Redpill me on the Junk Pirate flagships
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What mods do you recommend? I've only got Nexerelin so far.
Post fleet, colony posting is cool too.
Having alpha cores on infrastructure wont cause anything bad to happen, right?
How does the fucking Cathedral hubship from Ship and Weapon Pack work?
Can you switch between the modules or can you only control the central one and the rest are AI?
>Literally right next to a pirate base
Fucking autistic police.
You control the center module, I don't think you can use Transfer Command to switch but I haven't tried.
pls spoonfeed
Am at the tutorial, which ships should I recover and which ones should I scrap?
Dram and Hammerhead are gud.
Only those 2?
Arsenal Expansion, Disassemble Reassemble, Ship and Weapon Pack, Underworld and I think Tahlan Shipworks is alright. High Tech Armada and Stop Gap adds more to vanilla but quality may vary, if you're unsure or picky I'd avoid it. For faction mods just pick whatever looks cool to you.
how do i make the pirates like me
are those compatible with nexerelin?
Can someone post picture with weapons tiers, pls?
poor little fl*shoid about to get that BRC
Yes. I think mostly faction mods have to show in the OP if they're compatible with Nexerelin.
Ruthless sector
Vayra's Sector
Portrait pack
Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering
Neutrino corp
Fringe Defense Syndicate
Blackrock Drive Yards
Legacy of Arkgneisis
Luddic Enhancement
What is this game about?
mountain blade in space
Mount and Blade + Total War in space
What's that mod do?
adds some life and dynamic politics
>this faggot again
stop sucking this shitty youtubers cock
Grapeshot is rapeshot
He's essentially the only tolerable one what are you even talking about? Are you just mad that he only plays boomer and dad games?
>want to do a pirate run
>join pirate faction, make pirate fleet, help my pirate buddies fight off the Hedgemony filth that infests our starting system
>much fun is had
>except that the moment I leave said starting system every single pirate fleet I encounter still wants to murder the fuck out of me
Is this a bug or is being a pirate just completely fucking pointless?
shhhh alll utuber bad sshhhhh
What the fuck are these "Wanzer" things ftom Diable
I have 1 hangar slot on my cruiser, should I put those in there or get the fighter-bomber instead?
Mate I bet you didn't even hear about this game before him.
He's the entire reason these threads are back up and his video is a legitimately decent overview of the game.
>t. reddit fun police
dude most ships/faction mods are umbalanced as fuck
Cheers, that actually sounds neat.
I just ejaculated on my alpha ai core.
Sure buddy. How about you post templar-chan if you're such an oldfag? My drive got wiped so I need a new copy.
Vanilla is also way too easy once you get the hang of things. Most factions/mods serve to make the game harder and unless you're adding console command ships I doubt you're steamrolling through the game.
Makes all so hate you through terrible rng
alpha core had expected your impulsive behavior and chopped your dick off.
This is funny because you're the one trying to be wacky and funny.
jesus christ man, are you alright ?
I too enjoy being a contrarian.
Wow I'd didn't expect you to be so buttmad about being outed as a newfag. Still waiting on templar-chan just saying.
>gives his key so that you can get it free
ok retard
>[wacky funny voice]
>epic stellaris clone
>buy now consumeconsumeconsume
if only you know who you are talking about
>get into some hegemony system for some quick refill
>get ambushed by 3 large pirate fleets as soon as I spawn in the system
I don't get this game
>hating on the guy who gave us God Hand porn out of his own pocket
>Literally come in with my transponder on
>Leave, turn on, and reenter within 0.1 seconds
>they're fine with it
imagine unironically defending a fat guy
Imagine unironically hating on God Hand and Elona+
are you jumping in from some far away jump point? If there is piracy that is one of the places pirate fleet hang around. Jump to the gravity well near the sun or the planet hegemony runs don't usually have that problem.
Imagine unironically getting so butthurt over a youtuber.
I don't have the old screencap but even fat people can be based sometimes.
sometimes pirates raid things because they are pirates
also most systems have planets or bases of 2 or 3 factions so saying a system is a faction's system is kinda dumb
hey hey people
condors ok, its babys first carrier. id keep it as long as the d mods dont fuck up the carrier part. though if your using carriers you want as many as you can . lone condor sucks
Keep sayin it faggot
>he recommends to use /jp/ for a guide to Elona+
He is literally one of us
That's what I did. Persean league, not hegemony.
I guess I'll stop doing iron man until I'm more comfortable with the game. There's a lot of OHSHIT moments.
Imagine unironically getting so buttmad for being outed as a newfag
not an argument. I win. thanks.
>use all the up to date faction mods on the recommended list
>game becomes almost unplayable with lag
so outiside of the dymasecter factions. What are the must have factions?
Your ain't either though?
>your arent either
esl shitter go back to your country cia boy
Adhominems aren't an arguement buddy. Still waiting on templar-chan.
just increase your ram allocation retard.
Suppose I were to put drugs, some organs, and a few AI cores into storage on some planet.
Will the fuzz rifle through my storage, or no?
literal newfag meme
kys knowyourmeme shitter
Start flying infinitely repeating loops and loading all those torpedoes filled with jpegs of an asian games designer eating a doughnut. It's your only chance.
Alternatively be the first person to buy winrar since the collapse. I'm pretty sure this is just winrar's trial period ending.
If it's so newfag why dont you post it?
>Technology is stuck in a dark age because of DRM and copyright laws
I don't even need to watch the rest of the video, i'm buying it on this premise alone.
well that is unfortunate.
guess pirates are getting stronger.
shit I forgot you could do that.
Is Sseth the E;R of vidya reviews?
>just got rid of 300k Pather station and see this
Who's bitch this is?
Instead of arguing about opinions, let's argue about other opinions. What's your guys favorite space station type? My shits getting rocked by big pirate fleets and I gotta make sure I've got the best choice.
Either the fleet she ran away from is the size of a small planet or this was posted by one guy in a fuckin shuttle mad he got left behind.
Depends on what kind of weapon blueprints you have. If you have good energy weapon BPs, pick hightech
I want an all-afflictor fleet fitted with all the manuverability boosting mods that just harlem globetrotter's all over everything. I swear the AI for this ship is having more fun than I am, enemy or in my fleet, its always having the fucking time of its life.
I prefer high>low>mid. Pirates seem incapable of dealing with teleporting mine, a trait of high tech station. I think upgraded mid-tech has it as well but the spin gimmick hurts its gun heavy broadside.
luddic enhancement inshallah
if I wipe out all the core pather systems will their cells fuck off from my planets?
can a faction be irreversibly wiped out with nexerelin?
A big payout for a rogue exploration fleet. I remember seeing a listing that paid less for dealing with 3 Paragons and 4 Dooms. I guess I have Alex to thank for that.
As a scavenger this physically arouses me.
They respawn in a different system after a given amount of time, I believe, but you can toggle that off.
>hehe i googled le epic oldfag templar memes eheheh
There's an option you can toggle on starting a new run that allows or disables the ability for factions to respawn after wiping or if they weren't present at sector generation.
oh cool I just didn't want a faction to be wiped out entirely thanks
Is this like X3?
can someone give me the run down of this game?
If it's so easy to Google why don't you just post it then?
The AI is really bad, like holy shit. You tell them to escort you, they hang back at all times following you around instead of actually engaging the enemy. You tell them to attack a particular target, they hover just out of range doing absolutely nothing. You tell them to "retreat while defending themselves" and they immediately expose their engines to three ships and try and fly in a straight line to the retreat point.
Is it just because I have no commanders on the ships?
Found another flagship/capital ship/ what ever its called. Its the battle carrier in the bottom left. I cant afford to run 3 capital ships. I can only do station bounties since every other bounty is like 20 ships and I get over whelmed. Should I sell it or what should I change my fleet comp around to? I'm getting stuck in game.
Yes and because you didn't set their AI behaviour
it's because otherwise they would kill themselves and then shitter would cry on the forums that AI are suicidal and suck. Just get aggressive officers
You're not supposed to order them. Yes, it's ridiculous.
wait what
Fly back and forth buying and selling stuff from the same two stations for half an hour, buy a ship or two, encounter an enemy force that is slightly larger than yours, and die. Realize that fighting is utterly worthless, go and explore the universe, find a nice planet, colonize it, instantly make ten billion dollars and buy or make all the best ships in the game.
>have nice star sector i like
>tri-tach base with and independant base, downside is also pirate base but i dont need my transponder on
>off on bounty one day with okay-sized fleet, my Doom carries fights
>pirate raid alert on my favorite sector pops
>fuck year time to melt some pirates
>get to the sector in less than a week
>independant base is gone
>tri-tach base under siege
>eburn into the fray
>3 full-sized armadas are assaulting it
>jump in anyways, i must defend home
>effectively take out an entire armada exclusively with my Doom, the rest of my fleet were mostly fire support
>station gets taken out, my fleet gets mulched during retreat
>reload and try again
>same result
>reload again and try different strategies
>same result
>reload again
It's like I'm having a premonition of atrocities to come, and everything I do to stop it is met with defeat. It's not a vital sector or anything, the Indie and Tach bases weren't even military, but it was my hub sector for a good portion of my early-game. It hurts to know I can't save it.
just leave it in one of these abandoned places orbiting some planets and go pick it up later
wish I had done this instead of meticulously fighting my way and smuggling drugs for tens of hours
Where you add mods to your ship like safety overrides. It should be at the bottom where you can set the AI's behaviour.
>bro im not mad youre mad dude wtf
Oh neat, I suppose that would make sense that your faction builds stuff based on your BPs. God this game is neat.
Low tech
I just like all the damage it tanks and all the dakka it dishes out
I feel like this shouldn't be able to happen
Still waiting.
I don't see this too often.
What the fuck? This was a thing?
who's orbiting who
>Realize that fighting is utterly worthless
have you tried not being shit? bounties give more money and faster if you know what you're doing. Pirate fleets are all bark and no bite
does mid have more dakka
How much will I regret installing ruthless sector?
just put it in storage for later
you alright buddy?
Only on its front section
Low tech has it more evenly distributed towards the entire station
>just roaming around being a bounty hunter and occasional explorer
>decide to establish a colony just to cover the increasing monthly expenses
>doing well besides the occasional pirates and lunatics
>colony grows bigger and get expeditions due to market share and the freeport status too
Maybe I should just go all in and slap in AI cores too.
The mid is pretty fuckin cool to see rotate around and just btfo everything but then 66% of the time it's strongest face is hitting little to nothing. It's advantage being as it rotates around it gives time to bring stuff back online
I could have saved so many ships doing this.
Oh my god thank you user, this fucking made my decent carrier based fleet fucking slaughter shit.
Unironically this. I don't want to try a new game with a bunch of unbalanced mods and would prefer if the fans of this game just made a chart recommending the various mod factions based on how well they fit into the base game.
The real reward of bounties.
>Lifeless world
>Free port
>tens of millions of people living there.
I feel like you filed this with whoever handles space IRS as a tax dodge. Or do you just turn off all the lights whenever the Hegemony turns up for AI inspection day?
shitty dmod ships?
How have I not seen this before?
Am I fucking retarded? Can someone screen shot what it looks like? Am I running on the wrong version?? Is this a mod??? HELP
Based Alex and his retarded tutorial that tells you jack shit
TFW salvager and I like the D
I don't have AI cores installed yet. They're already sending expeditions due to the freeport anyway. Thinking of removing the freeport but -5 relations every few year isn't much and my agents can easily get that back.
I dont know what everyone is on about. Theres a way to adjust your fleet's behavior but its not in the refit screen, but the command screen instead
>my agents can easily get that back
wait they do that?
what else do agents do, never hired one
Hegemony and the Church are objectively good. Prove me wrong. You can't.
You can restore those with the bounty money anyway.
Do officers have to participate in battle to get EXP or can they stay in reserve?
I can't see where to find this
I've been selling a lot of [REDACTED] Drones on the black market and started noticing a lot of pirates and shit are using them now, is that a feature or just Baader-Meinhof in action?
it's a feature
you sell blueprints to a faction, they know produce those ships/weapons
I know pirates will eventually get all the blueprints you sell on the blackmarket, I dont know about redacted drones
Oh fuck, really? I've just been hocking blueprints on the black market.
That explains why pirates are fucking everywhere in my game
So that's what that tab meant/did.
That's not the same thing, it's for your own faction's generated patrols
Well I usually just send them to increase relations, which is 40k a mission for ~13-21 rep. They can increase or lower relations between other factions and disrupt/sabotage industries too.
yeah okay how the fuck are you tards even out here
This really helps with retarded AI.
Guys how does setting my faction blueprints work? I set it to prioritize some Wolf frigs (P and H) but my fleet compositions dont change away from just hounds and shit. Do I need the original Wolf blueprint before I can make variants? Or do I just need better space ports/patrol things
Whats this then?
>set them to aggressive
>battles suddenly easier
I believe the wolf is a high tech frigate and thus requires you to have high tech industry to produce it
post your best RC8 vanilla seeds. in terms of terran worlds
Alright, I submit
Thank you
Oh makes sense, I didn't think it was high tech and didn't look close enough to know.
Its not about the tech level, you wont get to build anything from your blueprints without a heavy industry
Is this a big deal? I don't want to reset but having pirates running around with WMD's isn't an appealing concept to me.
How do I delete factions? Just raid their worlds until they depopulate? How long does that usually take?
I really like this game.
I need to get back to my home colony to get these mothballed ships refitted.
Not depicted: about three Omens, another, mothballed Eos
My colony has only one industry? How do you actually make money from this?
Your colony gains industry slots as it gets bigger, silly. Even a small colony can make decent money for a beginner if it's got the good resources.
Still seething. Newfag
Make it grow
Make colony bigger, you get more industries
You need a LOT of startup money to make a successful colony.
Honestly if your going to sell em at all pirates are best. Just cause they are running around with dmod versions instead of brand new fuck your face in ships. Just think if you sold them to luddites.
>he didnt take the going dark skill
I have three large carrier ships and my go dark takes my detection range down to 100 units.
You can literally at that range engage in combat without the enemy knowing you're there.
Its your lucky day
No, they only take AI
Refining was always big bucks for me
>Turned up maximum fleet and battle size
>Come across a bounty with a really big fleet
>Tell my fleet to stay still and wait
>All their faster, smaller ships stream into my fleet and get shredded
>Half their fleet is gone by the time their capital ship reaches me
How does it actually make money?
>my fleet slowly drifts at enemy's fleet
>enemy's fleet slowly drifts backwards
>repeat for 20 minutes
how is this fun
why would you make the enemy ai like this
Can someone screenshot this button? I cannot see anything.
Do I get commissioned by the Tri-Tarch? I hate every other faction except for maybe the Luddic Church and Perseans, but I'm curious on what Capital ships get locked out in access if I accept it.
Press d. Look at the tab at the top. Press doctrine.
You can press escape and claim victory if they're running away.
>Sunder flagship
I see you're a captain of culture as well
Just started. What should I set my battle size to?
With them it's a little difficult, since they only have a couple colonies and a war with the Hegemony can crush you quick. But it's fun so.
they're not
they're just
slowly drifting backwards
if i turn away they'll get closer but as soon as I turn to them they start running away again
How many skill points do i get
I'm sorry? Still waiting.
Other than it obviously being fucking assloads of LY away from the galactic core, is there any downside to settling colonies in the bumfuck far away regions of the sector?
Wow, the Doom REALLY gets fucked when it has to fight other phase ships.
Not him but if you're calling an user out for knowing templar-chan and saying its a newfag meme its you who's the newfag.
Every industry has an upkeep cost which is modified by the planets hazard rating. i.e. 150% means all costs are increased 1.5x, this is the fee you have to pay each month on structures
Resource producing industries (Farms, Mines, Light/Heavy Industry, ect) will produce a set amount of resources from the structure, and from the planet itself. So if a farm produces +4 by default, and a colony only needs +3 to survive. That +1 extra will be sold every month. Anything you don't produce yourself will be supplied by a local faction.
You can make more money by letting your colonies population grow with time, growth incentives and/or free trade, by picking planets with +1/2/3 resources, by finding special items which can be added to industries to make them more efficient (generally they add +1 to an industry or -1 to demand, which translates to +1 to sell) or by having a colony within a system produce goods which another colony needs (reduces the resource cost of the producing colony by 50%)
Obviously it depends on the system, but general speaking the following would be the best outcome
>V world with +1/2 farms
>A secondary world (typically a volcanic or metal world) with +1/2/3 common/rare ore and volatiles
>Farming, Light Industry, Heavy Industry and a free industry of your choice on your V world
>Mining, Refining, Fuel and a free choice on your secondary world
A good administrator is also super important. The most efficient option is to take the skills yourself, but you will have to spend 9 points. Followed by using AI cores, but this will attract a lot of attention.
Generic Administrators you can hire are expensive, and not very good, they are really there to let you expand more if you want more colonies. But you can make more than enough money off one really good system, rather than trying to spread yourself thin across many systems.
Get them Dooms
Sorry but it is a Dire Wolf. Basically a Wolf but cruiser sized with a large energy mount and keeping the phase skimmer.
Though I love the Sunder in all the variations I've seen, the Sunder GM there being really fucking fast and my backup flagship.
Can other phase ships shoot each other while in the alternative dimension? I've played this game for years and never came across this
SpeedUp lets you play at 2x speed in combat
Or use Console Commands mod, which lets you nuke the enemy fleet, if you're already won there is no point waiting to kill that one last frigate.
Do still get a chance to fight the smaller IBB bounties after I kill the big ones? I want the unique ships but I neglected the board and they only give me the 500k bounties.
are 0.9a mods backwards compatible with 0.9.1a?
They cant do anything but move while phased
Still waiting.
Large energy weapons on fast destroyers is top-tier regardless - I haven't actually seen that ship before though. Is it from the Ship/Weapon Pack or something else?
not really, it's actually a bonus if you also haven't really explored the rest of the area
hacking you now say bye to your files
Hell yeah. It's from Vayra's Sector.
Still waiting.
I have only one colony at the moment and I'm not sure if I should get any more in the same system, but if that is the best thing to do then I'll do it once i establish the first colony well. It's a colony with "widespread ruins" so I built Tech-Mining on it first.
is there any hull mod that increases max burn?
What is the consensus on the Vindicator? Just got my hand on a stock variant, the range makes me hard.
Alright I've been defending my favorite space station from a pirate assault and my killcount in this raid alone is almost in the thousands. I understand that the raid is being launched from a hub elsewhere on the grid, but it's like they have infinite supplies or something. I'm at the point where entire armadas back off if they get close to the station. I've effectively gotta fly in circles around it to keep them at bay, and even then I've gotta help the stragglers that they try to pick off like scavengers and Sec.
Is this waiting thing a new meme? What is that about?
Reposting again, it doesn't look from either this tooltip or any of the income menus that the 200% hazard rating has any impact on structure upkeep. The base upkeep for everything is the same for all of my colonies that consist of one terran and six other desert/arid and barren worlds, when I know for sure it did last patch hence everyone saying as much.
Augmented Drive and/or Militarized Subsystems for Civilian Ships.
>reckless with carrier skills
An user got outed as a newfag and accusing an actual oldfag that he's a newfag. Oldfag posts proofs and newfag is acting butthurr cause he can't post proofs and oldfag is teasing him.
What does fleet doctrine have to do with in combat AI behavior?
What is the point of learning blueprints? Dont you have to give your colony the blueprints? What do you do with nanoforges?
>high level timid with no space for all the carrier skills
Just another user getting BTFO'd for being reddit nothing new
You need to learn the blueprints yourself for your colonies to produce them. Don't sell them to other factions (unless they know them already obviously) because they'll start using them in their fleets. Nanoforges go on heavy industry/orbital works which increase commodity output of the industry and the quality of ships in system fleets and available to purchase. Sell corrupted, keep pristines.
tfw a pirate base is next to one of my colonies but the fleet is too big for me to deal with right now. The only thing I can do is stare at it with malicious intent.
I see. Sounds fine to me.
reminder to dl neutrino and console commands to spawn yourself a hammer ship
good times ahead trust me
I'm already bored of starsector, how did sseth get "hundreds of hours" out of this game? Must be lying
Aggression. It sets the personality type of officers in your faction fleets, as well as changing the behavior of ships without officers in both your own fleet and your faction fleets.
How bad is using AI cores on my colony?
What ships do i want to recover/get? So far i was recovering everything i got on my way
Mods. Lots of mods.
Holy shit its actually you people thought you died
If he owned the game years ago he probably played a fair amount each update and got replay value out of mods. Worked for me, I'm still here after seeing that one thread where OP posted a Conquest's adventure.
Hey anons, which fighters do you guys use?
Did for a bit when the jannies and mods banned me for posting helpful tips they thought was spam absolute shitheads they are.
Is there a mod that makes all the pilots cute and sometimes lewd anime girls?
You can if you use some degenerate's portrait pack and swap out the vanilla portraits under starsector-core\graphics\portraits. With paint and a notepad you can crop and add your own stuff to the mod.
Actually I think I figured out the issue. My aggressive officer on siege battleship absolutely refused to get close to enemies, but it might be because he has carrier based skills, so he tried to hang back and use those I guess.
Hammerheads, Falcons, and Shepherds have taken me through the game so far. Just order the Shepherds with pd weapons to escort the destroyers/cruishers. Make your bigger ships focus on nothing but shield and a big guns. Then later you can get some proper carriers with interceptors to fill for Shepherds. Sheps are also nice because they amp scavenging.
My fleets been
> 2 x Falcon
> 2 x Hammerhead
> ~8 x Shepherds
>some tankers and transports
Granted I'm still pretty new but short of doomstacks I've been able to take on basically anything and defend my poor colonies with some good captains.
I like Khopesh, Dagger, Claw, Broadsword and Flash. Sometimes I use Spark but I miss the old version, alongside old Warthog and Dagger wings.
This game reminded me that Stellaris exists. Did they ever make Stellaris not fucking suck?
Modded factions you like and dislike, and why
>Arkgneisis: like the scrappy underdog theme. fun unique systems like the siege drivers and dakka-heavy PD. surprisingly fun and challenging to play as
>Interstellar Imperium: the faction theme is too cheesy but having the best destroyers makes up for it. fun unique mods that alter the way ships look, leading to each ship having 4 distinct variants. the inbuilt weapons kind of suck though
>Blackrock: too brainlet to micromanage and kite appropriately
>SCY: ships are buttugly and the AI doesn't know how to use them. unique systems and weapons are bland. popsicle sticks
>Outer Rim Alliance: space paladins in every way worse than Knights Templar. ships look too out of place, even with the alternate colour scheme. weapon effects are too over the top
I've got the Sseth's meme ship (doom) how do i actually turn it into the killer queen or at least make it useful?
I absolutely love the Spark drone inty. Don't gotta worry about losing my crew and they are fuckin fast and hit pretty hard for interceptors. Recalling from my eve online drone boat days, sometimes you want more speed on your drones rather than raw firepower. Getting from target to target and cleaning up small trash quickly is very nice.
Lux heavy fighter and Xyphos support are quite nice too. I like to put converted hangers on my ships that lack pd tools and throw a Xyphos on each one. They rip and tear through small shit.
Stellaris is excellent now - I bought it on release. When did you last play it?
bruh, are you the same guy who didn't know what a tanker does
The ship by default can phase and plant bombs
Now just add reapers and antimatter blasters to it and destroy shit
buy some freighters dumbass
buy freighters. Not combat freighters, freighter freighters.
Where. I've yet to find where to buy ships
HOW are you even managing to play this game?
Go to colonies, space stations, places where people are
Then go to their buy menu
Then select Refit/Fleet to buy and refit your ships after switching to the Buy tab in the upper middle part of the screen. After that, make sure they're repaired and ready for combat if the station allows it, and rock and roll. You can wave over the ? mark when buying a ship to see what it is, what it's made for, how much cargo/fuel it can carry, and basically anything you'd ever want to know about it. Go get some freighters, haul shit, trade up, make big investments and dick on markets.
How could I forget about them, those and Longbow are great for EMP and shield breaking. Xyphos on non-carrier ships are great, the OP investment for converted hangar is absolutely worth the 0 flux Burst PD and Ion Beams. Then on occasion my ships send them over to escort me and I have 10 Ion Beams at things I shoot at.
I want to be able to cast Blight on planets for fun and genocide billions. Can I?
Maybe the guy is MERELY PRETENDING?
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Where do i get it? It seems awfully fun to play.
bumping this, unless I'm missing something hazard rating means absolutely nothing this patch?
any ships i should buy with those 170k perhaps?
They appear more often in Tri-Tachyon markets
If by casting Blight you mean nuking them from orbit, then sure.
>Diable Avionics: Most aesthethic, Pandemonium and Maelstrom are really fun thanks to their Heavy Flicker Cores, I really love missile spam (though they could use a large missile weapon) and wanzers fuck yeah (even if most of them get fucked hard by anything EMP)
>DME: really damn good looking ships, even nicer fighters, actually seems balanced now
>SCY: Like you said, the AI doesn't know how to use them abd that's because most of them are very overtuned for precision. Nice missiles though, also got an alternate sprite pack today.
>Junk Pirates: Some of their ships look too organic, generally feels like they require ship spam to be effective at all.
The Persean Sector is a bit smaller than that, but you can weaponize fuel.
I see a lot of planets have fancy terraform tech like those mirror satellites. Can you blow them up or knock them out of orbit and ruin the planet they orbit?
What are some good ships?
There's at least a billion people in the Persean Sector.
>Conquest can't focus fire ships because its guns are facing in opposite directions
>Its shield is only covers 90°
What the hell is the point of this ship?
It's the definition of shit-tier
One side guns, other side missiles
>be blowing up pirates for the past 2-3 months, transponder off, cop comes over to give me a spanking, can't tell them I'm out here murdering pirates at the behest of your government so as prevent any animosity
And this is why I now just keep it on. Sure it attracts the pirates but really who cares their ships are absolute fucking shit and it's more money and experience for me
>entire sector of space
>somehow a billion people are having trouble surviving on dozens of planets
Fucking how? There's 8 billion crammed just on this shitty rock already and we don't even have all that cool tech
memes. It's also the most common capital in the sector and easiest to obtain since pirates will have them.
In seriousness, while the shield is shit it can bring a LOT of firepower to bear at once. it can effectively use 2 large ballistic, 2 medium ballistic, 1 medium missile, and 2 Hurricane MIRVs at once and has excellent venting so as long as your not taking shots with your shield you can sustain huge amounts of firepower
bought paragon-class battleship as my new mainship
what am i in for?
It's designed to circle around the enemy. Says so right in the description. You isolate one target / a group of targets, circle around them, take them out with your overwhelming fire superiority, and hold off enemies from the other side with your other guns.
because as per lore they're recently coming out of the Domain civilization utterly collapsing so what we have now is all that's left of presumably the entire colonized sector if all the ruins everywhere are anything to go by.
So what exactly goes into your monthly expenses? It seems random, after a long enough period you just start losing money monthly instead of making it.
That's why I said at least user. Though combined with the previous two massive wars and the sectors previous status as a back water frontier, the numbers will probably be lower than most.
Also, just to note, everyone is like starving so.
Once you're high enough reputation it doesn't matter, they won't care.
Lack of habitable worlds that can grow food along with pirates constantly raiding and the church constantly chimping out at anyone who even makes the slightest hint of progress
This is also something to note, it'd make sense to presume everything just gravitated to the center since there are so many stations and gates outside of the core worlds.
turns Starsector into Mount and Blade IN SPAAAAAACE
also lets you mine
I don't understand how I'm supposed to destroy enemy star fortresses.
The rest of the fleet literally sits a mile away targeting missiles no matter what I tell it to do.
The hardest hitting ships I have are too slow and bulky to dodge incoming fire, meaning I have to soak up damage and overload or vent and get assraped by 5 million turret shots. And by the time I manage to get one of the fortress' shields down I'm out of flux and need to vent.
Ranged upgrades don't help because the fortress is shooting from 2km away. Speed upgrades are useless because they take away from firepower, meaning no way to get through shields.
It's so fucking frustrating and no matter how many varied fleet/ship loadouts I try I can barely get one of the rotating portions destroyed before the other 5 obliterate my fleet.
I know I'm not retarded and I know I'm not bad. Is there simply some mechanic I'm not aware of or some ship/weapon I need to unlock that's specifically built for fortress attacks?
Does Varya's Sector work with Nexerelin? I didn't think they were compatible
Crew costs and officer costs. Also storage costs if you do that.
>I know I'm not retarded and I know I'm not bad.
You need more. Like a lot more. For me 2 legions and 2 Onslaughts regularly kill all stations with some difficulty, though it's hard to get my hands on them most of the time.
They are, the only one thing they share is factions colonizing and Nexerelin makes existing factions colonize while Vayra's Sector has four new factions pop into existance and colonize about two cycles into the game, by default.
>I know I'm not retarded and I know I'm not bad
I had already inferred from your attatched image you were indeed a fucking retard but I didn't think you'd dunning your krugers this hard.
>hegemony and luddic chuch raiding my colony at the exact same time
fuck off
Is being commissioned by the Imperium a good idea? Started the game just yesterday.
Honestly, I like SCY. They have amazing fleet stats, with most of them being burn 10 or higher as well as being almost invisible while still and flying them in combat is fun. They make really good smuggling ships if you bring some decent burn 10 non-SCY ships for the AI to use
Just got the game today, what should I do after completing the tutorial missions?
Is it worth to turn a build a fuel refinery on a planet that harvests volatiles? It's making me about 80k a month just on exporting volatiles (and a little bit of drugs) the refinery will eat up 5 out of 6 volatiles produced by the planet.
>Legacy of Arkgneisis
Speaking of which, their sprites are getting redone and they are looking damn good
You'll be hostile to whoever they're hostile to and iirc you don't get that opinion back even when their hostilities end. The perks are being able to buy thier primo military ships (with high opinion) and you get a monthly stipend and any enemy fleets you kill get you money and opinion, including any pirates anywhere, like those ones that keep messing with your colonies.
do missions, save money, and learn how to deal in the black market without getting caught. Build a sizeable fleet that you can afford to maintain.
I want Sseth to review Unreal World
Why is the one on the right censored?
About to start up, what should I be doing in early game to make my life less hell?
So what exactly is lurking out there in deep space?
its not censored
it just happens to look like a japanese dick
I hope they don't go too heavy on the red, Diable already does that look
I think I'm just gonna let the AI fly the expensive ships of my fleet while I use a disposable tin can. I always manage to get myself flanked or the enemy manages to fire the killing shots just when I'm venting.
Gonna guess these two are new ships the dev is keeping a secret.
The actually secret ship that can be found right now is not getting a new sprite, apparently
>venting in range of enemy weapons using anything that's not a Dominator
user the S key makes you move backwards you can try it sometime
If you do the tutorial, take a commission with the hegemony then stick to hegemony space for a while, doing deliveries, salvaging and bounty hunting
Once you've made enough money, drop the commission and start colonizing
Lots and lots of [Redacted]
>tfw max aggression level 20 waifu commander
>she regularly scores over half the major kills per battle
>has never let herself take hull damage
>has never let an escorting frig die
Yeah, I know but just when I think I'm safe with my phaser a missile boat off screen fires a volley or something. I just keep making retarded mistakes with any ship that's not Wolf.
>click on station from tab view
>press E for engage
>watch your fleet engage station
user I don't understand how the fuck you've managed to fail this badly at basic mechanics of the game.
my strat that always fuckin works is to put an aggressive captain in your scariest ship and then manually fly a carrier with escort fighters to escort it with. tons of kills and you don't have to do anything other than target flankers and small pests
>go out surveying systems
>transverse jump and see this
They look friendly, I'm sure I can get some fuel out here.
Hey guys im pretty shitter at this game and im doing ok (only had to give myself fuel once or twice because a jump point took me into a star).
Found my big carrier but I was wondering, what are ship types for. which ones go best with each other etc.
I struggle to find any decent tutorials or help vids on youtube.
akshually e is 'eliminate'
but yeah if you're having trouble with ships not fighting start targeting mvp ships and they will attempt to bring them down
just shoot more dakka at it
Combat is the only fun aspect of this game. Why penalize you for it?
This game just bullshited me, I was supposed to deliver 2000 food to a nearby planet for 100,000 and the moment I reach it nothing fucking happened!! it's not even contraband, the planet is friendly, the mission only asks me to dock on the planet, and I can't do anything, fucking hell.
>gave myself fuel
why do you even play games if your going to cheat.
Open comms faggot.
I literally got fucked over by a star that pushed me so far out without being able to move :(
Honestly just start trying shit in your fleet and keep what works. My personal preference leans towards mobile medium size ships. They can take some hits, and if they can't maintain they can move away and skirmish. Hammerheads are my favorite but are harder to find. Falcons are everywhere and pirates use them. I use a lot of em. Use escorting frigates and converted hangers for pd/trash
You don't have the food. That's a procure mission, not a delivery mission. You have to buy the food yourself. Either that or comms off.
That's not getting fucked over. That's you being a bad captain. I can't judge too hard because I save scum, but my saves are every 30 mins or so, sometimes I get fucked over.
>can you deliver this food?
>*eats all the fucking food*
>where's my reward?
Shut up nigger.
are skills like coordinated maneuvers and electronic warfare usefull?
come on nigger, he is the only youtuber who don't suck incel or sjw cocks.
i never bother capturing shit so coordinated maneuvers is kind of trash for me
electronic warfare i've no idea, i'm too much of a brainlet to figure out any skill that isn't "GUN DO MORE DAMAGE", but when you fight [REDACTED] they can fuck up your range pretty bad due to their electronic warfare skills
Literally free fleet-wide buffs
it is now I that feels stupid. Just got off work no bulli.
No I don't have a problem what do you mean
is that transvere jump ability worth the points?
don't these skills work without capturing buoys?
I'm having so much trouble keeping my colony supplied with shit until it grows enough for me to build as many industries as it needs to be self-sufficient. Pirates are endemic and I can't wipe them all out.
I'm thinking I just need to get a bunch of colonies in the same system, fuck the actual hazard ratings, and then build up all the various industries one at a time so I can just be hauling goods around my one system rather than a hundred LY to the core and back every time I blink.
they do
What does capturing buoys even do? I just ignore that shit and kill everything. Never notice a difference after taking them.
Its super useful
>Small ass patrol tells me to turn transponder on
>They run away
Why are you even trying
It feels like my ships are always lacking in some respect compared to the AI. Like I buy a Shepherd, think it's gonna be decent for PD or something. The fighters do nothing. Meet an enemy with drones, they're insane bombing drones that oneshot ships and knock out their shields and the carrier moves as fast as my gunboat does so it's impossible to destroy.
Speed is a huge problem, honestly. If I build my ships to be fast, they explode from malfunctions thirty seconds into the engagement. If I build my ships to not be fast, I can't shoot anything.
>durr hurr a system that only has mining?
>surely the bright idea is to flood it with colonies instead of leaving it and finding a system with diverse planet industries!
this game gives the best rng ship names
C is eliminate, E is indeed engage
build better, the ai usually has access to military tech so they generally have better shit than what you can buy from the black market unless you look for loot
Electronic Warfare is an amazing 1 point skill. You get fucked hard by enemy ECM without it.
the buoys add up to 10% speed or ecm not really worth it most of the time but this does stack with the skills
>several tiny fleets "maintaining contact" with my fleet hovering just outside of reach
>can't trade with black markets because "you're being watched by patrols"
you need to take exploration contracts and loot yourself up to military grade tech, until then, yeah, you're gonna be losing and running most of the time. Autofit typically does a good job, modify from there but don't get too crazy and you should be able to get more consistent results. After you get the hang of what's important, take the wheel from there.
Why is this game popular all of a sudden?
cute dog
chan jewtube man did a review on it and everyone found out it existed. They have shit for marketing desu, i bought the game like 4 years ago and forgot it even existed because it changed names.
I also have a 'not worth salvaging'
Holy shit you're right. Somehow i missed the existence of engage. This will help
>uses discord
>is racist to appeal to children
>shills porn
>uses stale unfunny memes
Found the underage b& lmao kill your self
Wanted a decent large carrier for my pirate run. So in true pirate DIY fashion I strapped a Mora to an Atlas Mk2.
>what the fuck are these "Wanzer" things
you have to be 18 to post on this website.
what's the difference?
you start out with a +15000 a month that lasts for a decent amount of time. when that runs out you get a huge spike in cost cause now your running at a true deficit.
all officers cost different amounts based on lvl
each crew is 10
He's already based for putting his money where his mouth is.
press d, then q. that's why you're poor.
Does this game run on the dedicated GPU by default? 80+% CPU and 15% GPU usage seems a bit skewed.
Eliminate is a sort of "all-in" order. Your fleet will focus that target down and effectively ignore the urge to avoid taking damage to make sure they're dealing every hit they can.
Engage orders your fleet to attack, but still grants them permission to take evasive maneuvers and self-sufficiency tactics.
How can i save the colony if i spent almost all my money (400k left) and pirates are fucking up my defensive platform every 30 days so it can't get back up?
I'm fucked? New save?
leave it alone and muster enough strength to kill the pirate station they're coming from, and get an orbital station up asap after you remove them from the system
Are any of the factions too OP to install? I'm thinking about just loading all of them that look complete. I remember early on that Neutrino and DME tended to be more powerful, but they seem to be more balanced nowadays.
Templars when
It can happen in real life, the size in Starsector just makes it look silly. At the end of the day, a black hole is just an extremely dense collection of mass, and it is entirely possible to have a stable orbit around it like any other object. In real life, the black hole would likely be slowly hoovering up matter from its companion until either the star novas, is reduced to a white dwarf, or else the black hole's mass grows great enough that the companion's orbit is destabilized and it is either ejected from the system or is absorbed into the black hole.
yawn alarm
I mean, it's fully upgraded.
It was doing fine with maximum level patrol building and defensive station of maximum level, but they got through it once and it can't get back up.
>leave it alone and muster enough strength to kill the pirate station they're coming from
I don't even know how much strength i need for that.
thanks, that'll be usefull
>find a tundra world
>kinda hazardous but at the same time it has ore and organics for fucking days
>could become a space billionaire in minutes had i the starting capital
>but theres nowhere to build a relay in the system
please tell me theres a way around this so people will see the billions of fucking transplutonics i can make
What start fleet is best for new game
just make a place in a system beside it so it's all connected to one trade network (yours) and they'll ship it out. Probably? Or manually ship it out
No stable points at all?
What should I do next for pirates?
nope, the system is pretty empty but has some decent planets for mining operations yet not a single stable point
so if i went to a nearby system and made a relay i could connect them?
I was under the assumption that all your systems are connected together and share resources. Huge surplus should get shipped out of your network? You should test and report back.
No, the game runs on java, it's very cpu intensive.
>try imperium mod
>ships feel super clunky and the weapons are all horrible besides the pod rockets
why do people like this mod again?
Can anyone explain how the cap on deployable ships in a battle is determined? I keep getting into fights with pirates where they can bring a fuck ton of ships but I can only deploy like 5.
I have a planet with everything but volatiles, but can't get it to grow enough to build more than one industry on it. What else do I do?
The number by each ship on the deployment screen. An Atlas, for instance, has a 10 next to it, meaning it costs 10 points to deploy. Big giganigga capitals cost lots of points, while frigates cost fucking nothing (pic related). The point limit can be changed in settings, up to 300 I think.
Trade will still occur even if you don't have a relay in the system. All that happens is that any colonies in the system will get a -1 stability penalty, and you won't get access to missions and commodity prices while you're there.
If you really want one though, you can put this into Console Commands to spawn a stable location where your fleet is.
runcode PlanetAPI star = ((StarSystemAPI) $loc).getStar(); if (star != null) { $loc.addCustomEntity(null, null, "stable_location", "neutral").setCircularOrbitPointingDown(star, VectorUtils.getAngle(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), MathUtils.getDistance(star.getLocation(), $playerFleet.getLocation()), 180f); }
The AI wars also destroyed most of the civilization left over outside of core. The collapse of the Domain, the march of the Legion to core (the policy being to strip planets on the way, which of course lead to many outer worlds being razed) then the two AI Wars, all cutting things back to the most civilized/settled core.
The base amount is determined by a maximum set in your options for the sake of performance which is the total for the entire battle. How much you have and what you can deploy is based on the difference in the size of your forces vs the enemy's forces which gives you a portion of that maximum and how much of that measure each individual ship takes up for deployment is based on the supply cost to get them ready for combat. If you know how mount and blade manages its numbers and reinforcements its more or less the same logic.
I don't remember if any mods have done some pirate conversions, so I say Falcon's big sister Eagle. Or you could do common sector ships like Venture, Dominator or Enforcer since they're common and abundant. Pirate versions of crew support ships would be funny but would have to be irredeemably shitty like the Mudskipper.
are you a bad enough dude to colonize a black hole?
Tyrador and Neutrino are compatible with 0.9.1a?
pirate stations are always shit 3-4 frontline cruisers should be enough
They don't crash the game, if that's what you mean. That being said, Neutrino is broken as fuck (as in it barely works). I don't know about the state of Tyrador though.
Is alpha striking or gigantic numerical superiority the only way to kill anyone in this?
>Literally loses monetization on half of his videos
>Uses the other half to either literally give out free games or porn
>Only plays games suitable for people above the age of 21
It's quite incontrovertible that if you don't like him that you either hate all youtubers, or are a zoomer.
So he's Yea Forums, and you're complaining because what? You think you're better than this place while shitposting here?
Guess I'll wait for them to be updated.
>tfw no ability to be a humble rural farm planet
I hope colonies are greatly expanded
How else?
>Yea Forums
>actually racist
actual retard faggot detected go back to your containment board newfaggot
Is there a tier list for faction mods out there?
>No dude this man is super duper for realzies worse because he says the same things Yea Forums does
Unless you've never been called a nigger or a Jew here, which I don't believe for a second.
wtf I love being PC now
it's nearly unsustainable but I steamroll every fleet
>I am going to virtue signal about race while calling people faggot
Should I always purchase supplies and fuel from the black market?
Top Tier: Fuckin' uhhhhhhhhhhhh Diable
Bottom Tier: All those other ones
tahlan has it but if you just want the eagle (p) and tempest (p) you'll have to tear the mod apart
enforcer (p) is in vanilla
Hell yeah I wanna experience it
user, that's not how opinions work
Having better quality and faster ships and just skirmishing
Bigger fleet gets 60% of the battle size, smaller fleet gets 40%.
Pirates get to deploy a fuckton of ships because they spam cheap frigates and their ships tend to be d-modded to hell, meaning they have reduced deployment costs.
You can change the max battle size in the Settings, but the default max is 500. If you want to increase it even more, open Starsector\starsector-core\data\config\settings.json and search for battlesize.
When do you guys recommend to get commissioned into a faction? I'm relatively new and my fleet is weak, but i have enough reputation to join the Hegemony.
>Picking anything other than dominator for your first cruiser
I seriously hope no one does this
>same level as you
>largest ship is still a pirate cruiser
Which mods adds more industries/planet improvements.
I want to create centre of the Galaxy
>their ships tend to be d-modded to hell, meaning they have reduced deployment costs.
Is this a viable strategy? Can I just spam like 100 ships that all have inconsequential D-mods on them?
If I store shit in a decivilised pirate base is there any risk of some fucker coming back and taking all my weapons?
D-Mods dont actually decrease a ship's deployment cost, just the supplies it takes to put it back to max CR
Do it earlier to make easy fuckin money. You wouldn't wanna do it later, unless you're not planning on making your own faction. Commission pay and bounties are ridiculous when you're just starting out.
>your faction has system wide bounty
>go kill pirates there for double payout + monthly
i got insane luck and found the 2 XIV battlecarriers, one without d-mods, before level 20
Unfortunately mods that add anything but factions are hard to find
the XIV legions are guaranteed to spawn and have several recoverable, and generally all in the same constellation.
ty sseth
I saw user pic with Medical bay improvement which isn't in vanilla.
Maybe I will add nex and faction mods.
It would be really fun to create ancap planet with drugs, organs and heavy armaments industries as separate enterprises
whoa neat
What are some good build for sunder?
Is Tachyon lance/HIL+2 Grav beam a good option?
elaborate on guaranteed because I've never seen a wild Legion (or any capital really) and had to either build my own or salvage from failed expeditions on my doorstep
>fucking massive luddic convoy goes to hegemon territory to trade
>hegemony declares war on them as the fleet is on top of me
>fucking luddites attack me
>mop up their shitty convoy and collect all the loot
i knew taking a commission from the hegemon fucks would pay off
don't lose it, they're the only ones you'll find in the game.
Tachyon + 2 light needlers ruins shit
just hide behind planet
what station is the good station for colonies? they all seem to cost the same.
when a galaxy is generated there is around 4 legions placed as salvageable wrecks you can recover intact. other derelict ships are randomly generated but the legions will always show up in a play through
Depends on what your weapon blueprints look like
>try to play a good boy who doesn't antagonize
>keep underestimating the fuel/supply costs required for my expeditions into unexplored space
>keep getting stranded
>run out of credits paying off my rescuers
>finally reduced to spamming the distress signal and preying on anyone who shows up for scraps of fuel and supplies.
Just wait till I get this beast up and running.
Does enhanced drive field actually do anything?
Okay guys, what kind of mods would I go for if I wanted a basically vanilla experience but expanded? A vanilla expansion if you will
Which mod is this?
How do you even obtain it?
Check fuel range on intel menu, only move around where it's bright orange.
It does exactly what it says. It boosts your burn by 1, which means your ship will travel faster on the sector map, but it won't do anything if the ship is faster than your slowest ship in the fleet as the speed is always equal to the burn level of the slowest ship in the fleet. Usually it's freighters and fuel tankers, so install augmented drive fields and militarized susbsystems on those to bring them up to 8-9 burn.
Sacrifice 100 Onslaughts to the gods
If you were an AI pilot what would be your behavior? Mine is reckless for sure.
Do you use combat freighters? What ships are worth having on a battlefield while having a good cargo capacity?
>How many micro missiles do you want
Neutrino, its a joke mission from the title screen
Is there a way I can configure the controls so that I can have my crosshair stay on my cursor and the WASD keys move me in the same direction regardless of my orientation?
I usually just stick to a commission and go about doing small time stuff until I can afford doing bigger shit. If my fleet is able to take down pirate battle stations thats about as big as you really need it to be to do most things outside of civilized space. Anything more is usually overkill unless you're hunting the biggest redacted concentrations and will fuck you over in upkeep. Even now that I'm at the point where I make almost a million a month off colony income alone I still have my commission because since it scales on your power level I get 100k+ a month.
That steady that always ends up over extending
There isn't one. It's just a sprite. I've just got to plug it into the ship editor and make it into a mod or even roll it into my own edition of doable. Just stating that thing to make it not too OP will be a challenge though.
Just got the orb ship from the International Bounty Board and paid 400k to repair it.
Low tech, midline or high tech?
They still show as 6 burn afterward and I still move at what feels like the same speed.
Timid carrier pilot that uses Xyphos en masse to protect the steady that overextends
All of them
check the options mate
That means you have a ship that travels at burn 6 in your fleet. Check the fleet screen for quick information about ship burn.
>not getting close and personal to unleash your reapers
It's like you don't know how to have fun.
the gemini is the most effective freighter to have in a fight since it has both a medium missile slot and a fighter bay, assuming your fleet is around 10+ gemini's you can reasonably fight off pirates while retreating from them
How do I get my bounty rewards? e.g. pirate bounty in a sector?
Automatic if you beat them.
Does anyone have a mod for native fullscreen resolution for 4K.
Or does someone know how to make the game start fullscreen on my second monitor without making my second monitor my primary monitor?
Reminder to let alpha cores manage your colonies.
What build do I use for infinity missiles
Well, it turns out it was me being stupid after all, the food was actually rations, and my ships ate precisely one of them seconds before reaching the station.
>tfw having trouble winning 3 stars danger
I'm so bad.
literally let the ai handle everything for you
wait for raid/invasion notifications between two factions
go to where they fight and salvage
if it's a huge brawl you can often salvage cruisers with no D mods and looting the debris should yield a massive amount of metal, supplies and fuel to dump into the nearest station
salvage isnt the most profitable job unless you follow wars, but it's a damn good way to earn some cash if you hit the right spot, I've picked up a Mora and Eagle with no D mods from salvaging in my current game as what got me started and have been so focused on trading since that I've not done any more, I'm gonna go have a look at looting more battlefields now
Midlines are my favorite. Helps that there are more midlines than any other tech I think.
Ahh thought it might be, thanks
Gryphons, all of them
Is it best to assign an Alpha Core to my prime Industry or the Infrastructure of the colony itself?
I love fast ships with safety overrides
the entire colony, leave the industries to the beta/gamma cores unless you're swimming in alphas
reckless Dominator that Burn Drives in an enemy's face while firing Reapers and getting mad when I completely miss
Daily reminder that if the Luddic path and the Tri-Tachyons didn't do all the stupid shit they're known to do, the sector would be 100 times better.
My brother!
Really, 90% of all the shit wrong in the sector can be traced back to the Tri-Jews
Cautious, I sit back like a bitch and use bombers and long range ballistics.
>download a bunch of mods for fun
>get myself a diable battleship
>it's shit
>rack in more money, get myself a neutrino battleship
>it's also shit
man, and i was worried about modded ships being overpowered
the fuck is going on
finally joined up with Hegemoney to get myself some sweet 14s, tanking my reputation with the rest of the sector was totally worth it
The game has been around for a long time and most of the big faction mods have slid themselves into the game's balance over time because having super OP stuff in this game just ruins the experience.
Diable Maelstrom is one of the best battleships in the game. If you were using Pandemonium, that's on you, even the description says that they were inefficient and more of a propaganda or demoralization ship.
Is there any mod that improves the intel interface ? Also are the quest you get from planetary pubs available on the intel screen ? Does a comm relay give me every available mission in the sector or do I have travel around ?
>Diable Maelstrom is one of the best battleships in the game
not really. 1 large hardpoint and a mediocre omni-shield really hurts it. being able to phase skim isn't that great since you're still a huge target and can't dodge homing missiles.
>Also are the quest you get from planetary pubs available on the intel screen ?
yes, Accepted tab on intel
>Does a comm relay give me every available mission in the sector or do I have travel around ?
travel around or install comm sniffers
I know but honestly I'd like for them to be comparable to vanilla battleships. Paragon wipes the floor with both of these, and so does Onslaught.
>Maelstrom is good
How? The little missiles are great and the flicking is bomb but honestly it just doesn't do enough dakka, and all but 1 of its hardpoints are medium or small, which makes it suck.
Is there a specific type of planet you should built a fuel production facility on or does it matter at all, I found a Synchrotron Core
preferrably one that produces volatiles for you to mine so it can support itself more easily
Now that is an underrated mod
How many Class V planets have you found?
The different faction mods usually try to play to a sort of theme and I don't think either Diable or Neutrino are the kinds that do big dick direct engagements with battleships that wipe the floor with several small ships at once. Interstellar Imperium plays a bit more like that and Ship/Weapon pack has a bunch of general ships that are more rounded, it also has the Victory class which is my favorite ship which is like a Conquest but with the firing arcs all able to train front with two inbuilt upgunned notHephestaus assault cannons so it plays like a less cumbersome Onslaught.
26 total in my sector.
How do I properly arm a griffon?
Xyphos fighters any good? Came across some in a weapon cache.
If there is a problem, is that many of the Diable weapons have underwhelming effects for how powerful they can be.
For example, the Recson S and Recson V are really good kinetic weapons, but you can barely see the projectile going and taking chunks out of shields. Burchel and Glaux repeaters are nearly invisible either, and those are really good with expanded magazines.
If you don't put a cyclone reaper in the large slot you're a coward
Should I increase my fleet size or save for a colony? I have 700k
Free point defense and ion beam to support ships in your fleets, yes its a good support
shipping a mora. big brained.
Neat, thanks!
Does the storage in Corvus get searched, can I leave AI core there? (the abandoned station).
Also, I found a class 5 terran-ish planet, had high grav and low light or something for 150%? hazard but seemed pretty good with rare ores and no downsides other than the hazard rating.
Never made a colony before so wanting to make sure I make a good one to start.
holy fuck thank you for the suggestion
I thought all I needed was sabot SRMs since they robotech and mirv nicely and delete anything they hit
I was wrong
You don't win fights with "dakka" you win them with intelligently using your ships. There isn't a ship in Starsector that can continuously fire while taking damage on its shields and stay in a serious scrap for longer than fifteen seconds unless it's a Paragon.
>can't dodge homing missiles.
That's what PD is for.
>1 large hardpoint
And a shit ton of medium ones. There's a lot of excellent medium weapons that you can use to overwhelm any craft that are also flux efficient to boot. Large weapons are seriously overrated, a lot of them are shit and aren't what they're cracked up to be.
abandoned place is safe, yes
>You don't win fights with "dakka"
wot da zog
Why do most remnants leave me alone and some attack me on sight
Some are sleeping.
Fleet size.
Alpha cores are your friends.
Are AI's even bad or is it just technophobia. I like my robotic manager friends
If real world is anything to go by humans shouldn't govern themselves