How will Yea Forums ever recover from this?
How will Yea Forums ever recover from this?
Other urls found in this thread:
based walmart
why should I suddenly care about how walmart advertises thing?
keep consuming yes yes dont think bad thoughts just consume consume
be HYPED for new videogame
be EXCITED for new movie
consume dont think
by making 40 threads a day about it I guess
you're probably a bot
You have to be 18
>Tfw "violent" western video games are all banned in burgerland and the only games left are glorious JRPGS and Nintendo games
What's the issue here, bros?
wow that's deep really makes u think....
you will be shot next
By still pirating everything.
>months later...
>*gets shot up anyway*
This was already disproved.
Not all the vidya
how did they even relate the video games to the shootings?
Imagine being American
400 people die from mass shootings a year
out of 350 million
holy shit...
we live in a society...
>Search for news about this
>Wallmart deny it
clown world
>Yes your Honor I did murder that family. but who cares? They're just 5 people out of 350 million
Video games cause violence. Guns don't. Not hard to understand, incel
Columbine shooters both played DOOM. Even Elliot Rodgers had a couple games on his mom's iPhone. There's a terrifying trend here and only the most senseless and ignorant are turning a blind eye to it
that makes it ok then
Wtf I love Democrats now?!
>use your best judgement
This is how I know it's fake. This would never happen. They would have received new planograms instead
wow I never really thought about it like that
Good, I get to keep my guns.
Doesn't Walmart only sell hunting stuff like lever action rifles? Nobody's gonna use those for a mass shootings.
but it would be kino if someone tried
Damn... we live in a society...
Why the fuck would i care about a store that doesn't exist in my country, doing stuff that isnt even an issue here?
Go fuck yourself
Are you actually retarded or something? Do you know how many people die playing (INSERT SPORT HERE) or working a certain job or whatever the fuck but there's nobody crying to ban them. Shit I bet corn syrup has killed more kids than every shooting and terrorist attack combined but americans literally drink that shit by the glass full.
I'm glad Shart Mart isn't in my country
walmarts in my city will sell you an AR Assault rifle
Need for Speed Underground legit caused idiots to chimp out and kill themselves and other people in cars.
Columbine shooters both had guns. Even Elliot Rodgers had a gun. There's a terrifying trend here and only the most senseless and ignorant are turning a blind eye to it
>fake shit printed out
>media has already shown this to be disproved
>Walmart has already come out and spoken how none of this was real
Let me guess, you think Soros did in Jeff too.
Based. Only EUtards and ausfailians will seethe at this. If you can't own guns, you're a literal slave.
Shotguns and rifles afaik, it's where I bought my maverick 88.
It just feels like some cheap PR stunt.
>media has already shown this to be disproved
Why do you keep regurgitating this NPC talking point? The media did not "debunk" the fact that Walmart is removing any signage or demos related to violent video games
as someone who mentally ill i fea the retoric thats been used. it makes me feel like im targeted.
Wal Mart needs to virtue signal every now and then so that people forget about how they treat their workers
Wait, what? Who the fuck made this pic?
Finally a true solution to mass shootings
Let's ban the Fast and Furious movies, too.
>I get my news from the dark web
>you are just an NPC REEEEE
You're going to be one of the next shooters aren't you? You fit the billet.
>buying an AR from walmart
Ehh, Alcohol still kills more people than firearms, hell you're more likely to die in the last 7 years in a Boeing 737 than any mass shooting in the last 60 years in the US.
who the fuck actually goes out and buys video games at walmart, aside from the elderly?
the sooner the AAA crash happens the better.
>That part of the game where two enemy factions combine their efforts to fight a bigger threat
Are we here? I love this part.
just because it's funny to you doesnt make it not true that people do buy them from there
>Still sell violent videogames
>Still sell fire arms
Is this the most blatant least amount of effort move by a corporation of all time?
Walmart is probably the most used retailer in the U.S. Having advertisements of your game removed from there may significantly reduce the amount of consumers interested in it if they "somehow" don't know shit about it.
Well there is the whole thing were Democrats keep getting busted for importing and selling illegal firearms.
Just got back from Wal Mart. It's true. Saw one of the wagies dragging a cardboard cutout of Master Chief, Commander Shepherd, and Drake into the dumpster. When I walked in, they were already replaced with more Mario and Luigi stands. Even in the Microsoft and Sony sections. I tried to take a picture but my phone froze up every time I aimed the camera at the games. What's more is that I was followed by two black SUV's on my way back so I had to take the back roads and lose them in the twisties where my MR-2's only chance at getting away was going to happen
when a group of people keep doing something really bad for their own goals and image, take a good hard look at who is benefiting from it
Damn that means either no one goes to jail for murder or we ban things that could potentially bring harm.
They wouldn't wanna hurt their profits
Damn... It really do be like that, huh...
>you can buy guns and ammo from walmart
Holy shit i thought this was a meme kek
You guys are fucking dipshits. They pulled the DISPLAYS, not the products. The idea is not to have life-size shelf-end cardboard standies that look like angry people carrying guns inside your store where an angry guy with a gun just killed a bunch of people.
Wal Marts keep the guns they sell locked up in a glass case, mounted unassumingly, without advertisement. I’d be willing to bet any sum of money that if they had cardboard life-size people firing rifles in their stores as advertisements for Remington, they’d pull those too.
This isn’t about “blaming videogames”, it’s about distancing themselves from imagery of shooters in the wake of a shooter. Pull your fucking selves together jesus.
And nothing of value was lost, stop fearmongering.'s almost as if.....people have fun....doing things....whoa.....
I'm laughing at the fact that people are retarded enough to buy a low quality AR from walmart when you could just save a little more and build one that won't shit itself after 500 rounds.
video games are a shit hobby and the industry is infested with leftists and trannies. I'm glad I picked up motorcycles
These systems...
Thank you Neil, very cool
shhh, no logic allowed on the internet. It's been re purposed for rage culture.
This is so fucking stupid. There are people leaving behind manifestos, the fucking reason as to why they are doing what they are doing but everyone would rather ignore that and talk about gun control. By ignoring the source of the problem it will only get worse. The so called empathetic left has no empathy at all.
Yeah, and all of the demos, displays, events promoting shooting games, signs that even reference them, and so on. They are supporting the idea that being exposed to violent media makes you violent by taking all that shit down but doing nothing about guns.
yeah but they continue selling guns there anyways LOL
By not living in America. Feels fucking great.
Really almonds my activation.
Trumpfags btfo lmao
>gamers caring about walmart
>something proven to have no effect on major violence is restricted while the actual object at fault isn't
Holy fuck Americans...
AR is inferior to AKs anyways
a $1500 gas grenade will get outperformed even by a chinese AK
Ah yes, the manifesto hoax. They openly murdered(rescued?) Epstein but the manifestos are toats real guise.
Based swissfag dabbing on the gun grabbers
Stupid fat americans
Trump literally has more extreme views about how video games influence our thoughts than Anita
Imagine that
>AR is inferior to AK
Found the vatnik.
I was thinking about what happened back in New Zeland. I'm not up to date to whatever is happening right now.
Yea Forums will recover better than /k/, which has gone full denial/doom mode
>found the muh constitushun bleed bluee redneck
Yea but he's redpilled so it's ok
I hate Anita but I suppose her not being a boomer is some sort of positive trait
this truly feels like a really bad south park episode
>imagine having a thread about this
Yeah, sucking off Israel's toes is so red pilled
>post YFW you're not a American
Politicians and media are still spewing hate. The country is still divided between the wealthy and the deplorables. The drug epidemic still rages on.
But its easier to blame videogames than to unshithole the nation.
who the fuck is still going to the store to "buy" videogames? its not 2005
>physical retailers
didnt this happen once in walmart already, all they did was change the age to buy a gun from 18 to 19 or something. there is nothing they can do about random killings, just placate the outrage mob a little bit.
>Object at fault
Shit we got the wrong guy, the gun was in control the whole time
Why do we need 50 of these threads a day?
You know, for all the "do americans really do this meme" this place has, this is the first time I legit think it's crazy.
I mean, even you guys have to think so if you reflect on it. Guns can be sold at what is basically a supermarket, while videogames featuring then can't. You can literally go buy a tool that has been made for and is sold for killing people (inb4 muh hobby!!!) while you can't buy a game that was made to nothing else but pass the time.
Shit's fucked.
the only way to fix it is by cutting all relics actors and accelerating the current flow
> Games are sold around the world
> Only America has shootings every two weeks
> The problem are video games. Weapon control and american social issues have nothing to do with it
Remind me again how is it that a country this retarded rules the world?
good. guns are more important than games
He has no source, rightwingers are so low iq that everything they dont agree with or cant comprehend is a hoax or muh jews.
Seethe more vladimir.
most people do not go on senseless rampages with their guns. stop being a woman.
you're replying to someone who literally said in the second sentence that they're not stopping you buying the game
>people kill people!!!!
Top lel, this argument is pathetic
>Private business get to decide what to sell
The horror
to laugh at you Americans
so? that's a good thing. the sooner we go back to pre-2000 video games, sales included, the better
>only america has shootings
and you call others retarded, wow
I wont be able to buy the next tranny battlefield or wolfenstine game
>/k/, which has gone full denial/doom mode
lel really?
last i was there to check out gun and equipment shit it was just chock full of retards fantasizing about what they'd do to BATF agents on their property and /pol/ tier theories. what do they even have to freak out about this time around? a lot of people seem to be shifting the focus to video games rather than guns
Who the fuck buys video games in meatspace stores in the current year?
don't you got a school to shoot up whitey?
Why the fuck should I care that walmart won't sell westernshit that shoehorns leftist politics into games anymore?
Nah we're good, as long as you retards get the blame our guns are safe.
Imagine unironically being in favor of disarming your fellow man and removing the best defense against a tyrannical government
based. fuck Yea Forums
>images of guns are bad, show some respect
>real guns are good though, leave those on display
american logic
also, nice reddit spacing
>mfw approved for concealed carry and have my gun+holster shipping
It's bait
Welp they started dumping them. Shill thread confirmed
so you are a retard then
>Where'd you get that..?
>Same place I bought my pants, homes. This is America.
good I wouldn't give up my guns either and im not american
That´s not what i said you ignorant twat. Your reading comprehension skills are fucking terrible.
>tfw already bought all my favorite guns
Come take em you gun grabbing faggots.
Who the fuck buys video games at Wal-Mart? Anybody?
>vote for drumpf
>get no wall
>highest immigration
>everything is more pozzed than ever
>no repeal obamacare
>no defund planned parenthood
>go after 1a
>go after 2a
>go after games
>give social media companies more power
Canada wins again baby
you cant buy pants in the ammunation tho
Disingenuous post. You technically don't need to be in the military to own a gun in Switzerland but the majority of able-bodied men (the likeliest demographic to go on a mass shooting) go through mandatory enlistment where they get evaluated and also trained in handling and storing weapons.
You also cannot carry any loaded weapons in public and permits that allow this are exceptionally rare.
thanks for letting me know you have zero arguments and rather go full shizo than ever acknowledge that your country has a problem
>normalfag shoot shoot games will start selling badly
Regardless of who wins we'll always be fucked.
How do I get out of this insane asylum? I'm a programmer so it shouldn't be too hard to find a job in Europe or Asia right?
Do they even have violent video game demo booths? The most I remember is smash bros
Playing more video games
wtf i'm a leftist now
heh all the triggered lefties responding to this grow up reddit
you're still a slave
I wish I was American
damn... I wish I lived in the good old days and worked at a factory all day long so I wouldn't have the time to CONSUME... fucking Jews...
>How will Yea Forums ever recover from this?
Buying firearms and ammunition
I fucking wish I lived in america, I hate living in bongland so much.
why do you want to become a slave to the jews?
Reminder that they are also removing hunting displays
Nothing is getting taken off the shelves and guns are being treated the same way here as the video games are. The media just chooses to ommit that part.
except there are no psychological tests required to obtain a permit to purchase semiautos and handguns. you can opt for civil service or fake an illness to disqualify yourself from conscription and still purchase a gun
Why can't you apply for citizenship? Just do it and move to one of the midwest major cities like KC, Salt Lake City, Omaha, or something like that and you'll find things are pretty good.
fuck off alien
You're a slave to the kikes regardless of what country you live in. Nice cope though.
Neck yourself any time you fucking loser.
Why are elected public officials allowed to curse? Are they that edgy?
How could we let /k/ make fun of us Yea Forumsros??? On Yea Forums of all places!!
user do you not know how much of a pozzed shithole America is?
Not enough dosh.
It's way better than living in this muslim infested shithole.
Okay, but the majority of men (two-thirds) still go through mandatory enlistment. Meaning that two thirds are going to be trained and evaluated, and are also going to be trained in proper storage of guns to prevent random children from acquiring them. That is significantly going to reduce the probability of mass shootings. America has nothing like this.
Real guns aren't bad, violence against other humans is bad. The items being removed are depictions of violence against animals.
>but muh ar15
It's literally a varmint killer for small game.
>post yfw you're proud firearm owning citizen of the US of A
>Trump says that Mexicans are rapists and criminals and *some* are good people, brags about the size of his dick, mocks a Vietnam War veteran who was tortured as a PoW and was dying from cancer, mocks the Muslim family of a dead US soldier, offers to pay legal fees for the legal defense of Trump supporters who attack protestors, insists the numerous deaths in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria never happened, tells American-born Congresswomen to "go back" to their own countries because they're brown, etc.
>Based Trump
>Ted Lieu says "shit" once on twitter
>amerimutt jpegs
Shill thread
No, they’re “promoting” the idea that being exposed to violent imagery might make you uncomfortable shopping at a place where something violent just happened. This is not a fucking matter of social policy, it’s Wal Mart deciding “the revenue generated from pushing these games hard with in-store displays is way less than the revenue we’ll lose if people there to buy other stuff see them, become uncomfortable, and decide to shop at Target instead”.
And? If you were disqualified from the military you wouldn't be disqualified from obtaining a purchase permit
>guy who tells supporters to rough up protesters at his rallies tell other people to stop glorifying violence
lol ok
>still sells firearms
>still sells violent vidya
>still a soft target for the next unstable suburban white kid with a single mother, a prescription for SSRIs and a cringey manifesto
It's a cynical PR move that ultimately solves nothing.
Sperg out some more Liberal. It's okay if Trump does it because he's /ourguy/.
Based murica being retarded as usual
>all those things on the Trump list
Wow... I never realised he was so based.
So? If two-thirds of all able-bodied American men were required to take an evaluation, training, and were trained in proper storage of weapons do you seriously think that would have zero impact on the amount of mass shootings?
>tfw just bought my 4th AR-15
Let the liberal tears flow.
All this proves is that yet again white people are better at everything. Every time some PoC tries this they fail horribly.
Can't even tell if these are ironic anymore.
you just have to love how the americans are getting more and more cucked with each passing day
There is almost no state in the US where you are not required to take courses on proper and safe gun ownership prior to purchasing a firearm. The only state I can think of where an adult can walk into a store and out with a rifle, with no permit whatsoever, is Vermont. And as we all know, Vermont is a fucking HOTBED of gun violence.
an AR aint gonna shit against a tyrranical U.S. military. We're more useful as tax cows than dead to them
Dishonorable discharges actually get you blocked from firearm ownership
Wow.. gamers rise up
feels so good to not be a amerimutt
The us military is incompetent as fuck.
The US military couldn't stop a couple hundred thousand rice farmers with dirty outdated rifles, how is it going to stop a couple million people with guns as good as the military itself
>Muh jungle
Okay good luck with that drone strike in downtown Manhatten
Yea Forums doesn't care about shooters.
All that matters are tits and Jrpgs.
this sounds like an onion article
someone please stop this fucking wild ride i want off
>he thinks he’s in the clear
Oh no no no delusional eurotards
Why? Who's going to boycott them for still selling guns? The liberals that already refuse to shop there?
i dont fear a government takeover so im for gun regulation. ban high capacity mags, universal background checks, etc.
*starts pawing your cock*
oWo what's this?
literally no one buys vidya at walmart, loads of people buy guns there. It's simple as can be. amazon basically absorbed all of the physical vidya sales market in the USA in a very short period. Walmart could remove probably their entire gaming section and not face huge losses, except around holidays, I reckon.
>couldn’t stop
>successfully stopped
>left after a north/South Korea style peace treaty was signed
> a year later north invaded when the US isnt present
>south loses
>US loss
>he lives in a Jewish shithole
Is that the original image, I find it humorous for some reason and I forgot mlp existed
i'm a physics student and i disagree with this image
science students are amongst the most normal folk possible
I guess I'll just have to go outside and curbstomp subhuman nigger filth in real life instead.
You can still go and work in the cloud factory. Maybe you already do.
And your county loves and imitates a so called Jewish shithole
why do americans love their guns so much?
t. odorous and stubborn purveyor of jury-rigged maths
This is objectively wrong. There are only 10 states in the United States that require a permit to purchase a firearm
>California requires a Safety certificate for any firearm
>Maryland requires handgun qualification license (does not require for long guns)
>Massachusetts requires license to carry before purchase
>Minnesota requires a permit to purchase handguns
>Nebraska requires a permit for handguns
>New Jersey requires a permit for handguns and long guns
>New York requires a permit for handguns
>North Carolina requires a permit for handguns
>Rhode Island requires a permit for handguns
>Washington JUST RECENTLY made it required for you to pass a safety class to buy a semiauto rifle
Everywhere else any random retard can waltz right in and buy a gun, without training about use or proper storage. And these state laws ultimately mean nothing because you can just go to another state with laxer laws and get a gun from there, or buy a gun from a guy from a different state. This is why we need federal law passed
Historically speaking guns have never been an issue as they are today. So it’s hard for boomers to comprehend all these mass shootings when they were young they rarely happened if ever happened at all.
>be yuropoor
>live in a shithole where muslims are pouring into your country more and more every day
>can't own guns
>have a fucked economy
>can't walk out of your house without fear of getting stabbed or raped by a shitskin
>m-murica is getting more cucked everyday!
Imagine coping this hard.
>a year later
Sounds like the US totally did not stop the communist forces from being able to rebuild in very short order and defeat the very forces that the US trained for many years. What was achieved in Vietnam? Propping up a sham government for a decade or two of occupation plus the aforementioned 1 year? You call that a strategic success?
Holy shit... it's like I'm the only one who is aware... and everyone is just NPC sheep. Wow.
>be amerilard
>think everywhere in a foreign country is exactly like the major cities
t. norf masterrace
>Shopping at a Walmart in the first place
>you can just go to another state with laxer laws and get a gun from there
That's illegal
>>live in a shithole where muslims are pouring into your country more and more every day
Not even the places with Muslims are nearly as bad as America.
School shootings didn't exist before violent video games.
Considering that most of Vietnam got there weapons from China and the Soviet Union, it was impossible to stop there arms imports. And the US spent a lot training the south. However, the south were terrible fighters. The French tried and failed as well.
>strategic success
When the peace treaty was signed it was more than a success. However, since we left entirely, the south lost. If we had left South Korea for example then North Korea would have overran then as well. But we didn’t leave there.
Actually scratch that, there are only 7 states with permits that actually require gun safety training
>Hawaii (for handguns)
>Rhode Island
Everywhere else either any random retard can waltz in and buy a gun, or any random retard just needs to wait a bit to get a permit
Cause they're fun and our country is full of niggers. Also weapons deter governments, just ask Ukraine after giving up their nukes. Hong Kong has a thing going on right now as well against China.
In Europe the nice areas are the city’s the shitty areas are all outside. The US is the opposite.
>"Should we make murder illegal, or should we make corn syrup legal? You can only pick one"
They don't have to choose. They could ban both sides if they want to.
>>live in a shithole where muslims are pouring into your country more and more every day
>Not even the places with Muslims are nearly as bad as America.
Holy shit the denial is strong.
Where is he banning games?
Gamers. Rise. UPPPP!!!!!
this is america were talking about give it a week maximum
>all these sheep mocking this post
It's true, you know. It's not even a conspiracy theory like most of you would think we believe, the world is just that fucking stupid and unconscious. We're fucking indoctrinated from society from the getgo, from the moment we were born and raised from our unconscious parents and learning from a flawed education system designed to keep you working as wage slaves. Where it's fucking okay shove all this shit food containing all these shitty metals in your system creating this stupid brain fog making you do bad decisions that KEEP you stuck in this wage pyramid scheme, and the cycle repeats. It's not even there's some big alien or secret societyof Jews that's keeping this all together. We're just that fucking stupid. No matter how hard I convince you otherwise your shitty consumerist habits will force you back down into being the very sheep you mock in this world.
Wake the fuck up.
If gun nuts were capable of the things they say they are they would have started a revolution over the Patriot Act
>All blue states
wtf I love Trump now
>implying I play violent vidya
I'll be enjoying my Harvest Moons and Animal Crossings
Yep, London's crime rate is half that of New York's. It's simple numbers.
What the fuck are you talking about?
enjoying your school shootings friend? :)
Good thing everyone buys shit digitally now anyway and retail is a fucking rotting dead dinosaur. Literally who cares?
this is great, fuck modern videogames and fuck modern shit eating zoomer game consumers. I hope call of duty and fortnite get banned worldwide and all those shitty lootbox games.
Very deep my prepubescent friend.
Oh my god.. this is so true.. posting this on Reddit RIGHT NOW
>Video games don't cause violence in real life!
>Oh wait Orange Man said they do? Nvm they do, lol
Shooterchan refugees pls go
He's not but I've literally seen his supporters beg for games to be completely banned in the previous threads about this topic.
It's literally only Yea Forums
/pol/ is saying fuck off
/k/ is saying fuck off
Even 8ch Yea Forums (RIP) were saying Trump was a fucking moron.
Yea Forums is the only board still defending him.
I don't think these people are serious though, I think they're just so contrarian, fucking people were defending Epstein in a Yea Forums thread.
>literally who posting literally what on twitter
No one fucking cares about your eceleb bullshit.
this doesnt make sense. what you mean is you are willing to ignore it so long as you feel it doesn't affect you.
I see this as a good thing. I hope video games continue to be marginalized until Nerd Culture drops out of the mainstream. Then normies can fuck off and ruin someone else's hobby.
Fucking got 'em, bro
Enjoying those stabbings? :^)
>literally who
Only in the US. you don't need to serve in the army to own a gun in Switzerland.
Pandora's box is already open, dude
Wishing for video games to be niche again is a delusional dream that will never happen.
Be happy with niche genres
>muh gubmint takeover
Hey the military might suddenly crack and turn on its citizens any minute now, this is why we need guns, to protect ourselves
Oh btw let's give 700 billion dollars to the military that we're supposedly so afraid of
Epstein was fucking based.
>waah he paid grownass poor teenagers hundreds of dollars just to give him massages and paid them even more for sex
The only people that say this is Trump supporters.
That will never happen becuase it was never a niche audience.
Holy fuck.
You can opt for civil service which does not require that shit or fake depression and easily obtain an exemption.
None of that would disqualify you from applying for a waffenerbschein because there are no psych evals required to obtain that permit
I know, but a man can dream.
Trump is a retarded boomer, more news at 11
When is your mass shooting scheduled for?
It reeks of ResetEra in here.
It's because Yea Forums actually plays video games believe it or not and the shit Trump wants to ban nobody likes here. It's all garbage that needs to go. Based President Trump cleaning up the trash for us.
Its a boomer thing. Biden did the same thing. The boomer vote is still in full swing, so don't expect this to stop.
This but literally.
I didn't recognize his name or face, so yeah he's a fucking literally who.
Are you actually retarded?
have sex
wow, when you put it like that it's just like, everything's so fucked up like, what can we even do?
Fuck you dirty mexican
Having sex won't make me give a fuck about retarded attentionwhore politicians on twitter.
>nonsense meme defense for nonsense meme president
Always funny.
Thought this was an Onion article at first lmao. Shit like this is why America is the laughing stock of the world.
>This is ok in America but video games aren't
>or any random retard just needs to wait a bit to get a permit
Same thing in Switzerland only that it takes a week to issue.
Literally none of that matters. By pure numbers it is 2/3 of the entire male Swiss population. That is 2/3 that are guaranteed to be evaluated and given training on the use and storage of firearms. That doesn't exist in the United States
>Walmart has the AUDACITY to protect second amendment rights? WTF
Nobody buys video games at Walmart, they use Amazon instead
Walmart is the biggest gun seller in the US
Simple economics for a "bogus" PR stunt
>having sex won't make me a willfully ignorant piece of shit who finds self-actualization in being intellectually dishonest on the internet
Fucking sad.
>Epstein ''coincidently'' an hero's before he could stand trial and his ascociates could get convicted
Choosing to sell or not sell guns has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment.
This. I genuinely cannot think of any gruesome games that I enjoy or have played in years.
Couldn’t care less about this proposed ban.
Imagine being an out of the loop liberal who doesn't realize that the west is on the fast track to becoming a caste based society, and not realizing that our elites are actively and consciously pushing miscegenation to render the underclass permanently inferior to the ruling class.
The nazis saw genetics as a means of raising society to new heights.
But our political elite saw a much simpler strategy, using dysgenics as a weapon to cripple those beneath you.
pilled and red based.
No you retard. Only about 12% actually does army service.
>inb4 reddit
Training would make you a deadlier shooter. It won't prevent mass shootings.
What are you gonna do with those second amendment rights? Revolt against the government after corruption scandals and a pedophile ring is almost expo- oh wait nevermind he's /ourguy/
and hopefully with based trump we can finally ban violence in video games
What? It's true. If I try to sell a gun one day and choose not to the next, I'm not infringing on your rights. In fact, if you demand you take my guns in exchange for money and force me into a "deal", you're infringing on my right.
Holy shit he's consistently retarded.
>America once again trying to distract the nation while the elites are pulling some obvious bullshit
yes fight about your guns or videogames or whatever
that is the most important thing right now
Yeah, no. It is two-thirds
Around 20% go to civil service, another 20% are not fit for either
Your god emperor has made it clear he does give two shits about you weebs and your vidya
you chucklefucks realize that anime games would be affected even if they don't have a drop of blood or a single bullet right?If it shows enough tiddie for the M Rating you are fucked.
enjoying those child rape gangs?
>Video games get banned in Burgerstan
>Gaming communities without any Americans
This is Yea Forums, dude. You'd think there'd be some sort of GG level of activism at this point but ORANGE MAN GOOD and WOMEN BAD.
Video game violence must be stopped because it's creating monsters! Sign up for the US Army today!
>that many games missing from the Nintendo section
i call fake
Sell me your guns for $20 or you are infringing on my 2nd amendment rights.
>>Video games get banned in Burgerstan
I'd probably just kill myself.
How can boomers blame escapist entertainment?
It's obviously just a symptom of someone who's been dissociated from society.
Nobody goes on a killing spree because they played an awesome video game.
Nobody goes on a killing spree because they just love being white.
They do it because they hate their lives, hate the people around them and they want to die. You can say "why don't they just commit suicide and leave everyone else alone" but they don't see it that way. Empathy is a two way street. They have been brainwashed, one way or another into truly hating themselves. The side effect of self hate is that you project those negative feelings on everyone else.
Stop shaming little kids and filling their heads with victimization narratives and maybe they'll feel like they deserve to enjoy life instead of feeling guilt for existing.
good thing I pirate my games lmao good luck banning my torrents
What fucking relevance does that RLM meme shit have to what you replied to?
Boomers are psychopaths. What did you expect?
Fucking idiot. Enlistment has dropped since then.
>M-rated video games
>without Carlos, Cletus or Tyrone shitting them up
he is saying don't think about real world memes and just drown yourself in escapist media
>How will Yea Forums ever recover from this?
wal-mart sells video games?
Trade me, you can have my car and I'll live in your home, the american dream and I can escape T H I S M A D D E N I N G H E L L
Holy shit....... my eyes are opened......
I won't be playing Pokemon Go ANYMORE
Remember when fucking idiots thought they were being oppressed by twitter opinions?
I'm going back to sleep
>source: muh feels
It has consistently been two-thirds
And even if enlistment is dropping more recently, so what? That doesn't change the fact that the majority of the male population in Switzerland has been, at some point, trained in proper usage and storage of guns, as well as psychiatrically evaluated.
>we must stop the glorification of violence in our society
>from the country that brought you "support the troops"
>blames video games
>meanwhile Japan, a country that play video games more than anyone has virtually no violent crime compared to multicultural wastelands
So what you're saying is, we truly DO live in a society?
fuck off nazi
They play gacha shit and portable jrpgs. They hate shooters.
does your country shit on tour own soldiers?
Ok, now what is the rate with only white people?
>no violent crime
They fake their statistics
Doesnt bother me, I dont even go to walmart.
His country probably doesn't have a real military and just relies on daddy 'merica to support them
Phone apps/slot machines are not video games
Okay, now what's the rate of knife deaths in all those countries?
Now do violent crimes with knives and explosives.
Still lower than the US.
Target would NEVER
who dis tranny?
[citation needed]
You're right, there are a lot less white people in SK and China. Guess the next highest country with white people would be Canada and huh it's number two in gun deaths. Isn't misreading statistics fun?
Holy shit /pol/ and /r9k/ has really fried your brain
Finland has no Walmarts so don't really care about this myself
How many of those countries teach an anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male versions of history to 8 year olds?
Nice data, faggot.
First it was video games causing shootings
Now it's history lessons?
You're thinking of China.
>Guns are the problem
I've never seen such powerful fragility.
>that left one
is this some weird self insert coping shit
>American reading comprehension
LITERALLY just took this photo. Explain OP.