This is a Japanese game developer

This is a Japanese game developer.

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I love Nene!

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and you're full of shit

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Japanese devs look like THAT?!

I love Nene so much.

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>every single nene doujin is a deflowering doujin
who knew japs could hit the nail right on the head

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Why is it the exact same posts every time in these threads

because we love nene so much and want people to know it, you got a problem with that, pal?

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>main characters gets a job at a high-profile game dev working on a sequel to her favourite game right after graduation high school
Fucking bullshit.

>implying eagle jump is a high profile dev
their animation team is like... 4 people and when they tried making a new ip they had to pretend that more high profile people were in charge of it to sell copies.

>Eagle Jump

It's a cartoon.

I'd buy her game.

nenechi is QA, not a developer

she did programming work too user, and she made her own game. She's also an actual programmer currently in the manga.

She does literally both in the 2nd season tho

I will play Aoba's game

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>high profile
They ship shovelware jrpgs.

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She creates her own engine in the second season.She is a inspiration for all us gamedevs.

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why would you buy the controller one when there's a parody one based on her succubus form?

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Nigga, they literally make mobile game tier shit but I agree with the getting a job right after graduating part. It was bullshit.

Reminder that a japanese school girl learned C++ in a month and is a better programmer than you will ever be.

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imagine the smell
same with this imagine

user, she was smart and worked hard and tried her best and was motivated
Can you say the same thing about yourself?

Also season 3 when?

>imagine the smell


after constant usage
smell it

aoba was an artist, you don't need a degree to get an art job, she had the portfolio so she got a job. Nene was given contract work because she became a better programmer than half the people at eagle jump in the span of a couple months.

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they're probably waiting until the manga finishes the game they're currently making. Also the manga introduced a bunch of characters since season 2 finished so they are also probably waiting to see how those characters develop.

I want her to be my wife.

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>Why is it the exact same posts every time in these threads
You described literally every thread that gets remade on Yea Forums daily.

play nene's game

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how will season 3 handle the french girl that rapes ko?

>that haircut and outfit on the right

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You still haven't see the japanese books

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I wish to be Nene's chair so she sits on my face all day while she programs cutting-edge game engines.

full penetration

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Girls cant do penetration dumbass

What kind of developer is she? Is she using an existing engine or building one from scratch on her own?

wait does new game has official dakis?

She uses visual basic

>he doesn't know what a strap-on is

Aoba and Nene at the same time!

the bigger question is, how will they handle Hana "Shota Slayer" Otoko

I want to fill Nene's holes.

>Hana "Shota Slayer" Otoko
I'm intrigued... tell me more

yes I bought the hajime one

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No one unironically likes Nene

in the manga they introduced the president of eagle jump, Hana, his character is that he's basically Hazuki but with cute boys instead of girls.

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Gotta love this stupid franchise

nenechi a shit
hajime a best
ahegao a second best

you think that's ridiculous, the manga has a cow milking chapter that totally isn't a handjob reference ;)

hajime is best girl because one of her game concepts was literally just elite beat agents, meaning she has godlike taste

I can't draw :(
How do I learn

I can't even figure out how to make a hello world android app

wonderful news. s3 never

they'll just skip it since it's a throwaway chapter during a longer story about that new programmer girl and how she doesn't want to take over the family inn and wants to stay a video game programmer

>ywn have an athletic, tomboy, toku fan gf

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Reminder that she's not real

she's real to me

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>making videogames

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>what is nep?

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a month is a pretty long time for C++

>making good videogames


Do you not clean your toys?

did anyone say eagle jump makes good games?

C++ is incredibly complicated.

Damn Nenecchi is stacked

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That's high profile in Japan

>implying it isn't
>inb4 "I know C++ but only understand use small subset of current language features"

>literally only known for Faeries Story
what a freaking joke

>us gamedevs
Speak for yourself.
Being a game developer is basically being an ultimate cuck, you do complex shit and work overtime for peanuts. Fuck that shit, I'd rather use your finished product than take part in making it like a good cuck.

And also useless if you want to make money.

Stella no Mahou was better.

>why yes, I do like both New Game and Stella no Mahou. what gave it away?

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You can learn any object oriented coding language in less time easily

I don't work in a game company user, I'm an independent dev. I don't even work in something related to programing but keep on my dream to being a gamedev.

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How pedobaity is this show?

Well then drawing shit is the simplest task, because you don't need an actual brain to draw shit.

that's a really cute game developer

not really, aoba and nene are the closest you get, in the manga when Ko goes to France she kisses a loli a few times and that's the worst it really gets.

they lezzisx?

you'd think it'd be worse considering the fact that the manga artist is a precurefag

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nene is a grown woman in her 20s user!

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what the fuck are you smoking it takes about a year to learn C++
this includes everything from template metaprogramming, to the STL, to lockfree programming

not only did she learn C++, but she also created her own engine from scratch and created a game within that time.

>open visual studio
>new xamarin project
>it writes the app for you
>type hello world in it somewhere

>aoba was an artist, you don't need a degree to get an art job
They were paying her to learn how to use modelling software.
How the hell did she work hard if she completely skips the education most people are expected to get for a job like that?

You mean the best, you fucking fag.

single digit IQ poster

she had the resume to be a character designer and the company wanted her there, so they hired her, but she still needed to learn 3D software so they gave her a book and had her learn the basics, and in around a month or two she was able to learn how to make high quality models at a professional level alongside designing her own characters.

No u.
I don't think you understand how big C++ is.
If you don't understand all of its quirks, its complexities, you don't know C++
Nobody truly knows C++, mind you, not even the people who write the standard.

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this is a good thread

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What book or website should I use?

Fuck template meta programming.
Fuck hundreds lines long template errors.
Fuck C++.

But Nene, like everything in anime, is a work of fiction. She could be a 9000 year old demon, or make code parse the first iteration. It's fiction.

Don't you just love Fiction?

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How do I get a QC job checking to make sure NPCs have panties?

It's dogakobo at it's best, but it's not actually an ecchi anime.

I don't know how to draw but I have a friend that does and it's willing to help with creating a game.

It takes way more time to dominate a programming language if you don't know the basis on how do they work. I don't think it´s a short time either but as you can see in the anime, her game has a lot of bugs.

They hired her because she was a cute girl, can you blame them?

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There is no one book.
Bjarne's book is good to get you started.
Following that, scott meyer's essentials series, and the website and blogs linked therein
For concurrent and parallel programming, not including things like SIMD (for which, unfortunately, there are no easy resources), C++ concurency in action (second edition).
For an introduction to template metaprogramming, practical C++ metaprogramming.
Familiarize yourself with the boost libraries, they're bloat and garbage, but they're basically the testing ground for what features get integrated into the standard libs.

practice is more important than all of these