Why can't the Right make any video games...

Why can't the Right make any video games? The SJW Leftist are actually creative and make good video game design despite their SJW pandering. Why?

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Right opinions are less socially accepted at this point in time. I would assume that is the problem.

The right are less likely to play video games because they're busy working and having families

Some dude is making a point and click aventure in epstein island

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You’re missing the irony here.
Reeeeeetards are the ones whining about diversity and politics in games.
Reeeeetards are neets who stay at home and live off their parents
Reeeeeeetards are the internet trolls who shitpost all day.

Every videogame company is ran by Liberals and games are made by liberals.

>Right are less likely to play video games cuz we have families!

Meanwhile Republican white domestic terrorsim
Republican White incels cant get laid
Republican White neets on v are still using 15 year old pepe memes
Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums whine about black and women characters

Most devs are pretty leftist now. Maybe it was always that way but I don't remember it being quite as bad in the 90's/early 00's. Most heavy right wingers think games create killers so why would they make a bunch of indie meme games?

It was always that way. You were a kid and politics hadn't rotted your brain yet.

Liberal people tend to do more creative jobs while more conservative people do more industrious jobs. It comes down to whether you care more for your passions or value money and stability first. It's a pretty fascinating topic to read about.


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This is mostly correct, unironically. It's not a cause, but an effect. People who are less capable of creative thought and self-fulfillment seek other sources of pride. Oftentimes this manifests as a pride in a cultural or social group, due to achievements of others within the group with whom the less capable can identify. Many people who end up here, for instance, were just looking for something to comfort them in the face of their mediocrity - especially after being told about all these advantages our culture affords them - and the political right has opted to cater to that in order to sway part of the youth voterbase (where before this sort of thing the political right was essentially dead in a few decades).
The best way to get someone on your side is to convince them that you're opening their eyes to a "new reality," precisely as has been done in both directions over and over throughout history, and mediocre people love to eat that up. People with the ability to create and envision are less susceptible. Not that most game devs are artistic geniuses or anything, but there's something to be said for any profession in which one makes things.

I don't give a shit if it's racist or not, the idea of mariachi bands playing mariachi as they cross the border is fucking hilarious.

So the idea is that liberals strive to embody their humanity, while conservatives are content relinquishing their aspirations to become a machine? Really sounds like a video game metaphor is at work here. One is the protagonist, the other the NPC.

didn't even have to leave the catalog to prove you wrong. at least this thread full of psueds and pop-psychology is a good laugh

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Go fuck yourself Internet loser. Nobody fucking cares dipshit.

Struck a nerve?

Whoops, guess I should have included a trigger warning!

I mean, one game? That's it? I can name any game made by Leftists in a heart beat. But anyone from the Right spectrum.. ??

At least I'm no keyboard warrior with no life on Yea Forums. Meanwhile I actually have a girlfriend and will soon to have a child. Stay on Yea Forums though losers. :)

What about literally every single Japanese video game?

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Exceptions do not prove the rule, it's why Yea Forums and /pol/ suck the dicks of the few game devs that say anything politically incorrect. Also the dev of Kingdom Come is a centrist at most.

Give it a twist, the liberal that strive to embody humanity is actually a robot who wants to appear human. And the conservative that wants to become a machine its actually a human that cannot deal with emotions.

meant to reply to

have you considered that the online culture of the online social media is heavily pro-lefty and progressive? don't be a retard
promoting a game as right leaning means lost sales.
it's also possible that right-wing devs don't feel the need to virtue signal or bandwagon. if you want to get any deeper than that, it's all speculation and assumptions with little basis.
simply not caving to tumblr or twitter will get you labeled as anti-SJW or alt right.

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>the online culture of the online social media
lmao. bungled that, but you get what I mean

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>using left right spectrum as absolute instead of being relative to country of origin and time period
That's how you make a dumb meme even dumber, absolutely cringe and soipilled my man

Fuck off mutt, nobody wants your calarts games. Only thing that matters is your iq so you mutts will never make games to Japanese standards.

>Muh medieval games are made by a bunch of alt-right wannabes

It's confirmed. The Right are a bunch of pussies. Thanks for confirming.

isnt all of Japan Right Wing? The Dragon Quest guy literally wants to kill all gays

japan right wing if that's the case then right winger will be bred out of existence

dude japan hates gays then why is there so much gay content in the anime industry etc you are stupid

OK? confirmed what? you haven't added anything relevant to the discussion, refuted anything I said, or even made an argument besides "I don't like right-leaning people"
congratulations you fucktard. just don't post if it doesn't serve any useful purpose besides exposing your lack of thought

I'm definitely fatigued from politics but I still believe things have gotten out of hand now. It doesn't matter, if the right were running everything the way the left is we would still be in the same situation. They would want all the same things censored but for different reasons.

Hating fags isn't exclusive to the right

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>why can't my games being more political like /pol/ my favorite meme board
fuck off retarded children

>if you want to get any deeper than that, it's all speculation and assumptions with little basis.
Except when there's clear evidence to the fact that creative people tend to lean left. If anything it's you who is speculating off of statistical outliers, the very definition of cherrypicking. It's true that the very left leaning environment of the gaming industry would make it intimidating for the few right leaning ones to express an opinion openly but again, they are still the few and not the vast majority.


lmao you go on /pol/ too much fuck off japan is degenerate as fuck


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If you are right wing you get shut out of everything and attacked. There are right wing people that make stuff but they have to keep their views hidden. On the other hand you can be as radical left as you want though which just gets you impotent hate mail from spergs. Nobody in charge will do anything about you and will even stick up for you.

maybe. people are faggots and need to realize social politics are boring and 9/10 times don't belong in a hobby centered around entertainment value

great so you've solved the thread then. personality traits can be loosely linked to political positions.

is there a more persecuted group of people than straight white males?

Damn, this meme of a strawman really makes me want to conform to your ideology. Seeing someone with wrongopinion crying has opened my eyes. Thank you, FaceBook

Probably those chinese muslims desu.

>Escapist Magazine
Anyway, not sure what point this thread thinks it’s going to make here. Are there more lefties in gaming than righties? Very likely, yes. However, like in ALL fields of life, it’s specifically the outliers who are pushing the medium forward and gaining the most recognition. Explicitly right-leaning game devs have made better games than 99% of explicitly left-leaning devs, who often just ape off of an already popular IP and then just shove their ideologies into it (see: Ooblets cunts or the tranny devs of that hamster Monkey Ball knockoff).

Finding a lefty dev is a dime a dozen, especially considering how many of them flock to shitholes like San Fran. Meanwhile, those who go against the hivemind for the sake of their passion find much, much greater success.

probably pedophiles and unironically incels. also hard criminals in general

Dude... I think maybe you need therapy, not Yea Forums.