What does Yea Forums game on?

what does Yea Forums game on?

Attached: 146749-tv-review-hands-on-lg-signature-z9-8k-oled-initial-review-is-this-the-best-looking-8k-set-yet (970x728, 150K)

27" 60hz
want to update to 43 or 32" 144hz FALD

>screen pixel density technology progresses exponentially while computing power is stagnating

Attached: 1550098980237.webm (640x900, 1.33M)

I have the LG B8 4k OLED
it's kino

Based Plasma TV

>dirt cheap
>no input lag
>true blacks
>same phosphors as CRT, rivalling all but $2000 oleds

Attached: 1920px-Plasma-display-composition.svg-1.png (1920x1440, 381K)

What model?

CRT of course. LCD is for phones, not for games.

Attached: kx-14cp1-2.jpg (3000x2000, 721K)

Good luck with all that image retention after playing vidya with a cluttered HUD for more than an hour.

less pixels than I've had girlfriends

27" 144Hz LCD
30" Trinitron CRT
55" LCD TV
Idorts win every time

This is a meme, I’ve had two plasmas in my life one for 10 years and one for 8 years the 8 year old one has been my daily driver for those full 8 years and not a single image has been retained on them. Just basic TLC will prevent burnin.

Attached: 21A8D8F4-B1CA-4F21-9D35-5D88B03A86FB.jpg (4032x2935, 1.83M)

0 times 0 is still 0.

Attached: Ike-Asuka.jpg (977x722, 104K)

Attached: 60D4A621-6E61-4837-9488-F78CCB688118.gif (320x240, 1.37M)

Less means substraction, not division, it was a workaround that predictable punchline.
You're very bad at this.

>I-I've totally had a girlfriend bro
Sure you have. And CRTs totally have pixels.

Attached: checkem-scanline-mkr.jpg (1190x1570, 1.08M)

PS4 Pro on a 65" 4K TV
PC on either a Dell 24" IPS LCD or 21" FD Trinitron

i think i'm gonna get the sony a9g
but it's really close in price to the Omen X BFGD, which might or might not be bigger than my tv unit and I can't find out if it is or not without buying it.
fucking sucks
think i'll just get the sony

>Sure you have
It's okay, I know I have, you project as much as you want mister I post smug anime girls.
Take this XD and leave.

>4K still in its infancy
>barely any 4K material compared to 1080p
>many people still on 1080p TVs because they don't see the need to upgrade
>TV industry now pushing out 8K tv's
they're really shooting themselves in the foot aren't they

LG B8 55"
It's beautiful and way more expensive than I ever imagined I'd spend on a display. Still worth it tho

>girlfriend haver is this desperate
begone, non-virgin.

Attached: P_20190721_003142.jpg (3264x2448, 3.17M)

Rocking a 40 inch 1080p panel. It's small but it works and I got it for free when my brother moved out. For PC I have a 23.5 inch 1080p monitor for primary and a 19 inch 1440x900 monitor for secondary. They're both cheap shit, one that I got for free and the other I paid like $100 AUD for, so they're not going to be amazing, but again they get the job done. I'm looking to maybe upgrade to a 4K HDR OLED TV in the future for games that take advantage of it on PS4 or future consoles, but at the same time 1080p does me well enough for all other media, and I don't want to upgrade my entire Blu-Ray collection to 4K since the majority of 4K blurays are upscaled trash.

You haven't lived if you haven't played on an ultrawide.

Attached: Speccy-140719.png (783x570, 56K)

I did, novelty is nice and every screenshot you take is amazing but it's really not as immersive as people say, you basically dont notice the extra field of view once you're focused on the game and the hoops you need to jump through to make most games work on it makes it even less worth it.
Big ass TV > UW

it always just looked like they stretched the sides out, to me.
But i've been thinking about getting it for FFXIV. When i played wow years and years ago, it always felt cramped and I think that extra space might be really nice.
But i'll probably just stick with the 1080p 240hz instead.