Speedrunning is for complete autists, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise

>Some guy did a 20+ hour "world record run" of Pokemon Stadium and you can actually see it go from morning to night as the video progresses

Imagine people actually this autistic; and he doesn't even sound excited at the end when he supposedly wins. He really could have done anything with his day, like take out the dog for a walk or go on a date with his gf/wife, but he chose to do this

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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine thinking taking a dog for a walk is more of a achievement than getting a world record and more than 100k views on Youtube.

This shit might be autistic but holy shit you're boring.

Why do you think that’s something to be proud of?

He can now say that he's the best in the world at something. Can you?

Reposting the same thread repeatedly is for autists, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

why do YOU think taking your dog for a walk is something to be proud of?

Imagine the smell

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Based Werster

seek help

T.previous world record holder can't cope with their record being broken and shits about it on v

It means you’re responsible and can take care of something not yourself

>doing something literally anyone can do is better than having the world record and being the best at something
enjoy you're (You) and fuck off

Not the other guy but lmao if the only reason you own a pet is to prove that you can adult then your life is more pathetic than that speedrunning autist

Have sex

Because you're spending time with another animal who loves you and depends on your love and trust to make his/her existence better. How retarded are you.

I have the world record in picking my nose and eating the boogers. Explain to me how this will make me a better person or improve my life one iota.

samefag, stop being mad at someone because they're better than you, you chose to have a boring life, don't judge people because they chose not to

This. Are speed runners sociopaths?

Imagine being this autistic over how someone chose to spend 24 hours of their life


Sorry pal, looks like you're wrong again. Thisis me. Not what you posted. looks like this just ain't your lucky day kid. Heh. Nothing personnel. Go outside today.

>admits he's samefagging
Heh, right into my trap. Don't come crying when I'm done with you, kid. Well, if you can still cry, that is.

Do you know what samefagging even is, you unbelievable newfag? Because I'll give you a hint, it isn't what you're describing it as. Want my advice? I'd suggest lurking moar. Try that.

You literally can do anything else with your day besides play video games and it would still be better given your retarded logic. Just because this guy chose to spend 20 hours straight playing instead of sprinkling it all throughout a week doesn't make it any more useless. It's all just entertainment.

Anyway, imagine having to put down other people just to seek validation and justify your own lifestyle. Why don't you go walk your dog instead of posting on Yea Forums, user?

Jobs that hire people like this, Walmart, are usually pity jobs. Automation is slowly sweeping those up, so may as well let them get paid for something they were going to do anyway.

Cry more


>He really could have done anything with his day, like take out the dog for a walk or go on a date with his gf/wife, but he chose to do this
But instead he decided to cement himself in the history of speedruning, something mere mortals such as you proclaimed normalfags will never understand, call it autistic if you want but you just know this type of dedication is not something you can understand, it's a pure art form to perform your best and beat the world record.


There is no history to this shit

>said "fucking niggers" in front of 50000 people at a charity event because someone said they'd donate for it
>"some guy"
I think you mean OUR guy.

I always wondered, did that user that said they'd donate do it? Probably not but man, what a timeless piece of history.


>he chose to do this
He did.
He's fulfilling his purpose.

Whats your purpose? Live and die?
Who gives a fuck
The fact youre bringing him up shows he's had an effect on you at least. Think of all the people he's probably inspired or influenced.

if his purpose is to sit alone in a room and play a 20 year old game alone for 20 hours than that's really sad and not something to be proud of

I fucking love threads like these. It's so cute to watch Yea Forums try to pretend they hate video games and gaming culture. It's honestly adorable.

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literally nobody gives a fuck op, go suck on a fag of dicks

what's sad is you're wasting your self-admitted valuable time on crying online about it

>noucome poster

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I'm on break at work there's nothing significant I can do with my time right now

Werster is currently streaming JP Stadium 2 (1 in NA), is in the last cup of Round 2 and has currently over 1600 viewers who have surely been donating and subscribing to him since he began, I'm pretty sure he's doing way more money in 24 hours than what you can do in a month so I'm sure he doesn't give a flying shit about what a Yea Forums autist thinks about him. Also he's werster, he has always been known for being THE Pokemon speedrunner.

>Season 2 never

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Bestiality is illegal in the first world user. I think you need help.

Of course it's for autists.
It's basically the internet equivalent of a clown/freak show. Entertaining from a distance, but not something you should ever be involved with.
Though I have no idea how people find speedruns of turn-based RPGs appealing.


speedrunning is Autism: the sport, it will only ever be popular among the incels that wouldn't achieve anything else in their lives anyway but still need the validation
its pure degeneracy

For me it's background noise, with occasionally tabbing in for more intense moments, or things where RNG is a bigger factor. The SMT3 speedrun is hilarious because RNG is such a large factor and you can get buttfucked by crits at almost any point in the entire game and just lose it all in serious attempts at a record. I enjoy the more busted runs of games like FF4 and chrono trigger (ff4 die hard % is great. it's basically like a half run because you just warp right to the final battle.) chrono trigger has an extreme RNG manipulation route that lasts from the moment you start the game up until the final battle with lavos where you use a very specific attack order and use order to overflow your damage to lavos and oneshot him. It's absolutely fantastic. But the runs themselves are very bland for most of the runtime, so it's definitely not something to actively watch for hours unless you're autistically interested in the games like I am.

I don't know why anybody puts time into speedrunning, why wouldn't you just put that time into getting good at multiplayer games where you can socialize with other people and have an interesting and diverse game to play rather than autistically memorizing the most optimal route and trying to play as close as you can to a literal robot doing a TAS

>speedrunners raise millions every year for charity

its hardly a joke anymore

go walk your dog though i bet that makes your fat ass feel accomplished

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>b-but we donate to charity!!
doesn't make it any less of a fucking joke though

remember that all your neighbors laugh as you waddle down the street with your chihuahua

do you think your neighbors are more impressed with you staying in your house for 48 hours straight playing a 20 year old game for children?

You're a pathetic waste of air and space. I can't believe someone as delusional as you exists.

I think they'd be more impressed if I was making thousands of dollars streaming a 20 year old game for 48 hours straight than if I walked my dog, yes.

he's 24+ hours into a another run right now

Lotta projection about your own pathetic nature, speedrunner boy

>come on pinkie pie, make poopies!

And he just has to repeat Pika Cup for the fourth time. I swear that cup was the digital incarnation of bullshit. Lv20 Alakazam for fuck's sake.

What happens if I do a world record speedrun and celebrate by taking my dog for a walk

I spent 14 hours watching him, and there's nothin you can do about it

>making thousands of dollars


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Werster is actually pretty based.


are you ignoring the 70 subs ($175 USD just in the last day) and actual hundreds of dollars he's had cheered and donated to him directly? He has a total of over 800 subs anyway. Well over 1000 dollars.

cold take you dog fucker, they don't know the concept and you wire their brain like grooming

Thought that was clannad, the crab with giant testicles.

user, you're this close to go full retard.

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God speed runners are the worst

who would've thought that all you have to do to get Yea Forums to defend speedrunning is make the same fucking thread over and over and over and over again


Yea Forums and /vg/ were literally the premiere spot that speedrunners hung out for a good number of years. Everyone who was relevant in the scene hung out here at some point or another, and many boosted their popularity by shilling here directly. Witwix is probably the best example. He went hard on the shilling on Yea Forums and /vg/ when he speedran boshy, then he stopped playing it after he got popular and moved on to other things. trihex too, shilled here assloads for his "real talk" garbage which used to preface actual speedruns, then slowly turned into the main event, then slowly replaced gaming altogether.

Who the fuck cares? You can do whatever you want with your day. Maybe tomorrow he'll walk a dog or the previous day he got laid. And why are you diminishing gaming on Yea Forums?

Posting the same thread six times is for complete autists; don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

Why don't the mods ban people who do this?

They'd have to ban you


I'm not OP, so no.

He never said thats the only reason. Learn English immigrant.

It's a dog.

Yes you could you quitter, step it up and go read something bitch baby

>playing the same game over and over trying to shave .03 seconds off of your personal best
yep, sounds like autism to me

Dog walking is actually productive and keeps you fit as well as keeps your dog healthy, better than sitting on your fat ass all day building up blood clots while your dog whines to go outside

brb getting world record for lion king snes via remote play while in park simultaneously throwing frisbees to dog


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if enough people care about a record, that record means something no matter how loud you scream about it
this is literally, seriously, sincerely and unironically how shit like paper money works, if enough people play along "it just works"

fuck man that one always hurts. what sort of mother does that to her own son?

I can say I'm the best at being me. That's more value than this fucking retard who thinks he needs to achieve something to maintain his identity

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Remember you're giving away your cuck money to support illegal trafficking

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I know cope gets thrown around nonsensically a lot here, but this is literally coping. A bit of projecting thrown in there too.

At least he's not using 1-3 hours on a daily basis on masturbating. So I'd say he's doing really fucking great.