Mordhau is now consistently below 10k players


So this is where the big boy Steam exclusives play?

Look at the adjective: Play

Attached: mordhau steamcharts 2.jpg (1645x829, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:

play isnt an adjective

Op is again a moron, no surprise actually. Goodby moron.

>buying fotm online games

Is there some sort of anti-Mordhau community or something these threads are autism

its always the same retard opening new threads with this pic

wtf you mean a shitty game will decline once the streamers they pay to play it stop playing it wtf

This and the toxic community killed it.

whenever I 1v7 during front-line and win I usually see these threads pop up right after.
its only natural

>adjective: Play
what did the autistic person mean by this?

its the same faggots from chivalry
also the game had the same problems from chivalry
fuck those who votekicked for the lulz

its just one autist

>t. soi male

its an EGS shill, trying to make it look like mordhau didnt kill shillvalry

>whenever I 1v7 during front-line and win I usually see these threads pop up right after.
Uh huh

There is an autist that latches onto a game then spams threads about how it is a failure for months on end. Pretty sure he's the CP2077 sun poster.

Reminder that Epic shill shitposting is done by an INCREDIBLY mentally ill shitposter that only makes threads on Yea Forums to bait (You)s and shit up the board.
Here he fucks up during posting the shitpost copypasta for Monster Hunter World with a picture that he uses for Epic shill copypasta:
And you can expect the OP to quickly become a copy paste for him to spam as well.
The mods have confirmed that this guy is a huge autist that uses proxies to evade range bans and creates endless shitty threads, because he has nothing better to do with his life.

Attached: 1528248436511.png (512x432, 369K)

the thing they dont want you to know is that they kill these multiplayer games intentionally. they already made most of their sales, right now they're just losing money by keeping servers up. they might make "revival" event (new dlc, big patch) at some point to make it seem like the game is alive etc but that's just to get another wave of money out of you suckers.

>adjective: Play


>its another esl tries to start shit but fails at basic English
fuck off

play in this sentence would be a verb but i'm the retard for responding so whatever

I know this is a EGS shill thread but fuck it. I like Mordhau but they need to fix their game already. Between weapon balance and the net-code, I don't know which is worse. It's in the same category for me right now as Vermintide 2. Very promising, lots of potential but currently it's being squandered and is just a bit of a let down. Still better than what Chiv 2 will be.
That's sad if that's the case. I hope it isn't but wouldn't be surprised.

It is huge succes when chivlary, mount & blade, dark messiah and for honor exist. Muh consoles, muh knights with sword.

>Tfw we live in a society where big tech contracts outsourcing squizofrenic shitposting operators.

We cyberpunk now.

Attached: IMG_20190810_115250_224.jpg (649x370, 35K)

Attached: 231.jpg (518x710, 87K)

>OP ding-dong diddly working all these Steamarks into a seething shoot
Hmmmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him

>tfw a 12 year old game that hasn't gotten a content update in nearly 2 years has ten times the active players of a hugely hyped game released 4 months ago

Attached: lol.jpg (742x229, 24K)

ya but how many are just idlebots

Have this higher resolution, higher quality pic

Attached: 1561503449842.png (606x832, 962K)

Less than 10% now, and that 10% are mostly trade bots, not idle bots.

Idling is dead because they made it a lot harder to idle properly (you have to accept the new item notification as you get it from the main menu via clicking or else your next item drop won't start ticking down.) plus nowadays if you have a bot that idles and gets half a refined metal in a week, that's literally $0.02. You just spent more money on the electricity to run that idle bot than you made.

The thing I always notice is besides the epic threads he rarely even replies to threads just copy and pastes it then leaves it besides the epic threads where he does seem to reply. He's also getting lazy and doesn't even bother fixing his pasta. I saw him make a few threads about the new wolfenstein and it was word for word identical to threads he spammed for a few months about Just Cause 4.

>he rarely even replies to threads just copy and pastes it then leaves it besides the epic threads where he does seem
you mean like this thread

Pretty much his posts are extremely easy to spot because he uses a very similar posting style. Green text stutter posting seems to be a staple of his.

It's a wrestling thing

Woah this super niche game doesn't have 100k players at once what happened?!
You're one stupid mother fucker you know that?

hes a shill

may god have mercy on your soul, user

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