I'm in the mood for feeling smarter than what I actually am

I'm in the mood for feeling smarter than what I actually am

Post games that explore philosophical ideas

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Deus Ex 1

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Nier Automata
Planescape: Torment
Knights of the Old Republic II
Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money

just watch a movie
videogames are pathetic

Am I stupid if philosophical stuff makes me feel dumb.

Talos Principle

What's important is you acknowledge your shortcomings. This is where you can start to improve. And "dumb" is always relative. For example, compared to an actual genius I'm a drooling brainlet.

You feel dumb instead of dismissing whatever you're hearing as retarded
That means you're not dumb

>new vegas
zoom zoom.

SMAC, actually good entry into beginner political theory.

>Hating new vegas

Fuck off zoomer

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Subahibi for any actual substance


>kotor 2
>new vegas
Obsidiots need to leave.

You're supposed to feel dumb

You're only stupid if you think it makes you feel smart

I specifically mentioned the Dead Money DLC.
And it's not Obsidiots, it's Chadvelloners

>new: bad
>old: new


Maybe not 100% related but thief 2 put me in a big think about level design while I was high off my ass last week

this. the fact that it's integrated with the setting/story rather than having pseudo-philosophy occasionally thrown into your face earns it extra marks.

Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno