Daigo Umehara uses a hitbox

Daigo Umehara uses a hitbox.

Why don't you?

Attached: te2-hitbox.png (1200x800, 446K)

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Honestly I want to give it a shot, just been short on money.

cause im invincible

I like it better than stick but I've been conditioning myself to go for pad regardless because it's easier on the wrists.

>Pad is easier on the wrists

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Because hitboxes are fucking cheating, fuck anyone who says otherwise

Daigo hasn't won shit in years.

How can it be cheating when anyone can go out and buy one to have the exact same advantage?

Boohoo faggot - only reason paddlers are accepted is because its the default controller for the hardware its played on at home - now that fightans are being played on PC basedboys like yourself are gonna have to get used to keyboard chads stomping your butthole in.

Yes they can be used to do things that are otherwise impossible on traditional control options - it's just the next evolution of control - if everyone was using them it would only increase the skill ceiling, and the only reason there's so much push back against it is because the old guard refuse to learn a new skill.

My right wrist hurts after some hours of using stick while I can hold a pad all day and not feel a thing. But hey, if you think you know better than what actually happens then by all means, continue to be a fucking retarded clown.

he's irrelevant.

When was the last time he won a tournament with it?

Who uses a what?

I haven't hurt my wrist yet and stick is fun

Someone explain what advantage this gives over a normal fightpad to someone who doesn't know shit about fighting games.

Just like mouse and keyboard is cheating in FPS games

Just because you are an idiot who can't use a stick right doesn't mean that you wan't get pain from a pad in a few years down the line as well. People switch to arcade sticks or hit boxes because of wrist pain.

You don't even have to buy one, you can just use a keyboard and get the same advantage.

It lets you do very fast and precise directional inputs, the best example is tekken 7 korean backdashes which are usually a tricky and difficult technique to do well, but with this it's trivial


Why would I emulate a washed up shitter that got btfoed by a tranny?

How are macros and bots cheating when anyone can go out and buy one to have the exact same advantage?

because those are way different and are against the rules in any serious tournament. Hitboxes are technically the same as any other standard input device

hitbox makes zangief sad

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The wrist issue is already there you dumb fuck, using it right or wrong doesn't matter at this stage. I also know I won't have issues with a pad "in a few years because" I wasn't born fucking yesterday and I've already been using a pad for over 20 years, often several hours at a time and never felt a thing. My wrist shit comes from holding a mouse longer than your lifetime, judging by how poorly you behave and how hard you refuse to accept the fact different people have different issues.

I didn't refuse anything, you never claimed to have any preexisting conditions until this post. Your opening post made the claim that pads are easier on the wrists, not your wrists specifically. Write what you mean and don't assume people can glean information you've left out.

daigo could use the standard Switch joycons and still win tournaments, doesn't mean anything.

I play more genres with my arcade stick not just fighters

ima filthy casul

Why should I use a hitbox? Daigo didn't even win any major tournament this year, maybe focus on people who actually surpassed him.

I actually "just" bought one, fucking US to EU shipping is horrible. 2 week wait already.

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Whatä's a hitbox?

I enjoy playing pretty much every fighting game except for Street Fighter. What does that mean?

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In the context of a competitive game where it is agreed that both players are allowed to use macros and bots, then no, they wouldn't be cheating. What a fucking moronic comparison.

Frankly I wish but
>Yuropoor, and tariff + shipping is a wooping 150+ bucks
>200 bucks for a plastic box with a dozen buttons on it

Fuck that

It's a fightan controller. It replaces the joystick or d-pad with individual buttons, which allows inputs that would be impossible with other control methods. Like doing a back charge while walking forward, blocking while inputting commands, etc.

Basically they're cheating but the FGC is a joke so they allow them.

How is this any worse than a keyboard?

what kind of mental midget plays on a keyboard

absolute chads that enjoy unparalleled tactile precision and complete freedom in layout customization and inputs
the hitbox is literally a keyboard but with less, bigger, shittier buttons and the only reason anyone uses it is because you can't take your keyboard to EVO because (((platform holders))) pay big bucks to fuck with your freedom of choice
nah but seriously I started playing SFV on keyboard back when my stick stopped working and I couldn't go back, for fighting games there's no more comfortable input method, easier to input in than sticks too

because he's not the best fighting game player

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daigo couldn't even beat ricki with his shitbox, maybe if he went to a pad or a stick he could at least get top 8

>Hurr durr Daigo used a DDR pad therefore it's superior to any controller.

Hitbox don't make everyone magically pull 1 frame links or some crap.

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Why aren't you using a korean lever?

>i'm going to the end the FGCs whole career

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not at EVO

now that's a stick

you can do the same thing with a controller. has analog and digital directional input? thats cheating.

because fighting games are a shit genre for mentally ill manbabies

how are you suppose to use this?

Left hand on the stick, right hand using the hitbox inputs and buttons.

real funny user. you know what i'm asking for.

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I'm on the fence on buying one but I'm afraid to look too much like a tryhard since I'm still not great at fighting games.

Reminder if you buy a brand name hitbox you're getting massively ripped off

watch the demonstration video it's impossible to explain
it's made for some sort of a super person

Which alternative there is?

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what the fuck

>Requirement : 4-digits IQ

A gafro actually.

Just do 2 button Korean Backdashes bro

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anyone know how to order a custom hit box plexi/top panel? i dont like how close my hands are on a hitbox and the fact that the buttons on the right use smaller buttons. i have a hrap 4 kai if it matters.

not really