Things disliked only by contrarians

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Ape Escape

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I don't dislike mario, but I find it hard to play his slippery ass after playing much tighter platformers

Dark souls

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mario run gets boring though

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GO is fucking garbage, but i will forever have a spot in my heart for 1.6 and source custom games

i think the 2d titles are better
the two worlds in oot are bottlenecked by the temple of time whereas you could walk between them from nearly anywhere in the other titles
that and all the fast travel locations are still a fair walk from all the other important places

I love Mario (and Luigi more) with all my heart but Odyssey really was soulless shit for zoomers.

I will never forgive Fortn*te for cancelling UT4.

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Last of Us
Witcher 3
Call of Duty

We’re not all normie shills you know that right?

Anything from pic related

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Contrarian is just a way of saying "Please do not insult our sacred cow". It's like I'm suppose to pretend I never played any other games to enjoy their games and recognize flaws.

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I've never really cared much for 3D Mario.
