Tfw still no slasher game where you stalk sexy teenagers to murder them

>tfw still no slasher game where you stalk sexy teenagers to murder them

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Isn't there a Friday The 13th game where you do exactly that?

Friday the 13th game until it died

Came here to say this.

There that other game too with OC slayer villains and monsters
plays exactly the same as the Friday the 13th game

There's literally two games of this

Dead by Daylight except no one's actually sexy, get to play as based myers though

Guys, OP said sexy teenagers, that doesn't apply to Friday the 13th and Dead By Daylight

Friday the 13th
Dead by Daylight
Last Year

Shit thread OP take it to Yea Forums where shit threads belong

Epic joke only 4channers will get duuuude

Shut up fag.

>plays exactly the same as the Friday the 13th game
Dead by Daylight has smaller maps and more overpowered killers.

Duuude he knows about tv woaahhh, this guy has access to the deep web

And they're both shit flavor of the month twitch shovelware. Both games are fucking dead as shit plus Friday the 13th controls like dog shit. While it being a pretty cool idea, it was executed poorly.

>Dead by Daylight
>Flavor of the month
Found the shitter, stop blaming games for their shortcomings when you can't handle your own

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Dead by Daylight is still very active

Semi related clip, I find it funny

Last Night, still waiting for a Steam key.

Last Year*

>F13 franchise is completely dead

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F13 surprisingly still has players.


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>implying it wouldn’t cause a riot during development

Dead by Daylight is literally this and you even can play as Michael Meyers. It's a shame that the F13 game is seemingly keeping a lockdown on them licensing Jason already. Most of the other major movie killers are there

haha no though

Dead by Daylight is far from dead. I've been playing all day and it only takes a minute or two to get a match going

> no one's actually sexy
Says you

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be thankful it survived jason x

>Dead by Daylight is literally this
I dunno. Repeatedly bapping t-bagging SWF retards in order to hang them up on a sacrificial meathook is hardly peak slasher feel. Every killer that isn't Nurse or Billy feels so fucking toothless.

What are you? Some kind of sicko!

I try not to take it too seriously. It's a fun game to play to fuck around, but if you start being a tryhard faggot it's not fun for anyone. I just wish there was a way to queue up specifically against randos and not get stuck against SWF groups that make playing killer a boring slog

Plays nothing like F13, in fact it's shitty e-sport focus from players.

Why is this so in character?

that reaction seems forced as fuck, but I got a chuckle out of everyone blowing past him


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fucking kek

>not a babe

>putting a space after the >

F13 has some sexy ass models what are you talking about

Jason X is fucking great
fight me

>implying that dykey meth head is a babe

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>F13 babes
>not hot as fuck
What is with these niggers not even playing the game before talking shit about it?

got the DLC for Jane Romero just to look at that thicc bitch all day. money well spent

It's almost as if everyone in this game arguing how hot the girls are are avoiding posting the ugly fucking in game models and think pretending fan art is somehow changing reality

haha imagine if you had a dream where you were a jason-equivalent and you woke up from cuming wouldn't that be weird lol

You can say thanks to Sean Cummingham and Victor Miller for that.

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

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two seconds in google you lazy faggot

Dead by daylight would be great if it wasnt for the retarded fucking looping. Theres absolutely no excuse for that, just design decent fucking levels and that wont happen, you never see it in levels that feel like actual locations like the asylum or the meat packing plant. But the devs are lazy as shit and just randomly throw around cover and obstacles for their maps.

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oh, were they the programmer and gameplay designer of that shit game?

t.babby killer

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I mean, even as a killer I get it. it helps the survivors evade you for awhile and if you can stay on them you eventually catch up. there's some places where it's annoying as shit though

You're right, and I have over a thousand hours in DBD. The devs are terribly scared to take risks, leaving bloodlust in the game for as long as it is. As well has underwhelming killers and not adding interesting gameplay at all.

Imo DBD should be about mind games. It is completely up to the survivor to mess up (depending on the killer), which is not good design. I'm so sad DBD is the only asymm on the market because it is really fucking boring.

Found the baby survivor main

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Who /tombstone/ here?
I love insta-killing survivorniggers

Somebody stop him, he's got a heart hing

i haven't played it, but why don't they have both? and some decent levels with random place defense things. that way you have this "loop level", a level where everybody knows the optimal part and it gets boring, and a mix

>killing survivors
No, no , no, user! You're supposed to be a non-threatening pushover! You're going to leave all of the survivors with no option but to immediately DC!

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I wish there was just like a single player slasher game that played like hitman

>made a shitty film that went on to make some decent sequels
>now they get to kill the franchise over pettyness
i hate it

that would also be pretty fun. why has no one done that yet? I guess Manhunt was the closest equivalent?

When is that Predator game by the F13 people coming out?

Am I shitty person for "camping" dudes that are clearly SWF? I know their buddies show up ASAP to free them and then their ripe for the picking. Guy got all butthurt at me for "tunneling" but really they just kept getting cocky and running up to me for free hits. I would have left if he didn't have 2 guys hiding around the corner to unhook and heal him

not really. you're there to kill them, fuck their "rules"

>dead by shitlight
>le hook camping face Xddd
fucking cancer, how is this shit even allowed

>but user, hard camping hooks usually results in the killer losing
who fucking cares, I want to actually play the game

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>lobby instantly fills with identical pink-haired neas with flashlights
what do

I want a murder sim so badly. Just a game that lets me break into homes and murder people
The last clip always cheers me up
Damned is no slasher game but it's pretty good nonetheless.

so stop struggling and die and move on to the next game? If the killer really won't leave under any circumstance you're just wasting your own time.

Flashlightfags are the worst and deserve to die at all cost. ebony mori and NOED. Kill em all

the better one is free

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That was the worst mask in the entire franchise. What were they thinking?


>so stop struggling and die and move on to the next game?
can't do this with friends

nani the fuck

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why are killer queues suddenly so fucking long

I'll rather find blood in my urine than watch that movie again

so stop being a SWF fagmo? seems pretty simple


I recognize that ass

what are you playing on? I've been playing all day on PS4 without much wait

There's Dead by buglight and friday the 13th the almost game

>OP presents himself as a sick fuck who jacks off to killing underage people
>Other notable pedophiles with similar tastes include one who was "suicided"
So, a stealth thread about the conspiracy? Based. Though follow Jeffy if you actually do jack off to that

Having never played the Friday the 13th game how does it compare to DBD? I watched some gameplay videos and Jason can just teleport all over the place? Like at one point he literally appeared right in front of a guy and killed him.

He has a teleport ability where he clicks on a map and a shift ability where he turns invisible and zooms forward. Because he moves at the speed of Jason and needed bullshit abilities.

what ass
this is the best i could do

>jiggle physics musician grill
>T H I C C reporter
>still no sexually suggestive content
Fucking devs.

>overpowered killers

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it beats the shit out of goes to hell (and 3, 7, and 8 as well) and any retard that says otherwise never watched any of the movies

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A large open town where you've got to kill as many teens as possible before you're killed by the police or some homeowner would be great.

You have one night. All houses are open, all objects can be used as weapons. NPCs are all very detailed in actions and so on. Thousands of NPCs in the town. Stores and everything are all open.

You could add a story where you've got to find one girl, but you don't know where she is, so you have to explore.

>SWF operating with SWAT team-like efficiency
>SWF's one and only chump/token roastie gets hooked
>SWF instantly regresses into childlike retards that kamikaze for the unhook nonstop
>match snowballs in your favor
Errtime. Fuck survivors and their gay """fair"""play rule sets.

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why does he talk shit about them only after he mutes them?

that's basically how it went down
>can't do shit because any time I down a survivor the dude with a suped up flashlight is RIGHT THERE to stun me
>finally down that faggot
>watch his team struggle to free him
>eventually they give up and he gets sacc'd
>salt messages start flowing in
>the rest fall apart and start dropping like flies
>one left and the hatch pops right next to me
>close it up and slaughter the other guy while he's trying to open the gate
>over 1gorillion hate mails

Just the fucking worst. Felt good to ram my boot straight up their collective asses

what is this image trying to convey

>create-a-killer, with a selection of slasher archetypes to determine your power set
>objective is to locate and kill your obsession
>breaking stealth causes obsession to flee towards a means of escape
>killing non-targets raises suspicion
>the higher your bodycount, the more people start locking down their homes, setting traps and arming themselves
Mite b cool

flashlights can blind a killer for a very long time and with high level add ons it can happen almost instantly and very frequently. Survivors already have a LOT going for them compared to Killers between insta-heals, SWF, killers having a lot of their best perks as Hexes that can be be turned off etc etc, Killers are FAR from overpowered

as for the original context of the image... i have no fucking clue

I recall some fag was making a serial killer sandbox 'roguelike' years ago. The media caught wind and started sharpening their pitforks so he suddenly came out and said it was a social experiment and the alpha footage was all staged. Whether it was actually a prank or the dev just getting cold feet is still unknown.

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Survivors are cunts.

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That author seems to draw a LOT of fanart of the survivors being scum.

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Still waiting for Jason to be in DBD.

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I feel like it's never going to happen unless the F13 game goes under or the license holder gets real cool about spreading the love around. He's definitely the most glaring omission at this point

I just want mah nigga Candyman Hooking niggas before I hook niggas and covering the map with bees

According to not_Queen, having Jason in other games doesn't affect his presence, Jason chances seem pretty good, issue would probably be the ability, and maybe negotiating cost of licensing.

Imo, shifting and rage in breaking window vaults would be pretty unique.

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that would be pretty cool. I can't think of what niche he could fill, but I'm sure they could do something that makes him feel unique. I'd also be fine with just getting some new OC killers. Is there any word on when the next big release is?

They've already got The Trapper, there's no point in adding Jason. Then again, they did put in Leatherface after they already had The Hillbilly, and their add-ons are pretty much the same save for 2-3 of them

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they're still functionally very different. Hillbilly gets his dash and slash and Leatherface gets to BTFO of Survivor clusters. I could see them making Jason similar to Trapper somehow. Maybe a combo of Trapper, Hag and Freddy where he can set some kind of traps that he can teleport to from anywhere with a heavy delay and no warning. That would give him the kind of vibe where he could appear from anywhere without much warning, but he wouldn't be able to spring on to people as quickly as Hag and less overall utility than Freddy with his gen teleports

I'm not sure, man, hopefully soon. It's been 2-3 months already, I am hoping some new announcement will come.

I'm also hoping they remove that dumb window infinite at coal tower, I swear you can't even get your blood lust up chasing survivors through it.

I'm really hoping if they add Jason, they give him something unique instead of traps. Like making his shifting similar to F13 where it is fast but difficult to control so landing close hits would be a challenge and instead of breaking pallets like regular killers he is able to rage through them(if they happen to be near/camping the pallet they take damage). And possibly breaking certain walls, and permanently destroying window vaults.

I also want Jason because it completes the Slash street boys meme.

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