Omega Labyrinth Life is banned from a whole country

>Omega Labyrinth Life is banned from a whole country
>media doesn't say a word
>violent video games are banned from one store chain in USA
>media is outraged
What is the logic behind this?

Attached: Swedish flag.gif (550x345, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sweden is literally the most cucked country on earth.

Are you really praising Sweden's behavior just to be contrarian?

It's not banned and your lack of source proves that.

This is your brain on cum.

They removed displays from walmarts. No actual banning of the games has happened. Unlikely that it will, either. To turn off a few TVs running 24/7 ad cycles, and just not add a cod MW cardboard cutout display is literally the bare minimum they could have done.

Isn't banned, I own it

Check the Swedish eshop.


USA is a more relevant country. Also, it's several violent games vs. one obscure weeb VN.

Sweden pretty much never bans video games.
For instance Dead or Alive was never outright banned. The publisher decided to pull it due to the controversy it created in Sweden.


>Dead or Alive was never outright banned
Why is Koei Tecmo so afraid of controversy? DoA Volleyball would sell way better in the west then in Japan.

Attached: DoA extreme 4.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

>still no source

Because it's not true.

Is nothing true unless the media writes an article about it? Check the Swedish eshop for yourself.

Because that controversy would look like dishonor and shame to the higher ups. Even if they sell well, it would "tarnish their reputation" even though literally nobody thinks the DoA games are anything but fapbait the world over.

One(1) shitty game is banned in a country with a tiny population vs. a shit-ton of games are getting banned in the largest store chain in the third most populous country on earth.

What now?

Attached: 1543720427520.png (1381x913, 289K)

That's the censored version without any of the controversial content in it. Give me a screenshot of the Swedish eshop.

Is this the part where you get BTFO or are we going to be sprinting away with the goalposts again?

You said it was banned. It is not. And I'm gonna' give you a million guesses as to what that second icon next to the 16 means.

Attached: 1536388580459.png (1264x1191, 1.43M)

It's not out in the West in general though, isn't it?

Check the eShop.

Internationally sweden only exists for the Nobel prize and to serve as a boogeyman for reactionaries. Nobody gives a shit.

Cuz Swedes don't use vidya as a scapegoat when something violent happen unlike Fox News and the Boomers here in the states.

That's the censored version.
The uncensored version that's for the Switch is called Omega Labyrinth Life.
Check the title of the game you're listing.
In fact the devs made a video making fun of Sony over the fact they had to create a censored version of the game for them.

Also to people referring to violent games causing mass shootings. That's just the right wing scapegoat since the real answer to reducing gun violence is heavy handed gun control and mental health reform (Where you nationalized the health care system since the current system is a for profit hell hole.)

The reason the current controls fail is because current laws are weakened through legal challanges, or the shooters exploite loopholes. I.E. the mass shooting in California used a gun that was illegal in California, but he bought it in Nevada (where it is legal) and smuggled it across sate lines. Or they're just outright legal, like the MAGA Terrorist attack in El Paso or the mass shooting in Dayton. The fact that red flag watch lists aren't enforced and universial background check and 3 day waiting peroids, or the second hand market is completely unregulated, doesn't help. Nor will the FFL in those cases.

I live in Sweden and I've seen nothing about Omega labyrinth

Attached: Omega Labyrinth not on swedish eshop.jpg (1060x1413, 133K)

I also live in Sweden and I can't find any information about it being banned here.

>Omega Labyrinth Life is banned from a whole country
It is?
Could be worse, at least we aren't Denmark.

Doesn't Denmark have the strictest immigration policy in Scandinavia, almost entirely self-driven economy and one of the few Scandi countries that still make babies?

What's wrong with Denmark?

It's just scandi bants.

It's full of Danes

is this the omega labyrinth life thread?
>floor 75 of 99
>Juri died to instakill enemies, using Berune in the lead since she has Block Insta Kill, but no Block Theft
>two asshole rats show up, steal active weapon from Berune and her goddess panties that prevent instakill
>75 fucking floors and not a single blank book, roomy tome or guiding book in my inventory
>have to chase down those asshole rats on my own, hoping the wind doesn't kick me out before finding them
I did find them but that pissed me off

also Juri is still best girl, pic related

Attached: EBpGJ2qVAAAflhR.jpg:orig.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

There aren't any banned video games in Sweden, we're not Germany or Australia

It was released in the west at the same day as in Japan.

The only sources I can find are from 2018 talking about how this is mostly from Sony themselves having issue localizing the game in NA and some EU countries because underaged girls are in the game.

And why would the "MEDIA" talk about a niche game for future mass shooters on a cambodian weaving board?

Scandi meme where we all hate each other ironically

Attached: 1426553308150.png (621x688, 463K)

It's not the first time Scandinavian country has banned a game on a Nintendo system.
Dead or Alive: Dimensions got banned because it depicted under aged girls. As in under the age of 17. Not a child.

>b-b-but was it officially banned!?
>m-m-maybe the piblisher just didn’t try and preemptively pulled the game!
it’s available in australia, but not in NZ or Sweden, you do the math

Attached: D702C473-6DF8-4C83-89D2-AEE574E5C64F.jpg (1921x1023, 447K)

>Floor 75.
I just got to the first level where you vision is impared (you can't see the whole screen, but it's not as bad as being blinded.) How far behind am I to you?

Instant kills? You can be instant killed? What the fuck?

Ironically, the game is actually available on the Australian eshop

>MFW this got an American release

Attached: 2019080611372100-3025BDB336F81D444DEC06369ECFE1B8.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Danmark is literally the most based nordic country you dumb tranny

Wrong game retard.

>Scandinavian country

Just say Sweden. Literally none of the others do that shit. Only Sweden is a hellhole where reality is rewritten at will by psychotic feminists.

I'm already post-game, doing optional dungeons
The upper floors have ghost enemies that can move through walls, move/attack twice and they have a insta-kill attack, which they thankfully only rarely use and I think I've only seen it proc half the time. I had plenty of Fairy Blessings by the time I encountered them for the first time, but the Block Insta-Kill is still pretty nice to have

>I can't find any information about it being banned here

The fact that it's not in the eshop is only information you need.

>go from eugenics and conquest to a dystopian nightmare
How? Why?

>violent video game signage/demos are banned

>Bought the limited edition of Omega Labyrinth Life.
>Went to use the DLC codes
>Software is currently unavailable


this is because even other nerds consider the idiot manchildren weaboos who play this shit losers

Probably because Omega Incel Life is not a good game, but there are plenty of violent games that are good.

Offends the goatfuckers probably.

J word

>one random weeb game is banned in my country

Attached: 1536117243133.png (496x452, 304K)

Why is your first instinct to look for article about the game being remove when it makes much more sense to just go on the eshop and see for yourself?

That would be Finland actually.

Not just Sweden, it's a PAL thing


>why is your first instinct to try to figure out what's happening instead of kneejerking it
you'll know when you're older user

That's the Omega Z incident from a few years ago. Omega Labyrinth Life is only banned in Sweden and New Zealand.

You seem upset, are you Danish?

wrong game bucko
Z didn't get a western release at all thanks to snoy
which is why ω Labyrinth Life got released on Switch, and Labyrinth Life on PS4

>This is your brain on /pol/
Inbreeding, lots of it

Walmart is genuinely more important than the entire country of Sweden at this point.

>you can't trust your own eyes