You see this hot blonde adventurer make her way through your dungeon.
What do you do?
You see this hot blonde adventurer make her way through your dungeon
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Wake-up Dragon Punch.
Solves ALL my problems!
lol no way fag
Spam rape attacks until she gets a ton of LP and kills me
Ask her what she wants
Hope she has a penis.
I roll to rape
Throw myself into a panic mental state as she lewdly approaches me.
Where is this game located nowadays. I want to check for updates, and it's no longer on itch.
Wait, this is Yea Forums, not /tg/
You sure about that?
kill her because escort missions are cancer
She has a vagina in the game. Why is everyone saying she’s a guy?
create 5 aryan children with her
>he doesn't know
>implying you or anyone alive is white.
Tell me. Please. I’ve been lurking on /aco/ for years and no one has told me this fucking joke. Explain. Now. Please.
not a chance fancypants
Lure her into a trap and watch every monster in the dungeon cum inside of her until she breaks
What game is this
Lewdest Dungeon
Fall on top of her in a clumsy but lewd manner, feeling up her chest, only to immediately jump off and apologize profusely.
Set up extra fetish traps to render her incapable of resistance, shit like enhance bust, embiggen ass, thicken, and greater arousal debuffs should do the trick.
for people asking what game this is
Marry her and then have sex with her forever!
>my dungeon
Why the fuck do adventurers keep coming into my dungeon? You would think the keep out sign and numerous traps would be enough. No, now I need to hire skeletons and slimes to help. Greedy little shits charge me too much. I need to continue my research and they keep breaking and taking my shit. The grand wizards are going to pull my funding at this rate. How do I keep them out?
>Some of the best fights are vs foes who will debuff and status you in some manner
>Forgo all of that for raw DPS races for the second half
>Random thot wandering into MY dungeon
Send in the skeletons
I've actually never played this game. Sad.
Why don't you just hire them to guard the dungeon for you?
Generous of you but having to register is lame
There used to be a free demo up towards the dragon boss befor ethey added in all of the different clothing types. Honestly speaking that demo had more fun content right there, then the rest of the game post production would add. Unless you're REALLY into stucking her into a maid outfit, the combat was a lot better when foes would do things like hypno, or bubble, or slime you up shfiting your stats around and forced you to readapt. The bosses where all DPS races with nothing sexy going on, and while was a small challenge to swap between heavy debuff/buff gameplay towards just raw 'nuke it till it dies' within the same action roles, it wasn't very engaging. But it's boss fights, so it's whatever. But then it's like the rest of the game became more or less that with every fight as foes stop using erotic attacks to slog you down and make you adapt, but just to deal static health and lewd damage and nothing more. It got hyper dull at that point.
Gods answer.
SO about how far into the demo does it get before it hits the point of turning shit?
>make jackoff game
>art is half-assed trash
Why the fuck even bother.
Demo covers like the first 2 floor types
(Stone and Ice)
It's like...10 floors or so?
it's the best at that stage for sure.
Main game's like 30 floors, and by floor 15 it's clear the game's just ran out of steam and should have ended a while back because while the floor designs and trap designs differ, nothing new's done, and it's just DPS races.
Do the slime, bubble, hypno, and other shit change the character portrait at all or they basically just debuffs?
latter, though they have of course battle animations.
He was at first -GOING- to do status images for all of them, but then making new outfits became higher focus, and then with those made all he could balance the game around was just sheer damage output.
Games with visuals for status debuffs are rare and few. It really should be a more common thing but fucking hell just getting people to do things like floating status icons seems to be begging for too much at times.
That's a shame. Fighting while it's clear she's struggling potentially to fight off being hypnotized would have been neat and hot.
Give me an answer right now or the cat gets it.
I'm blacklisted from the guild for "attacking an adventurer". I only threw a lightning bolt in self-defense. Besides it was only meant to paralyze them, I didn't realize they were that weak.
Rape her then rape her parents and then her siblings, pets ,neighbors etc until there's nothing left for I have no choice but to rape for this is the destiny given unto me by the cruel and inhospitable god we call fate