epic and just like a marvle mobie character!
Seriously though Yea Forums, it's time to realize that for poor zoomers Crash is video games. We grew up knowing that quality isn't important and furryporn on deviant art is the real measure of success. No one cares about gameplay.

>two 90’s esque cartoon animals

I could believe it. Resident Evil is one of the last mega franchises in vidya that's had no contact with Smash whatsoever, and if Sakurai is going to give Snake back, Bayo, and give Joker a straight up gun, an RE character should be easy.
>Leon gets all of his stunned enemy attacks for his smash attacks

>3 Zoomer Humans

Wow another fake ass le-
>Crash Bandicoot
Based and Crashpilled.

Attached: 796.jpg (500x818, 73K)

This. Leon is a totally irrelevant character in the overarching story. They had to invent Claire to make RE2 even connect to the overarching story.

RE 2 and 4 are boomer material what are you talking about.

how many "leaks" predicted hero and banjo again?
it's this one and that sylyx adeleine one some twitterfag pretends made it and claims it fake

The guy actually made the prediction user. He proved it.

Factually wrong, Jill has always been more popular than Leon

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-10 Google Trends.png (1294x686, 58K)

Leon, I like as a character, but at this point would be a really underwhelming fighter. He's boring compared to Snake and Joker, who work naturally as Smash fighters. Any random Nintendo character would probably make a more fun fighter with much more originality and personality, even if they're a fraction as iconic.

>more capcom characters

Attached: doubd.png (614x434, 11K)

He's the main character of RE4, the only RE game that matters

Attached: smalltime.jpg (960x960, 146K)

>google search
>algorithm in popularity
Yeah its totally not because people are looking at Jill porn

That'd be nice. I've been happy with the new series the dlc has introduced to Smash, and Crash and RE would be pretty solid additions as well.

Attached: Newseriestosmash.png (817x540, 856K)

Of course not you dumbshit