is miku dead
Is miku dead
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I havent seen a miku Monday thread in two years.
She’s worm food
She has the most votes to perform at the Olympics by far though
vocaloid is forgotten. the new hotness is virtual youtubers.
Who's Miku?
>4 replies and on page 10
rip miku
she wouldn't be dead if she were thicker and with big tits
she's literally getting a new game next year user, and she was one of the top choices in a poll the olympics did for selecting a singer to do the closing ceremony.
vtubers are dead, robot youtubers are the real future
I love miku!
Tbh, I almost exclusively fap to miku and listen to her music, But there isnt much to post about her since all her content is fanmade.
I get off to miku pretty often too, shame though that she doesn't have enough stuff of my fetishes...
She has quite a bit, its just REALLY hard to find, which is why you should save it when you find it.
Fuck you Miku isn't dead.
Utsu-P released a teaser for his new trailer, and there's a fuckton of trending vocaloid artists right now too.
Wowaka's death was a big blow to my heart though.
>go on boorus and look it up
>barely even has a page worth of stuff
Google my friend.
i tried, but google thinks its a different fetish because of part of the name
Spill the beans user, what you after?
She's been dead for a couple years, all the big name artists went professional and no one could fill their void
She's on life support thanks to the concerts
>new game
It's a zero budget and zero effort port with half its content missing. I'd take even a mediocre new game like X over such a lazy cash grab
There are plenty of artists that aren't a big name yet but are quite damn good themselves. I might sound like a hipster faggot but I'm not exactly a fan of all the mainstream miku songs
public use and prostitution
She's only dead in the west, it's a different situation in Japan however, she's pretty much a cultural icon over there.
I told myself I wasn't going to judge you when you posted it but it turns out I lied.
I can't because janny blocked my IP range from posting images
How dare you.
If there's any situation ever in which user's fetishes are a perfect fit, this is it. You can't possibly say these two fetishes don't fit PERFECTLY with Miku as a character. I'm mad about it too, but I have to accept the truth.
And why does she look so damn good in it, too.
If you don't want miku to shrink you down and swallow you you're lying
A lot of the voting on that is for "How big is their legacy" purposes though
There's a bunch of idol franchises and groups on that list that are significantly more popular in 2019 than Miku is but got voted lower because they haven't had as much of an impact
Fuck me, you're right, this hoe gets passed around like a dewbie in Wiliie Nelson's travel bus.
There is some more I know of, but cannot find them right now.
>A lot of the voting on that is for "How big is their legacy" purposes though
if nobody cared about Miku, they wouldn't have voted for her.
>futa and pissing
how much of a degenerate do you think I am? jesus christ user
If they cared about Miku, she wouldn't be as irrelevant in 2019 as she is
Nah, that's not something that really happens.
Miku is dead
long live the new queen Luka
If anything, NicoNico is dead.
These body proportions don't look like futa, user...
sounds like you didn't open the second image, her cock is literally hanging out of her panties
More Calcium!
i haven't fapped to miku in months so yes, she's dead
It's Yukari's turn, starting with her own game
the fuck is this
Pure sex.
Why, it's Calne Ca
Long live Miku二
Think she's a Smash rep?
user how do you even fap to this
i don't even know where to start
That's a male crossdressing as Miku, user. That's what I meant
I dont think anybody faps to Calcium without skin
I'll stick to PVC modeled hair, thank you very much.
Shit. Never post again.
Hey, I love all Calne Ca's, skin donners or not.
>she's literally getting a new game next year user
>switch fags are this desperate
It's FT with half the songs as the PS4 version
Thanks for your consolewar shitpost.
Here's the (You) you ordered.
>banned from posting images only
wat? Why would they do such a thing?
Her games are
user, it's not a new game, it's literally just a port of FT.
it's a port with a better artstyle, meaning it's the better game
But it has half the content
I liked these games. Did they ever get a PC release? Or are they forever doomed to be forgotten on dead consoles?
never got an official release, but I believe there is a fan made version of the game on PC.
gib doll
>everyone is having fun posting cute mikus
>this faggot decides to come in and console war
>less content
>joycons notoriously shit d pad
I doubt it
Yes, she has no way to compete against this.
Pretty sure you can buy it on the internet for $600 + shipping + import taxes
>tfw no spooky miku doll to sit on your desk an make her watch you fap every day
>produce another dedicated mini controller for the switch release
>people buy it to play super mario maker instead
I can already see it.
The controller SEGA is making is meant to replicate the Arcade cabinet so I don't know if you could even play Mario with it
>Listen to a vocaloid song
>Check the lyrics
>50% of the time it's painfully vague nonsense written by some kissless jap virgin going on about love and relationships as if he has any experience what so ever on the subject
>the other 50% is bewildering pseudo-intellectual drivel about "deep" subjects like "death" or "loneliness" that hides the writer's ignorance behind ambiguous phrasing
so, just like every other pop song ever?
What is with the zombie-eyes Miku doll?
user really likes posting his doll.
I also love this doll
I love my wife Hatsune Miku
You seem to like Miku and water user!
>muh filter
it's a port with over half of the content removed
I like water in general, yeah.
Miku is literally all aquatic colours so it makes sense.
Man, I'll never get used to the button prompts
You'll probably be able to change them to the directional arrows at least, but god damn that filter makes miku look greasy.
it's the switch port.
More Miku in clothes like this please, she looks so silky squish
Yeah, the PS symbol buttons are actually a lot better for something like this compared to letters.
stinky feets!
>that shader
wait what
At least the Ys look like negi sticks or something.
it's supposedly on all the PVs in the switch version.
Never post this image again!
>STILL using a fucking cross instead of an actual "X" letter.
Can't make this shit up. You just can't get any fucking lazier than this.
why not?
Whoever designed that telescope should be in prison.
>shilling his less than 2k subs power-ranger girl with autism
Ho ho, oh, dear me. Forgive me Nerevar, but i AM enjoying this
>12 anniversary literally at the end of the month
>Another song announced for Mega39's and FT
Looks alive and well to me. All I want is an official announcement of a physical release
Post songs you would like to have in the Switch game!
never ever tier
>mfw i played all the old PD games with an xbox controller so I'm already used to different button layouts
this song is almost 100% gonna be in because of how much PD loves OSTER project and the fact that this song was written for Miku's anniversary
Except A/B and Y/X are reversed from the Xbox controller so it fucks with your mind unlike when changing between Xbox/PS. As someone who is used to PS prompts and an Xbox controller, playing Mirai on 3DS is fucking impossible. I constantly press wrong buttons. The worst offender is probably the X button. It's blue and in different places on all three platforms.
either that song or this one, either way, I'm predicting one of the anniversary OSTER songs will be put in
it's more the fact that I'm already used to my buttons not lining up with what's on screen, I also played through Yakuza 0 on PC with my Pro Controller so I'm also already used to the differences there too.
>listen to chop suey by system of a down
>check the lyrics
OH NO NO NO user STOP MAKING SENSE, you're ruining my logical fallacy!
I think it's not really about what controller you're using as much as to what prompts you're used. After all you don't look at your pad when playing. The thing with rhythm games is that you don't event think what buttons you're pressing, you see a prompt and your hands do that kinda automatically. I have no problem with Xbox/PS because they use different symbols for the buttons (except the X) but when I'm playing Mirai the prompts are very counter-intuitive for me because it's just a swapped Xbox layout (or rather Xbox has a swapped Nintendo layout).
>shimapan and polka dot
This triggers my autism
More or less than people calling Miku's character item a leek?
teto is the most delicious cake ever made
Shit dude, at least some pop songs bother doing it better. Hell, Panic At The Disco writes good shit.
It's not hard to write good lyrics, but vocaloid shits are all kissless lonely japanese men
I really wanted to buy P+ but I moved and doesn't ship to my location anymore ((((((((((
>barely knows any vocaloid artists
>talks shit about them all
Based Yea Forumsermin user
> doesn't ship to my location anymore
Why not? I live in U.S. and will ship to my address. What, are you living on a submarine in the military right now or something?
military base
which is weird because they shipped to my last one
Ah, alright. Well best of luck to you, hopefully it'll still be in stock when you're in a better position.
>panic at the disco
Opinion has been tossed into the paper shredder and shoved up my ass then I shit it out and flushed it down the toilet.
Luka was a mistake
Buy her new game!
No, she's just been busy eating too many bacon wrapped hot dogs.