There will be a sequel right guys?

There will be a sequel right guys?

I just finished the game as a pacifist and really enjoyed it, I don't know why people hated it too much outside of the initial controversies that tanked the games sales

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was really good, there will propably be a sequel sooner or later. The fuckin Avengers game ruined it.

The microtransactions were some of the worst seen in gaming. The hamfisted allegory to racism was terrible and definitely turned people away. Maybe Cyberpunk will scratch that itch that Deus Ex left behind.

Can just as easily be construed as gun rights, just like HR.

The game is not political

In their defence when a publisher throws a dick in your face and suck it you're not really in the position to do much, though they were poorly implemented I swear hearing a while ago as it was such a last minute addition with Breaches so it didn't effect the story. However there's only so much spin one can put on something like that.
Didn't really mind it all things considered especially coming from the AUG event
Aye hopefully it will get that itch.
Blame Enix for absolutely bumming them before it got out of the doors.

>There will be a sequel right guys?
I hope not.

This series is in desperate need of a complete reboot.

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Gameplay was some of the best in the series, but the story blew even more than HR's. The game really sucks at immersion when every single NPC can't shut up about the augs bullshit. I'd rather the approach of Deus Ex 1. The Adam clone stuff is Ok tho.

It can't be rebooted because it's too redpilled for modern gaming. It would have to include things like Epstein being alive and the Deep State and those are no longer kosher.

Nope. Its dead. Maybe in 10 years time we will get another deus ex but it will almost nothing to do with Adam or HR or MD.

Series is dead like HR adam.

Breach could have been fun. I liked the extra lore and the aesthetics of it, but knowing you cant really complete it without microtrasactions fucking blows.

>The hamfisted allegory to racism was terrible
it was neither an allegory, nor hamfisted.

>We're never gonna see the reveal of MD jensen being a clone

fucking quare enix

>it was neither an allegory, nor hamfisted.
Then what was it supposed to be about?

>We're never gonna see the reveal of MD jensen being a clone
>fucking quare enix

What is Square Enix to blame for? The Eidos developers took way too long to deliver what was essentially a glorified expansion pack.

>caring about jensen or some silly twist about him being a clone

I care about jensen more than fucking denton

>shitpost game into oblivion
>pat yourself on the back for getting your new ToRtanic
>dig up game years later
>realize it's actually good
>but now it's too late
Fuck you all.

based bootlicker I love our corporate overlords, they can do no wrong

the length of the game was kinda inexcusable

but yeah it fucking sucks because I liked it more than HR
Oh well

Felt like a third of a game to me. Like all this buildup to what I thought was the first boss and suddenly the game's over. Pretty clear the story was gutted in some way. Also no Malik outside that lame easter egg. Big disappointment after how surprisingly good HR was.

Yea Forums got what they deserve, everyone just hops on the hatetrains and no one has their own opinion

Squeenix already stated that they will continue it.

Sidequests and exploration made it last longer than HR.

>What is Square Enix to blame for

Square is responsible for fucking over a lot of devs and franchises.

I think the issue was not the actual length of time required to beat it per se but the fact that the game ends when the story only feels like it's starting to ramp up

yep they had to cut the game in half, forgot why


>very first trailer drop
>main bad guy revealed
>lol he totally dies early in the game and he's controlled by the real villains
>it's the final boss


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The exploration was amazing. Prague is one of the best videogame levels of all time, and was enough to make this the second best game in the series.
That said, the story was cut off in the middle. If it was twice as long, concluded the issues raised in the ending, and had another city comparable to Prague, it would've been one of the best of all time.

Not to mention the loading screens

kek, yeah they were horrible

You're right, I kinda blocked them from memory.

literally the best game of the decade

>Game is terribly short like it was cut in half
>Plot isn't resolved and ends on a cliffhanger leaving everyone wondering why the credits are rolling
>Terribly optimized and ran like ass
>Microtransactions in a single player game

Theres many reasons it was disliked.

If I had to take a guess, I would imagine it was to spend dev time instead on that shitty bonus mode that nobody played for more than fifteen minutes. I fucking hated it. But gotta sell those loot boxes, right?
Eidos Montreal was supposed to start on the next game after finishing the newest Tomb Raider, but now they seem to be working on that Marvel shitheap, so we might not see it for a long time.

>I care about jensen more than fucking denton
But why? Denton has a far more compelling Hero's Journey over the course of DX1 which mirrors the player's own adventure through the game's challenges.

Let's walk through the stages according to Campbell:

In the beginning of the story, JC is a no-nonsense, by-the-book-but-still-not-big-into-books kinda guy. He's mostly uncurious, but still has a healthy skepticism about everything he's told. He at first takes little interest in going down the rabbit hole into the other world of conspiracy and lies [1], at first refusing the call [2] from Leo Gold, Lebedev, and later even from his brother, whom he trusts implicitly. The seeds of doubt eventually mount in his mind, however, and he crosses over to the other side [4], leaving the security of his ordinary world and delving into the unknown. He receives supernatural aid in the form of the rogue AI, Daedalus [3], who helps him escape from the belly of the MJ12 beast, literally lurking beneath his old world [5]. From then on he faces many trials, discovering a network of hidden allies and obtaining tools that aid him in his adventure [6-8]. Crucially, this is where we see JC become more inquisitive, no longer taking anything at face value and making up his own mind about what others tell him. JC finally discovers the powers that created him and must reconcile their aims with his own sense of purpose (see the meeting with Morgan Everett and the revealing encounters with Lucius DeBeers/Morpheus) [9]. At this point, JC has learned what is at stake and the measures that must be taken to stop the MJ12 juggernaut, and he expresses this growing wisdom at many opportunities [10]. Finally, he helps create the ultimate boon in the form of the superintelligence Helios [11], which JC initially views with mistrust for the danger it poses to society at large [12].

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>Terribly optimized and ran like ass
Only legit reason right here as it's the only one relating to gameplay.

To those complaining about the story: are you fucking retarded? You already know where the plot is heading. You niggers are waiting for a retelling of a story you already know.


With the help of his newfound allies, he manages to take control of Helios into his own hands [13-14], eventually making a choice (the player's!) about how best to return to society with this newfound power and wisdom [15]. With this, JC becomes a transcendent figure who is able to master the world of conspiring powers and technological advancement approaching the divine (taken quite literally in the Helios ending, but still true for the others) and unite it with the ordinary world he once inhabited [16], no longer unsure of himself or the realities of either world [17].

Though the effort would be admirable, I'd think you'd have a hard time formulating the same monomyth structure as literally for Adam Jensen's story arc as you can for JC Denton's. I happen to believe all good stories share some basic structure with the Hero's Journey, but there are some stories (e.g. ancient myths, Deus Ex) which do it on a grander, more mythical scale and are IMO quite compelling as a result. Experiencing the same trials, tribulations, and revelations as a player while seeing the character respond in harmony takes it to a new level. That's why JC Denton's character resonates so deeply; Jensen's story arc in HR feels like it's his thing (and badly written, at that), not united with my arc as a player.

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You know the hero's journey is just an analytical concept and not a guide, right? And it's by no means an indicator for quality.

Denton is a test tube babby with no character until the player steps in. It serves its function, but Jensen is more human, more relatable and he has the voice.

>Square is responsible for fucking over a lot of devs and franchises.
Do you have any specific examples of how they fucked over Eidos?

The main issues with both HR and MD are all the terrible gameplay decisions, and the nonsensical retcons, and I doubt Square can be blamed for that. Maybe for shit like the microtransactions, but that's the least of MD's problems.

Do you honestly expect anyone to read a fucking copy paste ?

Thanks Denuvo.

>Denton is a test tube babby with no character until the player steps in. It serves its function, but Jensen is more human, more relatable and he has the voice.

>In Deus Ex JC Denton wears a trenchcoat and sunglasses
>Characters actually make fun of him for that (even though there is actually an in-universe explanation, the sunglasses are to hide the creepy pupils nano-augmentations cause so as not to make the people he talks to nervous)
>In Deus Ex: Human Revolution Jensen wears a trenchcoat and doesn't simply wear sunglasses, the game goes so far as to graft mechanical sunglasses into his skull. On top of that, he is voiced by an actor with a voice so gravelly you wonder if he has throat cancer.
>We are expected to take Jensen seriously as a character

Jensen feels like a parody character. It's like the developers were so terrified of making another Invisible War (which is dumb, because Invisible War did a far better job of humanizing its cast than Human Revolution) that they mindlessly copied JC's gravely voice, trenchcoat and sunglasses. But while JC had a deadpan sense of humor and other characters actually made fun of his trenchcoat and sunglasses, we are supposed to take Adam Jensen seriously. He just comes of as juvenile, edgy and way too try-hard and it's impossible to take him seriously.

That small tidbit about Jensen hiding his eyes so as not to make other people nervous alone does more to humanize his character than anything in HR/MD does to humanize Jensen.

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Needed another hub city
Either Utulek, London, or Rabiah.
Rabiah shouls have been in regardless, even if it was just one-off mission.
That ice-base shouls have bwen greatly expanded too.

>Jensen hiding his eyes
Woops, this was meant to say
>JC hiding his eyes

Gameplay was excellent, a step up from human revolution. Story was a bit underwhelming compared to previous games.

>You know the hero's journey is just an analytical concept and not a guide, right? And it's by no means an indicator for quality.
As opposed to Human Revolution, which is so unimaginative that it uses the woman in refrigerator/damsel in distress trope to motivate Jensen, as well as ripping off Robocop?

Don't tell me you took JC more seriously. Jensen's batman voice might be a bit campy, but the constant dead-pan of JC is hysterical.

I'm 99% certain the game was supposed to end in Rabiah

Going through it atm. It's alright, although I've spent 90% of my time so far just breaking into people's apartments and stealing all their shit.

I just finished it as well. For some stupid reason the achievements don't register when offline and I'll only be doing a second sweep on NG+ for missed shit like Time Traveller so I'll miss ones based around activating augs.

Do augs you turned off to use experimental ones come back online after you use the calibrator?

It's a great game butchered by dumb decisions by square enix. It has one of the most anticlimatic endings in videogames, just because they clearly wanted to make a trilogy out of it. Also it pisses me off that you can't import your save file to the dlcs, just because they hoped to sell some more praxis kits.

>Don't tell me you took JC more seriously.
I did, because DX1 is actually self-aware of how ridiculous it is, whereas Human Revolution expects me to take Jensen's emo edgelord shtick seriously, which ironically backfired.

Because the story was literally cut in half.

Yeah, but I don't think you can use the calibrator until near the end even if you get it early. You've gotta play like 2/3rds of the game, maybe more.

>Because the story was literally cut in half.
Adding the second half wouldn't have magically remedied the writing.

Contrary to popular belief, OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.

While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes: even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.

Augmentations in HR and MD are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate and 'black lives matter' (they literally used 'aug lives matter' in their marketing). And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.

Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.

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Oh yeah, it's definitely more tonally consistent.

Thanks fren for making me want to replay the original. GMDX any good?

>really enjoy original game with Denton
>HR is different but nice spin on the format, get a few replays out of it
>struggle to get past the first mission in MD
I just can't do it, MD's not fun at all. Something about the tone or gameplay changes from HR is not doing it for me.

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>"hey bro lets make the most insanely dense and complex hub city in games!" "Ok cool what about the story?" "Uhhh.. JC is a clone!"
The prison DLC was better than the main game

Well then if I ever do another clean run, perhaps I'll try turning off armor and fortified hacking. Only used wireless hacking for my run. Will find out when I do NG+ but I hope the experimental shit stays online consequence free.

I also wonder if no infinite NG+ was a developer choice or a SE mandate to sell them micro transactions.

>The game is not political
The writer made it all about "muh aug lives matter". She had no idea of how to write a proper script for a sequel to Human Revolution. They didn't even acknowledge the player's choices at the end of DE:HR.

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The problem with invisible war was the graphics looked weird and fuck and it was consolized to shit meaning there was a load point every ten seconds and the story continuation is meh to alright but could have been great.

Having played both recently IW could have been reworked into a pretty great game but as the game stands it is nothing more than a 5 or 6 out of 10 and does poorly as a sequel. HR is a as better prequel by than IW as a sequel by quite a large margin.

But I really don't think IW would have needed that much work to have been a 9/10 and shit on HR but it never got the work it needed and got consolized.

>They didn't even acknowledge the player's choices at the end of DE:HR.

No way they could without spoiling that Jensen is a clone.

I knew I dodged a bullet not picking this up

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>"Body augmentation goes against Muslim beliefs; they weren't jihadists."
Please tell me that's not real.

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>GMDX any good?
Yes. It's the only mod worth installing.

It is. Writing as a whole is a downgrade.

I'm not sure why this is an issue. He is literally stating that modding goes against their beliefs so it wasn't them. It is a reasonable deduction.

If this was a non-modded person blowing themselves up it and he was spewing this horseshit it would make perfect sense. Call a spade. Call an exploding sandnigger an exploding sandnigger.

>They've replaced Malik with a black guy
>new sidekick is an ugly woman who can't stop saying that she's the toughest
>the chief of the Task Force is a faggot
The only thing missing in this game was the soÿ food.
I liked the side story about the cult.

>woman in refrigerator
keep that in your purse, Gail Simone.

It's true.

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What exactly is wrong with this line

Why is there so many female writers in vidya industry all of sudden? Before it was like Amy Henning and Rhianna Pratchett and that's it, but now almost every narrative-driven game has them. And that fucking dead on arrival Witcher series. Is this why vidya has gotten so much worse narratively-wise in the last 6-7 years?

It mentions muslims in a neutral manner so it's obviously SJW pandering trash

>In the VersaLife section you can very clearly see a corpse that looks exactly like Jensen in a box
>Meaning the player Jensen is most likely a clone of the one that went in the water at the end of HR
>Jensen doesn't remark on this or even so much as react to seeing himself dead
>It's never brought up at all

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Vidya is popular now. Which means are invading the space and using it as a platform for their views and thoughts and companies let them because diversity.

because its a fucking secret, do you just want Jensen to go OH MY GOD THAT RIGHT THERE IS MY CLONE! OR WAS I THE CLONE ALL ALOOOONG! fucking idiot

Not only do you see a corpse but you see a corpse surrounded by rubble from the Hyron project. On the Deus Ex Timeline they used to have up they said that Adam Jensen's body was pulled out of the water amidst the rubble of the Hyron project and lo and behind what do you find near an augless Jensen corpse corpse. Hyron Debris.

>How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.
This is literally brought up as an issue in the game, did you pay attention?

No leaning while aim. No thanks

You can't clearly see it. It is in a dark frosted glass and hard to tell. Not to mention there are look-alikes. Why would he assume its him.

MD was much worse than HR in both gameplay and story.

>because Invisible War did a far better job of humanizing its cast than Human Revolution
Those plastic mannequins with barely a half-dead inflection are more human to you? Where are you on the autism spectrum, again? I bet much farther than the average Yea Forumsirgin.

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>Augmentations in HR and MD are nothing but a vehicle to preach about topical social issues like the pro-life debate and 'black lives matter' (they literally used 'aug lives matter' in their marketing). And they even fail at that. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.
Exactly, but the woman who wrote the story decided to virtue-signal instead of acknowledging that augs could be a risk for the general population. Even Jensen says nothing about it in the game. We're supposed to swallow the "#NotAll" bullshit.

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It feels like the Jensen games don't show Adam's reactions to huge plot revelations like how Adam finds out about his past when he talks to that senile black woman in HR and doesn't really do anything besides asking Pritchard to send security to protect her. There's a lot of holy shit what is going on if you read through all the emails and think the connections are starting to fall in place but adam doesn't make any comments.

I also want to believe that Sarif is a fake too because nobody survived panchea and I remember someone saying he is a different height and eye color and that's why they replaced his voice actor in MD.

they replaced his voice actor because he found out about the fruit flies

Human Revolution never needed sequels to begin with. It weren't as strong as the original DX but it felt finished in what it was trying to explore.
It's been 3 years and i haven't re-played MD a single time yet i did at least 3 runs of DX1 and 1 of HR.

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I unironically liked the filter on the original version of Human Revolution and part why I never bought the director's cut is because they removed it.

Jensen is looking at the world through sunglasses embedded in his head, the filter was fitting and aesthetic.

>they replaced his voice actor in MD.
They changed the voice actor after they found an old video where he was acting like Alex Jones. They thought that he was bashit crazy but he wasn't.

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Can't wait to play it in 5 years when I get a computer that can actually run it.

People hated it because pacifism-run was extremely game-y and boring. 90% of the game could be solved by just breaking aggro for thirty seconds and resuming business-as-usual - this made combat relatively pointless.
However, I will say I loved playing the game on permadeath - and it was vastly improved by employing a 'i don't fucking care, i am the punisher' playstyle - combat was almost always a direct choice, and due to the way augs worked the beginning post-bombing was the hardest by far. The only time my health went below 10% was in the courtyard at the fake passes place, and the rest of the game was a challenge but fun. It's much better when you let loose and fucking kill everyone for no good reason barring them being criminals.
Playing through twice directly before the run helped a bunch as well

Played Desperate Measures just now. Why was that not just part of the main game? It's part of the plot and so insubstantial it was barely worth the effort to start up. Why does it even have levels?

I didn't hate it, but it was continuing the problems seen in HR. The uninteresting binary between lethal and non-lethal boiled down to just playing MGS basically, without all the options or distinct style of playing non-lethal. The augmentation story went way too far and revolves around augmentation only, which is annoying when it's 60% of the conversations in the whole game.

How retards are afraid of technology.

>Why was that not just part of the main game?
You bought it, right? Separately?

This image is correct in that IW was much closer to the original than HR was, but that doesn't change the fact that IW has disgustingly small levels.

I was enjoying it until I beat the "final" boss and the credits rolled.

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>hamfisted allegory to racism
Let me guess, The Witcher games triggered you because of elves/dwarves vs humans conflict too?

I saw a complete edition of the game for $10 during this year's summer sale and bought that. Desperate measures is accessed from the main menu and doesn't connect to the main save, you start with 2 guns and a bunch of praxis points.

Jensen and Denton are dead because Square decided that hundreds of millions of dollars weren't enough for them to buy cocaine.

Prague fucking sucked and the load times on PC were ass even though my rig was more than enough to handle it. So it kept pissing me off to see a waypoint trying to take me to a train instead of the actual destination which was closer. My only real problem with it.

he meant modern racism being needlessly added not the fantasy shit you tard

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Ah, so you dodged that one, after all. No worries, wait for a "Definitive Edition" or "Director's Cut" or whatnot.

What modern racism? MD was about humans vs augs, nobody ever said anything about niggers and shit.

>and a bunch of praxis points
Aren't those praxis points a one time thing, though? I'm pretty sure you don't get them once you finish the game and start again.
You can always BUY more with REAL MONEY though ;^)

>the word muslim was uttered

ok snowflakes

Yes you get them because it doesn't take part of the main game so your levels there mean nothing. You gain exp and can find one right at the end, considering how short it is and no main game connection, I'm not sure why they bothered.

You can actually very clearly see him if you throw an EMP

It's litteraly jensen's model

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Can we just talk about how godlike the OST is? Jensen’s home in particular has some truly amazing ambience

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They are very good, saved in my spotify palists for ambient music around the house or walking around the city.

Having 2 composers on that game was a bad idea. They should've let McCann do the entire thing.

>hamfisted allegory to racism
Unless you're primed to see it like that, it doesn't come off that way. It could easily have been about immigration, or extremism, or... basically anything involving some kind of marginalized minority.

It was so funny seeing the liberal bloggers decide to shit on the game for Aug Lives Matter, rather than embrace it. Bet the devs were completely thrown off, they're in Montreal so were probably expecting a heros welcome.

Lesson being never try to appease SJWs, they eat their own and will find some way to juice you for virtue points even if you're on their side

But yeah a sequel would be nice, the DLC were good enough played on permadeath which artificially extended their gameplay, but as for new content its Cyberpunk or bust. I wish Bethesda got a hold of the Deus Ex license, imagine the ambient feels

I liked the end of the intro when Jensen comes back to work after the terrorist attack and symbolicaly snaps on the sunglasses to protect himself or whatever after the killing of his girlfriend. From then on he has zero character, compared to the small shred of character he had before the attack.

I beat the first one recently, I picked the Tong ending, did I fuck up?

good taste, user. on that note, would you care to share some songs on that playlist? I’m a sucker for ambience tracks; I don’t judge


If it was the same writer that did the HR commentary, she sounded like a bitch. Always complaining about how they had sooo much to do. Like okay maybe the writing team was overworked, but it gets old after the fourth time you bring it up and comes off like you're shitting on the project and redirects/kills the mood of the commentary

Neither 1 or HR's choice of ending matters. IW made all 3 of 1's endings canon and MD just sidesteps whatever you pick for HR.

Its a pretty naive view of muslim terrorists

>Main game makes a point about how all of Jensen's augs are suspecious, IE no serial numbers or anything
>System Rift DLC has Francis say he found Jensen via Infolink I.D

>It's been 3 years and i haven't re-played MD a single time yet i did at least 3 runs of DX1 and 1 of HR.

Heres some of the better ones, a lot is just synthwave stuff. an easy way to get more is to gon on youtube and quickly listen to synthwave/cyberpunk music collection vids and sort through what you like etc.

Its not here but Solarfields is a vey good artist for ambient stuff, and blue stahli for more energetic stuff.

Attached: playlist for anon 1.png (949x542, 165K)

lol she had so much to do that she rushed the ending.

Attached: playlist for anon 2.png (955x563, 178K)

HR was so artistic, it felt like the French-Candian devs really believed in their idea. But afterwards they couldn't take the bantz and were bullied into submission

Attached: playlist for anon 3.png (944x548, 98K)

very nice. thanks a ton, user

As you can tell most are doomer tier but good.

Attached: playlist for anon 4.png (942x563, 169K)

Thanks for doing the legwork on the screencap friend

It would be like Skype. People know that you only have Skype installed on this one specific phone that you always carry in this specific fanny pack. It's weird, they know it's because of your autism, but people have learned to accept it and use it as your identifier.

You disappear for a long time and suddenly you're using Viber but strangely enough this ID is the same one as your Skype's, on a different phone that you carry in your pocket. People start to wonder if you've finally overcome your autism, or if there's something else afoot, like maybe someone forced this.

And even better, the one friend that you have that's techy, doesn't find it odd that your Viber ID is the same as your Skype ID. He's just thankful that you're back and that's all that matters to him.

>me: "p-"
>youtube: "Prague Ambient 2" ?
weird having a website know what you want more than any friend

The OST is great to do work to, it makes whatever you're working on seem super important

>bethesda gets the ip
>they put machinegames in charge of it

Playing the original DX right now for the first time; about to get onto the Wall Cloud tanker. I loved HR and MD, and this is fucking awesome as well. It'd be cool to see a faithful remake of this in the newer engine... but they'd fuck it up.

first they should go back and patch the bullshit delay between first person view and 3rd person take downs. Shit is unplayable.

I fucking hated the tanker, especially with that revision mod. Makes a shitty part even worse

Cyberpunk Skyrim though

Just like Skyrim with guns!

See I want to do this as I was 3 at the time it came out and couldnt really play it. But it has the same flaw as morrowind where its just a bit too old/clunky for me to get into. I hope it gets a remaster but I want the tone to stay the same for old anons.

If Arkane got to work with it, I might be excited. All the other studios working for beth can't write a narrative for shit, but Arkane has been making those types of games for decades, and their writing team is worth half a damn.

>about to get onto the Wall Cloud tanker
the interior kind of sucks but I still remember the extreme scale if you enter via the roof. Its a sign of a good game when you can mention something like "the tanker" and be able to remember it.

This game was fucking overmemed on and it's honestly Yea Forums's fault for being such retards about it. Unlike other games, you could honest to god ignore the microtransactions and play the game normally without noticing a fucking thing. Remember, no one made a fucking over actual microstransaction hell like AC Odyssey, and it was even praised on here. The half finished story was indeed shit, and the ending was anticlimactic, but the game was still fun as fuck for however long it lasted and I was looking forward to a sequel.

Guy from Eidos who posted on Yea Forums TWICE doesn't even work there anymore. You cunts didn't protect his smile, eat shit and die

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Not worth it. Also Skyrim is pure trash

I think in time it will get a proper sequel without all the bullshit when S-E sees games like KH3/FF7 Remake succeed alongside games like RE2 Remake that aren't full of stupid bullshit while games like Mankind Divided or Tomb Raider flop

>but the game was still fun as fuck
ehhh Mankind Divided wasn't "FUN" in the videogame sense

>Deus Ex
Im sorry what

>If Arkane got to work with it, I might be excited.
I don't want Harvey Smith to get his hands on the Deus Ex franchise.

>I don't know why people hated it too much
Cause the main story line is irrelevant until the end of the game where it just starts getting good up until the credits roll out of nowhere.
Yes the side missions make up for it in spades but it's complete lunacy. You dont make a trilogy by straight up cutting a single stories begging, middle, and end into 3 pieces. Fucking cockteasing retards.

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I did that too

nah you're a cunt, it was fun

I just want to say that the detective quest line alone makes the game worth playing

Excuse me, retard, he did the one you all claim to love

>playlist for user


fuck arkane, all their games are boring as shit

>I don't want the guys making limited inventory, multi-path stealth rpg games just like Deus Ex to make a Deus Ex game

MD is fun

I know but he drank the sjw kool-aid.

Still not as big of a faggot as Warren Spector.

Also he was a liberal retard back when made Deus Ex

I don't care about who's running the studio, because the Arkane is the only ones making successors to games like System Shock or Thief.

Except all of them.

Prey was pretty good

Both HR and MD's DLCs sucked because of that reason - they were clearly parts that were just stripped from the main game so they could be sold separately. Which, while sucky, still wouldn't have been half as bad if it was at least still part of the campaign once you did buy it. Having completely separate progression is dumb as hell.
The only one that makes sense being cordoned off from the rest of the game is A Criminal Past, since it's all a flashback. And HR's DLC was rightfully cut from the game, because it's wholly unnecessary. Desperate Measures and System Rift totally should be included in MD properly.
But at least you get to play more, I guess.

the studio is probably working on it right now since they finished that shovelware spiderman game

Mooncrash > Prey
But what would a Mooncrash version of Deus Ex be like? Deus Ex story is linear, mooncrash has that looping thing going on

Imagine if resources were given to the devs and story writers instead of having marketing make MD. So much garbage stuffed into the release no one asked for from microtransactions, watered down DLCs, universe trash, and a pointless game mode. Imagine what MD would have been if all that effort was redirected towards actually making a proper game.

MD was an incredibly good game and easily the best dx since the first one. Prague was such a detailed web of fascinating stories and interesting characters, it looked and sounded great and had an amazing atmosphere and ambience. it felt like the real manifestation of Warren's "one block game" dream.

too bad it has an awful last act and ending.

>universe trash
I mean some of it was cool, how many other games released VR versions of select locations? Also they did something like giving an amputee a jensen-patterned arm or something like that. You get the sense some of the people there genuinely care and want to try something new and artistic

>Why did people hate it so much?
gee i wonder why
>Shitty pre order campaign that alienated many people right off the bat
>Predatory microtransaction system in a 60$ game
>Breach mode is one big scam and only exists to rip you off
>Limited one-use items that cripple the inventory system and try to squeeze more money out of you by making you buy microtransactions
>Game was literally cut into two in a super greedy attempt to make more money
>Shitty DLC missions that feel like they were cut from the main campaign
>Game only has one main hub, when every other Deus Ex game has had several
>A nonsensical story filled with contrived allegories for racism and contrived plot points that dont make any sense
>The story is also incomplete and ends very abruptly
>They made it so your current game data will deliberately not work if you uninstall and reinstall the game
>Unskippable credits filled with shitty happy pictures of the developers as if the game they made was good or something
Will there be a sequel? Hopefully not. This game sucks, i paid 9 dollars for it and i still feel ripped off.

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Playing system rift now, like with the hacker in HR, it's funny how all the mandatory hacks for super hackers or core computers set up by them have fuck all security.

>thought that golem city would be the other hub
>it's just used for one quest

Thats what I didn't like about it. The side quests felt random and disconnected. I understand that'd be the nature of one city block, but if you're chasing down a terrorist (consider how active the task force HQ was, constantly in crisis mode) then it doesn't feel right to be doing all this side-tier BS.
Elder Scrolls does sidequests/living world correctly, Deus Ex has a big/pressing story that should preclude unrelated side quests.

imo if you're going to make a game, make a fucking game
be good at one core thing instead of giving a mediocre experience in a wide range of areas

HR did that arguably well. One core single player experience that was immersive, interesting enough, and proper length.

MD had a great foundation, awesome hub design, but it was half a game because marketing had to distract with all the garbage that revolved around the core DX experience (immersive single player).

what's wrong with this?

>Unskippable credits filled with shitty happy pictures of the developers
My main man if you're having to reach this far for criticism

It says nothing besides "Muslims don't like augmentations, maybe they weren't involved in this terrorist attack", which makes complete sense.

Complacency and/or arrogance. Plus, they weren't expecting a tactical walking tank to bust in and manually hack their shit.

Women as a general rule don't like technical stuff. However there's a huge push to be part of any tech field, because of how it's in a major boom. Also an overabundance of English majors because of the availability of student loans.

If you use a grenade you can clearly see it's him. It is a secret though so of course Adam doesn't remark on it.

Thats like saying "it couldn't be Christians, one of their Commandments is thou shalt not kill"
Its a not even gradeschooler level logic, its a kindergarden understanding of the world. Not to mention most terrorist attacks ARE muslim, so to be realistic the jihad angle would have been examined more closely, rather than handwaved away with the flimsiest convenient excuse. The devs didn't want to seem anti-muslim, so they grasped onto the "augs are haram" figleaf rather than put on their big boy pants and address the issue believably

the story is fairly cohesive
also imagine letting your autism over race ruin a video game for you

considering all the side quests were interesting, from breaking into a high tech bank, to a creepy subway cult to, solving a very spooky noire murder mystery, is the fact they might grate with the overall narratives pacing really that big of a deal?

MD is clearly a small scale dx game and the plot is pretty clear about it being very small scale compared to the first and invisible war, remember in the first dx you can waffle around in Hells Kitchen for ages while the ambrosia shipment is literally about to be lost, and the same with Seattle. what's actually in Prague is one of the most complicated and detailed city blocks in vidya I've experienced, I got lost for hours reading people's emails and seeing just how interconnected, it's full of environmental story telling which fits exactly with the Warren Spector's vision.

>Maybe Cyberpunk will scratch that itch that Deus Ex left behind.
>Being anything but a pile of broken promises and bugs with borderlands tier combat and story. If it's 1/10th the game Any of the Deus Ex games are I'd be amazed.

MD makes all of HR's endings canon

I think one thing that annoyed my from HR to MD is this, though it's minor.
In HR, you can read an email on Sarif's secretary about how Lucius DeBeers wanted to give Sarif an offer, ans Sarif vehemently declined, to the point where he explicitly said he wanted no contact with him. Combine that with finding out that Sarif knows about the Illuminati. And then MD shows up, and you see DeBeer's face all over magazines. I wish it was brought up.

I feel like that's the problem with having Adam to continue being the protag. None of the minor, but important revelations he discover seem to carry over.

Like compare the chopper mechanic in Deus Ex, who's actually an MJ-12 agent. In MD, you can read the Interpol pilot's email to find out he's being blackmailed/paid to spy on Jensen on behalf of the Illuminati. In the original, it drastically alters an ending. In MD, nothing comes of it.

Getting a tattoo is haram, it's not that much of a stretch to say replacing a body part would be too.

>creepy subway cult
This is the worst example. Now theres mind control in Deus Ex? Or the Church of the Machine God. They're like self-contained worlds that happen to take place in the DX universe. Like the Hyrule project in HR, its this big grand idea that gets included, but not done justice, like a narrative barnacle hanging on underneath.

Specifically, I felt like I should rush through them to completionist check them off my list, because the urgency/magnitude of the main story was supposed to be compelling. I wish the bombs didn't go off until maybe later in the game so there was a few hours to get used to the city and explore side quests at my own pace before buckling into the terrorism campaign.

I dont disagree with the city block aspect, but I think it should be an either/or thing. Either give us a city block to snoop around, OR give us an urgent/compelling main quest, but don't do both.

go to bed Ahmed, you have a school to blow up tomorrow

Thats not the point, the point is there are probably plenty of Muslims with tattoos even though its forbidden. Or plenty of jihadists that take meth or whatever. Its implying people actually practice what they preach

The new Dude Sex titles share a problem with all prequels to story heavy games: nothing is really surprising without retconning stuff or doing asspulls and invent weird side characters that conveniently fade into nothing when the time hits for the old games.
What‘s Jensen actually going to accomplish? Manderley will establish the M13 as an Illuninati splinter group no matter what and Helios will be a thing too. Jensen, and with that the player, can‘t succeed on the important bits because JC is supposed to fix them in the future.

I‘m a retard, it‘s Bob and the MJ12. Point still stands.

Theres a certain feeling in watching something happen that you already know about, getting to witness something that you've only read about in the original game

the cool part is seeing HR merge with the original DX, timeline and plotwise
if only the writing continued to be semidecent

>The microtransactions were some of the worst seen in gaming
you have not even played the game, have you

Yes, but the new titles don‘t do that. The most important bit in both games is that Eliza is probably Helios 0.1 or something, maybe Jensen being the key for the new non-mechanical augments too, but the games don‘t seem to be sure if they want to go that way. Everything else is stuff that doesn‘t fit with the established story, turning all augs into raving madmen would‘ve probably had consequences for the original Deus Ex. Also Eidos just can‘t handle consistency, the tech is the new games is way too advanced for example.

I just finished this the other day. I thought it was alright til I was in London and it was suddenly the end of the game.

Amazing, i love mysteries in my deus exes

What was your playthrough? At least 20 hours right?

That's a deductive reasoning. So people like you are the experts whining about writing in every rpg thread...

Why did you put all that in spoilers?

>if you throw an EMP
explain pls, are you shorting out a system and he starts to defrost or something?

>Eliza is probably Helios 0.1 or something
I feel like there are a lot of things like this, big ideas that are important to the lore, but they only get one scene. Maybe its my potato brain but I need things spoon fed to me over and over for them to sink in. Too much is simply plopped, not woven in

>weird having a website know what you want more than any friend
don't underestimate (((Algorithm)))

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One of my favorite games of the last few years. Liked it better than HR.
Sad that there's no Deus Ex on the horizon. Not looking forward to Cyberpunk at all.

It‘s not just you user. MD especially suffers from trying to set up big things to come without goving enough substance to actually care about. That‘s why MD‘s main story is so boring compared to all other games, including HR with its heavy handed „what makes a human“ plotline.
The new games are actually good, but the story is ruined by trying to shove stuff in there to lead up to the orignal Deus Ex.

>explain pls, are you shorting out a system and he starts to defrost or something?
it just lights up the room so you get a clear glimpse of what's inside

>Liked it better than HR.

I've avoided all Cyberpunk gameplay, but my worry is its going to be Cyberpunk GTA

Are you retarded?

>tfw being immersive sim fan in current year
i guess i'll have to resort to playing new vegas in space

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Was there any fun data files from breach mode?

I've played all the Witcher games and got bored of all of them, not even midway through. There's quality and polish (heh), but if a game can't hold my interest, it's not that good. Just my opinion, I confess. Many people love those games.
Maybe Cyberpunk will be different, but I have no reason to believe that.

>new vegas in space

user recommended White Gold, not exactly an immersive sim mechanically but world-wise it seemed similar/ FPSRPG.

I hate games the basically only reward stealth play as someone who likes stealth games I understand it's better to choose stealth but I've basically stealthed most of the game so far and I want to go guns blazing but I'll get less xp which means I'll get less Augs which in turn means I'll get to do less cool shit. You get like 5000 xp for ghosting an entire area but next to nothing for going in loud.

I feel games like MGS5 do it properly where the rewards aren't xp and shit it's actual physical stuff like soldiers, weapons, vehicles, resources etc. It'd be best to go stealth yeah but you can still go all out, get what you need then extract. And have a hell of alot of fun while doing so.

Not to mention in MKD some of the dialogue drags on waaaaaay too fucking long to the point where I actually start skipping stuff.


Outer Worlds
I don't want to play Xenus for some reason, the it's far cry setting does not appeal to me

I noped out of Witcher 3 as soon as I felt how much movement input lag there was. Not on a technical level, but on a "make sure the turning has a nice animation" level. Any developer that thought that shit was okay gets downgraded.

This is the worst example. Now theres mind control in Deus Ex? Or the Church of the Machine God. They're like self-contained worlds that happen to take place in the DX universe. Like the Hyrule project in HR, its this big grand idea that gets included, but not done justice, like a narrative barnacle hanging on underneath.
among the mind hacking, and nano bots and super ai based on alien technology, is the fact people get mind controlled really the part that you have problems with? I'm not sure what you mean by "self contained world", it's an interesting small narrative package. would you rather dx just have no side quests at all and not deal with ethical issues unless they can be as large as possible?
>Specifically, I felt like I should rush through them to completionist check them off my list, because the urgency/magnitude of the main story was supposed to be compelling.
I didn't really feel this at all, obviously as a video game it'll stall indefinitely as almost every rpg ever has done so. just like the previous dx games, md is full of unnecessary small scale stories and side quests you don't have to do in the midst of a major narrative.
>I dont disagree with the city block aspect, but I think it should be an either/or thing. Either give us a city block to snoop around, OR give us an urgent/compelling main quest, but don't do both.
what was a good aspect of MD's story is that the story itself was a detective esque investigation into a terrorism group and possible leads, therefore side quests naturally flowed with Adam's exploration of the environment. demanding of a deus ex game to either choose very detailed interesting environments full side quests, or have a linear main quest, seems bizarre considering DX has always fit the previous structure than the latter.

>Outer Worlds

>watch video
>melee kick
>rapid fire pistol
>rooty shooty machinegun
>fortnite sledgehammer
okay but what about the worldbuilding? Characters? Story? non-combat mechanics?
Its like when they advertised Fallout 4 by showing you firing a minigun in powerarmor

>last act
the whole thing is pretty much 1 act though

They have an option specifically for you brainlets in the controls menu. Apply yourself