Why do you faggots virtue signal so hard for a game you will never play?
Why do you faggots virtue signal so hard for a game you will never play?
Other urls found in this thread:
>All the arena shooters are garbage, so nobody plays them
>wtf what do you mean you won't play garbage games just because there are no other options
So fucking glad this fat pretentious bandwagoning piece of milquetoast shite is dead and gone. We can only hope karma kicks us all in the ass like it did John Bain.
>All the arena shooters are garbage, so nobody plays them
You're wrong. Most of the arena shooters on Steam have good reviews so far. No one plays them for some odd reason.
I do play Quake. Q3A, QL, and occasionally QC if I want to be mad at developer incompetence. I play at least 3 times a week.
TotalBiscuit was a fat with bad opinions, a loud mouth, and a terrible fanbase.
Yeah one of the several people in the hundreds across the globe actually playing them.
I don't know about any modern arena shooters besides quake champions, but I miss the days of dedicated servers. I don't really play competitively so having a full server playing CTF or whatever game mode was super fun compared to just 4v4.
do you think the new ones they'd make would automatically be better, or something? what kind of dick logic is that
maybe you should fix the problems by leading the way yourself, if you think you know what's good
Quake 3 and UT2k4 still exist. You can play those
Why do retarded discord tranny faggots think they can speak on behalf of others?
And if Xonotic, Warsow, and those UT clones are so good then why don't you stfu and go play that shit?
A proper sequel made by a real team of devs would literally offer much better content than that putrid indie shit mentioned by the ass cancer guy. Why would hundreds thousands of people skip much better vidya that is released every year any of that shit? Are you mentally ill or something?
Just to prove a point for the discord tranny? Surely, I am playing the same game until I get a deadly ass cancer and die of old age. That's totally not retarded.
Arena shooters, like RTS games, are stick in permanent nostalgia hell where people jerk off the old ones from the late 90s/early 00s to the point where literally any deviation whatsoever is considered an objective flaw.
that's his point, everyone "likes" them for sick gamer cred but dont actually play them
>get a deadly ass cancer and die of old age
>A proper sequel made by a real team of devs would literally offer much better content
yes and the stars will align and so will the planets and jesus will make an appearance and the tooth fairy is real and santa claus DOES exist
man you seem to have all this idealistic pipedream bullshit of highly improbable events in your head, so you really are an ideas guy
no wonder you haven't started anything on your own yet, you're a faggot ass motherfucking son of a transvestite bitch whose only "talent" is being full of dreams, passion and ideas
ok !
Thought this was a TB thread where we obsess over that retarded piece of obese shit.
Literally mentally ill.
>Why do retarded discord tranny faggots think they can speak on behalf of others?
Speaking of behalf of others? The facts are right in front of you retard. All of these very well made arena shooters made by developers of today no one is playing. Just look at the Steam store and the positive reviews and the current playerbase.
says the guy born from mentally ill parents
hey have you hired anyone to do all the work for you while you just tell them what you want yet
I like to play both sides of all conflicts for my amusement. I don't care about anything. I hold no strong beliefs or opinions on anything in life.
>A proper sequel made by a real team of devs would literally offer much better content
Like Quake Champions? Even though the game plays fine and is actually quite fun but you're not playing that one?
AFPS has no actual fanbase outside of a small bunch of dedicated players. Most of the AFPS "fanbase" on Yea Forums are just a bunch of LARPers going on about the "good old hardcore days".
no you see it's actually better than all other FPS games that came after it because you move really fast. Can you move fast in those other games? No? Then they're worse than quake. I measure how much skill a game takes based on whether or not I need to remember the spawn timers for the armor pack and lightning gun and can use my muscle memory trained cromagnon fingers to Bhop my way around these brown hallways with the perfect timing to build up a giant stack of resources so that I can get sick frags for my montage. That's skill baby. Obsessive memorization, mastering wonky movement mechanics and fraggin' n00bs. Just like I was doing 22 years ago, yessir, it doesn't get better than this.
As if he would know
anything with a movement system dies. casuals simply cant handle it, and it does not translate well to a controller.
fuck this thread I didnt get any (You)
Well made your ass. I don't fucking touch any of these celshaded indie shit, I have standards, and if you like trash that's your fucking problem, you can enjoy your empty lobbies by yourself. And if I wanted an arena fix, I'd just play a bit of Quake Live like any sane normal human being because that is the best deal there is.
Now those troll joke meme games made by retarded shill devs aside. I asked people I had Overquake Champions with "why did you quit?", and they all gave me similar answers "Oh that game is a buggy mess", and I couldn't blame them. The state of that game was deplorable. Those devs really deserve to get fucked. The genre is awesome but these games don't deserve anyones time, I am not playing this shit. You are free to help fund or make 99999 Quake clones that look and play worse than the original thing though.
Fuck yourself, fucking negative IQ shit. I am literally saying that I don't want the game made by one guy, so what are you even trying to bark? Literally kill yourself piece of shit.
Utter piece of shit. No one wants to play that garbage. Enjoy your shitty game.
>Like Quake Champions?
Haha, good one.
>Fuck yourself, fucking negative IQ shit. I am literally saying that I don't want the game made by one guy
then assemble of team of who you think is competent
hi please don't be mad
>Well made your ass. I don't fucking touch any of these celshaded indie shit
There hasn't been any cel-shaded arena shooters. Are you retarded?
>you can enjoy your empty lobbies by yourself. And if I wanted an arena fix, I'd just play a bit of Quake Live like any sane normal human being
You're proving my point. But you don't play arena shooters. Stop LARPing and virtue signaling.
What would a new arena shooter that isn't just a copy of UT or Quake, but is as good or better than those games, look like? How would you get people to play it? Who would make it? Why would they make it?
>There hasn't been any cel-shaded arena shooters. Are you retarded?
You literally are fucking retarded when it is on the OPs, on the pic I uploaded, and I was merely implying that these games are made cheap, I wasn't making a point about celshaded graphics.
>You're proving my point. But you don't play arena shooters. Stop LARPing and virtue signaling.
No I am not proving your retarded point. I said I am not playing any of the shitty garbage on OPs, and that I am not obliged to the original Quake till I die because a discord tranny such as yourself said that I should do it.
That print of the fat retard is irrelevant. I am not a game dev, it isn't on me to release a buggy piece of shit and then harass people into playing it. That's Bethesdas problem, they have a great IP and can't use it because they are retarded. You implying that I don't enjoy the genre, and that you supposedly know better than me literally doesn't matter, you're a waste of air.
This video triggers QC shills btw.
The game isn't dead idiot
One of the few times he's written a wall of text and been 100% correct
>make shitty indie quake clones again and again
>people don't buy them, but keep making the same shit
How about you make a non-shit non-quake clone that doesn't have a shoestring budget and is made by amateurs.
>that's his point, everyone "likes" them for sick gamer cred but dont actually play them
I love arena shooters, but not shitty Quake clones.
It's like you people think that Quake was the only style of arena shooter.
>lead dev says the game is basically content complete
Let's see how long it's "alive" shall we.
No arena shooters are alive right now lol
Why is Total Biscuit so dead?
>make bad post
Lmao god is based.
cause he sat on some tranny dick and contracted ass cancer
it is a blessing
i called his death 1 week before it happened. good fun
People don't actually want an old-school arena shooter, they want an arena shooter that feels like those old school arena shooters did back then. They want the same kind of feelings through a modern lens.
It's like how people say they want a game like Ocarina of Time, they don't actually want Twilight Princess, they want what Ocarina meant back in 98.
He was never wrong about anything while the people who hated him are still wrong about everything.
>People don't actually want an old-school arena shooter, they want an arena shooter that feels like those old school arena shooters did back then.
Look another LARPer who's proving my point. They don't give a fuck about arena shooter gameplay they just want to relive 1998 for some odd reason.
Lol I will never take Yea Forums's LARP serious. None of them are good at multiplayer games.
I'm going to bet my money that Wacraft 3 remastered will be a huge success. So there may be a small hope for rts
>None of them are good at games.
What kind of fucking unit of time is a napja.
and what the fuck does kevesbb mean? What fucking language is this.
Diabotical might be sweet though.
Fuck off with your shilling. It's going to be dead like the rest of the arena shooters.
>A proper sequel made by a real team of devs would literally offer
why would anyone invest in making a "proper" arena FPS if every single attempt in the last 13 years failed miserably
>nostalgiabait will sell
that's his point man
Hey I noticed you had an extra s on the end of a word there.
Halo 3
Why would anyone play any of your supposedly "proper" arena FPS games if every single one of those games are indie trash devoid of any content
Hi 2gd
>they just want to relive 1998.
and what makes you think I'm defending any of those games? just stating facts, there's no logical reason for a big company to invest in your dead genre
>None of them play games anymore.
Might be sweet tho, you never know.
>they just want to relive 1998
at this point, who doesn't?
get cancer and die
Doom Eternal but faster
Even if its a huge success no one will play competitive online mode.
People will run through singleplayer once, or play custom maps.
The actual multiplayer won't get revived, bet on it.
Yeah for the wrong fucking reasons. You want to relive 1998 or want to play an arena shooter?
whatever happened to that guy? he hasn't uploaded in forever
fuck arena shooters, I want to go back to a simpler time
>shitty indie games that no one even heard of are the genre itself guys
those games don't even exist kys
how do you manage to follow his shitty channel and miss that he died of literal ass cancer
I started playing QW and AG but I'm really bad :^(
I'll have a better chance to play one than he does.
What does virtual signal mean?
>n-no those games don't count
if they count then go play that shit yourself you lunatic
if you like anything on then play it yourself, no one cares
Ok then so what are the problems with these games?
Yugoslavs I guess.