What videogames are you looking forward to?

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The Outer Worlds, namely.

hylics 2

unironically call of duty

Xcom 3
Darkest dungeon 2
Creeper world 4

Wily Beast and Weakest Creature tomorrow

Code Vein

Did you miss the beta? I'm really glad they offered that demo of the game because I was going to buy it but now I'll just jack off to the art.

Wattam and Hytale

Attached: Control.jpg (320x320, 25K)

Astral Chain

I'm looking forward to it because I played the network test and enjoyed it.

Do we still not have a release date for Wattam? It's been some time.

Borderlands 3 (will pirate)
Death Stranding

desu stranding, control and the outer worlds

Hopefully you have a decent pc. The console version runs like fuck and the pc requirements are really high.


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Dying Light 2

Sadly not

Astral Chain

>jeanette with a condom

I find myself only looking forward to two and they're both Platinum titles. I haven't been excited for that many games since DMC5 turned out so meh. Everyone seems love it but it deflated me.

Fuck yeah Scalebound

>i need it RIGHT NOW tier
psychonauts 2
>cautiously optimistic
dying light 2
>never ever
cube world

>>i need it RIGHT NOW tier

fuck you i liked hollow knight
i'm sorry my opinion on a game is shared by a website completely unrelated to this one

>Coming 2020
>Travis Touchdown Will Return

Attached: No More Heroes III.jpg (724x1024, 163K)

Going off of this:
>I need it RIGHT NOW
System Shock remake
>Cautiously optimistic
Cyberpunk 2077
Halo Infinite
>Obscure, but looks really good
>Never ever
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 2
Arx Fatalis 2