When is ign gonna fire this slag, she is so damn annoying

When is ign gonna fire this slag, she is so damn annoying.

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chicken legs


i wanna lick her feet so much

She’s the host for igns “daily fix”

While we're at, tell GB to get rid of this slag too

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i hate women so much and i hate the fact that i'm attracted to them

What is she showing off exactly ?

>actually giving a shit about any vidya MSM in 2019

It would be better if they just didn't have brains. Just walking bodies with the sole function of taking dick for breeding

does she have a weener?

Don't worry just keep masturbating. By the time you're 30 your sex drive would have exhausted itself and you will stop caring about them altogether.

you can find brainless bimbos to fuck anons

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Is that the one who wanted Square Enix to reveal that Lara Croft was a lesbian at E3?

She always does that pose everyday and uploads it on snapchat



>brainless bimbos
That's why I'm working hard in uni atm.
Don't have the Chad looks, but with enough money I'll just find some poor dumb one to milk my cock for life. With a prenup of course


I hope she meets a better fate than the sausage girl

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Women have 10 good years.

When she stops fucking who ever is writing her paycheck

You act as if firing only one vapid cunty diversity hire would turn IGN into something other than a glorified blog for dipshits.

You people are seriously deluded. Did Mommy not hug you enough as a kid?
Either go pay a prostitute or unironically kill yourselves.

t. haven't had sex in 10 years but don't care

Kike bitch

wouldnt hate her if she didnt insert a stupid fucking meme video after every single line she says

Women are lucky cuck laws exist in this era...
Times were much better in the golden era

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30 yo here unfortunately this is not true, my sex drive is as high as ever and I need to jack at least once a day all that's changed is my dick wears out more easily so it gets sore, and that could be because of my meds

Age is no freedom from the thot

You're lucky the gubment pays your neetbucks. Back in the golden era we would've let your ass starve

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You're being a little generous
I see 28 year old women and they look like they're in their 40s.
Now if I see a girl around my height with boobs who doesn't dress like a skank I think it could at least be an adult.
but it isn't

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>Zoomet magtow

Who the fuck cares about IGN?

post moar of this cumdumpster

I would've just robbed women to survive.
For their possessions and their holes

who's the demonic entity of male ejaculate?

Your dick hurts because youre circumcised. You should look into restoring

15 years ago you would be fired for doing this

She's married and her husband gets to tap that all the time. yes she seems annoying but lucky man

Go to /fit/, you'll turn into a faggot eventually.

>lips look perfectly fine
Why do they always do this

>her husband gets to tap that all the time

Want to know how I can tell you aren't married?

does you wife hold out on you regularly or what?

Sounds like you're not redpilled enough then

Absolutely based