What went so right?
Nintendo has been renewing every major IP with great success.
Can't wait to see Metroid Prime 4
What went so right?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP, your thread is at the end of the board and about to die. Seems like nobody is interested in it, or maybe it has just been overlooked.
Nevertheless, thread marshal Flora has decided to give your thread a second chance.
Fun game and cute girls. What more could you ask for?
For me, it's Lysithea.
>Actually thinks that Metroid Prime 4 isn't cancelled
OP I have some bad news for you...
Graphics that don't look like a low budget PSP game.
Ah yes, I too prefer interactive movies!
Graphics don't really mean shit when the game is fun, which it is.
I wish they gave more thought to the monastery. Once you figure out the loop it just becomes a chore.
Being able to fuck Sothis's footpussy.
>Story finally isn't a 1:1 retread and the script manages to have an actual character (singular) for what is potentially the first time in Japanese recorded history
>Gameplay is piss easy and simplistic
>Choose your ending LMAO
>>I-it's the greatest thing ever even though its completely lost all steam since the honeymoon phase is on its way out!
Where's the Strategy and/or Role-playing in this Game?
It's the heavy moral ambiguity. None of the Three Houses is "right." The plot is the good kind of slow burn, revealing bits of the mystery without disrespecting the player
It subverted our expectations.
The hype built around Fates quickly faded one we learned about the two games shit, no petting and shitty story and localization.
3H is not olny a fundamentaly better game than Fates (and arguably SoV) in every single field, but we were expecting so little of it that the fact it was good made for a particularly pleasing surprise.
>even though its completely lost all steam
There are still daily threads what the fuck are you talking about?
Adding some anti-aliasing doesn't turn a game into a movie but it does make it more pleasing to look at. I'm not saying the game is bad but it sure is butt fucking ugly.
Why're you playing this game in particular, then?
There are swathes of games with far better gameplay. Fucking Chess has better gameplay, and you can even play against an A.I. that isn't pants-on-head retarded.
i don't care for the game but the porn is fantastic
this game is has sluts galore
Chess does not feature any cute girls.
There are four threads up right now, not including OP's pathetic delusion that is this thread, and they're all waifufaggotry.
I suppose you're right, in a manner of speaking. I was wrong.
The fucking thing never had any steam.
Why is this not on PC or PS4? Fucking soiboys.
I'm 100% sure you can buy anime tiddy chess pieces, or just miniature figurines if nothing else.
Art design is an extension of graphics. Fire Emblem has a unique (somewhat) art design. Just so happens to look like liquid shit.
Those Warlock titties are something else though lemme tell you what.
>Why is this not on PC or PS4?
Because Fire Emblem is a Nintendo exclusive?
Nintendo owns Fire Emblem since you know
I fucking hate Sony retards like you.
Fair enough. Previous games weren't that interesting for me since they were all chibi themed. This new one feels more like persona/smt
>Previous games weren't that interesting for me since they were all chibi themed. This new one feels more like persona/smt
You what mate?
What? Game sucks ass.
>Remove a ton of systems from old Fire Emblem games
>Rated worse than the last 2 games
>Literally shit tier anime writing
>The easiest and most passive game they have made to date with shit performance
What's good about it? Even the strategy is hardly there. It's a generic anime shovelware game that doesnt hold anything on Tactics Ogre.
no kids and s rank for all to worry about
I want to give this game a chance, but WAY too many people are talking about the waifus. What kind of game has gameplay so terrible that people would rather talk about licking Tharja's armpits, or licking Lucina's feet? It's suspect.
This game can't come out on PS4 because it has sexy female characters and a lot of traditional family model/roles conversations/jokes, sorry Snoyboy.
Idk what threads have you joined but i see anons talking about the whole game and not just the girls.
> comes from a manchild playing kids games
oh, the irony
>tfw they removed character creation
>literally zero backlash over it
Huh. Figured people were gonna freak out over it.
What does anything I said have to do with the PS4, you fucking retard? I have a Switch and the game. It's shit.
Bringing forward the point that it has "sexy female characters" as a selling point of a game also proves my point. No one fucking cares and that has nothing to do with enjoying a game, you fucking cock sucker.
The first three posts ITT are literally just people talking about their waifus. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you?
Can you go full volcel MGTOW?
I don't feel like romancing anyone.
No because the game barely has anything to do with waifu shit, its extremely toned down when compared to fates/awakening, infact you only marry the partner you choose at the very end of the game and then the game ends.
all you have to do for people to start lore discussions is just say "Edelgard did nothing wrong" and lionskeks will flood the thread dumping lore just to try to prove you wrong
>myrmidon and mercenary look top tier on male byleth
>every single advanced class outfit looks fucking horrible on him
My next route, currently on GD and finished the canon route Blue lions.
Why is it always nincels who brings shitty console war shit out of their asses?
>infact you only marry the partner you choose at the very end of the game and then the game ends.
The fact that marriage shit is still in the game period is a really, REALLY bad sign. Also, look at how blatant the waifu pandering is with the female characters. They didn't even try to hide it.
it's always snoys, they still can't get over omega labirynth fiasco
The Switch created some weird cult of weirdos that use it as an identity piece. Literally any negativity on this board surrounding it is dismissed or they get extremely angry.
It's what you get when dealing with spectrum children.
>really, REALLY bad sign
In what way
>Moving the goalposts
Nice to see you admitting your lack of arguments.
>omega labirynth fiasco
Literally what?
Then dont fucking buy it if you dont want to nigger if a game having female characters instantly turn your autism on then fuck off already.
Imagine being a sony fanboy
>no one cares
Somehow I'm not so sure about that.
Ignoring the waifu pandering, it exists solely for stupid plot progression stuff, which is something you'd only see in a cinematic experience. This was Fire Emblem's second major problem: WAY too much story.
>chapter 6
>in the monastery underground battle
>"beat death knight or rout the enemy in less than 25 turns"
>get to death knight
>1 turn left
>have Byleth grabbing the last chest
>whittle him down to less than 10 hp
>turn over
Are the chests even worth it?
Stop basing your opinions off of Yea Forums if you want to enjoy anything ever.
You can choose to go it alone.
How is the game in handheld mode?
Don't have fucking Byleth, one of the more powerful units in the whole game, opening them dummy.
sure some anti-aliasing would be nice, but i wouldnt call the game butt ugly
however, the clouds in the monastery are butt ugly
literally minecraft clouds
They didnt though
>One of your top 3 units grabbing chests.
you did this to yourself user
one of them is a march ring (+1 movement) and i think it's the chest at the very north, so if you can only get one get that one.
There's a ring that gives +1 movement, which is definitely worth it. Dark Seals are the only reason to fight the Death Knight and they're almost useless, so prioritize the chests and kill all enemies.
Haven't had issues (looks pretty sharp, but has lotsa jagggies) but it looks ugly as sin. I usually don't give a fuck though.
You know, as popular as this game is getting, you know we won't see a goddamn thing of it during the yearly videogame awards. It's all gonna be fucking Death Stranding and Doom Eternal.
The text can be hard to read. Definitely play it in docked mode if you can.
Or other Switch games for the honorary "Nintendo game that is nominated but never wins shit", like Luigi's Mansion 3. FE is not as much of a critic pleaser either.
I learned to stop caring about awards a long time ago.
>I didnt pick any chests and speedran to the death knight because i never fucking used chest weapons in my last playthrough
i fucked up didnt i
I only see bitches and hoes talk about Fire Emblem on Twitter. I'm 100% this game is shit considering its audience.
>Students are hitting Advanced classes
>Byleth is not even close to qualifying for any of them
Fuck. I didn't think I had to grind Faculty Training.
So this game is actually good? Better than every FE before Awakening?
Fire Emblem has been really popular since Awakening like 8 years ago.
Imagine being this mad over people having fun. Why don't you get a Switch, user? You can have fun too.
A good game with decent visuals.
Pisses me off that this pretty low effort entry in the series (even Fates was better) sells purely due to brand/marketing/gachashit yet VC4 bombed despite being a superior game in pretty much every single way, even content density
Denuvo literally raped VC4, low marketing + no piracy = zero word of mouth.
>Better than every FE before Awakening?
>Choose your own ending
Theres 4 endings that youre locked into at the start of the game, or are you talking about the insignificant s rank cgi?
>Previous games weren't that interesting for me since they were all chibi themed.
Meh, at least Byleth now shows up in cutscenes.
Still weird they gave them voiceover but only in battle.
It was also in FE6/7/8/9 you nigger
The graphics are fine. The biggest issues are the lag and bad animation blending.
Its probably the best FE to date.
I loved VC4 too, but three houses is a better game.
Frankly the VC games are too easy, I wanted a hard mode in Vc4 but it aint there.
The game is great. The story and characters are actually good and the gameplay and maps are solid.
No mods for VC4 yet like VC1 Gallian Crossfire? Or is it too hard with Denuvo?
Every FE is better than awakening
Three houses is pretty good, just waiting on those harder difficulties to say if its better than conquest for recent ones.
Better story/characters than 90% of Fire Emblem, but gameplay is mostly casual friendly and the difficulty curve is erratic on hard. Lunatic would probably be more consistent.
Overall, it's a step in the right direction, all they need to do for the next is really focus on map design and balance.
i'm sick of people using the "LE MOVIE GAME" buzzword as a "get out of criticism free" card for nintendo.
fire emblem's visuals are unacceptable for a $60 game in 2019, period. the lack of effort, quality control and attention to detail are glaring just from looking at any random screenshot of the game. the only way a game comes out looking like this is if the devs and the publisher just don't care. and let's get real for a minute - it's fire emblem, it's never going to wow anyone with gameplay to make up for it.
speaking of gameplay, you nintendofags call persona a "movie game" for having vn segments and cutscenes. now, you're praising fire emblem as goty for copying the same formula you criticize with persona. the hypocrisy is glaring.
I was on course when it came out so I got it on my switch.
So no ideas about mods.
>this pretty low effort entry
It's the best game since Path of Radiance.
VC4 didn't bomb.
Not when they reused 80% of the assets of the 1st game, budget games don't need to sell much to breakeven and VC is treated as such.
where you are in all my inazuma eleven threads you fucking bitch?
Sometimes you just need two men
Nintendo isn't anything of a publicity pleaser in the first place. It's always Playstation games that get all the attention.
this is a nintendofag false-flagging. they make posts like these so they can say "BUT SNOY DOES IT TOO!!!" when they beg for p5 and mhw.
Yes they did. You're stuck with a stagnant avatar. Changing the gender isn't creating the character.
>you're praising fire emblem as goty for copying the same formula you criticize with persona.
Ah that's brutal then, a great part of VC1 was the mods that made it so much more fun gameplay wise so you didn't just aim for running to the flag with a scout all the time.
It failed because it had so many semen demons and literally just had a 2 CGsets.
>Comes back from the death because LOYALTY
is he the most based character in FE?
nintendofags have been spamming the board with fire emblem goty threads all week.
>but three houses is a better game.
Gameplaywise VC shits on FE.
I keep hearing its like Persona.
I only wish in Persona youre able to kill 2/3rds of the cast
That's a bit debatable on Nintendo's side. Playstation's game division tends to focus on more mature-themed games and do less games with bigger funding (Last of Us 2 being highly polished visually, for example), so they're more like prestige.
And it's a,good game.
not him, but i own a switch and will still never throw a birthday party for a consumer product in my life. that's cult-like behavior.
I loved VC4 , but playing it after the remaster I can say a lot of good things about it, but a lot of effort isn't it, as it's just the same game plus one new class, and three houses at least put some changes to the character's models, in VC it sucks all characters are the same model with a different face, height and all.
>Flayn playing Fruit Ninja with Felix
It's like persona in the sense it had character supports (which FE had before P3), and a calendar based system.
However, unlike P3/4/5, you can skip all the running around the school and even skip straight to the maps if you don't want to minmax. The supports are more than a vehicle for characters to fellate your MC, and being a military school, the story is actually based around the main characters sheepishly laughing every time they mention they might have international war.
>Felix tells ingrid to have sex
This guy has the best supports in the game along with granny-fucker sylvain.
I'm about to play this. Should I play casual or classic? Never really played FE btw.
Classic hard, otherwise there's no pressure at all.
Normal = EZ
Hard = normal
Lunatic = hard
Just do hard classic. It should be an acceptable starting point.
They finally got good writers for the entire game and they actually changed up the mechanics again from Fates
While I enjoyed Fates’ new mechanics a lot on Conquest, half of the FE experience for me is the context of each encounter and the personality of the units I use
I love how they re-did how weapons are upgraded and you can most reasonably maintain the same weapon by wisely using resources.
I fucking loved the Monastery though I wish it had even more stuff to do, maybe more mini games
I also liked how they brought back personal skills from Fates, those are always nice.
I also really liked Beasts, I hope they keep this structure for boss-type entities in the future.
Overall, really good game and experience, the story actually had me engaged from chapter to chapter. I hope Lunatic mode has a lot of care put into it
Except pokemon. It went into the bog.
I really like battalions and gambits, I hope they keep it and improve on the mechanic in future FE games.
Classic forsure, Hard is still pretty easy but if its too daunting play normal first
More like choose your own campaign
Even more interesting is that tons of plot is revealed in support conversations
this, the beasts were the most interesting addition to the game
well, from a gameplay standpoint, you do need consistent models size in VC, since its an "aim"-based game/ XCOM can has differently sized models cause aside from bombs, you dont actually "aim"
well, in hindsight, varied models size with actually changed hitboxes would be interesting tho, since you can get the "smaller character - safer character", or "big, risky, but has great damage"
Not by nintendo.
Battalions would definitely benefit from having a Dragon Force style clash between yours and enemy battalions, since right now, whoever hits first and with higher % benefits from the debuffs.
FE isn't done by Nintendo either if you're going to argue like that.
At least our kids games have tits.
>It should be an acceptable starting point.
Is it actually? I heard the game handholds you hard but I don't know in what ways
everything i ever wanted in a trpg, really. Shame we dont get to control 1
like, what can be cooler than using a 4-space fucking dragon that is a destructive force of nature, and you actually have to space your units well enough to have room for it? TO's dragons were fun, but they were too small to be interesting and became sth more than a bigger stat-stick
Btw I keep hearing discordind opinion. By someone, it is the best game since the series went to 3ds, a good return to old standards, etc and by someone else is literally described as a kusoge.
For what I have seen the general art direction feel indeed a little "cheese" and the graphics are a punch in the eye, but is the game any good? What is it?
>Seteth voice keeps remind me of someone
>search a little
It's fucking Il Palazzo
You can put bows on any unit. You can rewind the battle as much as you want 5+ times per battle. It also gives you a lot more information on who enemies plan to attack on their turn.
Whats the best team I can build if i chose the deers?
Forgot link
It is definitely choppy presentation wise, but I unironically think it has soul.
The biggest flaws are certainly difficulty curve, and reusing/some lackluster map designs. There's a few good ones post timeskip, but a lot are just forest choke points.
so you cant "accidentally" overgrind with normal infinite grinding, and have to use your head a lil bit to plan out your limited time pre-skip
just so you dont throw your students into death's gaping maw, and come out unscathed. There's a rewind function for when you fuck up so you dont have to restart the whole fight
its not really hard, but the handholding is pretty minimal
>Fuck you nigger
>Felix and Dedue achieved support level C
>Fuck you animal
>Felix and Dimitri achieved support level C
Hilda great knight
Marianne Holy knight
Igniz Bow Knight (+40 hit)
Catherine Falcon Knight
Falyn Dancer
those are your stars
Definitely recruit a pegasus from another class (Petra or Ingrid) so that you don't try using Marianne as a flier, you need to keep her in a healing role. Felix is a cool unit for a first playthrough as well. Put Hilda on a Wyvern. Invest as much as you can in getting Lysithea to B reason as soon as possible.
For those who wanted a political fantasy VN with SRPG gameplay on top it's a good game.
For those who don't really care that much about the context/are mainly into FE for the gameplay or just outright enjoyed the whole of the 3DS entries more for a variety of reasons, it's a pretty mediocre and shallow entry that some keep thinking will improve with the addition of lunatic when it's just kinda loose from the core, especially in comparison to the best in the series.
Personally, coming from playing Fates/If in Japanese I can't hide my disappointment, though I do also have terrible taste. It's still an enjoyable experience, it's just kind of lacking in a pretty bad way.
the graphic is offensively bad, yeah, but its a joint venture between IS and Koei, where Koei actually had to do most of the engine. and you know they fucking suck at optimization and making anything other than the main characters models good-looking
everything else is great tho, esp story. gameplay can be harder, but there're maddening and lunatic coming in a free update, so people are waiting for it
>yfw MP4 is the only one that doesn't turn out to be a success
The game is too easy, and the maps are pretty mediocre, but those are my only real issues. So hardcore gameplay purists are pretty lukewarm on the game, but I think the complete package ended up being something definitely worth the money.
>you cant "accidentally" overgrind
I did all the paralogues as they poped up and ended up severly overleveled
nintendo publishes the games and co-owns the franchise. they share the blame with game freak and creatures.
Nope. You must mean FE Heroes which has them like that in some instances. That's not a real FE game though.
Yeah, especially if you had a transformation or beast master class
I hope 3H gets a follow up that does for it what Conquest did for Awakening’s gameplay
>beast classes that are playable
>WAY more gambits with more specific effects
>character-pair specific adjutant bonuses
>more weapon types and classes in genera
Fuck me, 3H made me excited about FE again
>chibi themed.
Reminder that her fetish is fattening you with cake
He’s talking about how the 3D models in the 3DS games had different body proportions than their art, with slightly stubbed limbs and larger heads
>Doesn't want to get fattened by Lorenz
>Wants to fatten others
What a hypocrite.
>caring for fixed awards
Death stranding will win award to best movie
you fags keep bitching at the graphics yet fail to realize how may fucking units are on screen during attacks and how much of the map is actual to scale
the later map have hundreds of models on screen, without lego graphics the switch would melt, I would rather a war look like A FUCKING WAR with soldiers and not just 20 anime people poking each other
its only flaw are the horrible maps
also new game+ allows you to use silver and brave weapons at base
there are 2 games out of 16 like that, what the absolute shit nigger are you smoking you absolute zooming brooding drooling faggot cunt
sssh, it already got rebooted mid development, don't let it be for nothing
Pocket Wife.
A golden rule for FE is to always go for the chests. The chest in the bottom-right of the first post-timeskip map is a good example.
What does NG+ do in this game?
>Basing your view of a game on its audience alone
I think the problem here is you, not them.
>comes back
>token brown character
Even though Golden Deer was my first playthrough, I was still overjoyed when he showed up in the Imperial Capital.
you can unlock literally everything except the supports that are locked by time skip
I noticed this when I was trying to give her a meal with a boost. I only had vegetable meals and she completely hated them
Then i had dialogue where she mentions shes the youngest and it all made sense
Mostly just lets you spend renown to re-earn skills from your previous playthrough. Usually you spend it all getting a high professor level near the start. And you keep your battalions.
you can unlock literally everything except the supports that are locked by time skip
I was able to buy multiple S-ranks with characters I hadn't romanced and weren't in my house.
> rated worse than the last two games
A quick check on Metacritic or
Opencritic says this is bullshit.
I thought in the Marianne paralogue she was going to use her crest to transform, and was a bit disappointed when she never did.
>and reusing/some lackluster map designs
Definitely the biggest flaw. Especially with how some maps are reused for paralogues. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't every character in Fates have a unique map for their paralogue?
It's a shame that their charge attacks have shit accuracy, and never feel like a real threat.
Slight missed opportunity given the first Black Beast we see to use the Crests in that way and transition into full Kaiju Emblem
B faith is better since she gets Warp. Get her reason up until she gets Luna and Dark Spikes, then put it on hold until she gets Warp.
Oh shit, I dumped all of my renown into statues
P5 and MHW aren't first-party titles. It's far from the same thing.
pretty much, but to be fair, the 3ds games' map are very lightweight and easy to create
3H maps, unless they are modular, are much more complex detail wise, and cost quite a bit of time (and disk space)
and the gba/ds games' are literally pngs
I think you always get reset to around 6000 renown at the start of each NG+. Each professor rank is only 500 renown so you may have to do a couple of battle quests to get enough.
is using the online features considered cheating?
Nothing looks good on Male Byleth because he's a punk bitch with an awful haircut.
Honestly the decision to have him/her be non-customizable was the fucking worst. 3H is still Awakening-tier Fire Emblem, except somehow with less strategy.
I mean Byleth doesn't even have a character. Like, at all. Robin? That was a character, sort of. Corrin, even more of a character, for all the good it fucking did.
Somehow it made sense in some chink's tiny skull that as you stray further from characterization, you should stray equally from personalization.
I mean fucking what?
This fucking game should've had alignments and branching dialogues and been a true RPG.
Fuck Japan and their four decades of faux-RPG bullshit that has ruined an industry.
I hope Square gets consumed by a sinkhole. The OG perpetrators of this surface level retard bait formula.
statues carry over to NG+ and the buffs are nice so it's not that bad overall
>Post timeskip
>Now have 3 battle points for free days
>Am so overleveled already I don't even want to do side battles
>Training days and explore days are basically just eating and shoving people full of knowledge they don't even need at this point
Tempted to just skip through everything for story battles at this stage.
Not really, you get so much money you can easily cover weapon maintenance and then some.
Your goalposts are built upon sand.
Go ahead, though, be proud of your cancerous tumor.
I wonder what it's like to have absolutely zero standards?
That's fucking convenient, you're set for life then.
Still no arguments. You claimed the game had lost all steam, and when that user pointed out that there have been multiple threads every day, you haven't said anything meaningful since.
Should I get this game or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for my second game voucher?
I like the game but there's no excusing the shit visuals.
I love them both but I'd personally vouch for XB2 over FE. Realistically they'll both last you around the same amount of time unless you intend to play every route of FE.
You could search for Xenoblade 2 secondhand for 40 bucks, while you'll have to wait a while for any price drop on FE.
The timeskip fucked my dude hard.
He was so good pre timeskip, now even Gilbert does better.
both are pretty much 150h+ games, so you are dandy either way
well XC2 can be found used easier, so you might save quite a bit. and getting on the 3H discussion train timely is great too
Both are great games so tough choice.
Because Fire Emblem is owned by Nintendo?
To add to this
XB2 is 150 hours on a single campaign, it’s a lot more of an adventure JRPG with political and world building stuff that’s present but still focused on central narrative
On the other hand, 3H is more political for sure and has a more consistent dub quality. It’s also a matter of whether you prefer MMO-lite combat vs SRPG.
Both games have fishing mini games though and that’s what matters
>try auto battle
>lose 4 units
The AI is not very smart
I wish they gave us a make-your-own encounter tool where you could set up what objectives are had and the layout of the map with modular parts and tile sets and different unit priorities
Hire out the Wargroove team to collaborate on it
Depends on what kind of RPG you like more, if you're leaning towards strategy side of things go for FE:TH, if you like more action-like RPGs go for XC2.
Never mind that the "awards" market is far too saturated and corrupt, but does the game even do anything worth giving it a hypothetical award?
>Intelligent Systems & Koei-Tecmo present:
>Fire Emblem: It Happened, Again!
>Are you still reeling from the crushing disappointment that was Persona 5? Then do we have the game for you!
>Complete with budget design work and minimal critical thought required, it's Fire Emblem exactly like you've seen it before, featuring watered down filler mechanics to try and make it seem like you're playing an RPG!
>Are you still boycotting HBO after that lackluster final season of Game of Thrones that ruined your favorite characters for the fifth consecutive season in a row, but need something to distract yourself while you take a break from tweeting @dabid?
>Try Fire Emblem: Choose Your Ending, where even the major characters have less characterization and emotional depth than a one-off from your favorite, overpriced Home Box Office production.
>Speaking of overpriced, don't forget to buy that Season Pass, to get exclusive story content reserved exclusively for you and Andrew Jackson, exclusively.
>hop u rike it
>runatic difficurty rerease rater, fak u
You people honestly have standards lower than fuckin' dinosaur bones. This game does absolutely nothing new and everything it recycles it does unimpressively.
It's got almost no strategy and the RPG factor is exclusive to RNG numerals that you spend 80% of the time manipulating on menus, which could in theory be fine (albeit uninspired), but because of the aforementioned difficulty (or lack thereof) you're wasting 100% of your time just fucking about to watch the latest anime trope convention palette swaps talk about food.
Guys very important: can i romance edelgard if i’m in claude’s house? I want to marry her so badly, bros
Are you tired of watching movies over and over again, snoy?
Hey here's a question. Why do all of these nipshit productions that have romance mechanics or implied romance narratives never actually feature romance? And I'm not talking about dumbass Bioware sex scenes, I mean romantic dialogue, you know, fucking characters that have emotions and react like human beings instead of robots with tits and bad haircuts.
How about the ol' slit-eyes learn to feel instead of leaning on their crutch of honorifics and act human for once instead of needing to be trained like wild dogs. Maybe they'll give the next Fire Emblem a Pulitzer if it can manage to have a single memorable line of dialogue in its 20-odd hours of fucking cutscenes despite proclaiming to be a video game.
Fucking forty hours for emotional devoid dialogues and shit-for-brains gameplay. That'll be $60 + tip, see you next year for the same fucking game, or better yet there'll probably be three or four more of this same creatively bankrupt type production released before the end of the year.
Gilbert S-rank ending is MGTOW
with how even fucking Zelda have "make-your-own-dungeon" now, i wont be surprised if theres a mario-maker-esque update/game for FE
Nigga I’m not reading all of this shit
>My Femhiki can't be this cute
auto battle shouldn't even exist, same goes for divine pulse and casual mode.
Yeah I know ur a high school drop out neet but at least learn to read retard.
Fire Emblem and pretty much any JRPG will never win an award besdies best soundtrack or something like that unless it's westernized to hell and panders to muh snowflake sensibilities.
>same goes for divine pulse
Meh, it saved me having to reload the game when the ongars on the penultimate map kept critting Dimitri.
Next Japanese developer who makes an "RPG" that railroads my character into maining a sword FOR THE UMPTEENTH FUCKING TIME should burn forever in the 13th layer of hell for all eternity.
Why not?
You read all the shitty dialogue in this vidya game.
Why the fuck are you even here if not to discuss video games?
I've still got blueballs after playing it and not being able to get off to the abhorrent character designs, how about I circlejerk on your face you ignorant faggot?
go read a book nigga lmao
I seriously hope you all did his paralogue.
eh, i welcome the Divine Pulse overlord. too tired of resetting when they "1% crit lol" my units
maybe they should add a "never pulse" achievement like LUCT for the autists too
Fun game and cute girls didn't save ARMS.
War for the Weak?
Shit was gay desu
Did I miss something in the story or is it revealed later why he looks aboriginal but all the other Duscur natives are just generic whiteys?
This nigga has zero redeeming traits. He's a little bitch. My man Felix called it like it is.
You really have to baby him with the experience gem for a bit. Missing out on all of those maps leading up to the bridge chapter is murder on him. Gilbert is pretty based too though and I'm sad I benched him for all of BL.
I let it slide because this way we got a Axe, Spear and Bow Lords.
Play zoomed in user
I bet you didn't know that because you didn't play the game
Do you get any genuine gratification from completing battles?
What does the assassin's stealth ability do? Does it just prevent the enemy from attacking it while another valid target is in range? If so, would that make squishy mage assassins with levin swords viable?
They were just too lazy to do separate portraits for a few battles.
>frustrated wannabe hollywoood directors make a barely interactive movie
>call it vidja
almost every single western snoy game ever made
>says that while playing fire emblem
That and
>Whoops, Wyvern was hiding in the fog, should've known it before mowing your mage.
severely underrated reply
It's not railroaded. They also make it easy to be a brawler.
This is pretty spot on. I'm enjoying the game, but I know that's only because developers have fucking given up on releasing anything this year worth playing, and my desperation to get out of this terrible drought is driving me to continue playing it.
Well that's weak as fuck, no pun intended.
Like really? You couldn't even recolor 'em, or make them talk closer to how Doodoo talks?
Maybe give them unique armaments because they're hardcore and wouldn't want to be associated with Kingdom steel.
I really don't get why details like this are allowed to slide in video games. It just shows that ISIS doesn't give a shit about the game or its lore, which makes sense cause holy fuck is it next level generic. Right down to the color-coded borders.
>inb4 dude gameplay lmao
yeah, try telling me War for the Weak was some hot gameplay
I'm warrin' for the weekend, more like, I'd rather be plantin' flowers and dining bitches than wasting my valuable time on this garbage filler.
Move bulky units forward with torches. I remember there only being two fog maps in the game and one has melee units slowed by trees(and Catherine bulldozing everything) and the other is so monster infested you should know better than to do anything but move bulky units forward first with torches.
You don’t respect my time I’m not going to respect yours. That’s two posts of trite that could’ve easily been condensed into a third of what it is but you included shit like nonsequitors about persona 5 and got for whatever reason.
It's not fair, bros.
Edelgard deserves to be happy in all routes, not just one.
>He doesn't know about gauntlets
Is it me, or does this Fire Emblem have the best lore? I honestly would like to see more content taking place in this setting, specifically Fodlan.
>I remember there only being two fog maps in the game
There's 4 I've seen. I think the user was referencing Leonie/Lindhart's paralogue that has fog and wyverns. I think wyverns have a larger mov than the torch radius.
From what little I know about old-FE, some of it seemed cooler but I haven't properly played them (just emulated about 20 minutes of one of the gba games) so idk.
>Catherine gets a three-pointer lvl up
>"The better to serve lady Rhea"
>Catherine gets a three-pointer after I A support her
>"I fight for one reason only"
>tfw I broke a lesbian with the power of my dick
Ah that’s why I haven’t seen it, Leonie has been refusing to join and I don’t care enough to do more than the minimum b support.
i'll accept defeat gracefully if its my fault, not if i rolled a 1d20 and the game just fuck me up for no real reason
unless im doing a no-reset run, ofc
>people from almyra and duscar are the niggers of the continent
>dedue and cyril are both treated like slaves
>You don’t respect my time
I respected it enough to respond with my genuine, unfiltered thoughts on the subject.
All you did was shitpost because you have no argument. Now you're pretending to be due some form of respect for being an ignoramus who can't read
Well, not referring to anything particularly, but I was spooked by Wyverns at least once (I think it was an early quest against pirates) and in Ashe/Rhea/Catherine paralogue you have Pegasuses coming from fog, including at least one that jumps over a lake and comes directly at Rhea or anything near her.
Can a Blue Lions fag remind me the bridge part?
I vaguely remember that they pushed to the east because the enemy part of the kingdom was blocking the western part.
Was it Claude that gave them the ability to push in?
It's been hard to run a second run and not be a bit bored with hard mode.
Okay Felix
One of the most developed, definitely. Anything pre-Awakening has the same potential, but they just didn't have nearly enough text to fill as many gaps. Jugral and Tellius come close.
If you're a turbo weeb get 3 houses, if you want an actual good story get XB2.
I mean the game tells you what unit an enemy is going to attack, and you can size up a crit chance by looking at their stats/gear.
Do you DP when you get a 1% crit on an enemy?
Yknow I just realized
FE did better what Mass Effect failed to do
And ME was a far bigger franchise than FE
Petra is also literally sent out as a gift.
In game her starting class is Commoner even though she's actually a heir to the throne of Brigid.
Yes, the western side is blocked off by mountains, so they needed to take the eastern route. An arrangement was done with Claude to keep the pro-Empire faction within the Alliance busy, allowing us to capture the bridge.
>Anything but pure shit
XBC is the only good xeno game don't (You) me
>What went so right?
Nothing. Fire Emblem is in a sad state. There's minimal strategy in this game anymore now that the weapon triangle/counters are out.
All the missions are piss easy especially since any modicum of time dedicated to training, doing quest battles, and Paralogues overgears your team.
The social lnking/school shit is only fun the first few times till you then see how shitty and shallow it is.
Character progression is fucking terrible. Each class should have natural progression routes. MASTER classes should be exactly that and feel great, but it just pigeonholes other classes routes that weren't relevant to past tiers of classes. i.e. Swordmaster/Assassin having no worthy Master class, same with female warrior, all casters can be a gremory or well.. nothing besides one of the dumb ass mounted knights which makes up the bulk of what your units will become if you opt to Master. It's abundantly clear they left holes so they can sell DLC classes.
Overall the game is pretty average and below average as a Fire Emblem. The only notably good part is the branching stories (even if 1 of the 3 is totally retarded).
The detailed history of houses (families) and their interconnections really satisfied my lore autism
Ok so it's exactly the same as in the church route.
And if I remember right, JUST Dimitri recovers and decides to take back the Kingdom.
I haven't played in a couple days because of work and low motivation. Thanks user.
>the maps suck bro, warp and mounted units make this game easy!
>also I use Lysithea/Petra/Ingrid in all my playthroughs
Who do I take to the tower at the ball?
Ingrid is a mounted unit though
Anyone. It doesn't really matter. It's just a little bonus scene.
what is best girl queen, faggot?
>Ingrid is a mounted unit
where my armored ingrids @?
but lysithea is the warper bro
also ingrid is a mounted unit
Ingrid one really sucked and was completely out of character.
>He didn't make a mage Felix
Laffing @ u
>he didn't exclusively punch things
Dancer Ingrid is one of the best meme classes. She gets a lot of DEX vs STR moments where she can do 0 damage but the enemy has a 0% hit chance.
>not making a swordmaster lysithea
>great success
Three Houses has been accepted by the masses but a true great success will be when GoTHW gets remade. Then it'll be universally praised.
>Male Mages
lmao, hope you like those ugly fuckin' robes, Gayndalf
nah but really I was debating it, but he seemed more like the Ocelot of my Blue Lion Squad, so Brawler -> Assassin with heavier emphasis on Bow it is.
>Byleth, try to remember the basics of CQC
>want to use Ingrid
>she's level 10 with only 11 strength
>has 35% strength growth
Should I just bench her
Pegasus units are bad until they can lancefaire as a falcon knight. You can fix them up sooner by going brigand for deathblow.
>GoTHW gets a remake
>it's ugly as fuck
>it's not as good as you remember
>online mechanics and piss-taking filler content
I'm assuming the game is so easy is because they want you to do fuck all random shit after you're done learning it.
reminder that Rhea > every other heretikek waifu
>>want to use Ingrid
I'm BL and I don't even want to use her.
I'm practically waiting for an excuse to off her, but I don't know how I'm gonna explain to Dimi about how I had to conserve divine energy and couldn't risk pulsing to rev her.
>Higher speed and magic than my lvl 34 gremory Lysithea
I suspect you used consumables.
every battle, a chance to grow
Should I even master Beginner classes or just class up immediately?
I can't imagine +2 ever being in a skillset.
Brawl needs every str boost it can get. You should at least do the monk's mastery for mages since draw back is technically +1 mov if you can pull it off.
doesn't monk give you drawback?
Yeah male mages look like fucking ass in this game. A shame because I tend to roll magic classes.
I'm BL and She looked cute and i liked her design but her low strength is killing me. I'm 4 chapters in and i'm tired of babying her. Thinking about replacing her with Petra and making her a Pegasus.
You shouldn't be using male mages/priests without a way to class them out of their 4 mov, whether it's mortal savant, holy knight, dark knight, or dancer.
Nobody finds out about your divine takebacks
I think dark mage is pretty decent looking.
female mages don't suffer from that then? what the fuck
Get this game. Xenoblade 2 has less variety in nearly anything it gives compared to this game.
>Previous games weren't that interesting for me since they were all chibi themed
the only game that i think that can be considered a chibi Fire Emblem game is Heroes, and that is a mobile spinoff
Can you romance characters recruited from other houses? For example, you're in GD and recruit Petra, can she still be romanced?
They get Gremory which brings them to a whopping 5 mov.
Gerald does, though, doesn't he?
>Xenoblade 2 has less variety in nearly anything it gives compared to this game.
Can I finish this game without making everyone master class? Seems pretty retarded for almost all of them to be mounted units. Yeah Yeah Dismount hurr durr
it kind of did, it just didnt give it longevity
lets not have fanbase wars now
getting to master class takes a lot of time if your intention is to have each character max out their current class
I'd be surprised if Rhea had zero idea
No argument? After going through half of your first fucking point you actually get to first criticism of the game and it amounts to “its worse than tv”. What the fuck do you respond to that? No you? Why is it worse than what’s on tv? You then say it’s a shitty strategy game but then say nothing why. See the second half of this post? he details why he dislikes an aspect of the game. There’s a million things you could’ve said as to why it was a weak strategy game and you chose to say nothing. Unmounting, massive avoid boosts, magic being incredibly powerful in general, gambits being free aoe damage and stuns, etc. The thing is I agree with you on some of your points. The monestary was just repeating aspects from earlier fire emblems but requiring like 200 times the amount of time. Not having lunatic on launch was just shitty of them I don’t have enough faith in them to make it an actually good mode. But whatever, I read what little of substance you actually wrote.
>Nintendo has been renewing every major IP with great success.
Hoping Luigi's Mansion turns up to be as good as the first.
Thanks babes, now to choose GD and then decide between Petra and Bernadetta.
Promotion base stats might help her. Some advanced classes will bring her up to 17 str
The only ones that can get by without master rank are swordmaster, sniper, paladin, and arguably sniper or grappler if you want to use their combat arts. The mages, fliers, and knights definitely need their master rank.
There was a reason you didn't have a house leader with swords user
I like how her supports are basically pic related.
Petra. You should avoid Bernie on a deer or lions playthrough the first time.
Quick question
I just completed the bridge mission on BL route, Ferdinand and Lorenz died like pigs when they thought they could charge Punished Dimitri with Horsekiller equipped, is there a way to save units or do all who did not joined me before the timeskip dead meat?
for the most part master classes aren't better than advanced stat wise, but it's hard to ignore the massive move bonus mages can get. Female mages at least have gremory as an option for double magic casts.
cause your game is shit
Why does most of the Master classes feel more like downgrades and aren't worth it on most characters
She actually grew 5 cm
>It also gives you a lot more information on who enemies plan to attack on their turn.
I'll need more info on that. I thought the aggro lines were inaccurate
Why exactly? She's pretty cute too.
They're the Cain and Abel, I'm so stupid! Glad I paired them up.
>gremory is female only
Well fuck. I’ve been wasting my time teaching my male mages both reason and faith for no reason.
Which ones? The only one that gets a lot of hate is mortal savant.
I'll let Claude foreshadow it for you.
They still can use both schools in every magic class. Just look up their spell lists to see where to stop
That THOT Slayer is one of the best characters.
>looking around for someone who has a deep connection to the Empire's past
>not anyone in Black Eagle house
>not any professors
>Flayn loves it
first thing that tipped me off that something was off
The second was how much she loved it when Ignatz complimented Cethlean
>Her conversation with the immovable one in Leonie's paralogue
Hubert and Lin don’t have the greatest faith and reason spell list respectivly. Well I guess Lin isn’t too bad but Hubert really fucking hates faith.
The gender locking does kill the class variety with the already limited class pool.
Why is Hero and dark mage male only?
So that's where the "Burn-adetta" meme comes from. I thought it only happened in BE? If I recruit her to GD, doesn't she avoid that?
Can you use the commoner outfit during battle in NG+? Some the classes's outfits look pretty bad.
She does fine in black eagles and church since she's on your team.
The monastery should not be part of the game post timeskip.
It's stupid and makes no sense in the story either.
>durr we just crossed the border, now forward on to our next battle, but not before we go all the way back to base and chill for a month
>Marianne's paralogue
Who the fuck plays zoomed in?
It justlooks like a mess with the billion battalions.
There’s a lot of little things that tip you off to their identity that you might miss when first playing the game that you kinda gloss over
you only need 1 of the characters for cross house paralogues right?
Only one pre-timeskip. You need both and to be on the correct route post-timeskip.
The thing is even the males don’t even want those classes. Why would you want a shittier swordmaster who trades crit+10 for a skill you probably already have?
Ingrid is the type of girl that's just begging to be mind broken with nigger cock.
There's bits that tipped me off like saying Byleth is no ordinary human, for one.
But the most damning was Seteth and Flayn's A support.
>Marianne's paralogue on hard
sure were a lot of tiles indicating where other players units died right where marianne spawns.
Can we all agree that this objectively is the best hair for girls?
So I have to support fascists or a tyrant to keep her alive?
Someone with NG+ unlocked can tell me if the change costume thing I heard about lets you change in battle costumes? Like say I wanted to have Byleth "starting" costume on other classes or is this something else?
I hope they add more classes through dlc for both genders. What's the point of dark mage?
Swordmaster looks cool so i still use it
It’s honestly not too bad. Don’t move Marianne and you can bait beasts pretty easily so you only have to deal with one or two at a time. I found it easier than sothis’ paralogue despite the fog.
>Think I've killed all the beasts
>More emerge from the fog
>This happens multiple times
I guess you're just supposed to rush the boss and ignore the ones outside the forest.
She'll live if you recruit her to the lions or deers. I'm just saying that you should avoid doing that at least once.
It's pre-timekip and post-timeskip costumes. I'm not sure if it's just for story segments.
Bump for this
I eagerly await Pikmin 3, F-Zero, Kid Icarus and Mach Rider
An advanced peg knight and a sword/bow hybrid in master should be bare minimum.
fuck this mission. It's not even that hard overall, but the wolves hiding in the forest are marked as not having a move stat until you end your turn and they suddenly pass through your army and snipe your mage. What the fuck is the point of the game lying to you like that?
My game went into powerpoint presentation mode where 6 monsters or so where doing their glowy fuck off charge attack at once.
>It's pre-timekip and post-timeskip costumes. I'm not sure if it's just for story segments.
So nothing to do with actual ingame battle costumes? Man I want to go grappler but the costume is hella gay.
>Battle of Gaunder field
>Notice Bernie sitting in the bastilla, don't want to kill so I just go around her attack zone straight to Edelgard, the bitch still lights the hill on fire with Bernie still alive on it
Seriously WTF?!
Well, say something that will get her interested in you!
Yeah, master classes are not inherently better than advanced classes. They are equal in power, but usually can do the things of two classes. Calvary+Bow, Black and White Magic, Swords and Black Magic, ect.
That mortal savant won't be and better than a Swordmaster or Warlock. In fact if you just want sword or just want black magic they are slightly weaker. They just do both.
I keep asking people whats so great about this game and all I get is ironic meme answers or people begrudgingly admitting its shit. The impression I get is that this is a milquetoast tactical game where the main focus is making super powered characters (within a very shallow character building system I might add), not tactics, with light VN elements. Is this correct or not?
Wew ok. I'll save leaving her alone for the BL route, so it feels all the more satisfying to kill Edelgard.
>I guess you're just supposed to rush the boss and ignore the ones outside the forest.
There's a beast in the top left corner with a +2 def stat booster, so it's a good idea to kill them all. I just had huburt use banshee or bernie use encloser on the boss every turn so it couldn't move, giving me all of the time in the world to kill everything
Dark flyer(lance and magic) and please a advance horse magic unit(don't want to have to wait till Master for a magic unit on horseback)
>Marianne paralogue
>use torch
>pic related
i played for a few hours and that's what it felt like for me. I stopped playing. having to walk your large squad one at a time so they can get a chance to do their single target attack blows
It's a game that's improved on the issues in the last released game in its series in every way.
I just did what other people said to do and did not move Marianne at all during the battle. The boss only enrages if you get to around 2 tiles outside his attack range.
Haven’t played bl yet but I bet she can’t cook for shit since this is a Japanese game, so 300 on kitchen catastrophes
Mortal savant is almost a straight upgrade over sword master if you can stomach losing 10 crit and 30% speed growth rate.
Felix objectively is the best guy.
Is it what I described or not?
Feel the Burn
Damn it, I didn't see that chest
It's a milquetoast tactical game with VN elements. Everyone likes it because it's a fire emblem game that isn't shit.
If you don't know what fire emblem is, it's a good intro to it, which is why normies like it too.
Anyone got any tips for raising Bernadetta? What skills does she need and what does she excel as?
I did the same thing, I noped the fuck right out of that fight.
It feels like cheating to use her in Non-golden deer playthrough.
It has a great foundation for the most part and a lot of people are just happy they’re back to attempting storytelling after awakening and fates. There’s an update coming out later that should, at bare minimum, fix the issue of enemies outside of named ones like enemy Petra, being weak as shit.
>Everyone likes it because it's a fire emblem game that isn't shit.
How is it not shit if its a milquetoast tactical game with VN elements?
Why don't you play a fire emblem game and find out
Bow Knight
It should be sword or axe or something, lances are oversatuated as is.
If you've played any of the good Fire Emblem games and happen to like classroom simulators you'll like this game. What a strange way to phrase a question. The game isn't the savior of mankind or anything but it's fun, has good characters, and you get to see the work you put in pay off.
The game expects you to make her a bowknight. Avoid putting her on a cavalry unit until you're ready to fully commit to bowknight. Maybe give her brigand > archer > sniper (don't master) > bow knight
Except the maps are all mediocre at best compared to Conquest. At least, that's how it's been up until the time skip. Do the maps get any better?
>a lot of people are just happy they’re back to attempting storytelling
If the gameplay sucks, shouldn't they be focusing on improving that? I don't see what storytelling through text boxes has to do with video games. Don't pretend like this game is a war story on par with the Iliad or something.
most of the good maps are in the Golden deer route
Those terms are way too general to argue against. It would be best if you could name some strategy games you actually like for the sake of drawing comparisons. I wasn't going to buy this game but someone ended up buying it for me, and I've already sunk a ton of hours into it myself.
No your Lysithea just got horribly screwed, because that's pretty average looking. She probably got a seraphic robe though.
>losing 30% speed growth rate.
That is a pretty big ask.
She’s basically made to be a bow knight, just build her in those skills
She's custom made for Archer > Sniper > Bow knight
But you could reliably turn her into another type of cavalry or into a pegasus. In my playtrough i went Bandit > Pegasus into Falcoknight. The trouble here are that she needs swords for Falco and she is bad at it, but you can work around it with statue bonus + knowledge gems.
Sadly her strenght can be shaky but her crest is top tier so she works fine unless she get really screwed.
I didn’t mention the gameplay of previous games because awakening had shit gameplay and conquest fixed it.
Alright you're all saying bow knight but why wouldn't you master sniper?
>my Flayn has higher mag than Lysithea
It doesn't really matter since Lorenz is now the big dick mage of the team as a dark knight.
No passive, only a combat art locked to sniper
>what does she excel as?
>Chibi themed
U wot m8
I've played several of the FE games, including all of the old ones everyone jerks off. I'm trying to understand why a grown man would play this. If I'm an adult, which I assume everyone on this 18+ board is, what is the appeal of a "classroom simulator" with shit gameplay? If I want to play a weeb sim, stuff like Princess Maker 2 and Recettear are far better, if I want to play a tactical game there are hundreds of games that I'd play through first before even considering this. If I want the best of both worlds I'd play X-piratez. I'm just wandering if this is going to be like Octopath where for the first 2 weeks everyone pretends its the second coming of Christ and then immediately after it becomes one of the worst games ever made. $60 is an awfully hefty price to pay for a pile of shit.
>war story on par with the Illiad.
user wtf is up with your expectations? Go read a book if that's what you're looking for. You're not going to get a war story on par with the Illiad from any game and you're dumber than a box of rocks despite your pretensions, if you're serious. You're obviously not.
Which FEs did you play and what did you think of them?
Very casual friendly gameplay + pandering to the west. It's the same reason 7 and 8 where so popular in the west. Not that any of that's necessarily a bad thing.
I like small details like this.
I'm going to fuck your deadbeat dad, faggot!
pikmin 3 already exists.
>didn't torch
>strided up to the boss
>enemy's turn
>they didn't stop coming
how does the gameplay stack up to FE fates conquest
Wait for a week after the difficulty update to see if it’s worth your time.
If you can't understand then I don't see the need for you to try so hard to do so. It obviously doesn't appeal to you and it doesn't have to. I thought it would be a shit game but it continues to entertain me, perhaps it's just not up your alley and you're best playing something else. As for me I have one and a half routes left to finish, and will be coming back for Lunatic after.
Significantly worse. We're back to Horse Emblem with open fields and easy baiting.
They also have unique lines for no rank.
>What went so right?
Nothing, unless you are a storyfag, this is the worst FE since Tellius.
This. But I do think there should be a limit of 1 divine pulse per battle. Maybe 2 at the max.
Shit, now i wanna see similar stuff like Dimitri + felix and whatnot.
Exactly what I did and the difficulty was welcomed as I was snoozing through hard till this point, but I knew that shit was too much of a difficulty spike to have been what they wanted you to do and I probably triggered some shit early.
>saying this when echoes and revelation exists
>support rank matters more than horse/pegasus skill for weekly tasks
>because of it never have it change between the first two assigned units
These details are cute, but at the exact same time they hurt.
It looks worse than FE9 imo
In FE9 you could easily read the map and distinguish units, while in FE16 it's indistinguishable mush unless you turn on the little diamond portraits
>worst since Tellius
>implying Tellius wasn't better than the 3ds tripe
>travesty of a story
>janky presentation thanks to koei tecmo directly following the most polished game to date, possibly in the entire 3ds library
6/10 fe game
In all Fire Emblem games there's a point where you sadly have to turn off the combat animations because, despite how good they are, you just want things to hurry up a bit. This game, more than any other Fire Emblem, took longest to reach that point, and even now I still turn them on sometimes. It was great how quick the transitions were.
>re:zero fag makes one of the worst baitposts in the entirety of the board
of course
I can't take people who actually played the trash 3ds games seriously.
Could also be base stats. If a unit stats are lower than the class ''base'' you get the stats for free. I suspect there's gonna be cheese for it in harder difficulty, like levelling slow units to assassin for the bossted speed, or getting frail unit to fortress knight for the defense boost. Fuck, just getting lysithea to Warlock gives her like 6 def eveytime because she NEVER reach the 12 def that Warlock starts with.
Nice trips. I agree. At the end it gets dumb. You completely lose the feeling of risk. It is nice to not have to reload all the time but they took it a tad too far.
You do have a point with Echoes, but revelations isn´t that bad.
Although your post reminded me that Birtright exists (whenever I think about Fates, my mind goes straight to Conquest), so yeah, 3H is at least better than Echoes and BIrtright.
Tellius is terrible in every conceivable way, and the only reason why is popular is becuase of Smashfags latching onto Ike.
Not even gay but I would fucking destroy Lindhardts boi pucci. It fucking hurts that I will never be able to dominate him in the bedroom.
Fuck no user Tellius was great, and Radiant Dawn was even greater. Its biggest problem was that Micaiah is about as interesting as a colonoscopy, and about half as deep.
>Radiant Dawn
only if you remove chapter 1 entirely, seriously the dawn brigade is fucking shit and nobody is worth leveling other than sothe and micaiah.
Or when Sethet say that his favorite saint is Saint Cethlean
>but revelations isn´t that bad.
>Tellius is terrible
What compelled you to tell lies on the Internet?
As someone who's never played fire emblem, is this game hard to get into? I managed to get through xenoblade 2's complicated bs so how will I fare here?
You can really see how the Koei influence worsened the game. Instead of getting a smooth menu and easily distinguished units on the map you get a clunky UI, battalions because they felt the one-on-one's looked weird, and the god awful maps.
The game would've been better if IS alone worked on the game.
is it possible to completely ignore the monastery shit in this game like you could ignore the world map shit in awakening and the my castle shit in fates
(i actually didn't really mind my castle since it's almost entirely deterministic if you just don't talk to people, it added a bit of customization with different orders of new buildings/upgrades and it didn't take much time, but from what I've heard the monastery takes aeons and has much more random elements)
t. thinks fe8 is good
>not leaving Byleth at level 1 until they get their unique class for massive base stats and growths
All the handheld ones, the snes ones, and the gamecube one. Dunno if there are others but I thought they weren't very impressive.
>Go read a book if that's what you're looking for.
Yes user, why would I play a VN when I can read a book?
Just explain the appeal. I don't see the point of making super powered characters if there is no genuine challenge to overcome and very limited customization. In other games where character building is the main draw, you can make your characters do super fucking crazy highly specific and unique things, and being that much stronger is extremely helpful if not outright necessary.
In the last game I played lunatic difficulty on you were just locked into one very specific set of moves for the first few encounters then you buttfucked everything. What are the odds this will be any different?
Fucking weebs I swear to god.
>but revelations isn´t that bad.
I think you need to replay Revelation if you sincerely think it's not one of the worst stories in FE, if not the worst excusing Conquest.
Is one of the most braindead titles in the franchise, you will be fine.
Assassin or Sniper for my Byleth?
The world would be better if you committed suicide and took your shit taste with you.
You'll have enough time to do both.
You can't seriously be telling me you had problems with chapter 1.
8 was boring and Ephraim is shit, but I did like 7.
You're kids will gain shit motivation at the mercy of resting or if lectures give any of it, and there are a few quests which will give you reown for statue passives to learn better. If you really wanted to though I guess you could just warp around and just feed the kids the special free meal and have other teachers teach Byleth but you'll be lacking teach levels having less options to learn or do anything.
>try to get some different paired endings this time around
>do all the right stuff, make sure they eat together, make them suck off horses together, keep them close to each other during battle
>get a bunch of paired endings I wasn't even trying for, most of which ended up being the same from previous playthroughs
>Hanneman ends up old and crusty and unloved
Swordmaster since assassin reduces agro and Byleth is meant to be one of your tanks.
Sorry i meant part 1, it wasnt about difficulty it was about every single one of them being absolute garbage and 0 reason to use them when you can just use sothe micaiah and nolan to some extent.
As I have established earlier, I don´t give a shit about the story, I am 60% about gamplay, 30% about presentation (which englobes art and music) and 10% about characters (and by that I mean whether or not characters are entertaining, not if they are "deep" or "realistic")
at least list what you think is done well rather than just name calling.
what are we even fighting for
All the more reason to hate Revelations and enjoy RD.
I'm afraid I don't have the words you're looking for. Besides you seem to have a halfway decent understanding already as someone who has previously played Fire Emblem games in the past. It's not so drastically different aside from some quality of life improvements, new abilities, classes, etc. It's just not for you. Don't force it and go play one of the other games you mentioned. It is sixty dollars after all. It's better not to take the chance if you have so many doubts.
I still can't get over how Flayn's Seminar is about the lore of Saint Cethleann. How narcissistic is this girl?
What about that brown haired kid who becomes a swordmaster? He was an absolute beast if I remember correctly.
desu I thought he was a girl before the first time you actually hear him talk.
how do i S rank Rhea? I had it lit up in blue before time skip but never got any kind of prompt.
WHy is Ignatz such a thick headed moron in his Support with Flayn
Imagine being so much of a faggot that you spend hundreds of hours playing a glorified matchmaking VN padded out with extremely shitty combat. I even see people ranking this as the best switch game. How the fuck does this even happen? This is embarrassing. Delete this thread immediately.
Who knows. The optimistic part of me is saying they’re using this time to look at the issues with the game and will adjust lunatic in a way that makes it genuinely more difficult without being unfair. The other part is saying they’ll just inflate enemy numbers and they just delayed lunatic to look generous. Like capcom and their mh dlc/event quests. From what I’ve heard conquest lunatic is difficult and fair but I’ve never played it because I can’t imagine the last chapter being more bullshit than it already is.
edward? he requires immense amounts of shit to be something good, at that point just spend it on other units, its not like nephenee in PoR who just needed levels or astrid, he needs actual stat buffs.
the dawn brigade part of the game is easily the worst part in the entire game and its the fucking starting point
Ignatz seems like a pretty thickheaded guy in general.
Do Sylvain's C support with her if you can.
>Ingrid Support
>Talks about how in love she was with her dead fiancee
>Shamir support
>Talks about her first love and how you remind him of her
My two waifus and I'm getting cucked.
she wanted it to be about the science of the fish but Seteth said no
>stop having fun
Can't you just go have fun yourself?
can you pair two guys together and make them have a butt baby
The game should push you to focus on recruiting other classmates more in the first half. In the second half I only had two of the other classes' guys on my team (Felix and Ingrid). The game gives you the impression that you're free to sort of do what you want, no pressure. But unless you are ramping up MC's stats like a madman and neglecting battles and seminars, you can't recruit many people at all.
Do you get any special scenes if Flayn dies? Please tell me Seteth pulls you aside and beats the shit out of you or something.
tell me about it
Shamir later tells you that she was lying to herself and just didn't want to admit she was attracted to you.
Who should be my final member for my Pegasus troop? Ingrid, Petra, and?
You really shouldnt recruit more than two units from other classes, unless you're looking to replace yours altogether.
>being a huge faggot is fun!
The Timeskip stuff is too short, the micromanaging is a slog in the beginning and irrelevant later on. Every Lord and Rhea being retarded unless you play their route to wrangle them is bad writing. Grondor 2.0 was forced and made no sense.
The game is alright but far from the 2nd coming of christ you pretend it is.
Maybe I just had good rng but mine ended up a monster and I was playing on the hardest difficulty.
Why not? I was under the impression that you could recruit lots of them if you had focused on raising the MC's stats enough.
Ingrid was like 13-14 dude.
Is grumbling about other people having fun not also pretty faggy user? Don't you have anything better to do?
It's actually better to just
Could you imagine fembyleth with even bigger tits?
Ingrid wasnt in love with him, she just respected him and was put into an arraged marriage and when he died she put him into a pedestal to cope with the death of a friend, Felix calls her out on it, and i think she confeses to Sylvain that she wasnt sure if she even loved him but she sure respected him as knight
No one is pretending it's the second coming of christ. It's just a fun game.
Unless you recruited Leonie or Hilda you don't have anyone else to really fit there.
I've been having nothing but pure enjoyment with the game so far, what a comeback considering Fates killed all love I had for the series. 3H brought it back
Idk, it's already fucking ridiculous to have women as thin as toothpicks taking on fully grown men, which is fine except it's usually balanced with fanservice. These girls are ok at best and show so little skin it's ridiculous.
>get to the choice between staying with edgelord and going with church
>told myself that i was gonna stay with edgey just to see all the content
>can't justify liking her enough
someone convince me please
her route is the shortest one soo you'll suffer her bullshit less than you think
>always nincels
have you been on Yea Forums for more than 1 minute? Snoyfags outmatch tendies on console war thread creation 3 to 1
She gets galeforce.
This game is incredibly mediocre.
>Piss easy gameplay with little to no depth.
>story elements that felt forced like jeralt's death
>only a few good romanceable girls, timeskip making most look like shit
>half assed dating sim element with only 4 events per character
I have no idea why or how people liked it or considered it GOTY
Byleth and the class leader both get story promotions
>immense amount of shit
Not really? He’s a good unit, the only issue he and many other units face is you get so many that are just as good without any investment. He’s not like Fiona or Leonardo who are just complete shit.
>This is spot on
>Crushing disappointment from P5
>Literally anywhere but Yea Forums contrarians who pretend more than 15% of P3 is better.
>Choose your own ending
>Four straight paths
Based user, I too have only "played" the game by watching the trailers and reading the threads.
fair enough
hopefully that'll make it go fast
ok, well i'll finish it fast at least. the real question is, do i marry edgelord just for completions sake or go for the real most valuable waifu of the house petra?
>Felix tells her to get a husband
>literally telling her to have sex
He's actually the best character in the game.
>if you don't like it you haven't played it!
Please don't start with this bullshit. Just fuck off to reddit if you can't handle criticism of your waifu simulator.
There's 0 reason to use him either way.
The P5 portbegging has been mostly one falseflagging autist for months now though. MHW was legit though no one cares anymore.
well, obviously not that part. I fucking loved P5
Anyone else avoid recruiting from other houses for maximum drama? Trying a BEagle only route now
>well, obviously not that part. I fucking loved P5
Are you leaving Manuela, Hanneman, Alois, and Shamir behind so that it's your 9 against the world?
Trudeau is fatter and uglier though. All they share is that soulless clueless deer in the lights stare.
I’m trying to recruit as many people as I can on be and after this experience I’m probably just going to poach Caspar, Lorenz and lysithea at this point. It’s only a few minutes to dine and shit but that’s time I could be using to rest the month away. And it’s not like the teachers and students you get by default are shit.
try offering actual criticisms instead of memes people spouted before the game even came out then lol
Keep outing yourself further, based boy
I did, Sylvain got dabbed on. Sethet knows.
Debating it, I already have my bases covered with the normal class desu. I found it was the same in my BL playthrough, I really didn't need anyone else, I just wanted them.
Do you have to manually recruit them? Because if so then it's my nine versus the world. not that user but another guy
He’s good for a few chapters until you get zihark
yes. Actually you might be able to recruit lisythea but that's it.
What new stuff does this game bring to the table? I've played like four other FE games so I'm not a series newcomer, but I haven't felt the need to drop a full 60 on this yet.
I know it's in a school and you pick between the three stories, but other than that is it just the standard FE experience?
Persona gameplay
Those are the best kind of supports. Lys with Potter-kun is great too.
Dawn Brigade wasn't so bad once i learned that i needed to use the tank like Arran, Nolan and Volug. Trying to raise Edward is a pain, and Leonardo is a fucking waste, jesus
You get a lot of customization and punching people is fun. Other than that it’s not too different from older entries.
Ignatz ggot some seriously greath supports. I liked how he got completely flabbergasted by Lorenz wanting to hire him as a Knight... who paints.
I left Manuela behind on my playthrough but she didn't appear again. That makes her a safe recruit. Also, Marianne who never appears.
Solid customisation, good cast. Lots of smale convo and lore hidden around which is pretty nice.
Also replay value, especially those little gotcha you might have missed on the first because you had incomplete info.
How the hell do you just fail to recruit one of the teachers?
Who wins in a battle of DEX vs STR?
You just got really lucky.
Zihark straight outdo whatever Eddie can do.
I did it on purpose. Alois became a boss and Shamir should too. I don't know about Hanneman. I feel good about leaving Cyril behind on my current deers run.
How are you suppose to recruit them? I think I missed everyone on my BL playthrough.
Pretty sure Marianne kills herself if you don't recruit her before the timeskip.
Shamir leaving the church with you makes too much sense for me to not recruit her and make her my waifu.
I think Manuela and Hanneman are free after the battle of lion and deer, Catherine and Shamir after you save Flayn, Cyril and Alois after you get enlightened one.
Just talk to them. Teachers join easily and Manuela basically goes “please recruit me professor, oh god please bring me along” signaling her and hannemon will join. Shamir joins way before that if you’re level 15 or something.
I personally think it's better for Alois to be the one to kill all the Knights of Seiros, including Shamir.
All the knights and teachers are level 15 needed
Cyril is even lower. They don't get to join the battle of eagle and lion, obviously.