>hold x to walk for 15 minutes
>activate VATS to headshot all the enemies at once
This one of the most boring games I've ever played holy shit.
>hold x to walk for 15 minutes
>activate VATS to headshot all the enemies at once
This one of the most boring games I've ever played holy shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Go play your Dork Souls instead.
Zoomer spotted.
Stop posting this awful webm.
>go online
>do a mission
>get into a shoot out
ok, now Im bored, what else is there to do?
flying horses with TNT arrows when Rockstar?
you forgot:
>oh shit shooty time!
>all your guns and swapped or missing
>enemies are far away and game left you with two sawed off shotguns
>try to get close
>game swaps out guns again
>manage to kill most enemies
>oh shit gotta run after enemy
>try to shoot enemy's horse
>chase after horse
>it's always faster than your own despite you having the best horse in the game and the enemy's is morbidly obese
>just have to ride behind him until you get to next cutscene
>more shooty time
>try to flank enemies
>retarded npcs slowly enter the house all looking the wrong way or not even ready to shoot
>one retard jerking off on the window rather than shooting in at you
That is just embarrassing.
>why yes I prefer a cinematic experience in my games
Zoom zoom
>PClards and Nintendosharts still seething over the best selling game these past few years
I enjoyed it user but I know what you mean. My biggest gripe was the awful aiming and shooting.
But Yea Forums loves Metal Gear and Yakuza.
Spamming a shitty meme over and over again wont make the AI in your webms not look any less terrible.
I'm sick of you retarded old people defending garbage.
Try GTA. RDR2 went the opposite direction and is trying to get the realism crowd. GTA is much better if you want fun.
Oh my sweet summer child, I fucking wish they were cutscenes.
Instead it's forced unskippable 10+ minute riding journeys listening to expository dialogue the entire way before you get to the actual mission start.
At least I can skip cutscenes.
You didn't play it.
I'm assuming you're being ironic and want to show us how terrible the gameplay and AI actually is, because both of these perfectly showcase how terrible both of those things are.
It's a game that has extremely high production values but from a gameplay standpoint is absolutely horrendous.
SP missions are horrid, level design is shit, controls are pants on head retarded, game does super retarded shit like after a while it will just automatically unequip weapons and ammo every single time, idiotic AI, god awful wanted/police system, etc.
You basically ignoring all of this is just you admitting that you value visuals, music, solid VO over everything else.
>Why isn't it like Fortnite!!!
It's even more casual then Fortnite desu.
>Shoot guy in leg
>They die instantly
>Get shot yourself
>Lose .0000000009% of your health
Wow its so engaging.
>activate VATS
Fuckin zoomer, bullet-time was a thing long before your nuFallout SHIT
Mandatory watch for any RDR2 defenders
It's a baby mechanic that concels need to feel like they're good at the game, whats the point of gunplay if it's all over before it starts
>37 minutes of some faggot talking about how Red Dead's controls aren't very good
No thanks.
Everybody knows the controls suck. Even people who like it agree that the controls suck.
>I let e-celebs tell me what to think because I'm too stupid to think for myself!
Very embarrassing
Nah, those are also bad but at least the game play is passible so I'd say they're a bit better.
So don't use it. I don't.
That shitty controller aiming, how embarrassing.
Cant wait to play this with a proper mouse
That's not my point dumbass, I couldn't give less of a shit about what you think about it.
I'm pointing out that your dumb zoomer ass called it VATS.
RDR1 is a ton of fun to play through Except Mexico fuck that part, shame they went all """realistic""" on 2 because it's boring as fuck to play.
But that video doesn't talk about controls at all.
>It's boring as fuck to pla-
Never happen. If it does, Rockstar will fuck up the port just like literally every game they've released on PC.
is this supposed to be impressive? shit, resident evil 5 has better gun play and better AI.
You can tell this is a console game just based off how the player in that webm moves his gun sights. Cringeworthy really.
He doesn't talk about controls though. He just bitches about how the games are linear and how things were apparently much better when they were open ended.
I didn't know that because I didn't watch it because I don't give a fuck
Yes we know you don't like to challenge your ideas so you just plug your ears pretending you're never wrong about anything.
Well yes, apparantely you are too stupid to think for yourself since you didn't notice all of the problems RDR2 has (even tons of shit not even mentioned in the video).
Instead you prove you're dazzled by visuals and production values to the point where you start deluding yourself that the game is flawless.
Those types of videos are for people like you that can't think for yourself, so people have to present arguments and facts so even you can comprehend it.
GTA V and Max Payne 3 are 2 of the greatest PC ports of all time though
>it's so fun guys
>every single kill is with assisted slowmo autoaimmer on
I can't tell if you're a troll trying to make the game look bad or just this delusional.
>he needs to use deadeye and can't just aim a little higher
Fucking casuals I swear to god
>auto aim with slow motion
>fucking auto aim
>with fucking slow motion
jesus fucking christ who plays this shit?
Stop, just stop. I actually really like RDR2, but you're making the game look worse than it is.
>using dead eye on each enemy
Yep, it's boring.
Yes the close-minded rarely care about anyone but themselves, because you're never wrong.
Yes slowing down time and painting targets must be really exciting for the dull-witted.
Oh man, the aiming is so fucking bad. I dont know what it is but it doesnt seem like devs even bother to try and make console shooters playable anymore. I get it wont ever be as good but at least put some fucking effort it.
Literally the only way to actually play it dude, the aiming is that bad. Try playing that game without using the dead eye or auto aim on horseback. The aiming is legit terrible.
>Your opinion is different from mine so therefore you are stupid and can't think for yourself! WATCH MY VIDEO
How about you get your head out of your gigantic fuckin ass for 2 seconds, maybe you'll realize how dumb you sound.
What's supposed to be entertaining about this?
Hell, even Dark Souls II was better than this crap.
Obvious false-flag. Nice bait though apparently considering people are eating it up
I'm willing to have a conversation. I am NOT willing to watch some homo on a yoga ball whine about a video game for 37 minutes.
Apparantely senior lead devs told the devs below them to design it that way, despite them saying that it would control worse, etc.
Some of them are really anal about having it their way, because they say so.
>Weapon wheel with all weapons available
Fun time cowboy time.
>You can only carry like 3 weapons at a time and if you want to change them you have to go to your horse and select them then wait for the animations to play then you can use them but sometimes when riding your horse you put the weapons away so you're no longer carrying them so you have to re-select them but sometimes missions wil give you specific weapons to use so too bad if there's certain weapons you prefer
What the fuck rockstar
that just speaks volumes about the gameplay.
Well you ignore people arguments here and in videos, so clearly you're a very open-minded individual.
But it would require some shred of intelligence on your part to realize just how stupid and close-minded you're behaving.
Oh well, that's your problem.
>shoot guy in leg
>they die instantly
only time this applies is a shotgun up close
Funny how you're calling others close-minded while simultaneously telling everyone who likes the game that they are wrong because a fucking youtube video told you so
The horse controls in general are terrible. I actually enjoy the gunplay. Manual cocking makes me happy for some reason.
top tier falseflag tbqhfamalam
I've always hated how much praise RDR2 got mainly because it looked so realistic and the graphics were beautiful. It's shit. Take off the makeup, and it's as boring as a fucking text-based adventure game.
I didn't ignore any arguments at all, I like the game but still definitely agree with everyone on the clunky controls. I actually watched that video when it came out and disagree with him on most points of how the open world is handled. The only thing he was right on is the linearity and strict script of story missions.
However just because the game has a couple flaws doesn't mean I'm gonna force myself to dislike it. I've already put almost 200 hours into it and am still having a shit load of fun. You are calling me close-minded strictly because I'm not agreeing with you that the game isn't good. You're the one who's close minded you fucking dunce
>But it would require some shred of intelligence on your part to realize just how stupid and close-minded you're behaving.
Projecting at its finest. Like others said you are just butthurt that people like a game that you don't for some reason. Stop embarrassing yourself
Stop posting garbage
What the fuck is going on with that mans nostrils? Is he part nigger or something?
Gotta love how Yea Forums managed to turn one of the most popular games of all time into a pleb filter.
>People won't watch some shill's e-celeb video
>"WOW you are all so totally close-minded!"
not the guy you're taking with. the faggot in the video arguably makes good points, just wanted to say that i hate his guts and his attempts at humor. and the editing is fucking atrocious. that is all
pains me to say it, but I dropped this game harder than a fat baby
>Modern R* games are the epitome of Zoomerbait
>This retard accusing anyone who doesn't like RDR2 "gunplay" of being a Zoomer
Did you just stop playing for a while and never felt like starting again, or was there a specific moment that made you turn it off?
To summarize the video
>confused open world design. game is split into shitty uncharted style ultra scripted and directed linear missions and an open world designed around player agency
>mission structure is very formulaic. consists of riding to a point by tapping X for several minutes, get a cutscene, then ride for several minutes to a point on the map where braindead AI show up because either something went wrong or you're attacking someone
>most systems in the game are either broken, underbaked or pointless. camp is pointless, you have no reason to engage in things like robbing trains and other activities because you're swimming in money from just a few missions, etc.
>wanted system is flat out broken and nonsensical, which ripples out into the cops, robbing stores (can't even access weapon wheel in the store, at camps, etc), etc.
>game pretends it's all about player agency but constantly removes agency from you and just does things without your consent, like unequipping your weapons while riding a horse as well as your ammo after riding for a bit
>nonsensical dialogue system that is very obtuse and doesn't inform the player what it will do (million times worse and in the same vein as the one in Fallout 4)
>exploring the open world quickly becomes less and less interesting because the involve a handful of very scripted events that keep repeating
>the game basically treats the player like dumb kids
No specific moment, but I do remember hunting some epic chicken or whatever and just decided none of it was all that interesting and never picked it back up.
Back to Fortnite, zoomer.
>I didn't ignore any arguments at all, I like the game but still definitely agree with everyone on the clunky controls.
People have already commented on way more problems that just the controls ITT
zoomers will deny it.
Same, I basically forced myself towards the end.
Dropped it roughly around the time you came back from the island.
This is seriously a 7/10 game at best.
It's a shame really, because it clearly has a lot going for it but the sum of its parts just falls short and does nothing keep me engaged.
Yeah no shit, I did too in the sentence after the one you just quoted dumbass.
Then shove your Dark Souls II disk up your ass and let people enjoy different games, you obnoxious twat.
You're saying you disagree with the video when he presents actual facts.
If you then like these things is an entirely different matter, but how the missions are structured, how pointless the camp is, how pants on head retarded the wanted system is, etc. is simply what the game is like.
Now you might for example like how incredibly linear and scripted the missions are and how they don't allow any freedom, but that doesn't mean that they're not incredibly linear and scripted.
>Walk and talk segments
Name a worse recent phenomena in vidya.
a few scandis have those gigantic nostrils for some reason.
>recently finish first playthrough
>dive right into a second playthrough
I'm having more fun than I did before. Adjusting dead zones and aim sensitivity helps a lot.
>Name a worse recent phenomena in vidya.
Trailing missions, where you also have to periodically hide around corners while walking after someone.
Which are actually in RDR2 as well.
Did they ever fix the blurry filter on PS4?
Early access
>calling people who prefer gameplay over cinematics "zoomers", when it's zoomers who had to grow up in this era where everything has to be cinematic
Nigga you dumb as hell.
Careful, he might accuse you of plying Fortnite.
>zoomers who had to grow up in this era where everything has to be cinematic
Nigga, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII came out in the late 90s. Cinematic "games" are not a recent phenomenon.
>You're saying you disagree with the video when he presents actual facts.
Learn to fucking read you mongoloid, I said I disagree with him on how the open world is handled, but I AGREE with him on the poor handling of the main missions due to them being heavily scripted and linear.
>Now you might for example like how incredibly linear and scripted the missions are and how they don't allow any freedom, but that doesn't mean that they're not incredibly linear and scripted.
Literal quote from my post-
>"The only thing he was right on is the linearity and strict script of story missions."
Fucking retard
>try to get close
>try to flank enemies
I returned this piece of shit within a week because of this. I can handle the cinematic aspects but the lack of freedom is a problem in R* games. Most hype to disappointment than any other vidya
>I returned this piece of shit
no you didn't lmao
They weren't the norm though, and they are now. Compare PS1/PS2 Sony to PS4 Sony; there's much more focus on delivering a cinematic experience so normies can enjoy video games without thinking they're too kiddy.
>He fell for the 'nu-GoW is a movie' meme
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*cowboy vision activates*
>"Mhmm....gunshots all over the feller....the O'Driscolls™, gotta be"
>"Come on, boah"
>autoruns on road for 15 minutes
>guys in O'Driscolls™ costumes appear
>"I'm a bad man fellers" MAY I STAND UNSHAKEN
>activates cowboy mode and autoaims onto all their heads and shoots them from behind a crate then accidentally punches horse while trying to mount it
>"Mhmm....Pinkertons™ pretending to be O'Driscolls™ ......better tell the fellers about this"
>spends half an hour looting the bodies
>"Come on, Boah"
>autoruns on road back to camp
>"Just some bastards posing as O'Driscolls™, here's proof *shows badge*"
>$3 received
>boring slow paced combat in between walk and talk segments
Again, he pretty much exclusively provide facts. There isn't anything to disagree with.
For example when he talks about the open world he touches on things like repeated events, no real point in trying to get money in various different ways since the payout from even a single mission is extremely high (meaning you either have to avoid doing missions or just do stuff like rob trains/shops for no real reason and experience the broken wanted system with psychic cops and shit).
In any case, in terms of gameplay and game design the game is incredibly weak, broken or mediocre at best. It's perfectly understandable that a lot of people that value this over visuals or high production values would find the game severely lacking.
Hey man leave Unshaken out of this.
That's a realm entirely dedicated to combat and there are more such realms. Really bad greentext choice.
>*whistles for non-magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*cowboy curtis vision activates*
>"Mhmm....partner's got giant slash marks all over himself....a Mexican™, I reckon."
>"Come on, Buck"
>*follows revolver*
>guys in Sherrif™ costumes appear
>"You stink, partner" THE ONLY COMPASSSS THAT I NEEEEEEEED *shoot guys and they trip for 3 minutes, does a cinematic dead eye and blow them in half"
>"Mhmm....Mexicans™ pretending to be the Law™......better hollar at the camp about this"
>"Giddyup, Buck"
>*autoruns on road back to camp*
>"Just some rascals posing as Sherrifs™, here's proof *shows deceased hogtied Mexican*"
>10 pesos received
>gunplay is good because bullets have knockback
It's still slow as fuck compared to the previous titles.
There's obvious improvements that could be made just like every single game, but I still enjoy it for the gameplay. You spamming that people only like it for visuals or high production values over and over doesn't change that. I would not play the game and enjoy it if there wasn't enjoyment to be had in the actual gameplay.
You can keep trying to convince me that I don't like the game all you want though, I prefer to base my opinion on personal experience with the game. And I think almost 200 hours is enough to judge whether or not I enjoy a game, which I do. And that upsets you for some reason.
It's far deeper so it's fine.
If your response is that it's not deeper then don't even bother typing it, because I don't waste time on delusional people.
What was the best track Yea Forumsros?
I literally did, and used my credits to get Sekiro a while later. I have GTA V and the Witcher fuck RDR2
What was worse, Mexico or Guarma
Based and Sekiropilled.
this still doesnt look very good
>You spamming that people only like it for visuals or high production values over and over doesn't change that.
Well liking extremely flawed, broken, confused or just flat out bad things (factually) is hardly a positive if you plan on be taken seriously. Because you're basically saying you're overlooking all of that.
This is an absurdly expensive game that too a long time to make yet it plays like a game for like 15 years ago. Even worse in some regards.
This is quite frankly not acceptable.
Also for future reference, just because you claim someone is upset doesn't make it so. You only come across as retarded when you say shit like that.
But I'm guessing someone has to be mad if they use curse words or some shit, right? Very intelligent of you.
In any case, you admitted that your bar is exceptionally low, so there is nothing more to say.
I love Sekiro and RDR2 both.
Epic slow mo man!
>i own 3 games!
SHIT nigga stop bragging
>Im not mad now let me take 10 minutes to tell you how not mad i am
they're fine when skipable
I’m Mac + Xbone master race so I only have like three games available
I loved dark souls and red dead 2, but if story isn't your thing you aren't going to dig it.
This looks really bad though
Or worse it turns into a David Cage game where the gameplay is just a glorified cutscene and all you do is press a button when a prompt appears.
seeth more zoom zoom
If you didn't know what you were getting into you're a full blown retard regardless of your tastes. You must get disappointed a lot, and you fucking deserve to be you absolute dumb cunt.
Honestly it's a shame that this game isn't as ball to the walls as San Andreas or Saint's Row 2.
If it had more actual fun factor to it, I'd say that this would've been the best open world game of all time. Especially when you factor in Arthur Morgan being the best gaming protag essentially ever.
The game is a sandbox, if you aren't having fun seeing what you can get into and just "zooming" through the story, it's your own fault.
You can tell it was trash by the way all discussion about it including hate is completely dead. What a flop.
Don't forget
>get shot 70 times
>lose 1/4 health
>shoot enemy once in the leg
>instant kill
Even some shit like TLOU at least had lethal combat.
This. It completely lacked all of the wackiness of other rockstar games just for realisms sake. It feels like a boring movie with no style.
>Try playing that game without using the dead eye or auto aim on horseback.
i did whole playthrough without using auto aim.
it takes getting used too and is way more satsifying to hit moving targets. its not bad company 2 satisfying, but the gunplay is definitely better than most games. honestly you just suck.
>if you're not having fun it's your own fault
Kek, maybe the game is shit
Maybe try playing games that aren't story focused? Seems like you did it to yourself there, buddy.
Good story focused games don't tell their stories through cutscenes.
>slow motion to "program" all your shots at once and not miss any of them
>some of the worst input delay in any game ever
this is truly hell
No its, not. The camera sucks, and the areas are filled with unskippable cinematic scenes to mask loading. Both are design choices that take it away from keeping you in the action and encouraging you to replay it and master your combat skills.
He did not take issue with the game being story focused unless you're suggesting that story focused games and bad gameplay go hand in hand. Which would be wrong even Uncharted isn't this railroaded.
No, the guy is complaining about cutscenes, don't play the story, no cutscenes and pretty much unlimited possibilities.
The story is pretentious shit, just like most Rockstar (and every other videogame) campaigns, but the gameworld and the tools in it are amazing.
Western kino
literally every side encounter is full of rockstar wacky shit
Wow I love RDR2 but you just make the game look like it fucking sucks.
Kill yourself.
Yes its shit, people got blown away by the spectacle thats it. Once time goes by you realize it overall was shit. I enjoyed hunting and in terms of story a few moments were memorable.
>The opening
>Singing in camp after some missions
>John defends the farm
>Killing Micah
Thats tiny overall, it should have been much more. Arthur was a bit of a moral progressive faggot which was boring, its the wild west ffs (I know its supposed to be ending but still). And the multiplayer, the fucking multiplayer. RDR1s was so good.
Most overrated piece of trash Ive ever grinded through. The only time I enjoyed it was in the first week I played the story, then everything went to shit half way through.
Everything game wise is awful. Felt really good to delete 100+ gigs of trash.
It's time for another comfy run
why does rdr2 attract so many falseflagger? it seems like a lot of people dont like the fact that the game is praised a lot despite its flaws and thats why they love to point them out even though its more of a platform problem
You don't even know half of it. After finishing story mode everyone migrated to online. The experience was so shit and non existent, battle royale, no content, microtransactions, brutal grind and drip fed clothes etc..
More griefers than in GTA online. The devs promised this game changing update to come out this summer but it's already mid August. 75% of the community has already given up a year in, too little to late. And this was hyped up to be better than GTA online.
RDR2 battle royale mode was honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Second hand embarrassment was strong
I have god knows how many hours in that "game".
The characters and story are praised for good reason. The game is shit and this is criminally overlooked. After the honeymoon phase there is no fun to be had. And replayability is a solid 0 unless youre the type to enjoy rewatching movies.
>western game
>better than car with missile
how fucking retarded one can be
when is rockstar annonuncing the pc version? im tired of pretend that i hate it
Good thing you can take six shots to the head before needing to heal
Straight from the devs mouth: "we want you to fully inhabit your character"
>limit saved custom outfits to 3
>no property what so ever
>pathetic and unbalanced gun list with 2 or 3 OP loadouts
>earn money in real historical value (~$7 per mission) but 1 pistol costs 600 dollars.
>you have to buy a horse (a few hundred), but you also have to buy stable room for the horse ($100), and horse insurance ($125), and maintain your horse with food and potions.
But virtually 0 ways of making money, can't rob stores, robbing NPCs gives you 10 cents, pvp is riddled with autism modes that force you to play longer to get more money, missions and hunting are not lucrative what so ever. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has exploited the money glitches.
>75% of people abandoned it
I mean, really? Take-Two literally just reported that RDRO is both doing better than what GTAO was at the same time in post launch timeframe, and not only that but RDRO has actually grown since launch and is exceeding expectations.
I have it on ps4, you should really hate it. It's just not a game, when you see boomers giving it awards, that shit is like the oscars, totally disconnected from the players. It will also burn over a hundred gig hole into your memory.
blatant lies, online is dead
What are you showing off here? A glitch that never really happens?
Poker is the only good thing about the online desu, but I have an app for that on my phone.
source:trust me,it's dead
source what you just said there about take two.
Source it you giddy underage fanboy twat.
Man, I just ordered RDR2 from Amazon second hand yesterday, feel really bad about my purchase now after reading this thread. This game seems like a snorefest
>TFW you can shoot up rivial gangs or cities with the boys
>posting the same 3 webms everyday for 2 months
You will enjoy the story missions.
That's about it. I advise you stop playing right after story and side quests so you don't hate the game.
mess around with friends and randoms
>Red Dead Online will be coming out of beta this Quarter, meaning it will come out of Beta by the end of June. CEO Strauss Zelnick also claimed that they have content drops coming for Red Dead Online. Claiming Online is performing very well.
>Red Dead Online "performing better" than GTA Online at same stage, Take-Two says
>23 May back when it was in """beta"""
>just reported
Oh you sorry sod, you are deluded aren't you.
Also that hilarious first paragraph.
>Red Dead Redemption 2's online mode's has had something of a rocky road so far:with its griefing woes, lack of content andeconomic issues to rival post-Brexit Britain, it's safe to say many are feeling the mode hasn't lived up to expectations.
Fact is, GTA outsold red dead, so it can't be performing better at any measure, despite what outdated corporate propaganda you believe.
what makes no sense is GTA 4 and 5 had that thing where you could call people up and shoot the shit with them in the open world. Getting the three protags together in GTA 5 seemed like a prototype for the gang system in RDR2 that they were hyping up, yet no such feature was in the final game. Imagine getting in a saloon brawl with the lads or sticking up a stagecoach or just go hunting with Charles. It was such a no-branier of a feature to add and would have added so much longevity, Rockstar are retarded.
it's a bittersweet experience, if you have patience and enjoy immersion you will love this game like I did. the story takes off really well after chapter 3 but falls off later. The world is big and full of stuff to explore and nice side missions, but again the really good way to swallow and enjoy all that stuff is to be an open world connoisseur who likes enjoying and dissecting open worlds to see whats inside them and what is there to be had.
Also, most people ITT are salty pclets and unironic zoomers in the boomer form who enjoy storyless straight-to-gameplay shit like tetris because their braincells get tied into knots when they have some story to keep track of. You will never get objective or good opinions in this board.
are you retarded? that first sentence isn't a CEO quote, it's the journalist's opinion
>Fact is, GTA outsold red dead, so it can't be performing better at any measure
you are actually retarded then. Literally unable to read.
maybe mods can fill that void when it hits
maybe have zombie apostolic and manage a town or a gang running mod
hey op i got a new game you can play. its the same multiplayer game i played with you mom. close your eyes and relax your sphinxter as im not as adept as i once was at it.
It's actually one of the most immersive games to ever exist if you just like freeroaming. And the story and Arthur's character arc is one of the best in gaming.
I can't slog past chapter 2 help me god. They really fucked it, looks great but damn am I sick of watching slow moving things
The game didn't release 3 months ago shithead.
All these "comparisons" are vapid bullshit. Because red dead online has been out for over 3 months, the soft """beta""" barely changed anything, the game was exactly the same when it came out of beta.
There's no point comparing it to a game with more online players and more units sold just for 1 month.
If red dead online was as successful as take two claims, they wouldn't be ignoring it and piling up all resources for a 6 year old GTA online.
Now get out of my face
ok you have got to be trolling, because I can't believe someone could be this fucking retarded, but I'll spoonfeed you a bit before I stop biting your shitty bait
>when aligned
that should give you the hints to put the puzzle together
I could deal with it if not for the fucking input delay, why not make it more like Max Payne 3?
It can not be aligned because the circumstances were completely different.
But I do enjoy seeing you having embarassing meltdowns as the game spirals further down into obscurity.
I felt the same way, you're just too smart to enjoy it
Except it and move on bro
Retard zoomer that can't enjoy just walking around and admiring the wilderness
The problem is that it's not a good sandbox. Even things like random encounters are all 100% scripted with maximum 2 ways to approach them
There isn't just shit hanging around for you to screw with, other than animals.
Also the law has gps trackers and star trek beamers so as soon as you do something naughty all NPCs will dispatch to your location.
Is he the zoomer for not wanting to walk around in a videogame?
Or are you just handicapped for not being able to walk around in real life?
based retard
He's been spamming this thread since the start, ignore him
You can skip the cutscenes. Yes the travel times suck but you autists keep demanding to make everything "open world" so it makes getting anywhere a chore.
>but you autists keep demanding to make everything "open world"
definitely not Yea Forums
I don't mind it but I've never seen Yea Forums say they want an open world game
It's become standard in games, so otherwise good ones have to waste recources on modeling an empty world
I like long boring westerns.
this game is a typical sony exclusive movie experience but Yea Forums likes it and hates all the sony movies...hmm wonder why
That pic really fits the dark souls hipsters much better, though. And I like both games.
I liked the game but I kind of agree. Making you walk at 2 miles per hour in the camps is fucking stupid too. The story wasn't that great either. The trailers make it look more interesting than it is. Don't get me wrong, the game is amazing but it's not as good as people made it out to be. RDR 1 is one of my favorite games ever so that set the bar high.
The online (except for the annoying "story" tutorial) and the music are fantastic, though.
Red dead is the most overhyped game of this generation PERIOD.
It does not even scratch the paintjob of Witcher 3
those are games. rdr2 is a shitty movie.
>want to turn off aim assist
>game engine is completely designed around aim assist
gay movie shit
Still have not played the first one I have a modded PS3
Is it worth my time?
Red dead revolver and rdr1 are both better than rdr2. I actually like gun more than rdr2
I-is this real?
Can someone who actually owns this game tell me if this is real?
Yeah, if you get max bond with your horse you can make it strafe like that. There's 0 practical application for it though.
Never happened to me, but the directional controls are shit in this game and so are horses. Totally plausible
>go play an actual game instead
good advice user
Seems like a step down from GTA V
“It’s mature because it has guns and cussing and looks good that’s all that matters the game”