*ruins your meta*
*ruins your meta*
I haven't played OW in like a year, is Mei finally OP?
Mei isn't meta.
Was she ever not? Maybe I only played against shitters but I would dunk on everyone with Mei.
>Muh meta
And your autism literally ruined the game
>is Mei finally OP?
Yes, she is a 100% lock-in pick in all Overwatch League matches, which makes it extremely boring to watch because of the sheer volume of anti-fun walls.
You only played against shitters. She became pretty bad overtime outside her ult.
Has 2/2/2 been instituted yet?
How are the former defense heroes holding up now with the forced 2 of every role mechanic? Soldier is a must pick on every team so that only leaves one other dps pick, so what would be the point in picking Mei Torb or Bastion when you can pick a better damage dealer?
Anyone else find it incredible that something so high in grief-potential like Mei's wall managed to survive a AAA game dev's (particularly one obsessed with making their game user friendly) testing period?
Mei's actually considered really good right now. I think you're overrating high dps.
its in the PTR, soon to main servers
Sorry, wrong pic
I love my wife Mei!
I don't care. I just want my face in between those fat asscheeks.
Sorry I haven’t played Overwatch in over a year, Mei and Zarya were my most played heroes
t. brainlet
I wanna MARRY Tracer!
Is Brigitte STILL bullshit?
It's been like a fucking year.
Same but also IMPREGNATE her after marriage!
you make it sound like she's the only 100% lock in pick
the only other characters that get picked are widow and the hamster
Overwatch needs a twink hero that is completely hetero and totally not gay.
Brigitte's getting a rebalance to make her less of a self sustaining tank and more of a healer.
t. someone who hasn't been watching. Zenyatta, Anna, Moira, Baptiste and Mercy still all get picked on support. McCree, Reaper, Hanzo and Widow rotate on the non-Mei DPS pick.
The fundamental problem with Mei is that she is boring and slows the pace of the game down. Her walls block way more damage than any barriers do, and almost completely neutralize the effectiveness of high skill ceiling characters.
I was going to post in this thread but it looks like I already did.