There is literally nothing wrong with Epic Games, Tencent, or China

There is literally nothing wrong with Epic Games, Tencent, or China

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Ching ching nip nong no (You) for you


They had one chance with me and they blew it
Never fucking again

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dogs are the niggers of pets

well epic is american, tencent south african and chinks are chinks and btw gayben is a subhuman

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Who the fuck doesn't have a knife in their shitty ass car? What a faggot, this kind of inaction should put people in jail.

this, chinese are based

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well tencent is literally based (owned by south africans) compared to government owned bugmen like perfect world (the husband of steam)

Epic is a shit engine, and only recently became good because of more general use engines and the trend of every western game being f/tps finally starting to die.
Tencent is a branch of the chinese government and has been illegally acquiring rights to western tech intellectual properties which cannot be sold to china by law through shell companies because china is very quickly going to hit a brick wall with the pollution of their country from all the manufacturing ability they stole from the rest of the planet making the country totally uninhabitable.
And they're behind some kikery that'd would make natsocs cream themselves.
Any more questions

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Yeah don't try to gaslight me about china's bullshit. You know it, I know it, fuck off.

You obviously don't know what that word means

what a fucking genius we have here

I do shithead.

Why are Steam drones so cringe?

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what the fuck are you even talking about

OP has a point. Even if China spyed on us, what would the chinese do with our info? Would they send us Alibaba ads based on our preferences? Jesús Christ, the Steam community is like a lot of hysterical grannies when Epic and China are discussed.

But can epic save pc players?

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>I do
>Used it incorrectly when he wasn't being gaslighted
(X) doubt

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Steam doesn't pay people to drop other platforms for them. It's 80% too lazy to sell anywhere else, 20% too kike to sell without prohibitively restrictive software.

>what is unreal engine?

>I'm perfectly ok with the Chinese government installing spyware on my computer and harvesting my personal data because I don't know what they use it for.

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God I hate insects

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Epicchad literally eating steamdrone, absolutely based

>low-effort shit like OP's post is all it takes to get (You)s these days

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>taking on 3 rabid dogs with a knife
You'd be body #2.

Did you know that the jannies will ban you if you post the Greater Incantation of Chankoro Banishment? It's true!

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No, it's not ok that China wants to extradite people from Hong Kong back to the mainland.

>Epic is a engine
Why are steam drones sub 80iq


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