For me it's still Menat

For me it's still Menat

Attached: menut.png (1280x1294, 752K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She looks like bootleg Eliza
At least that means she also looks like she fucks white guys

i remember this thread from yesterday
should we post more delicious brown?

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What do these posts mean? Gamerbrain?

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Me too.

Attached: menute.png (458x373, 251K)

Triple yikes

Attached: 5ca.png (680x341, 168K)

>that face
Holy kek

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this an image from 2001? why is the res so small?

Yes. Too bad I don't like Menat's playstyle too much.

Attached: Tired 2P.jpg (1820x1023, 345K)

did she died?

it unironically turns me on


It's never too late, brain can repair itself.

No, she shits everywhere though.

i say the same about SC6
2B looks crazy but since i have so much time as geralt i dont even want to learn a new person

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Don't pretend that this is a matter you care about
This is just another insult you can throw around to feel better about yourself
Now fuck off

what is that "for me" autistic zoomer meme about

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I love my wife Menat!

Honestly haven't even tried him and I've had the game since release.

Attached: 2P a cute.jpg (1024x1000, 108K)

For me it's Ram

Attached: 57592526_p0.png (2381x1339, 2.64M)

McChicken, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Mick-chick-en: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Mick. Chick. En. It was Mick, plain Mick, in the morning, sitting two buns and one chicken patty in wrapping. It was Mickey on the dollar menu. It was Chickums in the cashier's hands. It was Mickens Gallus gallus domesticus on the dotted line. But in my mouth it was always McChicken.

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LMAOOOOOO always nice to see Redditors assblasted XD

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Id like to burst her bubble hehe.. If you know what I mean.


she cute

Attached: tied_thursday___menat_by_zelgadisgw_dd0x2kw-400t.jpg (243x400, 12K)

Welcome to Yea Forums

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yeah i decided to play him right off the bat since the anti soul charge stuff sounded cool
one of these days ill get around to playing someone else
not that im any good at geralt anyways

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Not true. I previous use was 'For me it's Menat" but stince this one is a new thead, I added 'For me it is STILL Menat"

Attached: menat.webm (940x450, 724K)

non has a weird but cute face

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sauce before tranny janny kills the thread

we need more egyptian priestesses in games

Attached: 1522607230598.jpg (855x1200, 222K)


Yea, some flat ones with a big butt and hips that juts out the tunic


Attached: 1522568341816.jpg (1500x1800, 1.11M)

boobs too big.

Summoning user who suggested Menat brainwashing someone to become her slave. I need your WEBMs.

for me, it's kolin

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I checked her twitter today and man I want to die. I'll never have her. Never fucking ever this isn't even possible in any way. Just fucking end me bros.

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I'm always stuck on Amy since she came now. Trying to decide if I want Cassandra though.

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why does a secretary dress like this?

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Where the fuck am I going to get new Non galleries now that sadpanda is kill, bros?

It's back, nigga.

Attached: 3rcZI0HeyHI.jpg (718x1080, 181K)

Happy day Sad Panda is not kill

>sadpanda is kill

Attached: Cat.jpg (1080x1920, 1.53M)

I can't read that shit you retarded faggot.

holy fuck thats wild

i played against someone as cassandra the day she came out and he was unstoppable
stil fun though

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Attached: ofuck.jpg (500x258, 44K)

It's back, my man.

Attached: ESDD7DyOgM8.jpg (718x1080, 202K)

post full

what are fighting games without boners?

its back

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Non is my CUTE wife! I love her and she loves me!

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Tranny memes fucking suck

I gave the artist.

She's CUTE

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that lady is too damn cute

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I got a decent amount of hatemail with Amy on release. People just have to learn the matchup eventually.

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yeah she was a monster on release
took me a while to figure her out

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So what happened, is the original host calming down?

Also someone post THAT ass shaking gif

Brown women are for white husbands

they moved the server to moldova
why he was being such a bitch is unknown
apparently his wrist hurt too much

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>Sheva will never come back

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sheva was too pure for this world

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oh fuuuuuuuccckkkk

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Set is your sweet angel

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bout to dl that one real quick

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Nadia needs a hug

Attached: Pussy playing with herself.gif (500x396, 934K)

Built for BWC

/ck/ meme. Part of a copypasta.

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>I'll never have her. Never fucking ever this isn't even possible in any way
You know she sells her "services" right?

Thank you

Attached: 2P arse.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

Yeah, that time she 'was' selling her services in USA for bitcoin? That was a fake

Use Booru Slideshow like a white man

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not worth, disappointing


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I fucking love brown girls my dudes.

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For me its fucking OP gamers who just post their shitty waifu instead of videogames on a videogame board when they could just spam a variety of the porn boards instead but their little gamer is too small to realize.


Wrong artist though.

Colour 2 is better.


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At least it is game related unlike shitload of off topic and bait threads.

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I want to get back into SFV but even with the deal the characters are fucking expensive. I never should have bought the first release.

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Literally who the fuck is eliza?

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An old ass evil lady with a parasite

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Attached: Darli Dagger.webm (600x548, 2.86M)

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New sets soon

Attached: Darli Dagger3.webm (414x468, 2.18M)

Black skin with gold jewelry is the best combination

Attached: Darli Dagger4.webm (800x450, 2.88M)

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he he he... funnee face

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jesus i really want the pc version to come out and hopefully not die in a week

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This is the best news I've heard all week.

Attached: excitement.png (700x719, 637K)

best pic in the thread

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I wish I was her


>You know she sells her "services" right?
What services are you referring to? She doesn't do porn, nudes or get paid to gave sex with anyone.

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>sadpanda is back xd
I cant acess it what the fuck happened?

I don't get it, Menat is a woman. And who uses "gamer" like that in such a detached and derisive manner? You sound like some douchey out of touch writer for some place like Polygon and the other clone online tabloid rags like it.

Attached: Josie.jpg (800x1131, 154K)


He's one of those retards that actually thinks she lives in LA and prostitutes herself for bit coins because someone set up a website in her name

God Josie is perfect.

Attached: josie best girl.jpg (1920x1080, 1.88M)

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I'm aware he's an idiot, I just wanted to see what kind of dumb response he'd try to come up with.

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my man

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Nice forced meme, newfag

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Attached: Kitty Cat.jpg (850x650, 286K)

This game looks amazing. Is the first image from the actual screen?

First image is from her Story Mode. Samurai Shodown is the game.

Attached: Pussy Cat.jpg (2893x4092, 2.11M)

That art is so much better than anything in SFV. Wish they had done something more in this style.

I wanna lick that tummy
And then immediately regret it because that oil probably tastes bad

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why does every fighting game that went from 2d to 3d look fucking disgusting?

Wait a minute

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Attached: Sugar.jpg (720x1096, 54K)

It's not too late to stop, user

Attached: Pussy.jpg (700x525, 353K)

too bad she looks batshit crazy

also i want a brown Jill gf

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>self harm scars
God damn it she was almost perfect

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That's quite a batshit crazy thing to say.

any fgc places in NJ besides smash stuff? Please dont say nyc.

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true, though they let you know its not photoshopped or at least.

They don't have anything at all?

Attached: Smug Fortune.jpg (744x1052, 128K)

>tfw her ending is literally raping a man


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Reminder that Non is a sex worker


>nipple piercings poking through
Muh dick


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How was it fake when it was on her official site?

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Don't have any, sorry.

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Tans are hilarious to me. Light skin people giving themselves cancer.

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This VN was such a disappointment.

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who's blue outalined one in the middle?

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Alice from Kyokugen

Attached: Pajama Cat.jpg (1065x1937, 345K)

thank you very much. absolutely love blue eyeliner

Attached: 300885.jpg (225x350, 37K)

No problem

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if it gay to detach your own head and give yourself a blowjob?

Technically masturbation, right?

Attached: Nadia Fortune.jpg (744x1052, 160K)

Attached: Miss Fortune.jpg (1041x1334, 234K)

Gamer retards white knighting for an online hooker lmao

Egyptian themed girls are the hottest, prove my penis wrong

Does anyone still play Skull Girls? Aren't the devs working on a sequel?

Some still play on PC and I wish they were working on a sequel. The rights are all fucked up.

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>The rights are all fucked up.
Because of zero lab severing ties with konami?

At least you had an ex user

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Pretty much. LZ got fucked over.

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does anyone have animation of her walk?

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she looks like chick from Prince of Persia 2008

>PoP 2008
Forgot about that game

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For me, it's Rashid

Attached: rashbro.png (760x417, 404K)

Why couldn't Shaheen be cool like Rashid?

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brown elves are unfair to my penis

Attached: Fat Win.png (227x348, 143K)

Menat? More like ME NUT HAHAHA. Get it Yea Forumsros??

Menat? More like muh wife haha can you imagine lol waking up every morning and gazing into her eyes as she smiles at you haha

astoundingly homosexual

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