What's your favorite song, idol, and weapon?
Blitz It
Sploosh 7
Chip Damage, Pearl, .52 Gal Deco
Splatoon music sounds like someone trying to sing jpop while gargling cum. How can anyone stand it?
holy crap this reminds me of that time i was an inkling
Calamari Inkantation
N-ZAP '85
Some people have taste.
Because it's not all like that.
I dunno man, but my penis really likes it
>Nasty Majesty
Acid Hues, Murutā Bottom, Splash-o-matic.
NZap 89
Ebb and Flow
Sloshing Machine
>absolutely loved Splatoon 1
>played a ton of Splatoon 2 in the first month it came out, but never found any time to play it beyond that because job and other life shit
>finally reached a point in my life where I can sink my teeth into a game again
>Splatoon 2's run is essentially over
>feel like I missed out on everything the game had to offer
Feels bad man. Is it even worthwhile to buy the Octoling DLC anymore? I loved the hell out of Splatoon / Splatoon 2 when I actually played it but I don't know if there's any point anymore
>Is it even worthwhile to buy the Octoling DLC anymore?
I bought the S2 dlc a few weeks ago. It's definitely some good stuff and I shouldn't have waited so long to buy it.
Floy Octo Fly
Kensa Pro because I'm a meta slave
Nasty Majesty/Regret
you can't fucking make me choose between them
>Is it even worthwhile to buy the Octoling DLC anymore?
it being primarily single player content that can be played at any point, probably. it's not the second coming of christ like most people think but it's still pretty good.
Octo Expansion is well worth the money for the challenging singleplayer experience on its own. Playable octolings is just icing on the cake.
>human proportions
Into the Light
Splattershot Jr.
Octo daughter best daughter
>Is it even worthwhile to buy the Octoling DLC anymore
Yes. Go buy that shit right now.
>the plan
When did this song play?
OE and during the final fest when the fest was announced
>Post loadout
>Judge others
I want more images of squids/octos being bioluminescent.
twitter really jpegd the shit out of my veemo, and waifu2x really smoothed it out but the abilities look like shit now, but theres my veemo. i never really cared to try and reroll or force a pure, i just rolled with whatever i got the first time, nice weyyo though user, is the bomb defense any better now that its changed?
Thankfully you don't "need" to care about pures since pretty much all abilities are good and relatively balanced in Splat2.
The only gear I "made" in the pic I posted was the sweater. But even then, I ordered the gear and it came with main + sub. So I just added another SSU and Bomb defense. The other two pieces were all random rolls and very fortunate ones.
As for bomb defense. I think it's worth it to have some. Here's a chart I found that shows you what you're able to survive with bomb defense subs:
you have too much swim speed. swap some of it for ink saver main if you're using gloogas.
one bomb defense sub is enough.
quick super jump is also good if you're using quick respawn.
fashion wise I don't care for it but toni kensa does easily fit together.
you can take screenshots on the switch.
drop roller bamboo is based
>i never really cared to try and reroll
i say that as i clearly have MPU, i rerolled once or twice if i got shit abilities
jeez that chart makes it look like you could solo the next great turf war
thanks user, nice cold blooded killer style you got going on there
This woomy looks familiar.
Ya, I definitely have a memey-amount of SSU. I'd actually like to get some MPU to complement the gloogas so that I can make it a two shot kill with one pre- and one post-roll shot.
Did that gear all turn into MPU since it's now outdated?
I know I can take screenshots with the Switch, I just don't like having to take my card out, insert it into the micro SD adapter, and then put it into my comp. And the jpeg compression if I post to twitter is just awful
thats why i waifu'd mine. kinda looks bad but it gets the job done
you look familiar
>Did that gear all turn into MPU since it's now outdated?
lol no it all turned into bomb defense DX
now all my CB pures are slightly less useless and slightly less comical
just wanna make sure people know about the screenshot function. I don't think twitter quality is so bad that it ruins the image, but if taking a pic of the screen is more comfortable then continue as it doesn't really matter.
>play SR
>every single round can barely be called a win
>last 10 seconds everyone is dead
i forgot how little my heart can take of this damn mode
When are S1 octolings going to be playable. I want some Aras and not that Veem shit.
They're takkos, not aras.
Why is the squid so cranky
she keeps losing
silly squidge
I don't remember them saying takko
Anyone talking about the game? Or do we just post pictures pretending and wishing that video game characters exist and that we'll be in a relationship with them?
Fuck, I like how chill the community is, but let's at least talk about things instead of waifu posting all the damn time.
takozon = tako = takko to fit the naming scheme
Takko tuesdays
no one talks about games on Yea Forums
Pearl and Marina Equally, I think theyre much better than the squid sisters, I thought their hats were ugly. I like everyones alternative costumes better, I really like Cali's boss costume.
Favorite weapon is definitely the roller
Current favorite song is Entropical, though I like them all
bring up a topic about the game then
>Or do we just post pictures pretending and wishing that video game characters exist and that we'll be in a relationship with them?
Where are these posts that you're talking about because I don't see any
how well would splatoon work in a MGR style game?
user did you not see the attempt to talk about your loadout and shit? if youre gonna compain about no actual game talk, do it after youve joined in on that actual game talk
Those people are always complaining about the big mean waifufags even in threads where they aren't present, always lamenting the lack of game discussion even in threads where there's plenty of it, and then when either they get called out on it or people bring up game discussion they mysteriously vanish.
How do you feel about the victory of Chaos?
>that next SR loadout
good or bad?
Inkbrush, dynamo, splashomatic and bamboozler. One is useless by default and the other two are going to be a huge pain in the ass to be efficient with if at least 2 on your team aren't slightly competent.
it's great* except the brush
*with people who aren't braindead. good luck with the freelancers!
I mean you missed the splatfests but now that game has loads more content than when it released and salmon run (aka the best mode) is available way more frequently so it’s absolutely still worth getting into
>one is useless by default
you better not be implying that to be the boozler
Inkbrush, you fool. I love bamboozling in SR but if I don't have at least one or two decent players backing me up I'm up shit creek without a paddle.
>step in tiny puddle of enemy ink
>immediately grind to a halt like I've suddenly been glued to the floor
I hope they make the speed debuff in 3 for stepping in enemy ink less extreme, this is so frustrating.
Sucker Punch
Kensa .52 Gal
I actually like the inkbrush in SR. Not as good as other high DPS weapons. But I prefer to use that than the super slow weapons.
im just used to people waving off the boozle as useless and a shit weapon. can the inkbrush at least kill smallfry? i forget.
Time to use all those fucking ink resistance chunks you were able to farm from splatfests. The 2x splatfest T had a higher likelihood of rolling ink resistance up. Everyone should have dozens of them.
I'll get back to you on a song.
>Toss up between pearl and Marina. I love the overconfidence of pearl, but I love how Marina is always there to knock her down a peg
>Current fav weapon is N-zap '85
I fought against it fully knowing it was inevitable due to it naturally being the way of Splatoon.
>but I love how Marina is always there to knock her down a peg
in the treehouse version sure, jap version marina looks up to her while treehouse constantly has her shit on pearl
It's one of the few things it's okay ait. It can hit maybe 3 inches in front of me but looking down and spamming ZR usually fucks them up enough enough.
Pearl's character is being a fucking little gremlin, it makes sense to shit on her. It's part of the dynamic.
I fucking hate the netcode of this fucking game it's the dirtiest console crap I ever played holy SHIT
>I love bamboozling in SR
the low dps almost feels like you're down a player but it can be utilized enough to not be dead weight. it'll definitely be better at killing stingers than dynamo.
>can the inkbrush at least kill smallfry?
if you're talking about running over them then yes, but you're better off just swinging.
then at least its useful for grillers
In the ideal situation, yes. But let me tell you exactly how it's going to go down about 100 times once the shift comes
>griller wave starts
>team positions themselves
>both the dynamo and brush flick constantly at the griller
>they ignore the smallfry who decide to target and murder the bamboozler because he can't do shit
>splash-o-matic dies next
>fail the wave
>repeat ad infinitum
>both the dynamo and brush flick constantly at the griller
god that hurts to read because its true
it's good to have 3 pures if ink res
I don't know why I see so many comments like . The friendship we see in the localization is more "authentic" than what the jap version has. Do you have a friend that you constantly look up to and shower with compliments? I doubt it.
You probably all rag on each other here and there and give compliments when they're warranted.
The English version looks like a legitimate friendship. Plus, you learn about their deep feelings for each other in Octo expansion. But even without the expansion, it was obvious they loved each other just from the interactions seen while they introduced the news.
I don't know what you're talking about, and frankly I don't care.
You clearly weren't around in the beginning where Marina had nothing but vitrol for Pearl and they had to tone it down.
How did you go about doing this...?
And it's going to happen at least 10 times because the game loves handing out the worst possible wave variations.
I will concede, I was not. And I have heard that she was a lot meaner before.
However, from when I started playing (Aug 2018) to now, the banter has been believable and similar to what a regular friendship is like.
Also, I'm sure Marina's early talk wasn't even that bad.
I mean, I have a really strong urge to learn and play as a Dynamo in ranked. So I'm down to try it out in SR.
I want the power. Is it possible to play Dynamo as a more front line? Or at least as a mixed?
>consoleniggers are ok with p2p and abysmal tickrate
Woow what a shock
Guess a few idols and pedobaits are enough to distract you gamers
Did you mean to reply to me? I'm not really the guy to ask about this sort of thing. I love dynamo in SR but I don't really do rollers in multiplayer.
Okay, yeah, I occasionally poke jabs at my friends. Not ALL the fucking time, unlike during the Off the Hook news show. Admittedly, I wasn't around when they presumably toned it down, but it felt genuinely hostile at times. Octo Expansion's Marina is far more believable with the quirky banter.
That's because Eight canonically doesn't respawn during the escape phases of you're killed during it. In every other part of both singleplayer campaigns and Octo Expansion your ghost is seen going back to the spawn point and reforming.
its always pepsi time
why this squid like pepsi so much
She loves her pepsi
Pepsi for Splatoon
is repawn punisher good for anything
Only if you never die and kill a lot
You use it on snipers to keep the enemy from charging their specials and negate QR. That's assuming you're good enough to use it without getting the penalty.
W-what did she mean by this
Stacking MPUs on dark tetra for 3 shot kills worth it?
Bomb Rush Blush
How do I really increase my rank in salmon run if I only join up with randos? It seems like I can get to the mid 200s easily and then shit usually falls apart for a while and I end up sub 100.
If I try and babysit my team too hard we end up losing a round because we didn't get enough eggs. If I try to grab as many as I can,y team usually dies and then I die if I can't get off a special in time (or I have a weapon I don't normally use in MP).
How did you guys get to 400+? It seems impossible. Sometimes I have really good rounds with a good team, we get 100+ eggs. Then the next round we get wiped in the first wave.
Such is the life of a SR freelancer. It can all come down to how shit your teammates are
know how to pick and choose your rotations. As in if the weapons don't synergize well just go for the bonuses and bail. As for babysitting let your main priority be getting the quota. After that's done go full defensive or run away. The only thing that really matters in the end is at least one person surviving...and people are crazy greedy and get themselves killed staying near the egg basket.
you have to do everything
you have to survive
you have to kill trash
you have to collect eggs
and you have to constantly revive your teammates
>I die if I can't get off a special in time (or I have a weapon I don't normally use in MP).
>How did you guys get to 400+?
well if you're not too proficient with some weapons then your options are to just practice and take the losses as a form of experience or wait for easy weapon sets that most players can do good with and climb during those sets. of course if you climb on an easy set then start at 400 on a hard set then it's probably not gonna go too well.
any weapons you have trouble with in particular? they all have ways of being effective but using them wrong will result in disaster. like with explosher, most randoms have no idea you can shoot into the flyfish bins to kill them instead of using your whole ink take to bomb just one.
>like with explosher, most randoms have no idea you can shoot into the flyfish bins to kill them instead of using your whole ink take to bomb just one.
also that the dynamo can mow down most mooks in one go. Very effective in low tide chonk herds
Why is there friendlies in this game? What's the fucking point?
At least there's voicecommands in tf2 to have fun, in Splatoon I'm supposed to spam the squid button like a mongoloid?
Because you forget literal kids play this game
i have no idea what you're talking about
Squid parties
>not liking squid parties in the for fun mode
>liking squid parties
Wow I didn't know [WUT] members posted on Yea Forums
just ignore them, paint the map, get the free win, and leave the lobby. usually they don't retaliate but if they do then you gotta try your best to 1v4.
squid parties are silly and for fun.The only time that's an issue is an issue is if i'm using a ticket but even then I can just leave
How the FUCK is going out of your way to not play the game properly FUN?
I mean fuck, imagine paying at least 380 dollars for a Switch, Splatoon 2, and Nintendo Online just to fucking squid party.
Ok retard
>Playing turf wars
>End up having a squid party and have a good time
>Win the round by a hair
>Do the same thing for the next 3 matches in a row with the same guys
Is there a more fun feel?
>implying there's a right way to have fun with a game.
>implying squid parties happen often enough to be bothersome
I think Splat3 would be great with an unranked ranked mode.
I would feel more comfortable trying out weapons way out of my norm if I wasn't so worried about dropping ranks. And even when I am using my bread'n'butter weapons, I don't always want to have to be super tryhard and go for the wins at all costs. Sometimes I want a relaxing game of splatzones or tower control. But that's impossible currently.
>tidal rush (blitz it for multiplayer)
>heavy splatling deco
>squid party in a room for over an hour
>we do random stuff like attacking the ducks and jellies in canal
Splat3 also needs a kill cam.
So often I find myself begging to know how I was killed or where the opponent came from or what they saw. Kill cam is needed.
What's the point of a killcam when the game is hosted through p2p absolute shitco you tard, seeing how you died won't change shit about the sorry state of this mediocre game and the absolute bullshit of some deaths.
I'm still trying to get you dang booyahs to play this. One guy's on the hook for some Salmon Run, and that's all I've got. If you guys make a private game I'll eat you squitheads.
It occurs to me that I should really use that there scouting mode to just look around the different maps. I bet there's a bunch of shit I've never seen because I'm too busy genociding fish.
I kinda get this. Not a single charger has ever truly hit me, they just get a free frag through walls. It's some BF3 shit.
you really should. All kinds of neat stuff and sounds to see and hear. especially at night...
If you ever die, it's because you put yourself in that position in the first place. Tick rate doesn't change poor positioning and engagements.
I know I shouldn't be responding to such a blatant idiot. But shut up and fuck off =). kthnxbye
Anybody playing right now?
>The game is hosted through p2p and has the shittiest tickrate in the entire industry but if you dare criticize my favorite nintendie game then you're bad and not based!
I don't see how that refutes what I said.
And I don't see how it refutes what I said about this game feeling like utter shit after playing quality games running on actual servers with a decent refresh rate.
But I understand, nintendo is a tiny company, they cannot afford a few servers for 20 bucks/month. It's far too EXPENSIVE and the Nintendo defense force is here to take care of anyone badmouthing them anyway.
Hug the slug, and anemone.
Endolphin Surge
What's the point of this? Nobody likes Switch Online.
Responding was even more pointless.
Dunno about Flow. but Annie's look adorable.
fuck you
Rude and uncalled for
Don't mind him, we've had Donte appearing here for about 48 hours now.
fuck off with your callie hate
I'm not sure what's happening here, but it's concerning.
shut up
I have no clue either but based on that last image the guy posted, it can't be anything bad.
You know what? That's it, fight me irl squigger.
just stop hating on callie
If falseflag-kun had the capability of fighting people irl in the first place he wouldn't be wasting his youth spamming
i don't wanna hurt anyone.
Too many good ones, so I'll just say my favorite band is Squid Squad
Undercover Sorella
This thread is proof callie is the least like idol
She wouldn't be if you did a ranked voting system.
Fresh Start
I like the idols but don't have a particularly favorite one
Dualies. Though soda slosher is what I used the most after I got superfresh with it. I love its looks but hate its special.
Rate her
i genuinely hate marie fans
fuck you
Good squid
good woomy
Would be cuter as an octodaughter, but it's a passable squid.
Flow's are misshapen and awful. What the fuck.
Annie's are adorable though. Love those blushing little toes.
Not a veemo/10. Jk, she's cute as a button.
fuck off
Tentacular Circus
Kensa Sloshing Machine
Post more callie
Ink or Sink
Pearl, but Marie's up there
Sploosh-o-matic 7
How can you hate burst bomb launcher? It instantly paints like a quarter of the map.
Nasty Majesty tied with Fly Octo Fly because of the last Splatfest
Custom Jr.
are we posting woomies now
I would if I made one. Where's my gosh darned veemo maker, japan?
rate my daughterfu
Cute mini floppers, good smile, sweet hat. 8/10
Short hair and nice shirt. Solid 7/10.
>that jacket
>that hairstyle
The jingle you get on recieving a thang
H3 Nozzlenose
thank you based veemo. i wish there was a veemo maker already.
>that stern face
>big ol glasses
>button up
>too much swim speed
not a thing
>ink saver main
meme for shitters
I made this OC back when they announced the final fest
don't forget to pet your woomies, anons
Seafoam Shanty
DJ Octavio
N'Zap 89
Never had one. I was pure yebby, at least until I found perfection.
Ah yes my favorite genre. Skazz on cocaine.
>tfw no touch starved octo daughterfu
It's a curse we must all bear.
very satisfied
A little bummed since I was Order but I'm willing to be okay with it if it means we get more songs like #@$%* Dudes be #@$%* Sleepin'.
Get up.
woomy thighs
i really want an octoling gf
It is MORNING, young lady.
what is the nature of callie and marie's relationship?
I'm pretty sure we all know.
please elaborate
You can't just say it, user.
I really like the cute squid maker
me too
i think i understand
Physically impossible, but toddler veemo pulls at my heartstrings like nothing else.
i want to protect veemo girls but sanitized veemos make me diamonds
i wish I could find mnore cute toddler woomies and veemos without seeing thinly-veiled toddlercon art
would you, Yea Forums
Hug and give her headpats? Absolutely
You can't have that hairstyle as a boy, user
And the eyebrows are not that short on male squids.
Splatoon 1:
Ink or Sink
Areo Spray RG
Splatoon 2:
Chip Damage
Areo Spray RG
>it’s morning
>practically 4am
I know timezones are a thing but fuck, I’d never get up that early if it weren’t for work
Off the Hook (can't pick between em)
Custom Splattershot jr.
That’s practically morning to me regardless of work or not. I often wake up at 4 or 5
I don’t know how the fuck you do that, 7 at the earliest when I have the ability to sleep in
I don’t know, it just happens
What's wrong with traptards?
me too
They only think about dicks
Happy squids
>Nasty Majesty tied with Fly Octo Fly because of the last Splatfest
exceptional taste
It's a completely different weapon in salmon run, and it's not a good way to learn how to use it as it needs gear abilities for aggressive play. Also for a beginner, you're not going to have a lot of room for customization for abilities. Try playing with it in turf with at least 2 mains of ink saver main and 1 swim speed up, that would be a good start. the dynamo has similar range to a pro but its effective killing range is much shorter, so you'll need to catch people off guard and from height advantages. I could keep going but your post is old so you might not even see this, and I don't know if there is a character limit
I just came back to the thread and this was the first post I saw. So ya, I'm definitely here, haha.
I have a pure of Ink Saver Main, and plenty of gear with a lot of SSU.
I want to save zombie veemos
Favourite Splatoon youtubers?
My number 1 is Captain Astronaut. I actually find myself audibly laughing at his content. Which is a lot more than I can say for other "funny" gaming youtubers I watch.
And then after that I like Vicvillion and that's about it, lol.
I don't watch a lot of Youtube, could you describe their content and rate their fagginess?
Vinny. When we was playing Splatoon
The agent fight was glorious.
I think you're the first person I've seen whose favorite track is made by Turquoise October.
Ancho-V games is my favorite to explore, so many cool little things
Rip Entry
Kensa Dynamo Roller
>favorite song,
General: Fly Octo Fly
Battle: Kinetosis
Early on before the expansion came out, my favorite song in the game was Shooting Starfish
mah nigga
Lots of chunks probably.
Broken Coral
N-Zap '89
Sure, Captain Astronaut doesn't upload nearly as frequently as I like. But I'll click on his videos immediately when I see them. Hell, I've been rewatching a bunch lately.
He'll usually make a video on a specific weapon type, and in a semi-serious, semi-cynical way, talk about the pros and cons of the weapon.
There's no huge production value. I just watch the videos because I like him.
As for Vic, she's just a wholesome woman who produces very in depth videos on specific weapons and other Splatoon related things. She's very knowledgeable and an excellent player. Also, her voice is very soothing to listen to.
Not sure what you mean about "fagginess" as that can mean a bunch of different things. But none of their content is "faggy."
Teach me how to Kensamo plz.
Is it possible to be aggressive/frontline with it?
Now that Shifty Station is available in private matches, can you play Ranked Modes in them?
I've seen some people ask "what's the point of the 2x splatfest tee" since a "pure" splatfest tee is only 18 points of ability. And a pure is 19 points of ability.
The thing is, that's using the Splatfest tee suboptimally.
You should put 3 different sub abilities on there to get maximal efficiency out of the splatfest tee. Perhaps something like, bomb defense X, ink resistance, and special charge up would be a more appropriate loadout for the Tee.
>tfw no Pepsi vs Coke splatfest
Fresh Start, Marie, Splatlings
regret (only because its the only song i know by name in the game)
Are there some for the other idols, too?
Splatoon has so much great music it's hard to pick a favorite. The Girl From Inkopolis is probably my favorite Turquoise October track.
Cute tummy
Finally a decent streak, FRESHening up all those weapons.
Why would you bother using the Splatfest Tee Replica if you actually cared about your abilities? You're losing out on having a whole main of any ability in exchange for what are basically filler slots.
That being said, does the Splatfest Tee function like the actual one in terms of points to chunks? I doubt it, but just curious.
The range is retarded so you can be aggressive with it. I usually just ink up the map and support anyone who needs help in a team fight if I'm near by.
Rollers are better played as ambushers.
You get people while they're distracted and not paying attention to you.
S1 octolings hair is too big to fit the headgear.
A damn shame, I love how big their hair is.
Also, for being called Amazons there sure is a lack of art showing them with some muscle.
what about the afro user? they make that work even though its much too big
Gentlemen, I have returned to make an announcement: I love her.
>7 rainmaker defeats in a row to rank down on the last match before switching modes!
Hurts a lil
in that case, i have returned to make my own announcement: i love her, the daughter is great too though
If they can fit Afros, they can fit Octozon hair.
what rank user?
They're both wonderful girls and I'm glad they exist.
I've been here but I would also like to make an announcement: I love Marie!
Are you trying to kill me, user? That level of cute is outside regulation standards.
Marie is my favorite squid.
shes a good squid
That's a good start, but let me tell you what look out for since the unga rain stick isn't at the top of the food chain anymore. The dynamo struggles in tight spaces so it's important to prevent your self from being there in the first place, having an escape plan at any moment and checking your flanks frequently has saved my butt and rank countless times, and the 1.2 second wind-up will feel like eternity when pressed by a pair of dualies. Speaking of which dynamo made a lot of enemies in splatoon 1 so most weapons will be able to check you, I'd list them but it would be faster to list what weapons don't have an advantage over you. The dynamo can put down a lot of ink really quickly, and makes a cool woosh sound when you do it but, you should still bow your head to specials and other bully type weapons jet squeltchers and pros are your worst nightmare and despite the deluge of ink you put out, you still have to aim and space properly as you are technically part of the shorty squad.
While I'm doing my best to give tips on how not to die while you flood inkopolis you will die so many times on your path to becoming a rain god, it's impossible to write 3500 hours of rain stick experience into a paragraph or two. sorry this took so long I was playing vidya as I was writing this. Also I can't make the little window any bigger so I might fail to remove any redundant information
It's heart attack time.
Nothing ridiculous, only A+ in Rainmaker (now A). I feel like I play above my rank (I average 9.3 splats and 2.5 specials a game), but the reality of my inability to break into S rank seems to suggest otherwise (I am S in splat zones, however).
I will say, I did have a shit ton of disconnects this past hour. Some games I entered with literally 2 other people on my team... I know those don't count, however.
Keep going. This is how I want to die.
>you still have to aim and space properly as you are technically part of the shorty squad.
this is someone who actually knows what they're talking about
good post
sucks to hear that user, i never could get into ranked games in 2. i played until i ranked up once in each mode and stopped playing. after playing a ton of S1 and rank S'ing there, i couldnt be bothered in 2
Shit, I accidentally put out a hit on myself.
You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.
I have zero regrets.
Last one for now.
Perish from adorableness.
>actual posts talking about the game in the thread
>instead of replying to them choose to bitch
what an insufferable faggot
You guysh are da befsht.
>responding to nearly day old bait
Check yourself before you Shrek yourself
Actually, you get one more.
You're too much, user.
Why is everyone spamming octolings now?
I wish they would've at least gave us new long and thick dangling hair if they couldn't have been arsed to just manipulate the classic poofy hair to fit like they did with every other style.
Like pic related was shown in the concept art and would've sufficed, it has the thick long tentacles while looking new, hip and fresh, but they gave us the thin, shrimpy neutered hair instead that feels like an insult.
I don't really feel satisfied with the octolings they gave us, they look and also act completely differently than the ones I've wanted since the first game. The actual octolings are always going to get the shoulder now that they've established the cutesy gay safe ones as the standard.
The nu-octolings even got the short end of the stick with never getting more than the two base hairstyles, and with the veemo hairstyles from the concept art, including the separate ponytail and bun, looking better than what they were given. At least the boy styles are cool I guess, but if they gave us a literal sphere that gets contorted then they can give us the classic octoling hair too.
I'm sorry, it's my fault. I just love her too much and I guess people were really responsive to that today.
We /c/ now.
woomy enthusiasts are a dying breed
it's a shame
That's not true at all. And, there's a whole new breed of woomy enthusiasts in Inkopolis now.
No worries, user. Thank you for writing all of this out! I appreciate it.
I don't care too much about clam blitz so maybe I'll try out the Kensamo here. I doubt it excels in clam blitz, however. But maybe I'm wrong?
Nasty Majesty
N-Zap 85
they've been pretty low profile
I'm not one for image dumping so I'll take part of the blame I guess
Anyway, what’s your highest number of splats in a match? Mine is 28
22 for me when I used an alt account to torment 2017 Christmas Timmies.
Regular matches I only get between 5-10.
Woomies are usually the ones who get posted the most often overall.
You know, i wouldn't mind if there was an unranked-ranked mode. Sometimes I want to try new weapons and shiiiiet. Or just play a relaxing match of splat zones instead of always worrying about getting splats and winning.
People would say that's what league is for but I want to mess around with unknowns and not be paired with the same person over and over again while I disappoint them.
p2p works perfectly fine when everyone involved has good internet. That is the case in Japan, the primary market for Splatoon. The rest of the world is just a byproduct.
too bad the concept of a "server" browser is too much for nintendo to comprehend
Kimono Callie is cute.
With their proportions, size and implication that they are very dense that's actually a much more realistic body shape. The spindly in-game legs will flop like noodles the moment they put weight on them.
Last Waltz from Oldboy
Park Chorong of APink
a good old 1911
oh wait, you're talking about some shitty Nintendo game, aren't you?
Dynamo is psychological warfare as much as it is a weapon. Don't listen to , Dynamo is not like other rollers, it functions on pure intimidation and for that you don't want to hide your prescense.
Intimidation stops working as well when you face up against players who actually know how to play.
You're right, league is definitely for that. But I don't have anyone to play with. None of my friends have this game...
Color Pulse, Pearl after that last splatfest, any Roller
I liek it when the squid shots the ink.
these screenshots are a blessing. i just wish amiibo actually worked with cemu, i would take so many damn screenshots of her dancing
Finally, screenshots at native resolution. A lot of the ones I saw before were obviously upscaled.
Fly octo fly
Custom Hydra Splatling
A lot of people talk shit about it, but I find occasional league pair ups on /ink/ Splatoon general and various discord servers
>hydra splatling
my squigga
it's all fun and games until the competent splatterscope user shows up
>Twitter filename
I guess noseanon got a Twitter account after all.
Here's a better version.
You got any of Marie?
nice, love NA's art but I dont hang around the thread anymore
she's not a cannibal, she just eats unevolved squid
like us eating monkeys, weird but not cannibalism
>Clam blitz Walleye warehouse
>On the side flanks spamming "this way" while my teammates have a powerclam
>Instead of super jumping to me for guaranteed dunks they decide to go up the middle on their own
HOLY SHIT wtf. This shit is easy to win if you just go on the flanks. I'm literally spamming "this way" for 10 seconds. Do people not realize they can jump with a powerclam or something?
I need more of this.
I did but i lost most of my screenshots after my hard drive died. Sorry
More of what?
>Final Splatfest displayed every character participating in the event with their own sides
>No one except Pearl and Marina appear
The Splatfest could have been crazy but ah well.
More of the characters letting something pour onto their body. Specifically something viscous like honey or ink.
Pretty certain that's the only thing I have of that nature.
Ah. That's fine, what you do have is fantastic.
Is this a fetish?
anything can be a fetish
I'm still sad callie didn't show up in the plaza
Admittedly yes. I dunno what to call it, but yeah.
You'd think they would have done that when they had Calamari Inkantation and Ink Me Up playing. Disappointing to say the least.
Splattack Octo Version
N-ZAP 89
Alright boys. I pulled the trigger. I purchased the Kensamo after asking you all about it for a couple threads. Time to take over the tower.
Trust me, even people who know how to play have a major case of "oh fuck" when they see Dynamo swing at them. Especially Splat1 vets with their major case of PTSD on that issue.
>a major case of "oh fuck" when they see Dynamo
>swing at them.
>ctrl f
>ebb and flow
>1 result
what the fuck
Ebb and Flow
Dualie Squelchers or Dark Tetra Dualies
>rolls behind you
>heh..... nothin personnel.... squid....
riding the tower with a dynamo is suffering so good luck
kensa has sprinkler which is great for climbing short walls so use it
fly octo fly is literally just a better ebb and flow
I had to tinker with this way too much to get it to fit the filesize limit.
They're perfect.
holy shit thats good
fuckin wrong pic
host a PB, Yea Forums, let's go
you do know you can delete posts?
How do you host peanut butter?
shifty station background sounds without music for anyone who cares
i know, i just dont really care to, id rather live with knowing i fucked it up
Where to find the whole Splatoon OST?
NSO expired two days ago. Sorry mate
>mfw callie and marina are my best girls but both of them lost lmao
>Do people not realize they can jump with a powerclam or something?
Probably, or they just got tunnel vision and didn't pay attention to their teammates
Broken Coral
Callie did win last Splatfest, though.
Just had my first good match with it. Early on I was playing too defensive. I was getting caught up with the "heaviness" of it.
But the last couple games I've pushed to be more offensive. Taking mid and just swinging my big stick around. Mainly doing horizontal swings. It's so nice taking out rolling dualies.
When's Cuttlefish gonna throw down his cane and go all secretly super powerful old master on us?
Feels good. But the victory of Inklings over octolings felt even better
I got a piece of gear with a main of Ink Saver Main, and one sub of Main power up.
Should I go for more ink saver main? Or go for more Main power up?
He physically can't, he underwent a process called sun-drying. He can't use ink anymore and he's over a century old. There's a reason he couldn't do anything when he got tied up and kidnapped in 1 and OE. Only way you're going to see him in action is if we get a Great Turf War prequel.
who's the top in this relationship? marie is the obvious pick but something about her says she's secretly a pillow princess.
Yeah nah that's just the bullshit cover story to keep the agents in the dark.
that squid is dressed as astolfo, a trap from the fate series
Callie is a Switch
big ol floppers
There's no real top in the relationship, they both regularly switch with each other.
good answers, thank you
No its not, retard. That's just the Halloween splatfest gear.
What? It's the fucking halloween gear from the splatfest. The horns+pearl things under their eyes was one of the head pieces
>female hair style
>female eyebrows
There's nothing in that image that indicates that it's a male squid
i need more content of this crazy squid
I'm already burning in hell, it feels quite comfy here.
I know you just bought the weapon but make sure to get used to vertical swings as well. more reliable oneshot kills and looks cooler.
god, I fucking hate astolfofags.
If you wanna discuss more of this go to /u/, I don't want to take this thread up too much with CalliexMarie shipping.
whaddabout weyyos, little woomy?
Share stories
>Final Splatfest
>Shifty Station
>turfing with a Custom Jr.as much as possible and protecting our megabombs
>we get team wiped
>the last minute
>we respawn and swim in a straight line for the Princess Cannon
>I say a short prayer to Squid Jesus and throw an auto bomb into the center area
>get a fucking double kill
>teammate kills another enemy, I get an assist
>we take the center
>Pearl comes down from heaven
>I kill an annoying inkbrush before they can ambush my teammates
>teammate uses the Cannon and blows up the megabombs
>hype as fuck
>we win by 3%
I fucking loved that last Shifty.
pearl's chaos tattoo unironically fixes her design
>fixing something that didn't need fixing
>implying Pearl wasn't perfect already
>yebby on my team hit the bomb rush special
>enemy charger right in front looking the other way
>instead of shooting at the enemy in front of him, the yebby starts launching bombs
>bombs are being launched everywhere except for the enemy charger
>charger sees this and turns around, trying to shoot my teammate
>keeps missing every shot
>its just charger blasts and bombs being launched in every direction
>it's the shittiest standoff ive ever seen
>finally ends when my teammate lost his bomb rush and swam away
i couldnt help but stop and watch this all happen
cute woomy butt
>pearls face
Reeeeeaally enjoying the Kensamo right now. It took a few games to figure out wtf to do. But once I started going to mid my kills started getting back to big boy numbers. Being semi-aggro/midline does wonders for this thing.
i thought i had seen all of jtveemo's work of the crazy x ranker, but i haven't seen this. thanks, user.
I recently bought a Art Zine of Splatoon that's coming over in about 9 days. One of my friends was one of the artists and showed me a sneak peack and I can say it's pretty good stuff with some shit here and there.
Should I scan them and make a thread of all the art when I'm done?
Heck yes.
I lived, bitch.
Welcome back.
Crazy veemo.
Despite people's best attempts, I live to post another day.
>never understood why people hated Shellendorf so much
>they "improved" the stage
>now it sucks
Squigga you crazy, new Shellendorf is so much better.
Is KLK fun? I've heard it's just a discount Gurren Lagann.
considering it's made by the same people as it had a shared staff, that's not too surprising to hear
ink lines are still in ranked versions
I Am Octavio
Kracken Roller
Probably worth it a little just for the titties and ass.
The lack of musclegirl art for Splatoon is depressing.
But yeah, most people say it's a poor man's version of Gurren Lagann with Gurren Lagann doing everything much better. I have to agree with them. Rewatched it not too long ago and it's still amazing
Woom Raider
Looks silly as fuck and I usually dig that stuff.
fuck you
Well, go watch it. I'd say it's good.
Am I safe in assuming the netflix subs are shit?
It's really up to you on if you use sub or dub, since both versions are good. I'd say to go with whatever you are more comfortable with.
I know this is a long shot. But Splat3 should make better use of the Nintendo app.
The app is soooo fucking shitty.
We should be able to:
>Make loadouts from there
>See our own fucking inkling
>Be able to change clothes
>Have access to the shops
>Have access to Murch
>Listen to Splatoon music we've unlocked through it
Anything else?
Just being able to see all the clothing I have would be so useful. It would help me figure out my ability loadouts so much faster.
We should also be able to "compare" clothing.
God that would be great. Hopefully we get even half of those features come Splat3.
long shot, yes, but not unreasonable at all.
It would be the fucking best, so naturally Nintendo's not going to consider it at all.
The app shouldn't even exist, everything it does should be in the game itself.
that would be amazing, but the app is shit
That ain't right.
That's his true form, he's no longer holding back
we back now
aw shit son, nogami celebration
I love this dum bitch
shes a cutie patootie
damn Yea Forums is slow right now. guess a lot of people havent realized its back up, huh?
I recognize that veem
Or people are afraid it's going to screw up again. First CAPTCHA and then the whole site.
Yes, even as high as X rank. There's truly no escape. I've even heard of people who say they know they can jump but dont because their jump marker will "give away" the position of the guy hiding, as if that would actually matter
The app is the most useless piece of shit ever. Does it even do anything for any game outside of Splatoon?
Anyway, I wish the app showed all the detailed statistics from your past 50 games in each mode all at once instead of forcing people to talk to Callie to randomly mention one at a time after getting 1000%
why is she crying user?
I know that veem too.
good point
i want to touch a woomys face.
probably a -40 loss in x rank or something
Long tongues are the thinking man's fetish.
poor veemer
Because Marie doesn't notice her.
Meant for
Damn Squid Sisters are turning all the cephs gay.
>bump limit
Marie posting time.
>play the game for 2 years
>cant reach Rank X
and callie!
do you actually bother playing ranked mode
Feel free to post her too.
i plan to
Are you telling me you play nothing but Turf War?
i mean i play nothing but SR
I'm asking because often with enough time invested you'll eventually reach X even if you're bad
I can't imagine doing that.
Ah. I wasn't the original person saying that and I misinterpreted your response.
i mean i obviously play other games besides splatoon to have something in between, but ranked never tickled my fancy after S ranking splatoon 1
Goodnight everyone
it is ok
thanks for posting good squid
goodnight user
You're welcome.
and thats the last one from me, see you amazing fucks next time
See you next time.
Why do you hate callie so much?
I said goodnight but I wanted to post one last thing.
Good thread.
why are you marie fans so petty?