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mikan a cute

Based jannies dabbing on them Mikancucks

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But why though?

Her freakout freaked me out the most. Close second was watching the Case 5 cutscene late at night.

Insane sluts don't deserve threads

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danganronpa is such an embarassing franchise

She's a really deep character and we need to talk about it

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Not video games.

Best girl!!!

Just make a thread in a few hours, Mikanbro. The jannies are working for their pay right now.

>muh despair lmao

No she's not.

Mikanbros... ASSEMBLE!!!!

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I love it when characters drop the persona and reveal their true nature, any other games (other than Ace Attorney) with this cliche?

doesn't make your thread any higher quality than the average "thing a good, thing b bad" thread, console war thread, or gurgling wojak shitpost

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Zero Escape series

I want to get really deep into Mikan's ass

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Better post that source, my dude.



I don't know

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>no discussion of videogames, only pictures of 2d anime girls

Mikan is not a slut!

Attached: Mikan_Tsumiki_Halfbody_Sprite_%2811%29.png (256x247, 88K)

She's had sex with thousands

2-5 was easily the most terrifying cutscene in the whole series, 3-5 a close second

Ehime mikans are the best in the world
Feel the mikans in your body
Some handle mikans without respect
If you do that to a mikan, you should die

Attached: Mikan_Tsumiki_Fullbody_Sprite_(10).png (383x887, 227K)

3-5? Why?


I want to impregnate so much

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Typical anime-brain posts. Nothing of value, not a single mention of videogames. Pathetic really!

Get fucked, waifufag

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Ibooky is better

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I like Ibuki but I have no Ibuki images

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I thought the GIANT pool of blood coming from a body turned to mush from an industrial crusher was pretty surprising and made me uneasy from the sudden influx of gore out of nowhere


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this pic is all you need

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Komaru Naegi loves her brother Makoto

>first time playing DR2 I focused on Ibuki’s FTE’s because I somehow liked her the most
I don’t know what was wrong with me back then, I guess I had a thing for goth/scene looking girls.

I just started UDG and it doesn't seem as bad as I've heard it made out to be

Did you play Ultra Despair Girls? I ask because that game had literal piles of human bodies and children playing with corpses, which is probably more fucked up than anything the three mainline games brought to the table. Not to mention the child rape subplots and whatnot.

Though I guess things are softened somewhat by having the dead adults in that game just be faceless blue and pink people.

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UDG is great story wise. The gameplay is just kinda lame

That's a good sister.

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Same here. I was so disappointed I was glad she died

I'm currently playing through it right now. It doesn't get talked about much spoiler wise in these threads so I'm giving it a go. I'm aware that there's some pedo shit later and I'm excited to become disgusted


People really played that game?

But tripfriend you don't understand...
Komaru loves her brother.. A lot... Like.. Maybe too much!

Have fun. Things really start kicking into high gear from Chapter 3 on. Also, remember "gentle".

Not only did I play it, I played it multiple times, and it's my favorite in the series. I understand if you want to take pictures, since you probably just spotted somebody about as rare as a Yeti or something like that.

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Even better.

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I mean played the game too until you meet Fukawa and lost all interest.
I played all the other games and watch the anime tho.
is there anything relevant in the game?

I want to rim Mikan's butthole!

Attached: mikass.png (416x1080, 388K)

Yes, it's my favorite game in the franchise actually
You better not talk shit about Toki, nigger

Not really, I guess. It only gets brought up again in DR3, where Monaca is involved and there's a whole episode dedicated to Komaru, Toko and Monaca doing their thing, but in the bigger picture, it wasn't really worked into the greater storyline, which is a shame, given that the ending had a ton of potential to take the story to a much different level.

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It's the opposite!

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THIS. But only after we get into a loving and long term relationship

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Of course

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Unlike her past sex partners, who got to do it almost immediately


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Yes, because i will be her LIFE partner

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But she'll still sucking and fucking hundreds if not thousands of others

I was pretty spooked out by Mikans case honestly.

I'd be real surprised if it doesn't get a new game in some form. The IP is still getting popular.

No, that's wrong

No one’s going to want her on Jabberwock anyways.

>traumatic child rape
>followed by Kotoko exposing her panties as a gag and being forcibly stripped by Genocider also as a gag

Not after she see everything i do for her.

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Umm, no? we're going to be married. She won't need anyone else. I'll support and protect her

That art style is such shit and you faggots always spam it. Eat shit and die.

What probably makes it a bit extra spooky is that her breakdown is the first real glimpse into there being something really wrong with the group of characters that we don't really know anything about.

I feel like Danganronpa without its main artist, main musician and main writer would just be a shallow imitation. I'd rather they try and do something similar but distinct.

The joys of Ultra Despair Girls, the game where you break your neck from the tonal whiplash.

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Posting wholesome Mikanstory

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Monokuma is going to be the last character for Smash Brothers

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Dont be mean

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Cute! Thanks, friend

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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>I feel like Danganronpa without its main artist, main musician and main writer would just be a shallow imitation. I'd rather they try and do something similar but distinct.
It'd take a pretty big hit to the style, but they could repackage it as a reboot.

Shush she's sleeping right now!

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Didn't DR's lead artist and composer leave with him?

They could make a reboot, and if they went that route, they'd probably have to make it a reboot to cash in on name recognition value, but it seems like it would be a better opportunity to do something that could've been done for a while - dig out the old DISTRUST design docs and resources and make that. Maybe give it a different name to distance it a bit more from the series, and obviously remove the characters that were clearly reused in DR1 (like Leon), and I think we could have a real winner on our hands then.

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>Asshole dick face lemon is the only one who doesn't try to vote you to be executed in trial 5
It's actually insane


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>That will never be you

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Yeah. I actually think that losing Takada is the worst thing of the three. Kodaka can probably be replaced by sufficient amounts of drugs, but the music was really good and played a big part in making the experience so entertaining, and I don't think they can just have somebody else go all "just make something like this" and have it work.

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I actually think Byakuya was a total bro. He helps you with the investigations, offers you a great job and says he won't back down even if it was just a joke, tells you to go see him if something goes wrong after you escape, etc. The chapter 2 stuff was the only "evil" thing he does and it wasnt even that bad

Lemonman was pretty based. He took the killing game situation with a completely straight face and only lost it when he was wrong about Hina's murder attempt and when Makoto was voted guilty. He and Kyoko were great counterparts

Right next to me

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I’m happy Sonia got a thread yesterday

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Best girl in 2D and 3D

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Sonia a second best. I would make her the crazy aunt of daughter/son i would have with Mikan

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It's normal that I like angry Mikan than normal Mikan?

I didn't realize Takada left, that really might be the biggest loss. I think it could survive a writing and art direction change, but that music was uniquely great and would be hard to replace.

I don't care much about Sonia herself, but her duo with Gundam was great and really cute

More normal than not liking any Mikan

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Well, she isn't even my favorite, it was Kyoko on 1 and Peko on 2 but Mikan's angry face has something that make me like her

Sorry I don't like mentally damaged hoes who smell like cum

Mikan is Mikan. You should love every version because they both influence each other. She wouldn't have so much pent-up anger if she wasnt shy all the time to begin with. At least that's how I see it. I feel the same way with Toko and Jack

I think the original concept of the mastermind being different each playthrough might be interesting. Maybe pair it down to 3-4 possibilities and have several different outcomes of each chapter and trial, even if its a minor change (Like if X is the mastermind, then Y and Z could be the killers of chapter 2 and have some minor changes in clues and dialog, etc).

Peko was my second favorite and I was sad when I got cucked at the end of her free time

Kyoko is top tier and my favorite dangan before DR2 was ported to PC. Peko is the scatman choice though

Here is a (You)

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Ok, but who is worst girl?

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Has this concept been executed well before? I'm trying to think of something, and all I'm coming up with is Ripper, the Christopher Walken simulator FMV game that approached that idea as "most clues are painfully generic, in the endgame you start stumbling across clues that blatantly point towards one of the four potential killers", which was supreme trash. But I guess that was just a product of the time - that game was already ambitious as shit, with an all-star actor cast and spanning over like five CDs or even more. Adding proper multiple endings would've just made everything explode and lead to a twelve CD game or something. But yeah, not sure if anybody has done this in recent days.

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Let me consult my list. Apparently it's Hiyoko, with DR3 Chiaki in second place and Tsumugi in third.

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Ibuki. No.memes. Cope ibukilosers

Mikan is my wife seriously, what the fuck is happening?

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Now someone post her fat ass

To kill millions.. Wait.

Betalosers jannies want let our angel to have a thread

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Jannies hate video games

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I want all jannies to fucking die

>Here is a (You)



God I love my wife. She's so hot

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I'm so happy you decided to invite me for a date!
So... where shall we go tonight?

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To my bedroom so we can make love while I squell like a pig in heat.

We are taking you to the fanciest restaurant to celebrate our 3rd year of marriage

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If you love her so much, why did her thread die?


I wish I could break the screen and hold her hand, bros

>visual novel
>video game

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Why wouldn't visual novels be video games?

To the local history and science museum before going to a nice restaurant. And do the simple act of sharing dessert, which almost guarantees a second date.

Give me some Himiko pictures

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I can't carry a thread by myself

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Is it worth buying the whole Danganronpa series for sixteen bucks on Steam now that it's on sale?

Now i am sad.

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same reason why people call ps4 games movies
not enough GAMEplay

She's a bimbo!

Oh yeah, they’re a steal at that price.

Sure, it's pretty fun

>Is it worth buying the whole Danganronpa series for sixteen bucks on Steam now that it's on sale?
Fuck yes

Assuming you haven't had the games spoiled for you, certainly. If you like phoenix wright, the cases are fun and the games have some fantastic characters.

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Even if you've been spoiled they're good games. Seeing how the twists pan out is great.

t. got spoiled on basically every big twist in V3 and enjoyed it anyway

I hate the uniforms from DR3, they're so fucking ugly

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bad taste

Perfect for Mikan!

Weak! Your love is weak I say!

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Fuck off Hiyoko

Don't try me, my slut is better than yours

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Alright, enough's enough

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What's with Yea Forums and being attracted to sluts?

she's not wearing panties

Yea Forums is an embarrassing place. It checks out.

I knew about the 4th wall shit when starting v3 but I still liked the fact that the characters all wanted to be part of the game. That aspect was a decent twist at least

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>I somehow liked her the most
I'm sorry to hear that.

Miu is a virgin who acts like a slut
Mikan is a slut who acts like a virgin

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I want Mikan to give me a nursing handjob!

Mikan has a better ass than that!

based seesaw man posting the facts

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I mean... you aren't wrong.

and the award for saddest thread goes to...
all of (You)

The lack of Mikan makes me the saddest user in a of Yea Forums

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Agree. We should all fix this problem together by posting more Mikan.

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God Himiko is so cute, I love this small mage

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I will never stop loving her

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The other 3 threads getting nuked turned me off from posting more Mikan

Hope you liked my posts

You're wife a slut! SLUT!

Can't believe this tard ended up surviving. Although I guess no one will ever be as bad as weedman.

Hopefully with Monomi/Monokubs alts

>hating Himiko

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Most useless character in V3, I thought she would die early on

>Coping Ibukifag

So did 98% of Japan


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Dont say that about my wife. I will love her exactly the same even if she had a dick. I just cant help falling in love with her

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Why do you love such a slut?

>I will love her exactly the same even if she had a dick
I have read that doujinshi and can confirm I would too



Not him, but if you really want to know
I was bullied too. I have social anxiety too. And I also developed a heavy mosochism fetish due to this. She feels like a human I can actually understand. But that's just me, some people probably like her just because she's hot

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Talk about the games then.
DanganRonpa threads have gone the way of Neptunia threads, just shitty image dumps.
Kodaka is a hack and is literally JK Rowling tier when it comes to writing.

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Just replayed DR1, and it was great. Would recommend.

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please go outside for the love of god

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UDG is completely built around using tonal dissonance and hard shifts between black humor and serious shit to keep you uncomfortable and off-balance, especially in Chapter 3.
I see tumblr retards accuse Kodaka of being a pedo or making light of child sexual abuse because of UDG's shenanigans and have never been more amazed at people's illiteracy.

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Doesn’t stop all of you from jerking off V3’s ending

JK Rowling never wrote anything half as good as 2-5 or 1-2
Kodaka is the Ultimate Hack because he's capable of writing master-class storylines and just absolutely awful shit in the same goddamn game.

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Fuck I still remember hating DR2's ending. Top game all the way until it dropped the ball.

Danganronpa as a series is great...until you start trying to tie the overarching plot threads together, then it's fucking shit.

How? The entire game is disjointed and awkward, so if you liked that I dunno how some surprise Junko upsets you. Unless you're one of those retards who think "It was all a simulation so it didn't matter."


>tfw everyone is wrong

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>Incredibly fucking unbearable in every chapter up until her death
>Only likable in her events really

They definitely dropped the fucking ball with her. Hers is one of those deaths where you try to feel bad, but goddamn man. ALL FOR THE SEESAW TRICK

Redpill me in dunkinronpaul.

Is any version censored?

Is there any prep material?

reminder that DR2 is the real brainlet filter in the series

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Ibukifags truly are mindbroken

Yes, all three games are heavily remade into a sort of memetic dogshit pile in general dialogue, but they at least have the decency not to touch the events, and I don't really know of any glaring examples of shit localization changing the entire feel of a scene.
Except for in SDR2, where Mikan has all sorts of lewd shots that are censored for no reason when there's nothing but panty shots beneath each image they use to censor.
There's no prep material. There's only really additional material. Playing them from 1 to 2 and V3 is recommended but 1 and 2 are pretty self contained so start with either.

no? but NISA's script is kind of jank
>prep material
play DR1 -> [read DR0] -> play DR2 -> [play Ultra Despair Girls] -> [watch DR3 if you think you've been enjoying things too much and want to stop] -> play V3

>1 and 2 are pretty self contained so start with either.
don't listen to this idiot

Attached: rebuttal showdown.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

Cool thinking of using my Vita I'll try it.

Don't listen to this idiot he's an idiot.

Also cool, go for it. Though, I think the PS4 version has some bonus content for the first game, so you might wanna go for that.

>1 and 2 are pretty self contained so start with either.
Don't listen to this
Start with 1
they are absolutely tied together

Nah, I'm cool with the simulation. It's just that the entire last chapter is nothing but a slogfest infodump. Like 1 did that too, but it was a lot more interactive and engaging.

>remade into a sort of memetic dogshit pile in general dialogue
No, no, that's the original script too

>but 1 and 2 are pretty self contained so start with either.
Why the hell would you do this? Most of the best moments in DR2 rides off DR1

I want to get into the series, should i get the despair girls bundle and then buy later V3 or should i go whit the trilogy bundle?

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Buy Despair Girls. V3 is a new thing that's not really related with the main games

>V3 is a new thing that's not really related with the main games
It's the 3rd mainline installment and the conclusion of the previous 2 games you absolute moron

DR2 is built beat for beat around your expectations from playing DR1 from the very beginning, going into it first would be a totally different and worse experience.
All of the rereleases of DR1 have the bonus content, including the PC and Vita versions.

V3 would probably be more expensive than UDG to buy when it's not on sale, and it's a totally different style than the other games. It's a great story but you probably wouldn't get a lot out of it if you didn't come out of DR1 and DR2 fully invested in the series (and if play those and are, you can justify buying it separately) while V3 is a sort of soft reboot of the concept so you could still enjoy that if you liked the first two games fundamentals more than their executions.

Attached: you've got that wrong.gif (500x281, 999K)

Imagine being retarded and starting a three game story based series with the second one

>the conclusion of the previous 2 games you absolute moron
How? It was promoted as a new thing from the start. It doesn't even take place in the same universe

Why are you making this argument if you haven't seen V3's ending?
Alternately, how could you be so illiterate to have actually played V3 and still act like people don't need to play the rest of the series before they go into it? What value would anyone who wasn't already familiar with the series find in the ending?

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Here's a picture of Mikan with her husband.

Attached: 1474744683078.jpg (500x492, 67K)

They'd actually make a pretty great couple.

Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: 21.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Name a more touching love story.

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Ehh, no, that's not what I meant. You need to play the previous games to understand it, but the main plot ends with UDG. V3 is kinda like an extra. Playing UDG after V3's twist wouldnt feel the same.


Attached: MEAT.png (1280x720, 760K)

>Meat on the bone
>On the bone meat

I'm glad you have taste, user.

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alright, despair girls bundle then, thanks anons.

Am I autistic or something? Cause I got it right the first time and didn't know why everyone has a hard time with it

Can you tell me if I would like V3? I liked the DR1 anime and the DR2 game a lot. I really disliked DR3. I think it's nonsensical Brainwashing with regular screens is laughable. It would have been better not to explain how Junko ended the world and it contradicts itself and also DR1+DR2.
>while V3 is a sort of soft reboot of the concept
Does this mean DR3 is luckily not canon in V3?

I never heard "Meat on the bone" before. Then again, I'm an ESL

V3 is alternate universe from the Hope's Peak stuff.

It's nowhere near as bad as How about beating her with gravel instead?

Nobody likes DR3
Most people think V3 is the best in the series. I prefer DR2 but it's definitely good, at the very least the gameplay is objectively best by far.

>DR3 is luckily not canon in V3
Eh, kinda. It only appears in the game's trailer, but nothing that happens there is mentioned in the actual game. You can like V3 without liking DR3, I mean who the fuck likes DR3 anyway

Which game do I start with for Danganropa?

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>Most people think V3 is the best in the series
Why do you lie like this

The first one, trigger happy havoc

Trigger Happy Havoc

The first one?

rosemary is that you?

But that's obviously the popular opinion. Even here, contrarian central, I'm sure it's at least half.

Attached: liar.png (1280x720, 1.08M)

first one, second one, Ultra Despar Girls, and then V3. The DR3 anime can be skipped, but if you wanna watch it, do it right before V3.

Go home, 30 year old Kokichi.

>Japanese fan popularity rankings of V3 characters

Are they right?

Attached: V3rankings.png (792x2035, 1.68M)

As someone who loves V3, the opinion of V3 is generally pretty low, even on Yea Forums.

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damn the japs fucking hate mugi

>not-Nagito that high

Kokichi is fucking shit. Any list that has him that high has to be wrong.

I like Tsumugi but I know I am an extreme outlier in that regard. I also like Himiko so whatever.

The good taste begins and ends with Shuichi

Nah. Sorry, user, I'm not even a girl.

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Why the fuck is the main character always in the first place in these things?

The Japanese have basic bitch tastes when it comes to fictional characters. They love the most boring and bland thing you can put out.

>Why is the main character likable?

Attached: Chiaki think.png (282x308, 26K)

>that high
ah fuck off

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Who doesn't? No idea why anyone thought having the most one-note and dry character be the mastermind would be a good idea.

He might have had the least character of all chapter 1 kills. He's hot but was that really enough to place him that high?

How is he hot, he looks like a lettuce with piercings

Not him but
>Rich boy's kid
>Socially competent and not at all awkward
>le mysterious
He's walking otome bait.

>try to make a kamina
>he ends up widely disliked

>socially competent and not at all awkward
f-fuck you

Kaito was fucking retarded. I don't get it either.

girl addicted kumbrains

It never could've worked. Kamina was a blowhard who backed his shit up at least and inspired through action. Kaito just talked big while letting everyone else do the work. Then shows he's a giant hypocrite in trial 4. Doesn't help that the Maki relationship was maximum cringe.

>not near the bottom with Tsumugi
>Kaito that low
>Seesaw man that low

Shuichi is actually the first main character to get first place. Naegi loses to Togami and Ishimaru in the first game's poll, and Hinata loses to Chiaki and Komaeda in the second game's poll.

Attached: DR anime poll.jpg (407x576, 124K)

Love love

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I misplaced Naegi and Ishimaru's placement, so he actually got second but my point still stands.

Love isn't for you, Mikan. Now get back on your hands and knees.

I love my wife!

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It says Naegi is number 2 but
>above fucking Kyoko
not bottom

How does Japan function?


I'm pretty sure in the v3 artbook Kodaka mentions that he is supposed to be based on Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho. Which is an even worse comparison because he is nothing like Kuwabara.

Kuwabara is way cooler than Kaito.

Kaito is honestly kind of shit and deserves to end up with Kokichi. Maki and Shuichi can be the basis for a lot of cute stories together. And Rantaro cucking Shuichi with Kaede is worth it for the memes alone.

That's...I don't believe Kodaka there for a second.

>Kaito is honestly kind of shit and deserves to end up with Kokichi.
Pairing shit is dumb, but I'd be okay with this. Kaito and Kokichi were the actual rivals of V3. Makes more sense than the fujos shoving the little shit onto Shuichi as if they had any meaningful interactions.


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>Kaito is honestly kind of shit and deserves to end up with Kokichi
They are both males, retard

And they're both homos. What's your point?

It might be due to cultural differences but the japanese fanbase always liked Ishimaru. He usually gets more merchandising when featuring the DR1 cast, even fan service scenes, and he got a lot of love in the anime adaptation. And they might not have liked Kirigiri as much because they saw through her gigantic plot armor, which frankly always made her character kinda boring.

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Why yes I would like to kiss Mikan.

Baconfags on suicide watch

>e due to cultural differences but the japanese fanbase always liked Ishimaru. He usually gets more merchandising when featuring the DR1 cast, even fan service scenes, and he got a lot of love in the anime adaptation.
This. Ishimaru's literally a traditionally old-fashioned Japanese student with admirable political aims. He's made for cultural appeal, even if he himself isn't all that great. (He's decent IMO, the game wasted and rendered him useless)

Ishimaru is a good boy.

Anyone but my Ibuki!

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She's literally the most popular girl

You know her mouth tastes like cocks, right?

>character designed to be unlikable ends up number 4
How did she do it

Okay, so what's the excuse with Leon? He was legitimately the most underutilized and forgettable of the cast.

Nothing wrong with eating poultry, my dude.

what's it like have taste this bad?

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Not him, but git gud and read, user. Kodaka DESIGNED her to be unlikable and was surprised when she wasn't

Miu was literally designed by Kodaka to be unlikable.

He just made her a slut and that made a lot of people like her.

Ask Kodaka lol

No, you don't get it. She was intentionally designed to be a character the audience was supposed to dislike. Kodaka said so himself.

Then he's retarded because he made a character that's not unlikable at all

I honestly don't even know. He didn't even get anywhere near as much promotional anime art, which is when DR1 was at the height of popularity. I could only find 1. Ishimaru for example got at least 9.

I won't be surprised if it's due to seiyuu bias.

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Could be memes. "Aho" was kind of funny and the most memorable execution for the first game. But fuck, if that's all it takes to place at number 6 over far more interesting and substantial cast members, then I question the weight of those ranks in the first place.

I mean, it's a poll for the anime

The game poll is nearly identical. Celes is one or two places different or something. I just use the anime poll because it has an image which is easier to post.

IIRC, game poll had Celeste 9th, Hagakure 8th, Sayaka 7th and Leon 6th as the changes.

Not really getting Leon either, lol. Had no idea the japs liked him so much

She's such a socially retarded, low-brow skank that it's actually kind of endearing. Making her a paper tiger who crumples at the first sign of pushback was also kind of counterproductive to her unlikability factor.

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I want to be Miu's cuck

You want to be her beta boytoy?

>give Byakuya the thong present
>he loves it
well alright


based and NTRpilled

Sounds pretty nice

Which was the lamest execution?


mondo was pretty underwhelming

DR is dead. Nobody cares about it anymore

Mondo butter was hilarious but other than that, yeah. Most underwhelming is objectively Mikan.

Rantaro > Tulpatrash

let's be fair, you won't like her as an actual friend

I'm a native English speaker and I haven't even heard of "Meat on the Bone" before DR2. I kept thinking, "Bone on the Meat," because the skewer was in the bone, which was on the meat (and not *in* the meat, because bone part of the skewer was only on the outside, since it was a fake bone. I kept inputting "Bone on the Meat," thinking I had just input it wrong, but then I got desparate and started doing shit like "ON THE MEAT BONE" and "THE BONE ON MEAT," and other silly shit. As far as I was concerened, the skewer was not hiding using the meat; it was hiding using the bone, because the bone is the thing you wouldn't expect to be suspect.

I always thought Gundam's was really boring and mundane. He just gets tossed aside from one of the bulls instead of full on Lion King trample.

>the opinion of V3 is generally pretty low, even on Yea Forums
where did you even get this
yeah, there are some very loud haters

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Genocide Jack only goes for handsome guys and all she does is fucking murder them

V3 is very well liked on Yea Forums, and most people here call it "Ultimate brainlet filter"
But on other places it's a very divisive game and a lot of DR "fans" hate it
Personally, it's my favorite, with 2 as a close second

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There is a literal prostitute in the Never Ever

Yeah, other than prudes or tumblerinas, I don't get why would people dislike her. He sure didn't make an unlikable character

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that's not a very gentle opinion

You are posting on Yea Forums, anime website

too kyo and spike chunsoft have a working relationship, they'd probably collaborate on it. the real roadblock is that they're busy as hell with years of projects lined up.

>most people here call it "Ultimate brainlet filter"
It's a meme about the ending

Meant to quote

they're getting deleted for being generals outside /vg/

People who hate V3 because of the endings are brainlets, but the game has many other problems besides it. Often cases of poor execution or missed opportunities.

>can't recognize the art style
Lurk an aeon before posting

The students did at least.
She's a cowardly asshole who ended up trying to murder, though the intended victim and her reasoning make her seem sympathetic. She's supposed to emulate the type of character who would be a complete dick to everyone else.

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i got this because i'd seen the memes before playing it but i unga bunga'd the one for 11037 because i had trouble comprehending the pieces

Case 5 is a terrible travesty in itself, but I was fine with the 4 cases before it.

>who the fuck likes DR3 anyway

Miu's fun as fuck to watch but would be fucking insufferable to know. There's a reason the cast hates her.

Not him, but I turned my brain off when the game tried to make us believe that Kokichi 4d chess' so hard he could write up a script predicting everything the other students would say barring references to the falsified Ultimate Despair. It's that kind of contrived bullshit that makes me appreciate the first game not trying so hard.

It's gonna be kino

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I did say case 5 was fucking horrible.
It's to the point I despise Kokichifags on principle.


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3 was way too obvious who did it


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i played the games not long before it aired so i didn't spend years imagining more interesting explanations for things. the only thing i thought was really dumb was the SDR2 cast living and it didn't bother me that much.

Worst girl from any game

I am pleased to be greeted by my wife in this way.

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Get another good Danganronpa thread going tomorrow


>ong before it aired so i didn't spend years imagining more interesting explanations for things
I didn't either, the hell are you talking about?

i heard many people complain that it disappointed them because they imagined more interesting reasons for people becoming despairs than brainwashing

Tried streaming Danganronpa 1. No one came. Then I lost interest since no one wanted to stay and chat with me about it.

I mean, no one expected them to pull this off, everyone expected Junko to break them one by one like she mentioned

What's your Mixer profile bro? I'll tune in

Mikan is infertile.

Duh, she removed her reproductive organs and replaced them with a dead woman's.

I've never played any danganropa games or whatever and I just came here to say this girl looks like best girl material and this picture makes me diamonds.

Jannykuma will execute this thread.

>I'll never play any of the DR games for the first time ever again
This is just like the Ace Attorney curse but even worse because DR cases are even harder for me to forget.

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DR cases and mysteries are mad stupid, though. Why replay any of it?

So you don't know either

I know that feel bro. While I was playing V3 I just stopped and took a moment to savor everything that was going on.

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So how come no one ever notices or points out the fact that this literally contradicts Chiaki's theory of the Grape House and Strawberry House being two halves of the same building?

Attached: handbook not angled at grape door.png (1418x408, 819K)

I don't even remember what the deal with the house was, but doesn't that icon always face the camera? It'd be kinda dumb for them to bring that up when there's some meta stuff in the way.

I love Mikan and Celeste, this will never change

Anyway, what're the DR doujin recommendations?

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The deal was Chiaki said that since the houses keep switching, she thought that the houses were connected by the center room. So Chiaki leaves her handbook in the middle of the room with the Strawberry door and uses the elevator to see if it's still there if they enter the room with the grape door. Yes the icon always just faces you maybe because of the camera and how the funhouse works, but the handbook literally never changed angle at all. The problem is that they don't notice how this proved Chiaki's theory wrong and had to bring this up in the Class Trial to prove that the two houses actually switch places in a circular motion.

>visual novels
>video games
Yeah fuck off nigger

That's just a meta reason that was overlooked then. They only used one icon and the game engine always keeps them consistent. It's not like a 3D model in the environment that can be re-oriented and stuff. The person playing the game isn't going to normally assume that the icon would change in any way, so bringing it up would be kinda weird even if Kodaka did think of that.

Well if you wanna talk meta reasons, there's also Case 1 where Hajime literally investigates what's in front of him in the Storage room but you can't investigate the back for some reason and yet Hajime says he thoroughly checked the storage room.

I mean yeah that's another thing. I guess also because Hajime himself thought he checked thoroughly but of course he didn't actually. It could be that the game didn't allow you to because it's almost like a predetermined choice for Hajime to only check what's in front of him.

Honestly I just don't understand why all the characters are illogical for some reason. Hajime never pieces anything together during the investigation and only does it in class trials. In Chapter 1, Mahiru argues against Hajime that the killer brought night vision goggles because she couldn't think of any way that Byakuya would bring the goggles with him. But the thing about that is that the duralumin case was literally to the right of her in the investigation which was the evidence that proves her wrong, and she was literally in the same room the whole time. Not only that, everyone was literally patted down before entering the body so no one else could even hide the goggles. Mahiru literally drew a whole layout of everyone's location and even every object in the area.

In V3 are you just supposed to just die when Keebo puts you on a timer before he blows up everything? Every time I tried it I always ran out of time before I got done with everything you had to do. I only got through it because it had checkpoints that restored the timer for a great deal.

Is Danganronpa a video game though?

Time goes by when you reinspect things or inspect useless stuff like screens. If you inspect plotrl relevant information it will be fine in one go

I made it to the last room before dying and despairing at the checkpoint so I assume it’s possible

Script error

Yeah when the cult shit started I knew all the good characters were gonna get killed off

Angie, Tenko and Korekyio all in a single case