Comfy wow classic beta thread. XIV shills and retailcucks not allowed past this point.
Comfy wow classic beta thread. XIV shills and retailcucks not allowed past this point
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Wow players are obsessed with XIV
Night elves are hot
>Herodchads telling streamers to stay the fuck out
how deep can the layers of stealth go
Just gas the horde already, jaina was right.
Because XIVtards shit up everything they touch, look at /xivg/ and it's clear their influence has spread.
Layering is here to stay and you can do nothing about it.
You can just remove all those and replace them with "lol".
This won't be another tortanic, you can stop now.
Yeah I think the 5 servers they announced kind of confirmed this.
>people on the pvp sever were just arguing over whether niggers are people or not in elwyn forest general chat
I always felt like Tauren made a pact and then a day later regretted the whole thing.
Alliance are responsible for the Scourge.
Alliance are responsible for making my penis into the big penis
Rent free
Go back to erping with your c@ boy gimp, loser.
So what have you all been doing in the beta? Doesn't really seem like enough time to get anything cool done but it's fun relearning all the old mechanics.
is it true high end naxx guilds demand raiders to wear diapers at all times during a raid?
I want to be a protection warrior, I never played WoW so I'm trying to do a lot of research first. Is the human sword specialization better than the Orc's 25% stun resist? Those are my two top picks for a warrior.
So who are we blaming after Classic fails? Blizzard? Zoomers? Retailfags? Trump? XIV trannys?
Isn't Classic also retail now?
playing race/class combos that I don't plan to play in live. I got a tauren shaman up to level 13 and a human paladin to 11
Nobody wants to play this garbage
Camp Taurajo. Your entire "argument" is invalid, the Alliance are the bad guys.
Once classic fails we will blame them all
I think Blizzard are shitting their pants right now with fear that it won't fail. They've seen the interest and have no idea what to do about it. They were hoping it would flop and they could put it to rest.
Classic will be impossible for them to monetize like BfA or their other products. No cash store ever. No mounts, no pets, no cosmetics. They're fucked. It's going to be a thorn in their side forever that they can't make money on.
I do. Why does it make you seethe so bad you feel the need to shitpost?
Give me one good reason not to roll a Dwarf Hunter
do we know anything about classic server locations
Hi, I play FFXIV. I sincerely hope you have a great time with this game! I played WoW classic briefly on a private server and was surprised at how good it was, let's hope it lives up to the hype!
Assuming they keep releasing old expansions after Naxx is old and boring, at what point will you quit?
Fuck off you penis cage wearing dunce.
What in the fuck is that?
Hey XIVfriend. I play XIV too and I'm also eagerly awaiting Classic.
>some shit tents is the same as genocide
I'm hoping they stop after they cycle through vanilla, realize how much attention and subs it garnered, nuke retail and start working on wow 2 that plays more like the expac we should've got after BC.
People want challenging content and vanilla has none of that. This will be a massive flop.
I don't want them to release other expacs, but if they did I'd probably quit in Wrath once I got bored of fucking around on a DK before 10 years of nerfs
Personally I'd like them to open seasonal servers, possibly with modifiers, rather than release TBC Classic or Classic+ or whatever else people want. Just fresh servers, maybe with some kind of added seasonal challenge that applies to that entire server for it's lifetime.
Except for you. I hope you hate WoW classic.
It'll just run out of content, so Blizzard's to blame if they don't make a classic+ to extend the life of the game. Everybody was super positive in the EU stress test and apart from some minor lag in the first hour of the test there's been no fuckups so the game isn't actively being sabotaged. It'll likely die after Naxx is on farm for over 6 months, so it's not a failure if we get a good experience
This fucking soulful artwork
Challenging content is only valuable if
>The gameplay is literally anything other than tab targeting mmo shlock
>There are good, impacting rewards
>Fun dungeon/boss/raid mechanics
Retail isn't challenging in the sense the game is hard, moreso it's a brutal grind for bigger numbers and finding people that won't wipe your group on a group wide raid mechanic. Inflated numbers does not equal fun difficulty. The trick in classic is the actual basis to basis gameplay is fun and the loot you get actually matters. Honestly when was the last time you felt great about getting a drop after a week of grinding mythic plus? You might feel good for a second until you realize it could've been titanforged and the gear is just a set of numbers that does literally nothing differently than the piece you had before.
>shadowmelds and ambushes you with my pet cat when you think you're farming an unattended spot
>stoneforms out of your blind and fucks your ass
>hits you more reliably with my giant assfucking GM bustersword and then perceptions to buttfuck your rogue friend as well that you no doubt brought because horde scum only fight in rabid packs
>gets out of your snare and spams EH HEH HEH EHEHEHE while fucking your asshole open
and last but not least
>fear wards the rogue so they can fuck the horde warlock's ass
>the ret paladin bops the priest so the OOGABOOGA ME SMASH ME LAINTIME horde warriors are impotent
gg ez no re
Classic + won't work. Nu-Blizz cannot add to vanilla without fucking up.
Expansions are a bad idea too since TBC was the beginning of the end.
Best idea is seasonal servers, pretty much like the updates Diablo 3 gets. Literally one dev could keep things fresh for years just by introducing a new server every few months. One normal seasonal server and one challenge seasonal server. Easy content. Nothing is changed within the game, nobody needs to complain.
If not wanting to play as an ugly mutt makes me a tranny then show me the way to the dilation stations.
>TFW Garrosh made the Horde great again and was objectively the best warchief we have ever gotten pre character assassination
>TFW Sylvanas literally made the horde more evil than the first war.
I just want my faction to be likable again.
How any of you faggots can defend layering or pretend that it is fine when capital cities have literally zero players in them? Its literally most disgusting soulless retail shit I have seen in my life.
[streamer] said layering is fine, so i agree
There should be an hour cooldown on layer hopping.
God I hate millenials.
>capital cities have literally zero players in them
This isn't retail, retard, people are out in the world! Crazy I know.
it's not fine but it's better than servers ending up dead or the game being unplayable at launch
It's an inane minor thing to complain about, it's not worth the reeeeees when the actual game is fun. It's been talked to death and in the scheme of things if that's the only thing to bitch about then damn blizz did a good job.
Classic plus could work so long as they keep it separate. It's doesn't have to be all or nothing. I never understood that mentality in the first place.
I was excited for WoW until all the streamer shit ruined the entire feel of the game.
People have changed and have different desires, the game won't last long and I don't invest my time in things that won't be around long term.
What an absolute travesty.
>How can you guys defend colorblind mode? What about "No changes!" huh?!
why the fuck would people be hanging out in capital cities?
>Expansions are a bad idea too since TBC was the beginning of the end.
What a terrible opinion.
Because despite the AH being dead there were dozens of people in TB and Org on the stress tests despite them solely being questing hubs. The starting zones still have hundreds of players pre-level 5 even with layering, there's no reason to sit in a capital city when people are rushing the content with limited time to play
Dwarves are the most soulful race
Imagine being so retarded that you intentionally join a PvE server when the game is launched and dishonorable kills/battlegrounds aren't in until the second and third phase. Literally peak PvP.
Why is everyone so obsessed about streamers? It's everywhere I go, Yea Forums, the forums, youtube, everywhere. People spamming the picture of that guy with the fucked up teeth. I can't take this anymore. Are you people fucking 12 or what.
>inane minor thing
Watch the actual webms being posted. The latest one was recorded this stress test and shows a guy phasing out a different layer from his party as they're in combat with several mobs. That is fucking gamebreaking.
There is zero chance the current staff hits the same tone as vanilla. It will be jarring and janky even if its opt-in. It's a waste of everyone's time and resources to even attempt. It goes against the very notion of classic.
I don't distrust nu-blizz because I'm suspicious, crazy or paranoid. It's because I've been following them and I know them and if you'd been paying attention you'd also know how stupid the very notion of Classic+ is. It only makes sense if you forget who would be developing it.
Seasonal servers are an infinitely better idea for future content and basically impossible to fuck up.
>XIV shills
Rent free.
>an unreplicatable bug that's happened like 3 times is gamebreaking
Guns suck
XIV won.
Wow players can't shut up about XIV
Hurts does it?
I'll let you in on a secret.
PvE players don't care about peak PvP.
>What a terrible opinion.
TBC itself was fine, but it forgot what made vanilla great and introduced everything we would grow to hate. Linear dungeons, flying mounts, retarded lore rewrites.
Are you actively trying to make this game fail by excusing the same shit that made people drop retail?
Because the majority of classic players were streamers or streamer followers, that was the entirety of classic WoW's closed beta.
That is your reality, either welcome it or have fun seeing your nostalgia melt before your eyes when you see huge mobs of streamers rolling around.
I'm pretty sure it's just trolling/bait so it gives people stuff to shitfling about so the threads don't get labeled as a general and axed and shunted off to /vg.
Just go with it.
There are also webms showing people being fucked by feral horses. Does that mean you're going to get fucked by a feral horse tomorrow if you go outside? Or the victims of these horse rapes are going to affect your every day life?
We're all going on Grobbulus, correct?
>tfw I want classic and not all the modern garbage like modern talents, undead hunters and retarded storyline
>tfw I also want them to change classic to fix shit like paladins just autoattacking to lvl 60, some talents being shit, stuff like rogue sap only having a 90% chance of staying in stealth with the talent instead of maxing at 100%, and other oddities that just feel dated
>tfw I want to see some of the stuff I imagined they would add, like unique skills for every race/class combo instead of making that just for priests
>tfw if they would change anything they would make it worse instead
Except layering completely destroys economy and server communities. I bet you are WoD player and never expirienced actual uninstanced world of WoW.
That post was so painfully retarded I refuse to reward you with a (You) for it.
I'm rolling on Asmon-US
I'm just saying they can do whatever they like, whatever ideas everyone likes, and keep classic servers classic.
Nothing is lost and there are potential gains. There's no reason we can't have it all simultaneously.
>Nothing is lost
Not a good reason, I can also use bows and crossbows
>Comfy wow classic beta thread. XIV shills and retailcucks
I get the XIV shills part but is it kinda amusing to anyone else that they shit on people but "classic chads" are going to give the activision the same money as retailcucks for a game they (supposedly) played 15 years ago?
It's kind of funny to me
it completely kills one of the core aspects of classic
straight up murders immersion, its supposed to be a living breathing contained world, where you encounter the same people, where you can't run away from your problems by layer skipping.
its cancerous nuwow garbage that doesnt mesh with the overall feel of classic, the feel that was a factor to its success.
it is a legitimate problem that will impact how well classic does. its a self fulfilling prophecy, its going to subconsciously kill immersion and push players away, therefore "justifying"itself"
I was gonna play until I realized I could just play Everquest for free and use the sub money on weed.
anyone rolling on Zandalar Tribe?
Literally nothing wrong with undead hunters
>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.3 with nyatola and nzoth new content plus dragon isles
>classicucks will crawl back to retail
Is there dungeon finder? no. Is there raid finder? no. Is there group finder? no. That's what actually killed communities you reactionary.
alright, night elf mages. how about that
Daily reminder that Alliance is THE UNOFFICAL LGBT faction.
Enjoy your trannies.
Yeah it's shit but it's only for a few weeks and what can we do to stop it?
There's no use complaining about it.
>datamining killed modern wow
>everything of classic wow is already known, which players already hitting first 60 on mutliple private servers with a perfected speedrun of leveling up
the adventure was half the fun.
>oh cool you play wow too, what serv-
>which players already hitting first 60 on mutliple private servers with a perfected speedrun of leveling up
does not affect me in any way, shape, or form
Let's be real here. Anybody who calls themselves "Chads" for playing a game is a fucking delusional moron.
>Oh man, you main Horde?! You must hit the gym alot, my dood!
This isn't even Yea Forums faggotry anymore. It's straight up gamefaqs forum degeneracy.
Please, those of us who are actually going to play seriously will be so far ahead of the pack that layering doesn’t make a different. You tourists will be stuck fighting for mobs and quit before 20 either way.
Stalagg is apparently the Chicago (EST) server for the stress test.
Is one of the other two the LA one?
Come to me when they add a max level boost and a cash shop, dungeon finder or quests that handhold you every step of the way. Then you will have something to actually complain about.
I'm going to play an undead priest and help turn the tides in open world pvp skirmishes by healing and resurrecting other players!
But it hardly affects the economy since there's so few servers. The worst case scenario is that a few autists layer hop to get their Tidal Charms faster and the already low price of herbs/ore is worth less than it stabilised on at private servers
What the fuck is the purpose of this post?
Do you want Blizzard to provide their players with an amnesia serum that selectively wipes out all memories of WoW before they can play?
Like, what the fuck do you want?
>be in stv
>target enemy player
>start killing him
>he fades into nothingness
>run to panthera mob with 30m respawn where groups fight each other for competition
>no panthera mob
>no groups
>log out
>log in lvl 1 to switch layer
>log in again
>kill panthera mob
>walk to camp
>there pvp
>repeat skip pvp
>go to capital
>empty capital
>everyone is in his own layer
Oh yes, lfd and lfr were main problems of the game, retarded WoD mongoloid.
a WoW randomizer.
Oh no, nobody ever started playing vanilla WoW when level 60s existed!
Yup it's pretty hilarious. All these people apparently hate "Chads" and "Stacys" and yet use them to represent themselves in a positive light.
I'm a chad for playing anime tiddie games though.
Nice fan fiction.
See: I'd be up for it down the line. Like maybe in a year, the open up bonus servers with randomized loot tables or permadeath or other modifiers on them to give people new things to tackle in the same game.
>layering is a fan fiction
/wowg/ is 99% futa draenei erp posts and furfaggotry, how is that any better?
All they need to do is subdivide the player models ONCE and they'll look 100x better.
How often does all that happen though? How much does it really affect you day in day out? Yeah these things can happen but who cares when it's such an inconsequential thing 90% of the time when compared to the amount of hours you just dumped into the game without noticing?
To be honest I'd kill for a WoW server that would be like diablo 2. Where items would give you spells. Imagine a warrior with blink, or a paladin with smite. Creating new playstyles in diablo 2 was the best.
Yes yes user, the sky is falling and everything you posted is certainly going to happen. Go back to retail now.
Well this is what I want in the future and it's what I'll push. None of that Classic+ shit, no TBC. Just every so often we get new seasonal servers with the same Classic game, just with various different mods to keep it fresh. Who cares if they're balanced or not at that point?
Don't hide your shame by deflecting, xivg friend. Just because another thread is a cesspool doesn't mean your thread isn't the nuclear waste dump that has runoff that leaks into everything else.
The only good thing about Classic is that some russian will datamine the shit out of the client and get a private server up and running with the actual armor/hp values for free.
FUCK any of you cucks giving money to blizzard
Infinitely based anime poster
how the fuck didnt they datamine this shit already from the game before cataclysm.
lmao imagine paying full price subscription for a reboot instead of demanding a new game that doesn't suck.
Stop downplaying it and assuming that I am a retarded casual like yourself which doesnt know how to interact with game mechanics. I would abuse layering to absolute max on extreme scale, probably with a help of addons. I would prob get 3k+ gold prior to 60 thx to it without single professions picked. And its fucking horrible for the health of game.
Half the playerbase will most likely be new people from retail
Someone should make an offline, singleplayer version of Classic so retro gamers in 1000 years can play it.
Is Blizzard making an official classic release them admitting they fucked their franchise up six ways from sunday?
The Irony
Phase 1 is boring as shit. I hope you goobs don't plan on "going hard".
Imagine how they feel about it.
"Hey you know those 15 years you spent upgrading your game? Undo it."
"What all of it? Don't you want to keep-"
"Yeah, all of it, literally everything good you did. Reverse it."
Must be the biggest slap in the face in gaming history.
And it's sincere.
There are private servers like that with build your own characters and special items. They weren't very popular but they did exist.
>not waiting for phase 4 so you have all the content at your fingertips
>everything good you did
But they didn't do anything good. That's the point.
This. What good?
thats cool. Wish I knew about them back in the day. WoW was cool, but it always had even more potential which the devs didnt seem to want to expand on.
Eh, I disagree. I think they did more good to the game than bad. But the parts that are bad are so bad now I'd gladly sacrifice the whole lot to go back to Classic, at least that's how I feel about it. I'd burn a hundred good improvements to remove the cash store.
>have to wait 4 months minimum before I can ninja a zin rok on my hunter.
Fuck man come on.
Shadowmeld is super useful and adds a whole new dimension to the class, with a super low cooldown. Wisp form is probably the best non combat racial in the game besides the human spirit, the amount of time it will save you in bg's and dungeons makes playing every other race feel like a burden at times. Honestly shadowmeld should be a hunter baseline ability, or at least a survival talent, it's too much fun when you successfully crit anime someone out of stealth, or use it to stealth eat in a dungeon etc.
Seriously, why are they like that?
Corecraft soon, la.
Look up project ascension, it's pretty popular at the moment while people are waiting for classic
>announcing World of Warcraft 2
haha just kidding here is the same shit you idiots lapped off the floor a decade ago, enjoy
the game will die faster than wildstar. people will just be desperate for content and go back to original wow.
WoW2 is all but certainly going to be a mobile phone game at this point. Why on Earth would you be excited about it?
just don't follow guides, don't look shit up, remove /general chat and you'll be fine
I barely remember anything about vanilla and neither do my friends, so we're planning on adventuring
you can do it too user, how you play this experience depends on you exclusively, there will always be guilds and groups that accept you
The idea would be that WoW2 would be a right successor and overall improvement to everything Blizz learned from in the last installment.
Which Blizzard are we talking about here?
because nerds dont really hate normies, they envy them due to resentment
chads and stacies are kings and queens of normies, its expected for weak ass nerds to want to compare to them inside their secret clubs
Shadowmeld breaks as soon as you begin casting a spell. What's the hype about "shadowmeld aimed shot". Is it just because it lets you possibly open in the window somebody doesn't have you targeted?
>being so poor you care about 10 something bucks a month for something you want to enjoy
ffs the state of this sandal weaving forum
Real shit is rolling Nelf Priest and shadowmelding by the lava in blackrock mountain with mind control primed.
Oh and layering will hard ruin the game for anybody who was hoping for group pvp. The moment you get 20+ people into an area it shards off and enemy faction won't even trickle into your layer, much less stick around.
It is the worst possible thing that could have happened to the game for people who wanted to relive classic pvp.
Blizzard has produced nothing but trash for the past eleven years and it just gets worse and worse with every passing year. The best thing they could do is close up shop and sell their IPs to someone else.
Virgin Yea Forums shit talkers vs Chad WoW Classic hving fun
As someone who played on stress, it's sort of the opposite. Once shit starts going down in a big skirmish people on both factions call for reinforcements from other layers and one layer ends up with a massive brawl bigger than anything you'd actually see in vanilla.
It's not about the money, it's about the principle
>The best thing they could do is close up shop and sell their IPs to someone else.
Were you asleep when they sold Diablo to a Chinese mobile game developer?
Money is the shit that ruin the entire world and will destroy modern civilization, who cares
Only immature people and manchild play video games
HEROD will be full of major guilds corpsecamping any streamers who show up
Oh... oh no... sorry classicbros... Chadbringers did warn you.
I'm rolling on Herochad (Herod)
Fuck streamers. Corpsecamp/gank/ruin any shit they do. ABSOLUTELY ALPHA SERVER
I have no idea how this builder thing works but it looks amazing
do you know who the fuck Ner'zhul was?
going to like this thread to asmon to trick the retard into rolling there out of spite so my server remains streamer free
thanks cucks
*takes over your mutt server*
Tauren are loyal to the horde because they helped them with the centaur problems years ago.
dwarf stoneform actually
Even this faggot is making fun of Yea Forums right now
Whitemane is home
You used to be able to cast during shadowmeld before the stealth broke, it was kind of dumb.
It's still a decent skill. It gives you almost a guaranteed opener on someone if they're not paying attention. You can eat or drink during it. You can use it to cause your opponent to drop target, which more or less guarantees you get to open on the fight even if they started casting first. Hunter can Feign Death -> Shadowmeld to go invis mid-combat. Other stuff like that.
before jacking off I want to be a priest, after jacking off I want to be a warlock. Im not into healslut roleplay.
what does this mean
who is asmongold and why do people always talk to him in reference to wow.
nah, if they actually go through with that shadowlands expac, im all fucking for it, even if for nothing more than the lore
Weapon skill is huge for PvE, even moreso in classic. Anyone telling you otherwise is retarded.
Who will win?
Herod PVPers or twitch faggots?
a random twitch streamer
as people here spend more time talking than playing video games, it's kind of a meme
Whitemane is for whites ONLY.
i dont wanna replay BC and wotlk as much as i loved those expacs. classic is my last hoo-rah for wow in general. there will be plenty of youtube videos for me to keep up with the lore progression
i wouldn't trust actiblizzard.
if the execs want layering to stay a few months in,
than it stays.
>forgetting that every XIV thread devolves into WoW-fag posting and Janny posting
Both of you fucks are obsessed with each other. Just fuck already and create an even more abhorrent MMO that out Themeparks both WoW and XIV.
i think you mean /vg/tards shit up everything they touch
>Whites only server
>West coast
Whatever you say Juan
not wow2, just warcraft 4, to keep the lore going. but played as a linear RPG
>playing a game with no cash shop to give the devs more money
Wow Ascension
no because their leader magni is a literal fucking retard
Do we have a Yea Forums guild yet? I'm rolling on WHITEMANe I could make one if we want to
/vg/ has one and it's full of utter retards. Don't bother with a Yea Forums guild.
Convince me to roll a warrior.
>lore progression
but why
mortal strike
is going Nelf priest really that bad? I remember that tryhard guild from vanilla or whatever which a bunch of world firsts had a nelf priest.
What is life like at 60 for a Hunter? Good pvp potential? I know raids need some for tranq shot
Gå och lägg dig max
be a tauren - you get increased range ;)
>world firsts
whew, thanks user. you reminded me why i avoid this shit game
>games so easy everyone does everything eventually and the only mark of expertise and pride is simply competing to do things faster than others
>rolling warrior first
>rolling tank
>I have no guild and no interest in joining one
I'm a fucking idiot, right?
Yeah /vg/ is cancer but I've played with Yea Forums before and usually it goes well
priest have unique spells based on the race you pick. Human have desperate prayer (instant cast selfheal) and feedback (shitty melee attack enhancer) dwarves have desperate prayer and fear ward (buff that negates fear), night elves have elunes grace (short selfcast buff that makes you take less damage) and starfall (a 6 second channel that is like arcane missiles)..
fear ward is amazing for PvP and PvE, same with desperate prayer, feedback is garbage. But starfall is the ultimate garbage since all shadow talents buff shadow damage, not arcane damage. For min-maxing purposes NE is far behind dwarf and even human.
dont worry it will be dead in a few months just have fun
no guild and no friends means its going to take you 500 years to level anyway on a warrior
what every gaming company has learned is that microtransactions and low effort updates are the way to success. And if it fail just try again because it's still cheaper than making a good game
known to attract the biggest retards. stay out of the glowing puddles and keep shooting. Youre fine DPS but boring. And dont roll on everything. While hunters can wear mail and wield pretty much every weapon, they shouldnt try to wear it all
Ahh, and a second reason to avoid this shit game. It started the trend of having a bunch of alts because single character progression stalls out behind time gates and you basically have to either do nothing most of the week or level up a different character to entertain yourself.
and a third reason! guilds being pre-requisites and pre-established things you must join rather than organic things that grow up out of player interactions while leveling, because of course you dont interact with other players while leveling.
Truly the most horrible of games
Hunters are fantastic at pvp but fall off hard for pve. Early on they are good damage, but they scale like shit. There are always a full raid spots for them for tranq at least.
essentially described this image in a nutshell
Nerds try really hard to LARP as masculine.They feel the masculine fantasy in Horde when the reality is that such brutish barbarians would kill them outright for being such scrawny weaklings.
Real chads don't play WoW at all.
wtf did my mentioning shadowlands have to do that
EU here
>no reddit streamers
>no hues
>no niggers
We won
would be perfect if not for the fact you have to share a server with europeans
I'm going Herod
are the streamers?
I would rather not try to farm scarab lord against streamers and their zoomer hordes
because i havent devoted this much time and brain capacity into understanding the lore just to not ever see where it leads. i mean so far its turning to trash but im interested in shadowlands after seeing the different names on the map
If you are playing day 1 I am rolling undead priest on a US PvP realm if you want to party.
>when women get raped in the streets and truck of peace plowed through the crowd at the local boulevard but youre inside enjoying some classic wow
It's the other way around. Never see WoWfags in XXIV threads, but any WoW thread on here has trannybringer fags out the wazoo.
TF2 taught me that you can never go home again.
I'm sorry you'll feel that way about two weeks from now when you realize it wasn't about the game, but the time in your life and the people you were with.
>rp-pvp eu
gonna be comfy
deport mexicans
herod guilds announced the server as "no streamers allowed" with camp/greif/blacklist on any streamer
Im not afraid user. Ill log in, spend all day leveling up and chatting with people, and laugh. Then I go to bed, and when I wake up im 14 again, it will be amazing and all my friends will be there with me. Ill explore a whole new world just like I remember it being. I might be able to cut some corners with the stuff I learnt over the years. Its gonna be great.
in retail you dont interact with people leveling. in classic you do. unless ur a kirito larping "solo player"
You're an idiot for thinking that's an idiotic thing to do. For an asocial loser, rolling a warrior is the best possible decision ever, if you're willing to tank, because it basically guarantees you will be able to find a group for any dungeon of your choice from level 15 all the way to level 60. You don't need to make friends, join guilds, suck up to strangers and add them to your friend list after you finish a dungeon, you just log in, look at the chat, and pick whichever one of the numerous groups looking for the final group member the tank you want to join.
>tfw all your bros and you are playing the stress test right now
>tfw even the ones who haven't touched WoW since Cata are having a blast
>tfw I am now hyped
>tfw you're so so wrong
im european and with the power of autism I can survive the foreign hordes while the lefty girls are gonna get raped and blame it on themselves.
I wish I was a eu chad ...
That tree stump gets all that delicious purple rump.
I thought the same as you years ago before I started playing private servers, but now I know you're full of shit.
I hope they have fun, I'm not like... salty, or whatever it is I guess people would be.
But I remember when I didn't know everything about WoW and the only tool I had was a shitty version of thottbot, but now I might have it all memorized and I wish it weren't because I'd have fun all over again.
ill get at least a good 6 months out of quality nostalgia with my old mates coming back and im fine with that.
It's different, but the same. We're all old, we (except me) all have kids so we can't no life, my old Grand Marshall friend can barely be on and won't even close to GM this time, but it's still fun.
It really is just a better game than retail even with all its warts and failings.
If it's fun for 4-5 months and then gets old, well shit, that's more than we've played WoW or any other game in YEARS.
>posting reddit screenshots
>having a reddit account and upvoting posts
What streamer are you following?
asmodan, cant wait to give him my gold I grinded for!
>in classic you do
You really dont, i know, i played classic right at launch.
Yes, people did at first, because they were used to playing mmos where thats what you did. They did deadmines, they did gnomeregan, and such, out of habbit.
But then it became apparent, even before any important mechanical changes were done, that solo questgrinding; just sweeping through a hub, getting all quests, and knocking them all out, and moving on, was faster than any form of group activity.
Once this was discovered the only people who played together were just the weird casuals.
But then the first point in that post means that everyone is a casual in this game. c'est la vie
>tfw 100% unaffected by xiv tranny/bfa zoomer shitposting
nothing pleases me more than the fact that you wont be playing it
lyl reddit is sperging out hard about whitemane
What I remember of the first WoW years was...
So... looking forward to that not happening. And shit with Str + Stam on a cloth piece
The new seasonal thing they're doing is drafting. You get 3 choices per even level up when you gain "ability essence" per level up. It does sound cool, the whole thing being a bitminer isn't though.
in all the fanart, the game they look awful
Technically it was Kil'jeaden. Arthas was just Ner'zhul's "ticket" out of imprisonment. Arthas just ended up cucking him in the end though.
>Mor'ladim's face as all these newfaggots come wandering into his patrol range, completely unaware of the assrape to come
>Arthas just ended up cucking him in the end though.
WoW """""lore"""""
Yesterday in a private server I hearthed to the Crossroads only to find a bunch of players sitting around a campfire and talking. My friend and I joined them and hung out for a good while, even had to restoke the fire multiple times. Vanilla is fun and everybody here is going to have a good time.
I'm pretty sure it was bullshit, but the post from a while ago that talked about Blizz releasing a separate server for BC and wrath as well in the future can be monetized greatly. Or at least on launch. They can launch the server, and then have a "one time" free movement for one toon to it, ie; moving a classic toon over to BC. And then charge like 20 bucks for every character after and then do the same for Wrath.
>TFT ending: Arthas and Ner'zhul merge into one being
>some shitty cashgrab Golden novel released shortly before WotLK: LOL as it turns out Arthas and Ner'zhul were two personas within Lich King's head and Arthas persona somehow killed Ner'zhul persona
>rolling on a streamer server
>having to restock it
>not having it light up on a timer or permanently lit
This is why XIV will surpass WoW, can't even socialize correctly.
>Arugal in his keep listening to every undead rogue complain about some dogs eating their entire ass every 5 minutes
Eh, I expect plenty of scheduled MC and ZG PUGs on Classic. Those Raids especially aren't hard and I doubt we'll see as tryhard of a community as what exists on private servers. Plus you'll have no problem with getting any 5-mans without any guild.
>People who blame Blizzard for Retail WoW
>Not blaming the community which requested every single feature that has "ruined" WoW
Shouldn't you be AFKing in Limsa right now?
It will be killed by Blizz just like the other addons that did this kind of thing
oh no no no no no
they're both at fault. We NEED retail to keep the modern "gamer" there, just like Fortnite.
That was straight retarded and has already been partially retconned. It was almost fully retconned back at the beginning of Legion, as the DK Frost weapon was supposed to summon Arthas and Ner'zhul, because originally it was going to be revealed that neither of their souls had passed on and were instead both inside of the remnants of Frostmourne.
Now, I said it was partially retconned because at the end of WoTLK, you see Bolvar put on the helmet, and now he sounds just like the Lich King because Ner'zhul is still in there, while Arthas is gone. It's never really expanded upon but it's pretty obvious that they decided to change their minds about that shitty book by the end of the expac, even though earlier they went along with it.
universe 3... milky way 8... sol system 12 terra-mars 7... neo rhodesia datacenter... server 28... asmon layer 56 with real asmongold AI replicant... home :,)
>ignoring FFXIV
>not realizing that XIV has perfected Modern WoW and given MMOs a breath of fresh air with its story
Come out of the closet whenever your ready user. It's CURRENT YEAR nobody cares about fags anymore.
The two biggest problems with dungeon finder in WoW is that:
1. It queues people up with people from other servers, complete strangers you will never ever run into again.
2. It teleports you and everyone else in the group to the dungeon, including people who got into the group as replacement for a player that lost.
Doing either of these things is physically impossible for an addon. Also, this addon doesn't even have automatic matchmaking, it's literally just TBC dungeon finder tool.
Mage, Paladin, or Warrior? What is best if I want to experience all this game has to offer?
how do destruction warlock and shadow priest compare for mobility?
Great... it rivals retail WoW...
>garrosh apologist
You deserve everything you've gotten.
You'll have the most fun as a mage.
Neither really have mobility options. Warlocks will solo level faster though.
Also not to continue sperging out but the original intent of the ending of TFT was that Arthas died upon putting on the helmet, leaving only Ner'zhul.
Paladin if you want to heal, warrior if you want to have guaranteed dungeon spots as tank and raid spots as DPS, mage if you want to have an almost guaranteed dungeon spot as DPS and raid spot as DPS.
neither of them have mobility
you can run or walk
Buddy most of those people are probably born post 95
Is your guild hardcore?
Human rogue never felt right to me because the whole story 1-20 involves taking down a band of rogues.
As long as he posts a webm of him making the WC jump
> "Dude jump of that cliff"
> jumps
> "he told that guy to jump, murderer!"
Wasn't this guy the top warrior in Nost? Seems like a based guild t b h
it's a win/win
They get to weed out the super casuals with the sheer amount of autismos wanting in
We get to laugh at people with low self esteem dancing on a streamer's puppet strings
>thinking it hasnt perfected what Classic laid out already
>thinking anyone wants archaic systems
Thank god for the way gearing and joining dungeon works now.
tips is /ourguy/
>best warrior in nost
>only good classic wow content creator
>his guild will get all the world firsts
>redditors hate him
I've played it. Spent hours running around an instanced zone killing swaths of enemies that posed absolutely no threat, could barely scratch at my health pool, and in most cases weren't even hostile so there was no possibility of them ganging up on me. Boring, boring, boring. It's nothing like classic.
I picked the lesser popular US West server for my group to hopefully avoid this kind of shit.
You probably can't stop the Devilsaur shit on ANY server, but it will be less annoying on the lesser popular servers
>joining a muslim's guild
loving every laugh
A CHAD ret paladin
RP SI:7 agent obviously
When does the Horde get a fun storyline like the Defias?
Gnome escape artist is a decent skill to have in pvp, when you rely on getting close to your target. Never played a warrior though, so I don't really know.
obvious troll
Orc is better overall for racials.
There there. The Horde get their own epic quest to acquire shoes, that's an adventure in it's own right
never ahaha
>Playing as feral niggers
I'm gonna play with my brother and sister, they never got to play vanilla
no... it can't be true
is your sister hot?
Where are you playing, Yea Forums?
Grief streamers
no, she's kinda fat and gay
>kinda fat
im intrigued
Fearlina or Herod,depend which one is the less affecter by streamer
Their swarm of locusts are going to do more damage to them just by consuming all of the mobs. You're not going to be able to cut through all of them to get to the stream on the opposing faction, especially when you're not levelling while you spend hours getting to them.
reddit server
pagle is where all the alliance chads will be playing
>muslim guild leader
If you're really pushing for world first yes, it's a must, otherwise it's only optional for people who afk too often to pee, there's moments where you definetly can't leave and diaper or bottle is mandatory.
It's a weird feel for me, because I don't have this nostalgia attached to Vanilla WoW. I played it, but it was mostly an escape from my shitty, isolated life. I had absolutely no contact with the outside world and my father abused me regularly, tearing me down to build himself up, making me listen to his fucked up past and be his personal therapist.
I don't long for those days. I want to look to making my future brighter than those days, and these days for that matter, ever were.
world first what? the raids were cleared 15 years ago
>playing an unbalanced minigame in a pve game
I played vanilla wow when i was a wee lad and thought it was absolute dogshit and runescape was better. Time to give this old used up whore another good pounding, wish me luck cunts, i'm playing dwarf shadow priest.
>playing baby mode because you're too pussy to compete
>defining feature of the game is a faction system
>literally called world of warcraft
Have fun literally just doing the exact same content ad nauseum while following guides written over a decade ago, I guess.
Or maybe you should just play retail
>not playing the superior PvP Blend of MMO PvP and MOBAs
Its like you hate having fun
>Good pvp
Nice try
What korean mmo is this? Is it p2w?
if you're social, dedicated, and like being important, also being literally overpowered roll a warrior, if you're a shut in who doesn't invite paladins to your group to cleanse and BoF you and make them feel good about being your bitch don't bother.
because you won't see them til they're already casting it on your ass
for tanking? the stun resist you won't really make use of while tanking. orc axe spec and human sword/mace spec are both good, though swords are prob more common. perception and blood fury/command are useless for tanking. human spirit and diplomacy are nice bonuses
>having good PvP at all
Nice try, You'll never have the depth of Rival Wings
what's the comfiest class/race combo to solo level to 60 with no friends?
Hunter by far
Let me guess, it's an instanced arena?
Don't listen to this kike he's trying to trick you into playing alliance. Only fags play alliance, you're not a fag are you user?
>actually wanting your open world experience to be littered by PvP faggots
Let me guess? You think dangerous mobs makes a "living" world?
brahs i hope they remove layering after the first week or so after launch otherwise i fear classic will loose its magic of leveling with a bunch of new players and then running into them again
You heard it here first folks, XIVtards don't like enemies that actually pose a threat. What a gay game.
Oh no! Other players in my MMO!
If you want to play with other players go to your house. Oh wait WoW never got private housing, guess that explains why you have trash in Raids instead of just focusing on the boss. Have to talk somewhere.
Seems like they are just cheap. WoW came out before AWS was a thing but today there are so many ways to scale. The algorithm should basically be like
if playercount > max, createLayer();
and then just not even have servers just to ensure the max players in each zone.
aimed shot, viper sting, pet and auto attack finish every mob with minimal effort, if you're ever in pve trouble feign death to reset the fight, if anything is remotely challenging like an elite you can kite forever and freeze them if you fuck up or whatever. And the best part for me, is you are so fucking op because of kiting potential + personal tank that you can clear even red quests no sweat, so when you go into a zone and you have green, yellow, orange and red quests, you can do them all with a hunter, you don't need to leave something unfinished and come back later, even if you miss a ton fucking hunter can take on anything no sweat 9 levels above etc if you're even mildly capable.
If anything the only annoyance are the first levels without a pet, and having to restock ammo now and then so grab a slow weapon to save ammo, also remember to train higher levels of growl whenever possible makes life much easier.
It wasn't even remotely possible to get to level 15 in 6 hours....was it?
Arugal finna be a fucking bloodbath, super high pop PVP server
ya fucking dog cunts
It is, if you're not casual trash.
>if you're not casual trash
thats a funny way of saying if you havent spent the last 8 years playing with chinks and russians on dodgy private servers
Imagine still trying to chase the dragon of your childhood.
We're all about to catch the dragon finally after years user, just 17 more days.
Woah, you must feel so smart and wise
Obrigado, doctor.
>Why are you re-watching the Lord of the Rings, you fucking loser?
For real, lord of the rings sucks. Ive tried rewatching it and 80% of it is closeup of people's faces trying to look intense or sad, and it's hilarious.
I can get him!
literally have to play on PST server even though I'm not west coast because of cancer streamers
what's the unnoficial mexican server?
all of them
the uninstall server
Personally gonna skip Classic till TBC
Vanilla raiding is a joke and MC can be done with 20 ppl wearing blues
t. 1/10 Mythic GAME TOO EASY retard
>wearing blues
what else should people doing MC be wearing
Is Tauren warrior the new pvp meta? with the equivalent of a 10yard range I think it's bonkers for a melee to have so much range due to leeway and their increased racial range.
all I want is Classic+ with new zones and TBC gameplay changes. that's all.
Rumors are Faerlina is SA but that's also rumored to be the streamer server. They'll probably pick whatever the streamers aren't so that means East coast is completely fucked lamo
Faerlina is the Spanish server
Thalnos is the Brazilian server
Herod is probably the streamer server
I may unironically roll Fairbanks even if I have shit ping to it
Why is it hard? Because of its mechanics or because of the gear requirements and absurd (often broken for months) impossible to complete numbers on bosses? Optimization is a challenge sure but after a certain point it's ludicrous to believe it takes more skill in this genre than in other genres. Enjoy your titanforge grinding based autist, i'm sure it will pay off one day.
Do you kill every mob you see that's your level for efficient leveling?
Fairbanks will probably the best US server as long as it isn't dead
I still can't believe Classic WoW is coming. It single handedly destroyed all retail WoW and FFXIV weebs. They will forever be stuck in maximum cope mode and it's amazing.
Anyways can't wait to play tauren warrior and start farming my pre BiS gear.
>asmong quits playing classic 1-2 months in
>goes back to retail because it's an easy stream game where all he has to do is make a group and watch as they clear the content for him
>takes all of his retarded fan base with him
do not roll on the server he chooses. it may be fun to try and gank and spawn camp him but it's not worth having your population fuck off when he leaves
I'm EST so I'm waiting to see where the streamer crew goes
They go Herod I go Faerlina, and vice versa
Shame Thalnos has been compromised but worst case scenario we can just find what servers the streamers are on on day 1 with a /who
This is my situation as well. May just say fuck it and go PST server
he asked about racials in regards to prot warrior, i just explained the racials retard. also go buy some shoes
I am reserving my name on Herod, Faerlina and Fairbanks. I hope ether Faerlina or Herod are not chosen by them since I'm EST
>they shouldn't do tbc because of what happened to the game after tbc
>Only 70ms ping to west coast server
>Probably lower since I already have a VPN
Seriously considering it. Fairbanks seems like it's going to be the least cancerous PvP server.
is it possible to raid without a guild and/or mic?
>May just say fuck it and go PST server
I was tempted in the case of RP-PVP, but for a game I'm gonna play for years I'm gonna hold out and take the best latency possible
>and watch as they clear the content for him
But this is far more likely on classic. Mythic retail content is significantly harder than any PVE elements of classic
>without a guild
>without a mic
probably fine, but don't expect to get far quickly
Unless you are willing and able to ERP, do not play on an RP server
Unless you're the main tank or raid leader or some other critical role why the fuck would you need a mic?
Anything below Mythic raiding is a joke. He just gets transmogs / mounts in custom raids he makes while he watches a video
are you guys playing the same old game youve played 10 years before? nostalgic reasons? you will not have the same passion when you were in your teens, it's not the same time, you will get bored of it in a month, 2 tops....
You guys are deluded if you think asmons stream is about him earning items and killins monsters, his stream is about creating drama, having biased opinions and acting salty, just whatever makes his lil zoomer followers jump in their sits and slide that credit card like a monkey flinging feces out of excitement. Vanilla being hard has nothing to do with him staying or not, all he cares about is having something to do and pretend he cares about it, and vanilla provides near infinite pvp content so it will last him a long while, specially on phase 2 and beyond when he is going to push for high ranks, he is not going to stop until he becomes at least grand marshal.
idk, i leveled to 60 on a pserver but never got in a raiding guild or even got pre bis
Most classic players are new to vanilla, retard
If you're some regular DPS in a guild with no responsibilities then you don't need one. You should consider coming out of your shell and talking though. I made some friends in the beta running Deadmines. This game is an MMORPG after all.
>classic players new
oh come on, it's those guys who experienced vanilla wow 10 years ago who want to "relive" the moment but they can't it's not the same time, not the same mind set they're in anymore. it just is not the same anymore user.
>playing an MMO with a shit story
Im seriously disappointed in you Yea Forums.
I just finished playing the beta for a bit. Somehow it's just a better game, gameplay wise and in so many other aspects than retail. It's not about nostalgia it's just superior to what we have now. What exactly is wrong with burning through all the content in a month and putting it down anyway? I'm old enough now it's a blessing if i'm engaged in a game for longer than a few days, a week if it's 10/10 game of the decade.
Why do you never say this when any other old game gets discussed?
>Playing an MMO that uses every plot point from a previous MMO, but with even less details this time
lmaoing @ u
yes you can join raids as a pug, not every guild has 40 retards on time for every raid, if you're a holy paladin or a holy dwarf priest specially you can get invited to pug raids all the time, it might even be better because you're not tied to schedules, just make sure they don't have your items reserved or cuck you from rolling. Also remember you have to do your god damn attunements. Don't expect to pug raid as meme spec like feral dps or ret paladin though, probably not even as a hunter. Mage and lock might get spots too if you're decently geared. Problem is pug guilds don't always have the content on farm, so you'll probably waste your weekly lockout on a shitty guild that only cleared half the bosses or something.
Later on there will certainly be gold dkp raids as well, you'll need gold to bid on shit, just keep an eye out for tryhard guilds that already farmed all the content and start doing gold dkp raids once their mains and alts are fully geared and completely bored out of the game.
You’re ignorant.
>playing an mmo for the story
fucking nu-mmo players, holy shit l
because its the truth?
as ignorant as those guys playing the game, wanting their childhood back?
So you’ve never played a real MMO. I pity you.
I never played vanilla (started in wrath) but I did play all the available stress tests and leveled multiple characters to max in their respective tests. I can't wait until vanilla releases. The game felt so perfect from the very beginning.
I wasn't anyone special in the story, just a random recruit who showed up to help. I was extremely weak and had to think about what to pull. If I over pulled I died. I had to group up for a few quests with other people and actually added them to my friends list. Every new piece of green gear that I got made me exited. When a blue weapon dropped I was extremely happy. The world felt massive since I had to walk everywhere. Everything about the game was perfect for me. This is what I always wanted.
>What exactly is wrong with burning through all the content in a month and putting it down anyway?
so the same thing you have with classic, 10 year old content you have seen to death and beyond?
>friend who plays ShB is describing the story to me
>I'm losing my shit listening to him describe rise of the zilart with different names
Same reason OSRS is popular really. Microtransactions completely ruined MMO games. It's just fucking boring if everything can be bought. They bring in more revenue with microtransactions, but it comes at a great expense to all players who aren't outlier whales. For the average player the old games were actually a better experience because all the items were paid with the iron price.
Few people will have the patience to tard wrangle a 40 man pug raid.
>ffxiv fag shows up
F R E E | R E N T
>m-muh story
FFXIV story is absolute horse shit. i hope every member of the scions dies a horrible death. ARR and Heavensward is a travesty. I regret ever playing that shit.
>being used to so much garbage for lore that you don't bother to expect a good story
Figures WoW would hate anything story related. Keep pressing buttons and clearing badly designed battle content. We'll be having fun discussing story.
What server are we going on?
>playing an MMO for the story
the "i've seen everything years before and i'm bored to death" server
>because its the truth?
That doesn't answer my question. I asked why you don't say this about any other old game.
whycome he have giant pimple on forehead
It's and rpg-pvp game, people like that, people didn't stop liking it, they just couldn't play it anymore because the stupid expansions removed the level cap and made all the content before that irrelevant.
because WoW is something that many people hold dear to them it reminds them of simpler times
it's the same shit they've seen over and over again before fresh new content was available
Must suck to be so poor that the sub cost influences your decision.
>want to play a warrior because tanking is comfy and you'll always have an easy way getting a dungeon group going while leveling
>want to play a mage or a warlock because both classes are brainless when raiding and its super comfy to casually raid with them
>want to play a rogue and just be a shitter in world PvP with one
WHITEmane, of course.
MMOs are supposed to be about making your own story. A single-player game where the main draw is scripted events is not an mmo.
Mage will have the most fun, Paladin is the coolest feeling, Warrior is the best on paper
A lot of people seem to be inclined for Grobbulus, also seems that it's going to be an extremely healthy server regarding faction balance so that's a plus.
You've never gone back to replay an old game that you loved? That's not living in the past or nostalgia, that's just enjoying a piece of entertainment.
That’s fine, I hope you enjoy your massively single player online experience.
Why do you keep dodging my question? I'm asking why you don't say the same thing about all the other old games that people are nostalgic for.
Aryan Blonde Human Warriors on Whitemane.
>wanted to play something with melee combat
>forgot there is literally nothing besides rogue for actual dps
Guess it's Nelf Hunter again, Might as well go full classic and get King Bangalash again.
Whichever layer Asmon is playing on of course
rogue is also brainless and comfy in raid so it meets 2/3 of your criteria
>making your own story
If the game cant even offer a solid story and requires you to create your own backstory then its trash. FFXIV took the "Chosen One" story trope and made it work beautifully in the MMO setting. It also helps they perfected the systems WoW created leaving it in the dust while perfectly leaving behind archaic systems.
Why do so many people seem bent on convincing people to not play classic?
>I'm asking why you don't say the same thing about all the other old games that people are nostalgic for.
it's the same thing
Warrior DPS is great, but if you do both PvE and PvP you'd be constantly respeccing between the two. Also people will hassle you to throw on a shield and tank leveling 5 mans.
Who else
You don't even like the genre if you think that an mmo needs single player cutscenes. It's like complaining that you have to shoot people in an fps.
>Can't decide between Dwarf and Nelf for my Hunter
I will just flip a coin right before creating my character
I see a lot of WOW fags on plenty of FF14 threads, but all they have is the past to cling to.
>it's the same thing
So why don't you say it in other threads about old games? Why is classic wow the only game that you keep posting this about?
Yea I don't really want the hassle, if I wanted to tank I'd play it, but my group already has a few which is nice and we have no hunters, so figured at the very least I could rock that again.
*hamstrings you from 10 yards away*
Reminder that zoomers who clear Mythic+ on retail will dab on "private server veterans" so fucking hard during MC """race""" they will quit out of shame and will blame it on nostalgia fading off, not the fact that they are garbage players who can't compete in clearing actually challenging content.
*one shots u*
>challenging content
>dab on
I want to play everything, but it's hard to ignore mage as the apex stone of class design in classic. They're strong during every phase, they're always good in pvp, they're always desired in dungeons and raids, they have the best cc, super strong cooldowns, blizzard spam is the most broken skill in mass pvp, they even look good in most of their sets, they have unique mechanics that help fellow mages build up more damage, free teleports, free food and water, second best flag carrier in wsg... etc etc
My only concern about maining a mage is having to fight so many clothies for gear, and I don't particularly like relying on trinkets to maximize dps. Still unsure at this point because two of my friends are going mage for sure and I'll have to end up healing or tanking for them.
Can somebody do an edit of that boomer/zoomer meme but where the fortnite zoomer is crying in the bed inside and boomer is outside with the barrens music blasting?
Yeah, Mythic+ raids are challenging. Vanilla has 1 mechanic per boss, 1 button per class gameplay.
>can’t even offer a solid story
Stopped reading there. You can’t be expected to be taken seriously as a critic if you don’t understand the concept that different games try to do different things. Not every game is measured with the same yardstick. If an MMO isn’t trying to tell a good story because the focus of the game is to create player community, that’s not a strike against it.
Tortanic syndrome combined with the massive amount of modern MMO players that don’t want to see things go back to the old ways. They like their dress up simulators and dungeon finders and achievements and accessible raids, and they have had all this for so long now that the mechanics of good MMO design is foreign to them. Years of catering MMOs to the casual player has done this.
>when 99% of horde is orcs
don't forget to keep paying SE otherwise you foreclose your house
>You don't even like the genre if you think that an mmo needs single player cutscenes
Sounds more like a shit excuse for someone who doesnt want to admit their game has a shit story. Even Stormblood''s weak and broken story is better than anything WoW could offer. Pair that with polished content that makes anything from Classic or Modern WoW hide in shame and you have a solid MMO. How about you go buy some Cash Shop items and Sub time for mounts, maybe then youll get something to brag about instead of further feeding Blizzard's wallet.
Oh i'm laffin
Mage is too easy.
>free food and water
>piss easy gold farming
You might as well play BFA.
I wonder if my wife Pizzacat will be playing Classic ...
i was completely new to MMOs when vanilla came out. i was 14 and didnt know what i was doing. i HAD to interact with people. everyones experience was different tho i suppose
Post ANY of your AOTC mythic clears, because w/o them your opinion is trash and so are you.
>if you want to talk to other players
>go to your private house
>in one of 4 wards
>out of 20 instances
>with multiple subdivisions
You mean 45% undead, 45% orcs, 8% tauren, 2% trolls.
fair enough, wasn't thinking about the army of locks/mages
>finish watching the "story"
>nothing else to do
Great MMO, time for afk in limsa until your sub runs out.
I wonder if FFXIV's next expansion will be a 1:1 copy of Chains of Promathia.
Tauren have some of the most distinct customization options in the game though?
>horn color
>12+ skin colors with different patterns that aren't just progressively darker shades
>lots of facial hair and bull rings
It's more about flexing on others and epeen, you can't really fuck people on BFA, they have those fucking stupid bodyguards that insta respawn, there really isn't any class mechanically challenging in classic, besides maybe some ultra tryhard feral druid developing carpal tunnel for optimal rotations.
Is this poster LARPing? The poster claims to be a FFXIV fan but they're attacking WoW because of its cash shop?
I can't wait
Nah, Chains of Promathia was actually good
>No negativity in the dojo.
>nothing else to do
You can max out your classes, do your crafters, get all the mounts including all PvP variant of the mounts including Grand Companies, Golden Saucer and its mounts, decorate your house with expensive pieces which require farming of treasure maps and Hunts. Sounds like you're just a raidtranny.
>i dont like the massive multiplayer part of massive multiplayer games
sounds like you don't like the genre
Oh yeah, but I mean, plot wise, all 14 has done so far is copy 11's plot points as much as possible.
mac fag lol
so basically ffxiv is bfa but better
>had severe altitis as a dumb kid
>kept hearing that hunters leveled faster
>had it in my retarded child head that this meant the class literally required less xp to level up
>noticed level 2 required the same amount, decided to ask general chat why and had to have it explained to me that this wasn't the case
>distinctly remember talking about the dwarf stoneform racial but i called it "stonedform" and people laughed, didn't understand at the time because i was an innocent little retard
If somebody had asked for my personal information I probably would have given it away no questions asked. God, I was a painfully stupid kid.
Are you actually an XIV player scoffing at WoWs cash shop?
Excuse me?
Your cash shop sells a mount thats objectively better, and there's no "buy sub time to get it" deal, you just buy the fucking mount
WoWs cash shop doesn't include outfits or emotes, either
>Blizz literally left the new raid tier literally and mathematically impossible to beat for months
>titanforging is still a thing
>Bro why don't you play shit games competitively?
The game isn't hard, just a gear treadmill with ridiculous number inflation to compensate for the fact they make raid mechanics for stay at home moms and children. Grow up.
I hope it will run on my rig
FFXIV is stupid, so it's supposed to be a game about glamour, but hey we only have those available for a limited time! so be sure to sub during that time! but don't worry, if you miss it you can buy it later for only $29.99! what a bargain!
>WoWs cash shop doesn't include outfits or emotes, either
Majority is from Korea and China, SE doesn't make it and probably has to sell it to pay for the license of using it when its originally region exclusive.
>thinking this excuses Blizzard's greed
>Come to WoW thread
>Nothing but Final Fantasy talk
Rent free, wowfags
maggeee. portals and biscuits alone will make your leveling experience better. im not rolling mage this time because ive playe mage for the past 13 years but you should TOTALLY roll mage
Buy. The. Pig.
>grinding for pets and mounts counts as "content"
nice list of busy work. maxing the classes is possibly the only thing you can do and once you do that, you're left with nothing but playing MMO sims.
>FF mains mad
>BFA mains mad
>people who will never play classic mad
>me and my boys from the wrath private server are 100% ready for this shit
feels good
>recently upgraded to a 9700k and got it up to 5ghz
>bought a 2080ti
>the only game im going to be playing is classic wow
shit nigga what the fuck am I doing
>thinking this excuses Blizzard's greed
It doesn't, the point of the post was the first line
>Are you actually an XIV player scoffing at WoWs cash shop?
move here
If you read the post you'd notice that SE can't exactly not sell them cause of their China/Korea exclusivity. Not like they make it in-house to directly sell to us, probably wouldnt exist if it wasnt for those shit regions.
use your extra cycles to mine monero or some shit and then dump the coins into WoW gold.
I hope you at least have a 4k monitor
Nah, 144hz 1440p monitor, and games are so poorly optimized nowadays that you cant even get 144fps on many games (even reducing shit like shadows, af/aa)
i like that i can hop on for an hour or so after work and snag some quick pieces. i plan on spending some stupid amounts of time playing classic just through the winter and then chilling out. by the time shadowlands comes out (i hope it comes out), ill be back to retail casual mode. i cant imagine my nostalgia is gonna fuel me for ever. ive got other shit i gotta do. but im gonna binge the next year while i stay in and try to save money.
classic silverpine is fucking awesome