"Here's that Dark Souls game you wanted, honey. Happy Birthday!"

>"Here's that Dark Souls game you wanted, honey. Happy Birthday!"

Attached: BLEACH_DS_2nd.jpg (256x230, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks, mom

Based, main Gin for the undodgeable super

Unironically, a great game. Regardless of the quality of that shitty series

I love when people do this lol. They mean well they really do.

Why was this the only fucking fighting game I was good at?

Styles on kids with Kyorako and Hollow Ichigo all of the day.

that happened to me when i asked for pokemon gold version. My mom got me pokemon yellow version lol

wanted super mario advance 2
got famicom mini smb2 lost levels instead

oh that's cool

Thanks mom, I'm stealing your credit card anyway.

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Jokes on you this game was actually really good for its time.

those famicom mini games came in pretty cute boxes. i was gifted the sd gundam game scramblewars as well. both weren't very good but i had fun anyway (never saw the secret levels in smb2ll, though...).

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Top 3 girls?






yo why is this actually fucking sick?

I miss early Bleach.

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I wonder if I still have my copy

>has the thumbnail as his avatar


Post your favorite OST track


main Byakuya for the infinite



It was good up through the soul society arc, and even had decent moments after that. Still, was completely killed by filler, power creep, and the author generally having no idea what to do with the characters after establishing them


This shit used to get me so hyped.

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futa rangiku

I'm also 200% sure I've heard remixes of this in porn


Ichigo´s mom
Ichigo´s sister
Ichigo´s other sister

The game was made by Treasure

In no particular order:

Are you Isshin Kurosaki?

it was all downhill after season 1

the second one is better, but man did these set of games go under the radar

or just aizen and kenpatchi who where beyond broken.

Gin and Soi-Fon where my two mains since the first one. Love those two. Shame Yoruichi was so shit.

why didnt kubo just be on the arts
and hire some other guy for the plots

Never understood the penny arcade thing

Thanks mom, I finally have a REAL game instead of the same shitty repackaged boss fights, using different skins.

>why didnt kubo just be on the arts
Because the Souls Society arc broke plenty of records due to its popularity in the WSJ. Bleach was really big at a certain point and Kubo struggled and failed to recreate that success.

Arrancar was more popular than SS

soi fon




My dad bought me this after I had asked for a starwars game for the gamecube. I was sad and made him return it. Even back then I understood my dad likely bought that because it was cheaper and also featured what appeared to be a lightsaber on the cover. Dad probably thought I was still young enough to be a retard.

I recently learned that this game he bought for me was actually a good game. Shoulda kept it.

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soi fon

Being in the awkward position of having to explain to someone that they got you the wrong gift without seeming ungrateful is worse than getting the wrong gift in the first place.


Find one flaw.

Thought I'd ask here. Are there any Naruto fillers actually worth watching or is it all just garbage? There must be something of quality in 200+ episodes

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anything else is objectively incorrect.


Thanks mom it's fucking kino


He could have also done the worldbuilding. The setting has a lot of interesting elements and (at least most of the time) feels like it's bigger than just being a framing device for the hokey plots.

He just shouldn't have been in charge of character writing or narrative.

Oh shit there's somebody else in the thread with objectively correct taste

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>He just shouldn't have been in charge of character writing or narrative.

It's been years but I'm still mad about the ending


>plays as soon as the game fucking starts

how i knew it would be a good game

Do you mean The Almighty losing to an arrow or Orihime getting No. 1 Dick?

They're all bad, and completely ruin the world building when naruto in one episode can OHK one of the main antagonist in one episode, then struggle against some random bandit that was never mentioned before, and the only way to win is to use the power he just learned in the previous arc


Rangiku is an honorable mention

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Because he fluked his way into success with the first two arcs and then spent years upon years trying to recreate the circumstances and reagents he used in that original alchemy, but never managed to bottle that lightning again, because he just wasn't good at writing. He was amazing at character design and pretty good at worldbuilding, but you can't make a coherent narrative out of just that.

You know, where ultra-powerful-basically-God Ichigo kills Juha Bach, but Bach as the power to rewrite the future (that's right, past-tense the future-tense!) so Ichigo didn't? And then he breaks his perfect double/single sword because why not? And then Juha Bach leaves for absolutely no reason whatsoever, without killing Ichigo or anyone there? And then Facebook stabs Ichigo through the heart, literally seconds later, and that allows him to re-write the past to one where his sword DIDN'T break, no, literally? And that, apparently, this gives Ichigo all of his energy back so now with his unbroken sword which was essentially, apparently, to kill Juha Bach follows Juha Bach to swing his sword at him again and Juha Bach literally breaks his sword AGAIN because why not? Except it was Aizen the whole time? And Ishida shoots a silver arrows at Juha Bach that literally any enemy in the entire series could have seen coming and dodges, but Juha Bach didn't because the series needed to end and he needed to lose! And it removes all of Juha Bach's powers, literally all of them, for 1 second, literally 1 second, for absolutely no reason why except that it's made of pure silver found in dead Quincies' hearts, and they talk about it for, like, 7 minutes, but apparently that's not 1 second and so Ichigo with his not-broken-wait-I-though-it-was-broken-no-that-was-Aizen-was-it-really sword swings it at Juha Bach AGAIN but this time saying "getsuga tensho" which kills him? Except it doesn't?

And then it instantly jumps something like 7 years into the future so they watch world boxing champion Not-Chad Yasutora?

Definitely not an asspull, amirite? Bleach was such a well thought out, well-planned series!!

Underrated song right here



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I'm still kinda weirded out about Yachiru being a sword

>hes bad at writing
>because he is bad at writing
Great answer

don't watch soul eater


How many inches?

Are any of the Bleach filler arcs actually good?

I already read the whole series but Yachiru was different


Karakura Superheroes spin off when?

The sword spirit rebellion is alright

>not how many feet

No and for the exact same reason.


there was nothing wrong with the bount arc

there, i said it

>le spirit vampires
Worse filler

The Hell movie OST remix is great


Only good for actually giving the Gotei 13 some screentime. Otherwise meh

Ichigo stole the kill that Uryu deserved

It's been a long time since I've watched Bleach but I remember Kenpachi had a good filler episode. can't remember what it's called though

>Why, yes, my character and story arc was forgotten and under utilized, how could you tell?

Attached: Chad.png (1152x942, 1.01M)

>Chad only gets TWO 1v1 fights in the entire series
>3 1/2 if you count filler

>set up Chad powers come from hollow
>never revisit it

God we will never reach bleach aesthetics again.

Jackie Chan

Sword Rebellion and the final filler arc with the green haired chick are good

And somehow Orihime is the """"heroine"""

>playing bleach game in class
>like an autistic show it off to some girls hoping to use as an excuse to talk to them
>they think it's weird but all comment chad character is hot
Thankfully graduation was a week later so I didn't live with the humility

Seemed like a solid fighting game. shame nobody played it online because DS games were rarely played online unless they were pokemon or Tetris.

>People upset Rukia and Ichigo didn't get together
Rukia and Ichigo NEVER had romantic feelings for each other at any point in the series. Ichigo even says he's rescuing her to repay his debt.

>Bleach ripped off the Brawl theme and got away with it

He just wasnt popular. Readers only cared about the shinigami
Fullbring arc

My mom introduced me to DBZ when I asked for YuGiOh cards, it was good vewwy good uwu

How come all the kids I went to school with that watched bleach all smelled like soup?

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That fanart isn't bad.

did you take my story

Alright, if you're going to be a fuckwit about it, it's primarily because he kept on piling more plots on top of unresolved stuff because he had a chronic inability to create a satisfying conclusion. He just kept on postponing things or getting bored with them and moving on, leaving character arcs and plot threads stranded in the middle of nowhere or hastily resolved with unsatisfying plot twists. He's bad at writing because he can't help but doing the opposite to what the first two seasons were, and why they were good.

>Entire character arc is about not using his strength for himself
>Is forgotten about for hundreds of chapters
>Returns in the final epilogue
>As a fucking boxer using his fists for personal fame and money

The problem was that Ichigo didn't have romantic relationships with ANYONE, Orihime had a crush on him but it was barely explored.

Rukia and Ichigo have probably the most meaningful and fun relationship in Bleach.


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Not gonna lie
She gave me the big cum yesterday.

That's Yoruichi and Hatman, surely

Honestly feel Ichigo and Rukia have similar chemistry without being completely flanderized

>male and female CANNOT be just friends

Mod Souls were fucking a terrible addition since Kubo had no interest in inserting them into the manga at any point.

Now give examples

It's on the switch if you have the console.

>Entire character arc is about not using his strength for himself
No, it was about not using his streng for evil

I used to have this opening on my myspace page

No they can sure it just kinda feels odd because of the ending.

Back when I was younger I just kinda figured Bleach would end with 0 relationships, but Kubo seemed to wanna copy Kishi's ending even though Kishi even if it wasn't done well did begin establishing romantic esc connections between some of the cast members.

Its literally that most of Ichigo's personal relationships were interchangeable and weird except for Rukia which was by far the most unique and interesting of the bunch.

Ichigo has always liked Orihime

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power creep is unironically fine
the constant asspulls, retcons, etc. weren't though

how could you know this

damn watching anime in grade school was based, it was magical. Kept me happy when I was at my lowest.

I dont get it, why didnt he fight Aizen? Wasn't he lead of the Karakura Superheroes?

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Sure have been a lot of Bleach threads lately. What's the occasion?

I don't see any implications of romance here. Ichigo is protective over all of his friends.

Bleach had less asspulls and retcons than naruto

The entire scene does not demonstrate that at all given what Ichigo is saying and his general attiude.

Ichigo says he won't fight Ulquiorra because he hasn't done anything personal to him or his friends, this is inline with Ichigo's mentality of being a reactionary hero for the most part rather then a proactive hero.

His over the top response would have been the same if Ulquiorra had said he had killed/injured Uryu or Chad as at that point Ulquiorra has mad it personal.

He's extra protective of Orihime. I could post a bunch of examples of him giving her special treatment even in comparison to his other friends if you would like.

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If you mean Shinji, he did fight Aizen, but he lost
There are bleach threads on Yea Forums every other day

lets fuck

what the fuck was her problem

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Bleach in general IMO is better then Naruto even if both are bad.

Bleach is bad but never betrays itself or its core themes.

Naruto is bad and literally always betrays its initial theme.

I think the best way to understand it is that Ichigo is unapologetically special being some tri blood god monster of all the strongest races, but considering Ichigo's status as is irrelevant to whatever minor themes Bleach has it isn't nearly as annoy as Naruto.

Naruto being a blessed child with the magic fox, the blood of crazy chakra ninjas and the reincarnation of the son of god basically is in direct conflict of "Being the underdog and working hard for acknowledgement." because Naruto specifically has all the tools and he didn't earn them which makes the entire series a contradiction

Mashiro got the booty

>"Being the underdog and working hard for acknowledgement."
That was never the core theme of Naruto. The core theme of Naruto was always fighting hard for what you believe in no matter what that may be. People just assumed "hard work always works" was the core theme and then threw a temper tantrum when the author didn't conform to how the series should be in their head.

>that picture

imagine the smell

Yoruichi and Hatman were clearly fucking. Whether or not they were in a relationship is unclear.

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I am forgotten...

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The fanservice just kept going up and up

Chad Aizen
Chair Aizen
Condom Aizen

If that was the case why develop the main character in that way?

If it wasn't about being the underdog and working hard to achieve something why have Lee compare Naruto to himself?

Why have Neji even mention that most cannot become Hokage (Clearly lumping Naruto in that club)

Why have the constant flashbacks of Naruto blatantly wishing for acknowledgment if it wasn't about that?

What's extra fucked up about the scene with Neji is that he ends up being right since Naruto is the child of prophecy already determined to be great which is fucking retarded.

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I liked this Bleach game

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>Completely aborted character arc

FUCK was this game good? i remember diving into it blindly after dark souls and hating the genre change

>Completely aborted character arc
That being?

>that one masturbation doujin
I should have a nostalgia fap

Naruto was always going to be the Third's kid, which is literally the best genetic lottery. Though I do believe he asspulled the Uzumaki's having unreal amounts of chakra and basically being wiped out except for Naruto and Karin.

I'm pretty sure that's nearly every character in Bleach


im waiting

Why did you think the theme was "hard work beats talent" when Gaara the prodigy beats Rock Lee in their fight early on in the series? Brain damage?

Also did you miss the part where Naruto mastered a forbidden jonin level technique in a few hours in the very first episode of the show?

The point about neji vs naruto wasn't literally that fate can't be changed, nor was it about hardwork beating talent/destiny. Naruto told neji to stop whining about trivial stuff like fate and to stop bringing other people down with his depressing shit. Especially when others had their own set of problems they had to deal with, neji wasnt special in that regard and the only one suffering.

Basically no-one can just look at you and decide your destiny based on their own perception, which is what neji did with lee, hinata and naruto. He constantly told Lee that he would never become a legit ninja, he told hinata she wouldn't amount to anything, he told naruto he'd stay a loser forever. Neji was also a hypocrite cause he was actively trying to change his destiny of protecting hinata by trying to murder her, and at the same time preaching about how people should just shut up and accept their destiny that he randomly comes up with for them.

It's fine if people didn't like the concept of destiny being introduced later on in the show. But they haven't contradicted anything by introducing it. Because all the destiny talk people debate so much over doesn't apply to this fight. Neji's logic ate itself since he himself was a massive hypocrite. Don't know how you missed that in this comic book for children.

Just another turned based tactics RPG with some social link related stuff

Tatsuki x3

They're probably making a 2nd release version of her some time this year for their gachashit

Hoping it's lewd to the max

I've been seeing people shitpost the ha rd work shit lately and finally found it came from a youtuber making a 40 min video of it. this here is literally using his words. Once again, e-celebs are telling people what to think.


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Jesus I should have known that's really disappointing. Naruto has enough problems without needing to make shit up.

Chair Aizen was pretty cool.
>Get fucked but they literally can't kill you
>Throw you in a hole and pop in every day to mock you
>When Jesus comes knocking and they start getting BTFO they come to you for help and strap you in a popemobile chair
>Flatten invaders with raw spiritual pressure without getting out of the chair
>Ask why everybody else isn't doing the same with the smuggest shit-eating grin


Attached: Wonder.jpg (412x500, 127K)

Riruka was pretty cute

I was more referring to him being the reincarnation of Asura

Naruto's genetic lottery is so stacked it makes the small amount of shit he got from the 3rd irrelevant, hell it kinda even makes Ichigo's genetic fuck up seem not so impressive.

Naruto was on the day of his birth born or given.
>The massive amount of Chakra from the Uzamaki Clan
>The extra massive amount of Chakra from the Nine Tails, also gives him regen and other shit.
>Whatever small amount of crap he got from the Namikaze bloodline.
>Even more massive chakra from being the reincarnation of Asura literal son of god.

Less of a born thing but he was also given every Nature Release, in Naruto its borderline "It's my power to have all the powers"

>actually parroting e-celeb example he spent 10 mins on

i thought it was dead
is this a dream?

Based shota retard.

>crafted specifically as a weapon to fight against the old man
>didn't amount to shit
Kubo needs to stick to character and fashion design. Fucking bullshit.

I'm I didn't even know about an eceleb.

She never gets any resolution. Her and her subordinates are forgotten about at the earliest plot convenience. She never reconciles with Harribel, she never has anything to say about her philosophy conflicting with Nnoitora, she just never has any sort of closure to anything. She stops developing as soon as Ichigo leaves, like almost every other side character.

On what level of speedreading are you on?

old shark tits was a better girl

Doesn't really matter when everyone he fought was just as absurd. Every major villain that Naruto fights is a prodigy of some kind. Except Kakuzu I guess.

Did she ever even say goodbye? I remember ichigo ran off to aizen leaving here and was never seen again.

>this whole thread

anime so stupid lol

You see Nel later

>She never reconciles with Harribel
She does in the novels, they both rule HM and keep Grimmjow on a short leash
>she never has anything to say about her philosophy conflicting with Nnoitora
Whats there to say? It was pretty self explanatory

Alright, what did I say that was wrong?
'Because I remember Yamamoto cutting right through Wonderweiss about half a chapter after Aizen explained what his deal was.
Little bastard didn't even do that sword release thing that I can't remember the name of.

Guess I should read the novels.
I guess I would have just liked some focus on developing these side characters rather than having them vanish until the epilogue.

Still shit compared to Ichigo and Rukia's dynamic.

Please tell me as a lesbian couple.

Their non romantic dynamic yeah.

Yamamto punched him to death.

He absorbed his flames but punching him to death is fine (He explodes in flames anyway)

I couldn't get over the protags looking like Urahara's bastard children or something.

Imagine being Aizen and having these two lust after you and bully the shit out of an innocent girl to compete for your attention

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>Yamamoto cutting right through Wonderweiss
And the flames Wonderweiss had sealed inside his body bursted into an explotion Yamamoto had to contain, leaving him too wounded to keep fighting
>Little bastard didn't even do that sword release thing
Yes he did

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nemu was my main. muh sweet abused daughterfu.

Not even half true.

Who's the strongest ice-user? Rukia or Hitsugaya?

kek it was bad ass that he ended up being a tool just to show how bad ass the old man was. he should've gotten more fights

Aged up Hitsugaya

>jonin level tactic becomes his signature fucking move after gaining experience with it throughout the series and eventually lets him beat his rival (with op as fuck god eye powers given to him because he was lucky enough to be compatible with gaining power from this technique which works 1 out of 100 times, quoted by madara, and many other villains by constantly inventing new ways to use copy jutsu he trained so hard to get right for his sensei iruka)
>gains access to other signature move rasangan which is one of his most valuble ace moves to help him win later fights only by hard training in tandem with copy jutsu
>not hard work
I bet you gobble nux taku's logs

I agree with you. I think Naruto worked hard. But the theme of Naruto was never hard work beats talent. I'm responding to another Plague parrot.

I liked the girl having big tiddies

And If I had to change one of them, I would pick Sui-Feng, also known as Soifon

Attached: soifon-bleach-anime-6750399-500-375[1].jpg (500x375, 86K)

What Bankai from a character nobody really cared for seeing, but you wanted see?

I wanted to see Isane's.

>Liking Cuntfon.

We'll never get to see Kenpachi's bankai?

i want to see orihimes bank kaid iykwim

>Bleach thread on Yea Forums
>Get late to the party
Every...fucking...time. Anyway this game was so good I had to buy it Jap version Also Versus Crusade

>Versus Crusade 2
>Never ever.

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I remember quoting hollow ichigos instinct speech

i was such a cringy kid

The bounto arc started off interesting but turned to shit, the princess arc was bad from the beginning, the new captain arc started okay and went to shit early on and the sword rebellion is good but its way too long.
In fact all Bleach fillers are way too long and drag down a pretty simple premise.

It's an acq/u/ired taste. You would never undestand...

This was a pretty badass intro. Even after a fuck ton of years after I watched that whole shitshow, I still like that intro. It's one of those things you'll never stop liking.

She returns in the Blood War arc with Grimmjow to fight the Quincies

>espada are supposed to be above captain level
>rukia kills one
>secretly she was captain level the whole time but byakuya prevented her rank
>despite ep 1 she is incompasitated by a single foot soldier attack

Ichigo's mom and his sisters.

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What the fuck was up with Bleach getting all the bangers for its OPs and EDs

Is there an anime before or since with a more based soundtrack?

>Ichigo's Hollow was actually his Zanpakuto spirit.

That was bullshit and you know it.

>There's only one Bambietta doujin
>She gets zombified half way through
my pp weeps

>Karin grew up to be a tiddy monster

In the manga

i started that thread

#9 was the weakest of the espada and the best the bitch could do was push for a draw. Pathetic.

we got it later on

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I hope you never said it to a girl

>>espada are supposed to be above captain level
It's the same thing with the Akatsuki being Kage-level and losing to a bunch of Jonin and Genin.

To be fair, Aaroniero was a fucking scrub who was too busy mocking her to notice that she had her sword pointed at his head and too busy being a dickhead to remember that releasing a sword reverses any damage it has suffered.


>rukia kills one
You are missing a lot of context


Well to be fair even among the Kage you have jobbers like Mei.


Honor mention: Aunt Karin

I'm still waiting for Kubo to begin a clothing line.... It was nice to seeing him working at the new Sakura Wars game tho.

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I was hoping it would be more impressive than that, honestly. When he got his shikai and wrecked brainjar's shit, that was cool, but then there was too little time between that and gaining bankai, and it kind of felt like his bankai was weaker than his shikai.

It was but at least it had that KUBO moment where you realized White Ichigo was aleays telling him that HE was Zangetsu and not the old man and that HE was the source of his powers, much like all asauchis.


Rangiku Mk2 is so much better than the original

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wait who was old man zangetsu

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For some reason I wanted this whole squad anally raped.

I forgot but didnt Yachiru interact with the rest of Kenpachis squad?
As I remember Asauchis or the sword spirits are not normally seen by those who are not the user.

that's just your boner guiding you

Young Yhwach. Makes no sense to me either though

>Sasori gets beat by someone who spent her entire life planning to beat him, a student of one of the sannin, the ten strongest puppets ever created and intentionally lets himself get hit by the last attack
>Hidan the retard and the weakest of the Akatsuki besides Zetsu gets beaten by Shikamaru with loads of prep time
>Kakuzu gets beaten by Naruto, Kakashi, all of Team 10 and by a technique that was too much for even the 4th Hokage to master
>Deidara loses to a lightning style master, his natural counter, who happens to be a student of the strongest of the Sannin who absorbed that Sannin's power and has a curse mark boosting his power.
>Kisame loses to the combined power of the strongest Jinchuriki in the world and Might Guy using the 7th gate. He also only loses after Samehada betrays hiim
>Itachi is literally dying during the fight and also mostly blind
>Konan loses to a technique she'd never seen before used by Obito who is someone at least Kage level at that point in the show.
>Pain loses to a student of one of the Sannin who'd surpassed his master and become a perfect sage. He also had full intel on his opponent and knew exactly which ones to target. Also has to deal with an Eight Tail Cloak Kyuubi and Hinata at different points in the fight

Can't say I agree with you user. The only one I can sort of see is Kakuzu but even he got beat by a technique that left the user hospitalized for weeks.

Yhwach, the Quincys big boss, who killed the soul king and curb stomped most of the shinigami.
Since Ichigo is part quincy he could also interact with Juha and gain power from him.

>Jojo part 5 anime finishes
>Have to see garbage like this fag praising the worst jojo in my recommended videos because I saw a few memes

Who knew people had such shit taste?

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Yahweh's bullshit.

The quincy spirit
>Asauchis or the sword spirits are not normally seen by those who are not the user
They can be seen by others. To get Bankai you have to make your spirit manifest in the outside world

Based Aizen, probably one of the best shonen villains. He was so incredibly overpowered and entertaining at the same time.

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>animeonlys acting like Part 5 is anything but Araki's laziest work
Man those niggas gonna freak when they get to SBR and see what a great JoJo Part REALLY looks like

Fucking youtube, why do they promote certain people? I saw his good rivals in anime, and I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be sarcastic.

Even Giselle?

I thought Asauchis after getting their sword form and becoming a zanpakuto became pretty much invisible to the everyone, my memory of Bleach is pretty hazy.
But did she also have a sort of zanpakuto?

This game was great but some of the character are fucking busted as shit.

>hundreds of unique and imaginative creatures

Attached: aizen.jpg (900x885, 339K)

>They're probably making a 2nd release version of her some time this year for their gachashit
>Her Cacao society version was pure sex

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Sasuke was out of chakra regardless for the Deidara fight. That entire summoning to save his ass was an asspull no two ways about it.

Giselle is a girl and I dont care what anyone says, Yumichika was bullshitting.

It was. But so was Deidara being able to use a Tailed Beast Bomb level attack even though he was out of chakra and could barely stand. Asspull countered with an asspull.

She did but it was noted how unusual it was

Holy kek! Should've started with since when you were under the impression.

Miss the comfy threads on Yea Forums before becoming the cesspool it is now. You can pinpoint when this goes to shit as well. At Urahara's chemical tricks panel

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Reminder that this was the last original game developed by Treasure.

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Bleach had no right having such good music
It's a shame everything after the Aizen arc in the anime is completely unwatchable
Hopefully the last parts of the manga gets adapted into anime as well

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The lowest point in the whole series.

what was it? going really fast, hitting really hard and being more unkillable?

Pretty much, just pure unga bunga

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Will Kubo ever return to Zombiepowder



>I am forgotten

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>aizen grabs ichigos sword so hard his theme stops playing and gets almost cut in half during soul society
>ichigo does the sword grab back to him in the end

It was at a point where the final went completely methodic.

>New fight
>Character fights enemy
>Character shows new power up
>If said character did not reveal their powers in early arcs, show it now
>Rinse and repeat

The final arc was decent until that started because some retards (at Yea Forums) actually thought it was necessary to show every ability of EVERY character since it was the final arc just because it was the final arc.

is she blasting zeros out of her nipples?

ichigo's son is extremely cute but is also for lewd

>some retards (at Yea Forums) actually thought it was necessary to show every ability of EVERY character since it was the final arc just because it was the final arc.

Of course it was necessary you fucking moron, when would they be shown off otherwise?

>The song didn't pick up where it left off when Ichigo grabbed the sword.


And here's one of said retards, apparently.

Bleach really went to shit after the soul society arc, especially when everyones bankai is just a sword with special powers instead of crazy shit like the blind dude or the giant samurai

The final arc is so hilariously bad, every time Kubo would write himself into the corner then some dues ex machina would pop up to save them. "This god can delete anything, lol jk i have a magic mirror that reflects god"

What was Aizen's Bankai?

>it was necessary to show every ability of EVERY character
Ukitake got bullshitted out of any fight for every arc. Kubo can't even give him a real battle before he bit the dust. Not fair bros.

Himself, actually.

It was never shown in the end he killed the final boss with his shikai hue

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t. NPCs

>If Aizen spent the extra two seconds to hypnotize Ichigo or just kill him outright he would have won

Losing was all part of Aizen's plan though. His end game was getting strapped to a chair but still managing to manipulate every single person and outcome, all while talking shit to the poor bastards. Aizen was the best

As much as I dislike the fact that there was any kind of pairing shit at the end, I would've preferred Rukia because she was the best girl over Orihime.


This is a good example right here, there's a lesson to be learned for all of us; that only works with videogame shitposting, not anime/manga arcs.

>t. NPC

Gotta respect the man's taste in architecture and furniture. I'd probably have my own towering concrete palace in the desert too if I could.

To be fair, it stops Aizen's theme so it was the 2nd most kino option they could have chosen.

I still wonder why did they add so many playable characters
see that fucking nurse? she's platable
see that fucking child's soul possessing a bird? he's playable

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It does not matter what it is, it is already affecting you

the episode where they try to see kakashi's face is great, but that's as far as I know about good filler

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Maybe it just increased his power? I mean he's already stronger than all the Espada and the other captains before his evolution

He appears in Kubo's dreams and asks for more page time

>Why, yes. I excel at selecting high quality furniture for my sitting needs. How did you tell?

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what if Kubo made Dragonball?

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Deserved better.

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oh wow never knew this got an english release

babby me fucked around with the japanese version and liked the tactics and setting

>Spend 1000 saved orbs to get her
>Not even one
>Spend orbs trying to get Final Getsuga Ichigo
>Not even one
On the plus side I got Hollow Ichigo which it seems to be broken and then I got CHAirzen.

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Whatever happened to Burn the Witch? Was just a oneshot?

that's literally every single character besides ichigo


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Read the last arc


Bulma would be even hotter and there would be fewer poop jokes. Goku beats every major bad guy in Dragonball by himself anyway so nothing changes on that front. Goku would also be a Human/Saiyan/Namekian hybrid

I read the entire Bleach series and I don't remember much of it

It was fun though

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It's been a long time since I've read anything Bleach related but since he was killed by a zanpakuto he'll end up in soul society. Maybe he'll become a shinigami one day

Which reminds me. There was a thing were mangakas drew Goku in their own style, can't remember if Kubo was among them.

But I do remember Shaman's King mangaka version and Oda's; which expose him hard as a Toriyama wanabee.

all I remember is that Ichigo is literally every existing race at once and anohana deserved better

I remember when Murata drew art of other guy's properties. Some were pretty good at being in his style, while others were kind of bizarre. Great amount of detail in them though.

>>ichigo does the sword grab back to him in the end
aw shit i forgot about that
this shit writes itself

Man that bleach game on wii had some insane boob jiggle for character models, gonna "play" it thanks to this thread reminding me that it existed

She looks so much like Tatsuki.

Posting best Arrancar.

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Something slightly different though

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Not even best game. Actually a shit one, one the few shit Bleach games.

>Yea Forums used to joke about that
>memed into reality


It was foreshadowed already. Kubo is the king of foreshadowing, everyone knows this.

Absolutely not, I got tired of
>Characters show up and do something
>It seems to be effective against Aizen but nope it was either an illusion or hog nonsense
>This repeats for about 3-4 more times

I remember being 12 and asking my grandmother for GTA SA and she got me finding nemo because she thought all games were practically the same thing and I wouldn't know the difference, I liked the game regardless.

Was there ever anything that explained her arm?

I read a fan theory that they had to take it away from her because it was an Oken, meaning she used to be Royal Guard. I thought that was kind of cool.

Unohana - The previous Kenpachi

>works with fireworks
>is missing an arm
Do the math

>According to the artbook, Rukia and Renji's daughter is training to be a part of Zaraki's squad.
>Yfw Ichika becomes the next Kenpachi.

Shinigami lore makes 0 fucking sense

Downloaded brave souls, what the fuck I roll for. I like Ishida, Rukia and Chad.

No need to, as everyone expected and kubo foreshadowed; Isshin was a Shiba (a great noble house).

Aizen really did have a nice chair

Was he /our guy/?

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2 weeks later dipshit. You miss the free selected (by you) 6 start for the anniversary, as well as step up and the new final arc characters step up (Soi fon, Bankai Yama & chair-sama Aizen)

Reminder that the Shinigami killed God, used the Holy Spirit to reshape the world, and then killed our lord and savior and used him to replace God when he couldn't be used anymore.

I guess it's possible, but only if Zaraki decides to step down. The dude's absolutely fucking busted.

Fuck off, Jugram.


How Chad fightinh regular humans cam ever be fair. Does he turn off his reiatsu.

Toushiro, Rukia power isnt ice, its cold, she just produces ice by off product.

>Rukia power isnt ice, its cold, she just produces ice by off product.
Yeah, so ice.

Toushiro produces endless waves of ice and just overwhelms you. Rukia just make everything impossible cold and makes little to no use ice.

nigga what

Actual based taste

Toshiro controls moisture in the air. Rukia drops the temperature. Both produce ice.

>when you spend two entire arcs plotting and ruining peoples' lives all so you can spend the final arc in a nice comfy chair
Best villain who did nothing wrong

Yes they both produce ice but Rukia hardly weaponizes it while thats Toushiro whole shtick,they arent comparable.

Chad was super human before awakening his powers

>Isane is 6'1.

I think Kubo went a little overboard. That's not even anime manlet "tall", that's just plain tall for a girl.

futa rangiku

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So she was right then.

Would you rather she be a womanlet like her sister?

I'm 5'6 so hugging her would just be planting my face right into her tits which sounds pretty good to me

>Orihime resolves to destroy the Hogyoku with her powers at any cost
>This grand ambition is never brought up again afterwards

She is taller than most people and has huge tits.

>Nnoitra is 7'

Huge, but still human

>hacchi is 8'5"

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I'm surprised you didn't have Lisa in there.

I owned this game on multiple occasions in my life, never was able to finish it though.

Isane is tall and cute


It’s canon he died.

Seeing Nnoitra compared to Ulquiorra I always thought Nnoitra was like 10 feet tall, but it turns out Ulquiorra is just a manlet

So unninstal game then?


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Not quite, she was just lucky that finding nemo ps2 game didn't suck.

That Piccolo is so dope.


>Bleach Brotherhood never

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Feel free to swap any of these out with Isane, Soi-Fon, Yoruichi. This list was not made in any particular order and the person who asked for a simple 3 is an absolute fucking sadist, as far as I'm considered.

Why did Tatsuki mean by this?

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She's a dyke

I miss Bleach man. They should've made a spin off slice of life anime with the characters. Such a cool cast of characters don't deserve to be forgotten to time.

>his mugetsu form had a theme
>it was just a remix of this

Who is the best?

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it's okay to like other arcs, but it doesn't make them good user.

I love Bleach!

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I wanna fuck Isane.

Good lord

get in line

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The Utimate All-Rounder of course!

I wish Nanao was my wife.

Your tastes is shit. Bleach was awful.

>saying this while posting in this thread

i got that game and it was unironically based

Maybe, left it there and use the come back login bonus?

Was this just some sort of gag? She was even shown to be flat at the beginning of the same episode

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Loose clothing often conceals awesome rack on chicks.

>Nanao's stuff her bikini

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No idea who that its, just downloaded the game

>That pool selection
Yoruichi, either way they're all shitty picks.

Nanao is such a fraud.

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Those two dumb sluts didn't even make a sand sculpture

>The Utimate All-Rounder of course!
Kenpachi is the best from that selection but all of those characters are outdated.

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>Didn't want fulbring Ichigo
>Got myself 4 because of RNG

Also, orblet and ticketlet.

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That sounds less like clueless grandparent and more like senile grandparent.

Personally I'd rather Soul Eater Brotherhood.

I was so happy on the inside when I saw Isane become captain.

I remember playing some Bleach game on the Wii my father had gotten for my brother on our homebrewed Wii. Very vague memories though, all I remember is strangely good music, and a spanish sounding guy with a skullface and a very soothing voice.

Got Tensa Zangetsu on the beginner banner. The pull rate of this gamr seems awful

What's your favourite Bleach game? Pic related is mine.
Purple Haze should make more Bleach stuff

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seemed the logical thing, to me

Seething IRfag

Arrancars were never captain level. Ichigo was weaker in the HM arc. Take the redpill already

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He literally told ichigo several times that he's Zangetsu

Hax BS 2.0

>*killed by shikai*

She says the thing about Rukia early in the series

At first I thought this was some anime about underground hiphop and graffiti

>He fights to protect everything


>that time a naked Rangiku "comforted" Orihime by lying on top of her
Jesus Christ, how did Kubo get away with it, lads?

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Yeah but pink kimono guy was like the secret strongest captain.

the final arc was shit. i dont get how you have like a month to plan it out and its all the same shit as before.

It's a gacha; of course they are. For that game you wait for step up summons.

>Ask for a DS with Pokemon Diamond on Christmas
>Get the DS but with Bee Movie
Atleast it was decent.

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The last one with pic related is decent, and the best animated arc of the anime by far

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Rukia only

More than a waifu, I feel like she would inspire me to become a better person.

Just like pic related.

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most end of the month banners are 6%
the real challenge is getting golden accessories

Especially "her"

This thread is so 2008 I love it

Uploading videos used to set your avatar as the thumbnail back in like 05-07.

Dark as my soul, perfect

>Translates every word except nakama
How embarrassing. There were some OP subs that did the same thing and it was just as obnoxious there too.

Look at it this way. Soul society Chad was beaten by a shunsui in base form. Stark was beaten by shunsui in Shikai. It looks bad

The episodes agains the insect clan was pretty cool, great hinata scenes and Naruto going berserk

Biologically male desu

Until Kubo comes out and state shes a guy, she'll continue to be a girl for me.
I refuse to believe a cutie like her has a dick and no, the dick never makes it better.

there is not nearly enough good porn of rangiku.
this saddens my boner deeply.

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Jizzelle is a boy, user. It's ok to find him cute.