Ideas thread

Fighting game like SF and MK with an open world story mode in which you can choose who to fight next to advance the plot

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>open world


Ok idea but most of the FGG community doesn't give a shit about single-player modes.

Have you tried the new Soul Calibur story mode? Not exactly open world but you move around a map and pick who you fight to do missions.

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A 3D fighting game that builds off of and fixes Tekken 4's stage design. Make the fights feel like real street fights with varied environments and architecture. I thought having dynamic elevation and obstacles was really creative. It was just that the engine and playstyle wasn't tuned to that, it was TOO big of a change from the original product and the pros got butthurt.

if one can expand on that it might bring more people into fighting games

user, people don't not get into fighting games because there's a lack of single player content. They don't get into fighting games because once they complete that, they go into multiplayer, get bodied a handful of times, and quit.

I think T4 for the most part is salvageable but uneven floors have gotta go dude, depending on your fucking starting position in fights you can get fucked over technically. Everything else was more issues with the physics/general balance than everything else.

Soul Calibur 3

>Boss fight against an EDM-themed character whose health bar aligns with additional equalizer bars, which are in turn linked to the sounds of the stage music. Defeating them requires hitting them in time to the track loop which is not represented by the equalizer.

Soulcalibur III Chronicle of the Sword is probably the best single player fighting game content there was.

Too bad the game itself is incredibly broken and Namco just regurgitates Tekken 5 and SC4 forever without changing much

Can that potentially be an entire game?

dude, normies dont get into fighting games because of that, they only care if the game has the best graphics, the best advertisement, or if its called mortal kombat.
you can make the best story mode ever created into soul calibur or samurai shodown, they are not gonna buy them.

Single player modes are the perfect candidate for the casual normie's gateway into competitive play. Fighting games should invest more into the AI and tutorial side of things. The AI should play more like a human and have tendencies that can be read and not just read your inputs and have a dice roll to perform the perfect counter. Fighting games should have tutorials that teach you about frame data, and frame advantage, and hitboxes/hurtboxes, and fundamental skills.

Machine learning could create an amazing fighting game AI that both learns your patterns and habits and has habits of its own that can be exploited

I feel like that would make for an interesting story mode, especially in SF. You could journey around the world as Ryu and the World Warriors and fight in and witness various fights. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter if the game itself is shit like SFV.

I’m not a programmer/designer, couldn’t tell you if you’d be able to pad a whole game out with it. Maybe see if Yahtzee’s interested for his 12 games in 12 months thing, IDGAF who tries it.

I'm pretty sure that was already done with either MK Deadly Alliance or Deception, but I can't recall.

No, it wouldn't

He actually made a rhythm platformer like that

>playing fighting games
>for the plot

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>open world
That’s fucking stupid. OW don’t benefit fighting games at all. Whatever 1P mode you add, you wanna make sure it teaches, and helps players get better at fighting. So Beat Em Up, Platformer with bosses, Gauntlet, etc...


or sword of the samurai

I'd rather a Guardian Heroes-esque single player beat 'em up mode. Something akin to Tekken Force or Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds.

Tutorial modes are nice, but there WAS a time when people could play fighters without having a sense that they need to be super competitive EVO hopefuls.

any fgc places in NJ that isn't smash?

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Play a tales of on high difficulty.

Smash Bros, especially Melee and Brawl, do a good job at showcasing the types and variety of 1P modes fighting games should have.

Things like Boss Rush, Event Matches, Target Test, Adventure Mode (particularly the platforming segments), Multi-Man Gauntlets, etc... are all fantastic examples that should become staples, and very clear points of inspiration.

Also, on the Combo Challenge mode, which is a staple to most fighting games. Why not give players a chance upload, download, and rate their own combo challenges off the internet? This would a great way to help players learn all sorts of combos more easily, and would be a very fun game mode overall. Rather than task the devs with including whatever combos are gonna define the meta, just let the players upload them themselves.

That sounds terrible. Fighting games need to less accessible if anything.

You could literally do this in fucking Bushido Blade. But zoomers seem to think life on Earth only started in 2007 and they can't be arsed to try out anything older than they are, so they make dumb fucking retarded threads like these, with dumb as fuck zoomers responding
>no fighting games shouldn't have content, MUH SUPER NICHE SECRET FIGHTING CLUB
Fighting games had content galore back in the days. But Zoomers have a shorter memory than a Koala. Fuck zoomers, fuck this thread, and fuck you if you think fighting games should ALWAYS be about the online. Unless you're a bonafide tourny player, you have no right saying this because you're a pretentious tryhard who actually advocates for shit games with nonexistent content.

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KI and Samsho have somekind of a ml system where you can play against AI that's based off player profiles. Or something like that.


>no fighting games shouldn't have content
Some people are indifferent to single player content, no one actively campaigns against it though. In any case, blame the devs and not the fans, devs should be delivering the games that **they** want and not what you guys or other internet autists screech about, and at best only take fan opinions into account regarding bugs and glitches and shit.

Just Yea Forums acting autismal as usual, don't act like a dipshit and you'll find that this shit isn't niche or hard to get into at all. You have to actually enjoy learning and improving which means most of Yea Forums falls at the first hurdle though, since a lot of people here prefer to complain about shit on here instead of getting better at anything.

>no one actively campaigns against it though
have you ever been in a fucking FG thread for any fighting game on Yea Forums for the past three months?

I've been trying to find an FGC in PA that plays Skullgirls.

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Yeah, unfortunately. Someone saying "I don't care about the cinematic story mode" does not equate to "FUCK THE DEV, I'M GOING TO SPAM THEIR TWITTER AND MAKE SURE THAT THEY NEVER EVER DO THIS AGAIN" or whatever the fuck. People are allowed to simply like or dislike things.
On a more general level I hope no dev comes to Yea Forums of all places to help identify how to make their fighting games though.

Sounds like Konquest mode in MK Deception.

More fighters need huge story modes, yes.

Most FG threads on Yea Forums are just rosterfagging, waifufagging, and regurgitating what ecelebs say

Bruh, I've been barking up the predatory mobile currency and nonexistent content tree in every FG thread for at least the past year. Every time I'm met with
>playing FGs for the offline content
>dude, don't like the DLC don't buy it, I am having fun!
>who the fuck cares about customization? Go away

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Ah, the bullshit killing fighting games.

Have you seen anyone actively campaigning against it or people literally just saying that they don't like it? People say that fighting game stories are shit all the time (which is generally true, lets be honest here), I never see anyone say that there should be no sort of story present in a fighting game at all though. I feel like you're conflating what anons are saying with this bullshit agenda that doesn't really exist in any meaningful way.

>In any case, blame the devs and not the fans
You'd be surprised at how reluctant most of Yea Forums is to ever do this (unless it's an egregious example like EA I guess). You can really tell that this place is filled with shills sometimes.

MK already did that it was pretty awesome actually and feel like a full game by itself, nowaday fighting game is only for EVO practice HMM wishing Tekken 7 add back tekken force for the next update but i dont think they care about that

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A new feature is being added in Season 3, so don't lose hope.

That's just Jade Empire user

The crappy MK-style cinematic story mode is supposed to 'replace' Tekken Force it seems. That game had a screwy development phase though for what it's worth, it was originally a cheap product made to claw back money after Tag 2 underperformed, at one point it wasn't going to get a home system release at all. It performed better than expected so they kept tacking shit on top of it but even then they somehow couldn't do everything, the earlier trailers feature cutscenes that aren't in the final game.

Also Bamco are just lazy jews in general.

That's probably Tekken Ball or something.

i mean MK11 basically did this for me. Hadn't played a fighting game since I was a kid but decided to check out MK11, played the story, had fun, started grinding towers of time, started feeling confident with a character, went online, had some wins and some losses, realized I atleast had a chance online, cut to 200 hours later every time I play I'm learning, and its fun, I solely play online now, AI doesn't challenge anymore

>Say I want to make a video game
>Go full ideas guy and start concocting a retarded idea that I could never actually implement
>Decide to "shelve" that and think up a simpler concept
>Start with a simple enough concept before snowballing into another convoluted idea
>It almost always involves jamming in a secret dancing mini game
So how would one go about learning how to make video games?

T7 story had a excellent moment especially on heihachi,akuma and kazuya scene, other character scene or story is anime as fuck, the usual character story mode for everyone is dumbed down as hell, only one fight for everyone shit is lazy as fuck, they could just put it on arcade mode and have it unlock after finishing it, even the new character dlc doesnt have their own story mode

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Open world is a fucking meme and it wouldn’t do anything to enhance the actual point of the game. Don’t ever recommend gay shit like that again OP

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That doesn't sound shit like Jade Empire

>excellent moment
Let me explain to you how retarded this sentiment is. You think hamfisting a Street Fighter character into the Tekken storyline is somehow excellent, despite Akuma doing nothing but marginalizing Tekken's narrative and diminishing the rivalry between the Mishimas by turning it into this cluster fuck of a too many characters on screen shit fest. Not only that, but Harada is such a fucking hack who hates what Seichii Ishii started, that he goes out of his way to whitewash Heihachi and absolve him of all wrongdoing, by placing all of the Devil Gene blame on the mother, and not Heihachi.

First Harada makes Jin (NOT Kazuya 2.0), kills off Kazuya, thereby rendering the kino story of Tekken 2 null and void, and then Harada proceeds to fuck around with four games featuring lesbian Asuka hijinks and Ling Xiaoyou (Harada's original donut steel) which would explain why the terrible CG film was just watching Chinagirl and Robot Lady for two hours before a Mishima fight breaks out.

Fast forward to Tekken 7, and you somehow think forcing Akuma into the story, making this clusterfuck of a narrative Harada has turned the series into even more of a clusterfuck, because he's mad gay for the Ono cock, and is totes tsundere for his Japanese SF dev lover. Harada is so doki doki for Ono the Bono that he just takes this completely irrelevant, anachronistic character and forces the three Mishimas to duke it out with him while some Journalist with less soul in his voice than a bankruptcy lawyer narrates all of this with the zeal of an ED commercial.

You somehow think all of this has led to even one single instance of an "excellent moment." How about you fuck off from Tekken and never pollute FGs with your cancer ever again you unholy turd of a human being.

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>First Harada makes Jin (NOT Kazuya 2.0), kills off Kazuya, thereby rendering the kino story of Tekken 2 null and void
T2's story was rendered void eventually but not in 3 I feel. Jin merely existing doesn't make Kazuya irrelevant. Also Kazuya was foreshadowed to return via Eddy's ending in this game.


Didn't Deadly Alliance and Armageddon already had this?

It's just a joke user.