The Grandia collection is coming out soon. These games really that great?

The Grandia collection is coming out soon. These games really that great?

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the first one is kino

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I wasn't a huge fan of the first one (I played it after I played the second), but I greatly enjoyed the other three.

I only played 3 and just thought it was okay. Is 2 better?

Anyone find out the price yet?

Somebody vitamin pill me on this series

The first is pure 80-90s anime style, i remember the three bitches talks about everything. I hope they will not change shit for sjw reasons.

The collection looks terrible with awful filters fucking up 2D elements. Grandia 1 is still just a port of the inferior PS1 version. The Saturn version is being translated right now, there is no point in not playing that version.

Grandia 1 is the ultimate adventure game. As in it makes you feel like you're going on a grand journey.

the collection looks like fucking GARBAGE and you should literally kys for showing the slightest interest in it

You played the wrong one.

I have fond memories of 2 and the battle system is one of the best ever. I'm pretty sure the game is wonky as fuck with some questionable pacing in spots and terrible voice acting but man can you break the fuck out of that system and the endgame is pretty crazy.

Very good battle systems, likeable cast, and an okay story. They tend on the easy side, though, so don't expect many game overs.

1 is amazing
2 is pretty gud
I have yet to try 3

Didnt Grandia 1 Saturn get a US release?

I only played Grandia II cuz my mom rented it for me from Blockbuster. I remember really enjoying it. I played the PS2 port tho, which I hear was inferior to the Dreamcast version.


I still remember the parts of Valmar battle music. The game really stuck around in my mind for some reason.

There were two problems with Grandia 2 PS2. The audio was sometimes unusually quiet or cut out, and there was a bug during the first Millenia fight that could crash the game. Thankfully, they know about the Millenia bug and fixed it on PC, which means that it's pretty much guaranteed to be fixed on other systems. There is a fix for the audio bug as well, but nothing official, so we'll see if it's a concern in the HD re-release.

PS1 Grandia 1 was, as far as I know, just lower quality than the Saturn version, but it had no bugs or glitches that I know about.

Thats cool. I plan on picking up the hd port just for nostalgia's sake. Hope they fixed this shit.

>it had no bugs or glitches that I know about.
Time Gate requiring level 99 water and wind definitely was not intentional

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It wasn't? I thought that was just the ultimate grind objective in the game. As in, if you had nothing better to do and just wanted to endlessly play Grandia, then here's something for you to aim towards.

What were the requirements in the Saturn release?

33 Wind and 35 Water

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