Pretend you’re in high school and on the day of the big exam some nerdy goth kid decides to shoot up the place. Assuming you survive, what vidya do you play once you get home?
Pretend you’re in high school and on the day of the big exam some nerdy goth kid decides to shoot up the place...
I live in Iceland so I don’t have to imagine being in a 3rd world shithole like America.
I go home and jack off
so essentially a regular day at burger school but with a big exam?
None. It would open my eyes to the fact that video games cause school shootings and would get rid of all my vidya.
every country besides america is a third world shithole
>3rd world
>fell for the propaganda
Enjoy your dictatorship.
>tfw texan
Kind of want to move into Iceland for a while, but too lazy to learn the language.
>too lazy to learn english
>there’s no ice
Fucking fake and gay
Based and redpilled
I'm sure it's possible with just english, but eh I hate people who move into countries and can't even bother to learn few words. Worked at somewhere briefly. Then some middle-east refugees come there. They don't speak finnish, not even english. fuck that shit.
Good on you user for having the decency to want to know a country's native tongue if you're gonna move there.
so, you're playing russian roulette?
God id hope they shoot me
Go home and play call of duty and tell everyone over mic while I kill them about what happened
America is far from 1st world country for a long time. Look up Japan or Switzerland to get the definition of a 1st world. America is just the same as Russia or China but in a "different" way, you all have degeneracy destroying your country and polluting other countries in the process just in a different form.
I dunno, something chill? I mean I would want to relax after having shot up the school.
all of the music levels in rayman legends
Imagine living in a "country" of 300,000-something whose government decides what you can and can't name your baby and has a meme "Pirate Party" that's actually electorally viable. Meme joke country.
Lmfao based retard not understanding the concept of “1st world”