Feel like going back and playing through New Vegas again

>feel like going back and playing through New Vegas again
>immediately pissed off with weapon and armor durability
>find a mod that makes all guns and armor never break down

Thank god for mods. Weapon/armor durability in games is the worst fucking thing ever. I dont think Ive ever played a game where it made something better. It always makes things worse.

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You would be surprised at how many fans of tedium there are.

>inb4 lol casual
be honest here niggers
once your weapon gets in a critical condition you either use one of the 10 weapon repair kits in your inventory or fast travel somewhere to get them fixed
i have never played a game where weapon degradation is punishing or interesting in any way
every game that has this mechanic has a way to counter it immensely or if it doesn't have a good counter to it it surely has a way more tedious method of doing it without any challenge whatsoverer, just boredom

>not using JSawyer

>a video game puts in a mechanic intentionally designed to hamper your progress and has clear-cut solutions
>they require an allocation of resources and nothing more
That people exist who are so triggered by weapon and especially armor durability of all things in games is both a source of confusion and amusement to me. You might as well mod carrying weight to not be a thing either.

In fact, just play CoD. You'll be happier.

Dunno, it's kind of neat to be able to have an actual use for extra weapons you find beyond just selling them.

Thread over whiney ass faggots can leave now

Based retard

It really puzzles you why people don't like tedium?

Just level up Repair, nigga
Just get Jury Rigger, nigger

Enemies that take more than one shot to kill are tedious too, right?

immersion i guess?

it's easy enough to find duplicates to repair with, even more so with jury rigging perk

>pause game
>use repair kit
>autistically fast travel to repair that weapon that you like to use so much

Are you comparing combat to the gameplay equivalent of making sure your gastank doesn't hit empty?

That is whole nother level of dumb.

>Spamming the buzzword tedium like it's an argument
Fond of excuses are we? I'm guessing you prefer the casual fallout 4 experience where you walk out the vault holding 10 pistols?

>Game has unique interactions at certain events when you have party members active
>There's more party members with these interactions than slots in your active party
>Mod removes the active party cap

Thanks, mods.

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>use weapon over and over again
>still works like new

When did tedium become a buzzword?
If you look up the definition it is an apt description of item degradation.

>removing a feature meant to make the game more challenging, interesting, and immersive

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>Use the same weapon for every encounter
>Gun breaks during a shootout
>Forced to use something you wouldn't normally
>Forced to run

It's not all about sitting around in menus, it has a function to make things genuinely more difficult. For that same reason, I love the increased gun jam rate mod. I think I only saw it once in the vanilla game.

Just carry another weapon of the same type. It's not that hard.

If you don't perform maintenance it may jam. It doesn't break and it sure as hell doesn't do less damage.

>>use weapon over and over again
>>still works like new
>weapon breaks
>pause game and use repair kit
>yes muh immersion

>For that same reason, I love the increased gun jam rate mod. I think I only saw it once in the vanilla game.
i liked how it happens much more often when your weapon is more broken
those little details are very nice

The one good thing to come from Fallout 76 is the survival and item degradation meme will be dropped in future Bethesda titles.

an unbreakable weapon is less immersive than something that breaks from more stress no matter how you look at it
stop playing games on easy mode

Stop worrying how other people play their games.

I think that durability should be worked around being an economic factor rather than a gameplay one. Using a weapon should have next to nil durability loss unless you used some kind of hot load, but turn repairing into a harder task, so the interest on repairing lies on obtaining expensive weapons to sell or maintaining low durability glass cannons.

i played NV with multiple difficulty mods so don't mention easy difficulty
it's about something that is tedious and not well implemented and not about something that adds a challenge

I like the potential sense of spontaneity weapon durability introduces to gunfights (same goes for armor durability, I guess). Having your weapon break/jam in the middle of combat and then being forced to either rely on a weapon you wouldn't typically use or have to figure out some other way to escape from the encounter alive really adds a lot to my general experience with a game.

Feeling like I'm in complete control of any scenario the game throws at me just becomes boring after a while, so I appreciate when a game has mechanics that force me to have think on my feet every so often. As a side note, having to prepare to trek out somewhere by making sure my weapons/armor is in decent shape beforehand tickles my boner for immersion.

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Why do you think they'll be dropped? They'll just be added in through a separate survival mode like in Fallout 4.

>he doesn't use Nigger Rigging Perk

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You should tell that to OP. We'd have 90% less threads

Why are you posting in this thread? I'm surprised its not too tedius for a brainlet like you.

Sure they could have something from CC but the burned hand learns best and I doubt it will be included in the base game anymore.

Teasing autists who like item degradation is never tedious.
Unlike the shitty mechanic there is a payoff.

How is enjoying tedium big brained?

>Remove the need to repair
>You now always have the top damage/accuracy with a weapon (Because of this, you end up using less ammo during encounters), and maximum armor efficiency (less healing-item use).
>You can now sell excess weapons/repair kits that you would have used for repair, leading to more money
>Invalidate several perks, leading to less choices
>Turn the stat into into just a skill check
So you'll have more ammo, more healing items, and more money. Sounds like you just want an easier game, bro.

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How embarrassing user found item degradation challenging?You rode the short bus to school didn't you?

>Sure they could have something from CC
Fallout 4's survival mode wasn't a part of CC. There's no reason why they wouldn't include it as a separate mode in future titles.

Having durability doesnt make much of a diference at all. Its just a mild annoyance that I could do without.

>playing with durability
>kill 20 dudes
>get mountain of armor and guns and ammo
>use repair/juryrigging perk to use up a shitty armor set and gun to repair my stuff
>still have giant mountain of guns, armor and ammo just under my max carry limit to haul to a merchant to sell it all

With how poorly 76 did I don't think they have the enthusiasm they once did. They may not want to spend the man hours on it and leave it to the CC crowd.

How did you people even find weapon durability hard. 99% of the guns in the game have ridiculously high durability so you don't even have to worry about half the time.

That's the thing I don't like. It is impossible to balance. It is either so intensive that the game would not be worth playing or so easy it is little more than an annoyance.

The whole mechanic is a waste of time for all involved.

It isn't hard just tedious. That's the issue.

>With how poorly 76 did I don't think they have the enthusiasm they once did
You're acting as if the survival elements were one of the primary reason 76 did badly, and not the fact that it was just a broken, boring mess on release. It's like claiming that they're not going to include any notes/terminals/recorded messages in Starfield just because people weren't huge fans of the fact that 76's main quest largely consisted on listening to messages and reading terminals.

How so?


>every mechanic in every game works exactly as intended

then why take it away entirely

I play with fast travel off and alternate repair so that fixing guns is actually a fairly expensive process. It's a good workaround to ensuring I keep a stock of varied weaponry and ammunition. If the only function that you get out of weapon durability is a tedius run to fix the one you like and want to use all the time then I yeah, I recommend modding it out. But for me, I always feel like there's no reason to use other guns than the paciencia and then dinner bell so I set up systems to force me into using other guns.

weapon and armor condition works fine

Seriously, if needing to upkeep your armor always getting several tons of lead slammed into it at cracking speed and replacing parts from your centuries-old weapon being used to fight an ongoing war are such unbearable concepts that you mod them out directly, just mod out every other mechanic the game has in the same vein. Better yet, play a game catered specifically to people who can't handle "tedium", like say, oh I don't know...an FPS instead of an RPG?

i disagree

Tedious def. Tiresome because of length or dullness : Boring

It is the very definition of a dull mechanic. Were you ever excited you had to visit a workbench to repair a weapon?
Did you ever give a little fist pump when you had to break out a repair kit after a battle?

Nobody else did either.

oh no i have to maintain my weapon condition this is TOO TEDIOUS

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then get a mod that improves it

All there games are broken messes on release.
The difference is they didn't announce them as survival lite games before launch.

I hope they don't think like you and make the same mistakes going forward but given their recent track record of bad decisions I am not so confident about that..

Yeah, mods are awesome. If you want to play the game like an action RPG and ignore realism/immersion and just run around killing shit you can remove a lot of the "tedious" features like weapon durability. And if you want to play it like a proper RPG where you have to eat every day and sleep and can't use menus during combat and shit you can do that as well. It opens up the door to so many different kinds of playstyles and preferences. Personally I prefer the former because I don't have the time these days to do a proper RP, but I used to go hard on the immersion mods in Oblivion.

>Were you ever excited you had to visit a workbench to repair a weapon?
No because you use workbences to make shit. Not repair stuff. Workbenches become super fun once you get the mad bomber perk.
>Did you ever give a little fist pump when you had to break out a repair kit after a battle?
No but i felt a simer sence of boredom when i use any consumable in this game
Guess I better find a mod that removes the need to heal myself since I cant't stand to open a menu for one second and press a fucking button.

>I hope they don't think like you and make the same mistakes going forward
How is including an optional survival mode a mistake?

Waste of manhours that could be spent on something worthwhile.

It may surprise you but some people may find a well timed heal in combat to be a little more exciting than making sure the weapon is topped off every now and again.

But sure it is all the same thing if you don't think about it.

It is obviously worthwhile to some people though, hence why it keeps getting implemented.

literally all videogames are

Yes businesses are evil.
Whatever commie.

>>immediately pissed off with weapon and armor durability
yeah no
this is the reason i play NV

take your meds

>walk and explore for days
>don't have to stop to take a shit

The only games I can think of where durability was fun was Front Mission 2 and Demons Souls.
Front Mission 2 let you specifically blow off enemy parts and disable limbs but it also meant that you wouldnt be able to salvage them.
Demons Souls let shit like scraping spear and acid cloud work so they were a fun pvp build, also since you had item burden you couldn't keep tons of shit on you which helped the build even more.

My character just shits his pants walking, dude.
You can't fucking disprove that, you fucking prawn.

>have to heal when your health gets low or when your limbs break
>have to wait for AP to come back to keep using vats
>have to swap ammo types depending on what enemy I'm fighting
>inventory has a weight limit
honestly new vegas is full of tedious bullshit, most rpgs are

this but inronically

what about your weight limit

My character eats it automatically.

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When's NV getting a mod to make the game not pause when you pull up the Pip Boy?

Behead those who pretend to enjoy Todd's equipment durability mechanics.

I kinda liek it.
I'm not sure why.

Get out, Todd

early ultima online, damage was a function of current durability. every repair decreased total durability a little.

it prevented vanq from lasting forever and drove the player economy with rich fuckers just buying high smith stuff.

yeah but this is because devs are scared of players getting mad about losing their l33t named sword of killing, not being able to be a godly repair man of the whale in addition to the rest of their player class.

What's so fun about bringing up your pipboy every 25 shots to repair a recently manufacted firearm? I could tolerate active repairing if shit actually lasted as long it should and maintenance was another downtime activity along with selling loot and delivering quests, but it's just frequent gameplay pace breaking.

>he doesn't crouch his character behind a rock and then go take a shit in real life with the game still on for maximum immersion

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The real issue with most durability systems
>weapon breaks
>press pause button
>have infinite time to navigate through the menus and repair it.
>the weapon breaking had literally 0 impact on the gameplay in any way
the menu should be an in-universe thing that does not stop time. There should be a "pause/options" screen that actually stops time, but you cannot access your inventory or anything like that.

That's what I'm saying, man: I don't know. It gives me a funny tingle in my balls, though.

My name is Alan, actually.

Just have it so fixing your weapon either takes time in the game or has to be done by a merchant.

>Not just going around collecting Wrenches, Duck tape, Scrap metal/electornics, and wonderglue to build weapon repair kits.
>Not just repairing all the weapons you loot and selling them at high rates.
>Not just being filthy rich because you have a 7 in luck.

Absolutely disgusting casual. I bet you use the console commands for anything other than completing broken quest too.

Play a different game. Clearly this shit is too complicated for you.

It gives you a reason to go out and loot stuff.

Exactly. It doesn't hamper you in any way other than forcing you to pause the game frequently. It would be a legitimately challenging mechanic if you had some actual limitation to when you could repair your weapon. Being able to repair equipment mid battle with no punishment just makes it pointless.

Get out, Alan

I remember WRKs being incredibly inefficient. Plus, you don't need any stat to pick up valuable loot right from the start.

leave Alan alone.

>user makes thread with a legitimate complaint about one of Yea Forums's sacred cows
>Said sacred cows' fanboys cannot come up with any reasonable counter argument so they move the goalposts or simply screech autistically
Like clockwork.

Never noticed it that much. Perks aren't in crazy high demand unless you're >low int so nabbing Jury Rigging is ezpz, and then you can repair pretty much fluidly providing there's human enemies around. In a worst case you can acquire weapons on site and repair them thusly.

This was far worse in 3 where we didn't get Jury Rigging but it's gone in 4 other than on Power Armor, which gets durability because it fucking yeets the difficulty out the window.
>no fall damage and your falls stagger enemies

Also you can be sure that they would be agreeing with OP had he refered to Fallout 3 instead. But fanboys read their favorite game's name and immediately go into damage control mode.

The single thing FO4 got right was returning PA to the top of armor hierarchy.

how is it any more tedious than healing yourself?

Healing can be done in real time, only way to do real time weapon repairing is with WRK, but these weight 1 each, repair too little for the stat investment and require hunting down materials, which aren't as plentiful in merchants as they should be. I wonder why no mod ever tried to solve the misc stock problem.

You don't get a game over screen if your weapon breaks.
The stakes are different but you knew that.

I liked how in STALKER when your rifle was low in condition it would jam, making you have to clear the stoppage.

It's also bugged to oblivion in vanilla, holy shit.

>Using a weapon repair kit on any weapon with a durability mod installed (such as a .357 Magnum revolver with an HD cylinder) will cause the weapon's health to decrease. This is caused by a specific function (SetWeaponHealthPerc) not properly accounting for modified weapon health. [verified]
>Using a kit to repair a weapon with a duplicate in your inventory may cause that weapon to become invisible and temporarily hidden in the inventory list, especially when it becomes fully repaired. Dropping all instances of that object will cause the invisible items to reappear. This does not require weapon repair kits to happen, and is more common in full condition apparel.[verified]


That actually makes sense.
Item degradation does not.

The item did degrade however. You could either get a 'new' rifle or use a weapon repair kit (might have been modded tho).

The clearing the jam being the downside part makes sense.

>weapon jamming good
>Item degradation bad
You're aware that your weapon jams in NV/F3 if you allow your weapon to degrade to a certain point right?

Humorous seeing all the people trying to claim that making a game easier doesn't make it easier.

3D Fallout was never hard.

I assume the only game design reason is so there is another gold sink in the game, to reduce the player having more gold than things to buy.

I find it entirely ignorable, it doesn't detract or add to the gameplay experience.

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Tedium and immersion/world building/lore consistency are often the same thing user. I can understand why you may not personally like it, but you should be able to understand why some developers put these things in. Simplest example is the long spacing of respawn points in Dark Souls. Sure, it's tedious when you die but it also makes every encounter more intense and every victory more savoured.

>Tedium and immersion/world building/lore consistency are often the same thing user.
Most guns in NV were manufactured post-war by the Gunrunners, this mechanic was nothing but a carryover from FO3.

When repair kits are plentiful and instant this falls apart completely as a mechanic. I like the intent though I guess