What's your most played game?
What's your most played game?
My dude, idling in a game for several years is not playing the game.
I have 2000+ hours in SS13
Next is Rocket League at ~400
But having a cuhrazee amount of hours on a short game or a meme game is epic!
>my dude
EVE Online, 6k+ hours.
And Red Moon Rising was and still is the best expansion.
I recently broke 100 hours on a game for the first time. It felt terrible. 100 fucking hours.
I stopped playing it. I wasn't really enjoying it, just playing it because it was familiar. I was starting steam, launching the game, doing the same shit day in day out. Same experience every time.
I convinced myself I was having fun but I wasn't. Fuck that.
My secret shame will always be the fact that I spent a hundred fucking hours playing one game.
>117+ years of play time
Are you John Titor?
Probably FFXIV, the only other one that would come close is FFT but can't really track the time on that one.
that's hateful my dude. But don't worry. You are still my dude.
you need to learn basic math.
???? Math not your strong suit?
It's like five years.
Your math is... incredibly wrong.
>When you've been drinking and confuse hours for days.
That's still an excessive amount of time to spend on a shitty game
Sadly, probably Overwatch with around 1,100 hours. Unless you count the Pokemon games together, since I regularly hit anywhere between 100 and 500 hours on every mainline title.
Smash Bros. Ultimate may take the title for my most played single game long term though as I'm approaching 600 hours and it's not even been out a full year.
>Unless you count the Pokemon games together, since I regularly hit anywhere between 100 and 500 hours on every mainline title.
Sword and Shield wont have a national dex, so you literally cant catch'em all.
I'm probably around +20k hours in Minecraft.
>newfags will never, EVER be able to play Alpha Protocol on Steam
feels good, man.
Thank you.
ap is one of the best 6/10 games ive played
>TF2: 1900 hours
>OW: 600 hours
>HeartGold: 200 hours
>Persona 5: 190 hours
I had over 12k hours (500 days) on my main character in WoW, and I only played from 2004-2007. Nothing else will ever come close.
I've been playing TF2 on and off since beta and only clocked 2k.
8500 hours of Dota 2
I wish I could count how many I have wasted on Dota 1
Not bad. Back when mmos werent shit, before WoW ruined them, i considered two years /played to be the point at which you stopped being a newbie. You almost made it.
7400 in TF2, and zero regrets
I don't really keep track, but Mass Effect 1 and Hitman Blood Money are contenders.
i can explain
im so bored right now the only thing keeping me from resorting to that is the hassle of getting the mods set up
wait what the fuck, Alpha Protocol was pulled from Steam? really?
I'm not sure what you were attempting with this post. Did you think someone who plays every release for several hundreds hours wouldn't already be aware of that? I'm confused.
2k+ in PlanetSide 2...
Probably 3-5kish in WoW. Since I played on and off from 06 to BfA.
I have around 30,000 hours in maplestory. Probably more honestly, 30,000 is just since 2010 when I started keeping track.
Over 500 for Dark Souls 2.
>a waifu game where you can have someone else steal your waifu
ill never understand why mobas did this and why it appeals to people
it does coencide with the rise of NTR though so i guess you all just want your waifu to cuck you
All you have to do is download their nexus mod manager and the app installs everything for you. It literally could not be easier. Back in my day, if you wanted to mod Oblivion, you had to manage the files and organize them all on your own. Not to mention that updating some mods manually was a chore. Now NMM does everything for you.
>10k * 3
>a tripple expert
thats more hours than my most played mmo by at least 30%
They dont make games you can play for that long anymore
I have 15,000 hours on Carpe Diem. Am I epic.
are you me
Best Souls at that.
i have specific needs.
For example, the starting town whos name i forget, the place you lived and the first settlement, it comes with three i believe plants planted behind one of the houses. I cant remember which kind of plant they are.
But the way plants work by default in the game is if you plant something in a settlement, and then 'remove' it, it goes into settlement storage, and becomes undeleteable. There is no way to get rid of these plants.
This upsets me, horribly. Now i know there are mods like build anywhere and certain other building mods that fix this, that let you remove things like this, but i hate heavily modding mechanics in bethesda games, sticking only to cosmetic mods and certain non gameplay effecting quality of life mods. (like removing the dead dog with a crowbar just across the bridge)
One mod, was in fact, one that fixed this issue and only this issue, a mod that let me delete these troublesome plants from the settlement, and the very game, ENTIRELY.
The problem is it was some japanese mod and i had to manually translate it into english to work with my game and i dont remember
1. Where i got it
2. Where i got the program to translat eit
3. How i managed to do it even if i had the above things.
I foolishly. FOOLISHLY deleted it when i stopped playing, with the intention to prevent myself from ever playing it again. It worked, my past self has sabotaged me.
In a sense its good. I try to intentionally be an asshole to my future self so i grow to hate my past self, in this way im glad to by away from him, and this helps lessen the sadness of being older.
It wasn't my first MMO, but it was the game I met a lot of my early internet friends on. I lived in korea when I started playing it, and when I moved abroad that was really the only thing that let me stay connected to them. Most of them had moved on by like 2010 or so, but I found that a lot of people even in the west played it, so I started playing gms. Met my first real girlfriend on maple, we dated for a few years, met up a couple times, but went our separate ways amicably. Moved back to korea a couple years ago, met another girl when I was playing cause I carried her through some endgame boss content with my guild, and we started talking more. Took like 3 months but eventually we found out that we both knew english and lived in america for a while, that was just a jumping off point.
It's been the touchstone for a lot of my life's milestones in terms of social contexts. The gameplay is really basic, and it's a whole lot of grind, but I prefer that to stuff where you're gated by dailies/weeklies. Maple sadly is starting to get flooded with that stuff with arcane river, but now that that storyline is over we'll see some new methods of progression that revolve around grind as opposed to dailies maybe. But I'm not hopeful.
Honestly if you don't like grinding, you'd never be able to spend as much time as I have on it. I have multiple level 250s, a level 272, and every single one of every single class in the game, I have at at LEAST 250. I also make enough mesos that I haven't spent a penny on it in nearly 2 years.
at least 200* not 250, fuck. I'm working on that though. 270-275 is just raw cancer so I don't think I'll finish it before 2020 is close to over unless the new areas they've been adding are great.
Can't say for sure since only steam give a fuck about hours so i'll just go with my top 5 there
>TF2 = 2500
>Gmod = 1100
>Fallout NV = 630
>Payday 2 = 520
>Terraria = 300
>It's been the touchstone for a lot of my life's milestones in terms of social contexts.
As a good mmo is meant to be. Its not just some game, its merged with your life, its a place you go.
>The gameplay is really basic, and it's a whole lot of grind
which is what makes a good mmo
My first mmo was nexustk (baram in korea), i played it from 98 to 2001, then after a short break returned for a year.
Almost entirely the same character for all of it.
An endless grind, the best kind of game.
Unfortunately they started ruining it.
Quitting it was the hardest thing i ever did, though on the upside i can easily trash any mmo i play now if i start to lose interest in it, im immune to sunk cost falacy now.
About 12,000 in Space Station 13.
Probably around 10k in WoW
Add another 800 to Firefall before steam
Around 800 in Skyforge
Probably around 2k hours in CS Source and Source mods before steam started tracking data
Probably +1k hours in the Phantasy Star for the gamecube splitscreen with friends
Judge me.
Like 800 hours in Sins of a Solar Empire.
Why does BL2 run like ass
haven't played it since the year or so after it released so I can't help you there bud
What are you doing with your life?
I played that a bit, it wasn't as big a part of my life as maple though, since I was I think 10 when maple came out. I was just a hair too young to really 'get' baram in it's heyday, though obviously I've played it. Just like I played lineage, just like I played maple, just like I played starcraft, I've hit all those milestones for any korean boy too, maple's just the one I stuck by. I lived in a starcraft pro house for a while, eve. It was an interesting time especially after living in america for so long, but it just wasn't a viable career, I didn't have the coordination or dedication to the game like I thought I did when I got signed. Not like I ever placed anywhere either. It is funny going back and seeing some posts on Yea Forums about me though. Kind of a trip.
based russkie masochist
Living in my dad's basement for the past 4 1/2 years. Procrastination is great.
Warcuckfarm reaching 4000 hours
Skyrim, but despite that I have literally never beaten it. I start a new game, fuck around with sidequests for like 10 hours, do the main quest up until the thalmor party, then quit and repeat every 5 months or so
tf2 with 555 hours
Once I posted a screenshot showing my 300 hours in a game, and some retard on this board accused me of faking it for attention, as if 300 hours is a lot.
Why is Yea Forums full of retards who don't even play video games?
If you don't have at least 1k hours in a game just GTFO
look at me
prove it
50 hours on terraria. You lot are lying, no one plays as long as you lot are claiming.
notice me
~300 hours on Civ V
How do I find my playtime for ps4 games?
We all know photoshop is widely used here to piss up lampposts youre not fooling anyone.
Steam says 3.5k csgo, but its probably more like 2.5k
Yea Forums - the vidya
>Next is Rocket League at ~400
You mean for Destiny? Because I don't know otherwise.
Shut the fuck up, retard
I will note that I might have played minecraft more but I've been playing on and off since 2012 and there doesn't appear to be any way to track that time before they added the statistics screen
Based ffxiv-chad
I just finished ARR. If I see this game through to Shadowbringers will I have a playtime like this?
What? If you actually play videogames and not just post about them 50 hours is like 2 weeks playtime. When I first got terraria I did almost 50 hours straight because of how fun it was
>those games
>those hours
br dectected
You should be at a couple hundred hours by the time you're done with Shadowbringers assuming you're not a filthy cutscene skipper.
not unless you cap all your classes. The game is a couple hundred hours for all the story content which will probably be draining for you by the end of that. Especially going through all of it in a row. They try to trick you into buying the storyline skips nowadays because it puts you right up to the point to start the new expansion's content.
>All sales of Alpha Protocol were halted in June 2019 due to expired music licenses
I'm mad as shit about that on principle, nevermind the removal of Mass Effect Interesting Version.
lol dis guy haz liek zo many hours in a random game !! like wowzers thats like so random!!! PINEAPPLE FRENCH FRY!!!!!!!!
The only one of those games that had BRs was Paladins
I'm just a run of the mill NEET
Congrats! You're a normie!
Civ4 is better
How can I be a normie if I'm in my late 20s and never had sex or gf?
Never played it but I do own it on steam. I've only played 5, beyond earth and 6.
shut up, gramps
I've probably put like 1300+ hours into Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and ~1100 were in Training. Labbing that game was an absolute joy and what I did after getting home from highschool almost daily for a long while, and then a few hundred of those hours were since I started college.
I'm almost ashamed.
Lame finish the fight, user...
How? I don't screenshot every retarded post I see.
don't lie
How much of that time is pure ERP?
1500 inn gta5
Civ3 is better
how do you see how much youve played of ff14? im scared but interested to know
I feel so fucking ashamed but I'm a poorfag with a shit laptop. GW2 is prob my 3rd most played game tho.
Wow dude, you must play at least 2 hours of games a day!
Nothing more cringe then saying cringe bro
i miss global agenda so much potential but hi rez makes game and abandons them
thx user
Tell us your play time.
Not like it's the most accurate because I've played on other platforms and games outside of steam.
19 years of playing diablo 2
How many hours did you put in Gmod tower?
a lot
Not my most played of all time, but surely my most played on Steam.
I'm old and been gaming for a long time but i do have a few thousand hours on spelunky. Before that i kind moved from game to game
How the fuck did you spend longer playing pre-sequel than BL2? I'm maybe 10h into pre-sequel, it's so badly put together. Fucking SPACE AUSTRALIANS can suck my dick.
Shouldn't, I recently tried it on a GT1030 and to my surprise it worked fine.
Graphics settings turned down?
My old steam account used to have 2k hours in Blacklight retribution
>omg that’s so le cringe, like I’m totally cringing
have sex incel
If you have 30 hours on ffx/x-2 because you finished the first one and found the other one to be complete rubbish I judge you to be an upstanding citizen.
+1k osrs hours and probably another 300 for sfiv on console
904 hours in Gmod.
probably more hours on halo 3
Nice, I have about a thousand on gmod but only 300 or so were in Gmod tower. Tower unite is not the same
Tied between TF2, Frozen Throne and MapleStory at 1500-or-so hours each. But I'll never know for certain since the latter two don't track playtime.
Fallout New Vegas with 85 hours. What does that make me?