It's up nepu
Other urls found in this thread:
angry nep noises
Wait a minute...
Holy FUCK I want to ram rom and ram
Does this mean Nintendo is also aware of Bowsette's and Booette's existence?
also post more rom and ram
Someone needs to make a gif of Ram dancing in the OVA
IT'S TIME TO FEAST! I'm gonna watch this then play a Nep game. Probably RB2 since I've already played RB1.
>usual place only has raw or spic subs
Finally, I was getting really worried
>OVA ends using the "That's Cool" line
>Except Zurui doesn't fucking mean "That"s cool" it means something more along the lines of "cunning"
So was Sega's japanese version of the "It's cool" line zurui in japan or is this just a case of shit subs?
anyone got the image that everyone has a sister except vert?
they're probably keep the subs in-line with the games' translations by making up whatever they feel like
Are the games good?
VII is decent, I recommend newcomers start there since it's the most polished of the mainline games
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh you're not supposed to listen to the jap voices tho????????????????? If you actually knew jap you'd play them with japanese text....
They have adopted a "no comment" stance.
daily reminder that faggot Doerr who was responsible for those shitty localizations got fired and his kickstarter project failed
You can start from re:birth 1. Those are cool little games.
It's ok Vert will finally have a sister soon.
Literal who
no seriously I have no recollection of this character at all
all I know is they changed her name but kept the pun/meaning
Didn't she appear once in the anime only?
Depends. A lot of fans seem to hate the actual gameplay, but I enjoyed the games a lot, both the VN sections and the gameplay. Their biggest problem is they're kinda repetitive and grindy.
I also like a lot of popular JRPG franchises like FF, Valkyrie Profile, Shadow Hearts, EO. If you are curious.
yeah, that's the scene
Neptunia is without exaggeration, one of the worst RPG I have ever played
I've played worse
mystery quest is awesome though
it's comfy
I used to go into nep threads just to shit on the series and its fans but later became a huge fan and bought an unhealthy amount of nep figures
Im more impressed to the fact that they're up to date with their memes
It's one the first RPG I played when I was a kid so I can't hate it. I was kinda surprised when I realized most people shit on it desu.
I see the subtitles are about as good as the actual game translations.
>Xbox handheld rumored
>Vert will finally have a little sister
best timeline
leanchad hour is coming
>almost a decade old
>up to date
They're simplistic RPGs. Streamlined and fast, though, which makes them pretty playable for me.
The ARPG spinoffs(Blanc and Action Unleashed) are irredeemable.
jesus christ IFI
If vert wasn't a dirty fujo she would be my favorite desu
The way players move in this game is really fucking obnoxious. They are slow as fuck but have instantaneous acceleration, deceleration, and direction change. The result is that AOE spam is the primary method of damage because nothing else is effective.
If Xbox has a handheld then finally my mind comes to dawn, then i going to play microsoft games.
Gimme the worst game in this series so I can start with that
I've been tempted for a while to get into this series cause I love characters like Neptune and don't wanna
The first neptunia game which ironically has the best story, until VII since it isn't as memey as 2 or 3
Rebirth 1 changes some things
Vert is my favourite because she's a dirty fujo imouto worshipper.
>having difficulty restraining his creative instincts
noire's game or the nep RPG
if you're only counting mainline idk. maybe original HDN or mk2. none of the others really stand out as worse than the rest
If the original has a good story then I'm gonna like it. From that pic I should start with a spinoff. Which one is the worst?
you really want to start with the worst game?
well the timeline splits
The first game was originally disconnected from the rest of the series until super neptunia rpg came out which is a sequel to it
Noire's game is generally considered the worst spinoff
Cyberneptunia is regarded as the best spinoff
Just start with the first game (Re;Birth1). It will be easier for you if you start liking it from the beginning
I keep trying to use Warechu, but it's complete bullshit how Compa can lock you down the whole fight.
I really hate the art style of the anime
Fuck my life, all of nep games have a great story
gonna need a link lads
I wish she didn't age up in her transformation. I know that's the joke, but imagine how much better it would be if Purple Heart was a loli with GIANT tits.
I'm not a lolicon but I would _____ the ____ out of rom and ram
what are they fighting against? heterosexuality?
what the fuck is that loner so smug about
Where did you get this image of my wife?
nep nep
she's incredible
cute nepgear
Still waiting on that gif
Imagine playing a JRPG released in 2014 that didn't let you heal using your character's healing spells from the menu, only items. They are shockingly bad but they can be kind of charming. People say V-II is good, but I think that's some kind of Stockholm Syndrome, because I also 100%ed the game and I still think it's terrible. And yeah, that did include the fucking trading cards or whatever.
>all these jaggity-ass screenshots
is the translated encoding shit or are you using an ass media player, user
Guess I'll start with the Noire one then. I heard a few things about Producing Perfection but don't think I'm getting a Vita only for that.
The thing is I don't want to like the series.
>tfw probably barely any nep doujins or zero nep doujins this comiket
So is this still a thing somewhere or are they late to the party?
I am literally going to marry Uni!
Start drawing
>dumb frogposter who begged mods to ban the mean pictures is surprised that the rest of the world didn't follow his autistic whims
>she sees you're penis
made for robo-cocks only
Are they going to make Blanc and the twins represent the Switch collectively now that the DS line is dead?
The joycons are already the right colors.
Made for me!
I can't help but feel like i'm missing some context here, i was genuinely asking that question
Why did they nerf Compa's Compa's?
animation costs money and longer pen strokes aren't efficient
jesus christ
check /nepgen/
RB1 is not the beginning. In fact, it changes up so many elements from the original that you might as well not call it a remake at all. Maybe a re-imagining.
The original PS3 game is the best for getting acquainted with the main four goddesses. With the exception of Vert who gets utterly flanderized later on, the further entries all build upon their characters as established in that game.
However, that game's ending didn't leave any room for sequels, and therefor it has no actual connections to them aside from featuring the goddesses. The actual starting point if you care about continuity is Mk2/Re;Birth2. Then Victory/Re;Birth3, and finally VII before you're caught up. Spin-offs are mostly non-canon, though 4GO might take place after VII. Nothing's confirmed.
which one is ram?
long hair or short hair?
nepus are for anal
Redditors think meme are some survival of the fittest and are obessed with being the center of attention.
The moment Bowesette, which is a natural meme, unlike a forced one like pepe, got popular, pepe fags aka redditors shitposted and mass reported bowesette threads.
Neps are happy they got 1 final blip of existence before vanishing from everyone's collective consciousness forever.
The Yea Forums thread archived in like 10 posts
>The Yea Forums thread archived in like 10 posts
not surprising, I made a few threads over there back when the OVA was announced and they barely got 30 posts, would've made my thread there today but i didn't feel like it
gotta keep this thread and also my silent hill thread on Yea Forums alive
New mainline game when?
Why is there no thread on Yea Forums? Seems like a better place to discuss this ova.
If you like bare bones gameplay, recycled assets from games 2 generations prior and treading through the same dungeon under a new name, then yes?
hopefully 2020
>playing through Super Neptunia RPG
>a bit repetitive and grindy but so are all the other ones
>really enjoying it
Why do people hate this game? The story and dialogue are fun plus the way the characters emote during dialogue is really cute.
Because they're normalfags who only play games with marketing campaigns on TV.
What if they made a Nep game with proper multiplayer?
I think people hate it cause its kinda buggy but personally i liked it even though the antagonist kinda sucked
I used to hate it too but then i bought the first game on sale on the ps3 and fell in love. Considering the fact that is one of the worst games in the series and a complete slog that is saying something. From afar the series looks like pure fucking trash but once you get into it things go quite well. I think its a game that will mostly only appeal to otaku though. Cant really see normies enjoying something where they dont get half the reference s though.
I still haven't played neptunia rpg though mostly because it was done by fucking Canadian s
nep rpg still has the charm the other games have even though its a western made game
>uzume and adult neptune will be conveniently traveling away from planeptune during the next main game's events
>plutia and peashy won't even exist
Producing production is easily the laziest and lowest quality game they've ever produced.
You can finish the game in 20 minutes, but they expect a ton of run throughs for dwindling returns.
>nep in peach beach splash doesn't have destructible clothes
what a shame
I've heard nothing but horrible things from people who've played it and i've seen one user say he literally beat most of the game on auto and only died a couple times, but just fixed his equipment and kept going.
Also heard the antagonist sucked and the Neps weren't neppy enough.
It's the best game so far and I'd happily let the west handle the series
>Enviroments that pop out and don't look bland and lifeless
>ZERO asset recycling from Agarest and Cross Edge
>Character designs are great
>Writing hasn't been Doeerd
4GO now that was overrated trash.
I lost interest when I heard that its development was outsourced to some no name Canadian studio.
I dunno not saying ill never play it but kinda feel like I should wait for a sale on that one. Its always hard to gauge the quality of these games because normie reviewers are never going to give the series a fair shake.
It just reminds me of how Dead Rising was out sourced to a Canadian studio and how garbage dead rising 4 ended up being. Im talking completely irredeemable shit heap here. Or how awful Bioware is in general. Anyway Japs needs to not be out sourcing these type of niche otaku games especially to western studios.
>Why do people hate this game?
You didn't get it Day 1 in Japan. That's why you don't know.
That thing was broken BADLY on release. It had far too many issues in the gameplay department and even the menus not having cursor memory making organising party layout an absolute cunt. Then there's the fast forward bug, issues with battles in general being poorly optimized.
The end result was basically
>Everything CH and Tsunako were responsible for was god damn beautiful
>Everything the leafs did was fucking trash
Canada was a mistake
Actually yeah, that sums it up better than I did.
Im playing that Seven Pirates game from compile heart and it has the same type of magic system and no skills outside of battle. It seems like a purposeful design choice in battle systems where you gain your mana ONLY in battles. Dont ask me why but thats the common link
4GO has never been called all that great. I've always heard it as "they tried," and the advice for online play is to skip it.
The designs are amazing though. I love them so much, but they weren't used to their full potential. Maybe that should have been the outsourced game. Western-made medieval fantasy moe doesn't sound bad at all.
>Give it to a western dev
Nah, just give it to Aquria, they can use Hollow Realization's gameplay as a basis for it.
I know it's a thing to hate the open world thing these days, but I'd love an open-world Nep game. The design of the four countries, Leanbox and Planeptune especially, would be beautiful to look at and be a part of.
as if any nip dev would pour millions into that kind of project
it's always low budget shit with them, botw is an exception since it's fucking nintendo
>Purple Heart was a loli with GIANT tits.
That's hot
I love Neptune!
I don't even hate it, but, disregarding the more objective, technical aspects that bring it down, my intangible personal problem is that it doesn't look and feel like Neptunia and by that I mean it isn't blatantly artificial and videogamey, which is unique to Neptunia's identity. It could be just another fantasy RPG game, but it features the dressings of Neptunia characters and game centered conflict instead. You could say it's kinda the opposite of the cold and mechanical way Neptune went HDD in the first game. I know it's unfair, but it's what I feel. I can't really put it into words.
>it's still up
"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
Never. Spinoffs forever.
What's this?
I'm thinking autism
The new game only truly became appalling when I learned you can't switch the lead character to Noire.
I wonder why they made it that way. CH has shown her naked in every game. Maybe Takaki cucked himself.
Noire, stop posting.
But I do, several times a day.
I like this card though
post card please
>Vert will never ever have a sibling
they can actually base a new mainline game about Vert getting a sibling
one koikatsu nep card coming right up
>Three nep figures releasing october
Also preorder white heart's figure!
okay but where is it?
I love these girls!
>david production made 75 episodes of a mediocre monster hunter anime with bad CG
bet they made decent money off of it too
just a friendly reminder: nep is NOT cute
Good, I hope he ends up homeless and forced to suck dicks to survive but ultimately just die of hypothermia one winter night.
You're right
We know, she's sexy
which three? I don't keep up much
they're all small nep figures
one got delayed, the other two were planned to release october anyways, check myfigurecollection
unrelated the proplica duel disk releases october too
Neppy's tummy gives me life.
Nep is only allowed to be nude in her own game.
Cumming inside Neps tummy and getting her pregnant!
Does it have any peepee enlarging moments?
Yeah. All the scenes with Rom and Ram in them.
Nep Yea Forums threads are always great, ALWAYS.
and dead
god damn it I just finished fapping
to twins?
Don’t jinx it.
Ram is fucking ugly. Kill her off already.
Eat my dick, CH. Go gacha a gun and shoot yourself with it.
thanks for the (You) faggot
I would rather play Vanrir
date a nep
i wanna marry arfoire!
Black nails are fucking nasty
Astonishingly good tastes.
Why did they give Ram and Rom big tits for fuck sake?
It's cute. They're all small and perky and plump
At least they fixed her design by making her flat in PBS.
>loving big tits
You call that big? Not even a handful
They're adult-sized tits the same size as Nepgear, that's big on the body of kids.
What the hell were these transformation sequences, and when will we get them for the rest of the cast?
The dress is pushing them up and they look bigger
Originally they should have none, so pushing them won't make them bigger. Unless they're transformed in which case they have small boobs, but even then I doubt it'd been possible to look that big even by pushing them up. What a stupid decision baka.
Blanc? More like Bland
Based and Noirepilled.
Not so fast.
I want to suck on those mosquito bites
Very Bland
Do you guys think Noire will become the antagonist in the next mainline game? Hopefully they kill her off too.
Nepgear is so fine.
CH refuses to bring it outside Japan like NepNepConnect so fuck them.
So it's canon
>when the shameless self-insert remains the best girl
When is Iris Heart coming back in a mainline game?
>tfw bought Neptunia themed surprise bag at con
/vg/ general said its okay to walk around with such pins at public but I still feel embarrassed.
The OVA looks like it was produced by Queen Bee.
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to lick Rom and Ram.
>neps are Diavolo
Lol I'm losing my shit.
So I watched it. What was the purpose of the OVA? To remind people that Nep franchise exists?
and to appease big Nep lovers
Yes since Compile Heart can't be assed to do a proper full season or make a mainline game.
Where is the ova? I don't see it up on AB
they're doing strike witches now too
which is better anyways
Its up on nya
No one will give a shit what your pins are unless you have googlies on said pins. Then they'll think you're a nut case.
Strike Witches was fun but some aspects of the show dragged it down. Only ever watched S1.
IF truly is best. Chuuni IF in Sega Hard Girls is best IF.
Some """sources""" tell me Compile is trying to make Iris Heart less important to the story due to some backlash to V/Re;Birth 3.
What backlash?
if its a western reason they don't care
hiya, nut case
Some fans didn't like how Iris Heart shat on old characters like Nepgear.
Some Jap fans said so. But this is just hearsay.