Dragon Quest Builders

Are you having fun?

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PC version when?


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Never and it makes me sad.


I only have the original. I dont want to go through the 10 hour tutorials of the second game.

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Just finished the main story today

Can you put residents on the Buildertopia Isle? I want to make a comfy town

Yes. It's basically another Isle of Awakening but with much less mountain.

>10 hours

multiply that a few times

but it's definitely fun

Picked this game up the other day as an impulse purchase after randomly downloading the demo, I have been hooked since, I think I'm near the end of the first island chapter. The controls and camera can be a bit clunky at times but really enjoying it.



>Try to make a nice outdoor chapel to make it thematically appropriate for Green Gardens
>Flower Garden takes priority when I fence it in

I really wish there was a way to manually assign a room type if it meets the requirements for more than one.

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Yeah, there's even a separate counter so you don't have to worry about maxing your population by splitting residents between your islands.

>I really wish there was a way to manually assign a room type if it meets the requirements for more than one.
I think they're adding that in the next patch.

It could have been a lot more fun if it was less hand-holdy and let you figure out how to make do with limited tools. I found that secret passage on my first night and got annoyed that I had to wait for the characters to tell me exactly what to do every step of the way. Even the stealth segment just had you follow an NPC through the safe route.

Yeah, idd rather live on my island FML.

I don't know where you're getting that from, I don't see anything like that on the website.

downloading the deluxe edition, then

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>Are you having fun?
Not having fun because it's not on PC yet

It's not coming to PC ever unfortunately, it's still a great game regardless.

>It could have been a lot more fun if it was less hand-holdy
This so fucking much. It feels like the whole game is one big tutorial

Switch emulator is a thing and it's slowly getting better so they better release it on PC soon

Not much far in the game but can you be able to make withered trees, grow vines or make broken crates/barrels?

I hate how they make vines automatically turn into ropes now. I liked putting vines around my towns in the first game.

I don't know about making but I think you can move them with the gloves

I want to revisit this ,but for now I have some Fiah Emberum to play through in conjuction with Dragon Quest 11

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Oh no, not again!

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Enjoy waiting 1 or 2 years


Damn, you rushed through it

>we will get an epilogue in a patch
>all the monster friends we made will come back
I cant wait.

Does PS4 track how long you play a game? I would like to see how much time I spent on this game so far.

Why is a tanned Bulma in your dinner room?

Its the only reason I havent bought it yet. I really dont like buying games for systems that are coming to the end of their life cycle.

You can get vines once you beat the game and get the ultimallet

>build children of hargon chapel in the castle on the IoA
>next island gives you an unholy sacrifice room blueprint

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>I really dont like buying games for systems that are coming to the end of their life cycle.

PS5 announcement next year m8, shit, Xbox already announced theirs, this gen is coming to a close.

you can toward the end of the game, you get this building surface called a tree stump and it builds all the broken items in the game

That looks really nice thanks for sharing user

if you can't get any fun out of skelketraz that's your fault. the whole time i was thinking there would be some secret somewhere to build something to escape, when i found the sewing machine behind the crates in the old lady's room I thought AHA! THIS IS IT! but alas, it was nothing. still, i just accepted it for what it was (a linear story beat) and just immersed myself in it. and there is some decent stuff in there, so it's no big deal.

I stopped exploring in this game after finding a bunch of shit and then being told there's nothing to do here yet.

if you click the right stick and hold down the left stick, or soemthing like that, it'll zoom out the camera and i have found that it generally does a better job at staying further out once you've done that

In the post-game you get a new hammer that forces objects to keep their shape when you break them, i.e. breaking a tree will put the whole damn tree in your inventory instead of turning it into wood. So if you collect ivy with it, you can hang it up wherever you want. That's how I got all the ivy and wisteria hanging up in

you will be able to once you get a special mallet at the end

i have looked everywhere for that, seems stupid it doesn't have it if steam does, i thought it was a common feature. if the game shows it, that's the only way you can know

I am, can't wait for the epilouge to drop. Does anyone have any links to a video of how to use the buildnoculurs? I wanna see what they do before I try to do all the challenges. gimme the link first

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it's worth it, basically you click the left stick, it freezes you where you are and you can manipulate blocks from a distance. you can move them with the glove, break, place, etc.

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That is such an exceedingly useful item, why in the fuck would they put it at the end. Good enough, the girl is from the latest DQ Builders 2 stream by the dev team talking about the final update.

>tfw what little I made is nowhere near as good as this
Why live?

Click the left stick to get locked in place, then you can move your icon freely to place blocks, you can place blocks in lines far easier since the block overlay moves in the direction of the arrow.
Also, the epilouge update will let you set the speed of the 'nocs cause the icon speed is pretty slow.

Does it have online mode?
If not I dont care.
I barely bothered with the first game.

>she will never shout SUGOIIII when she sees your creation

a-user, I...

wait until you go to the notice board and see what those autists have been up to

it does. i'm still unclear on whether you can save the stuff you build in online mode, but I know at the very least you can have somebody visit your island and you can visit other people's islands, and you can use a magic pencil to copy people's buildings by drawing a square on the ground around the object you want to copy. that'll let you place the blueprint in your world and have your serfs build it for you

I love the game.

I really did. I just wanted to get to the end so I can build as much as I want and stuff.

Really? That's great news for me. Thanks.

That looks gorgeous, user. Great job.

Here it is in action.

Rush those tablet targets; it's worth it.

i pirated it in japanese on my switch but i can't find all the dlc or any of the updates for that version so that kind of sucks. thanks for reading my blog.

Where do the monster that come back with you from the explorer islands go when you come back to the Isle of Awakening? I had two follow me back but I haven't seen them since.

Unless you have an animal house, monsters and livestock will just kinda wander around the zone. You can use a Resident's Register to add them to your party if you want to bring them to an Explorer's Shore or just stick close to you. Animal houses require a haystack, pet bedding, and a pet bowl. I think you need to recruit two types of animal to the Isle to unlock the latter two.

Tablet targets are a fucking pain to finish

See for your new waifu.

Some of them are a real pain, but none of them take particularly long to grind out if you really focus on them. The worst by far was breeding pets because of how little information the game gives you regarding it.

Do strong monsters respawn?
I need to get more dragon scales for armor and i killed both in chapter 2 already


Okay. Thanks. I have all of that except for a haystack. I'll get one in there the next time I play.

How long does it take?

You may need to leave the island and come back, but I never really tried to farm them so I don't know if they'll re-appear from sleeping.

>dragon ball minecraft

>look at other peoples islands
>realise mine will never look that good

It's fun stealing towns from other islands and put it into your own island

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They will if you steal their designs with the magic pencil.