Nope. Three Houses may not have “muh 10 amazing Conquest maps that totally redeem Fates” but it’s better overall.
Fuck off.
this, garon can suck a fat one
Fates fucking sucks. Fag.
never, conquest maps are gimmick shit anyway, it also created Camillafags
Nope, Fates is objectively garbage.
You're allowed to like it I guess, but you ARE wrong for doing so
3H's gameplay is trash, so yes I will apologize.
This, nohr felt like a Hanna Barbera kind of childish joke story!
Nohr has
>sexier older bro
>sexier younger bro
>sexier older sister
>cuter younger sister
Awakening is the only good game in the entire series. You objectively can't prove me wrong or right
I liked it a lot. Skipped all the cutscenes because weeb waifu shit is for fags.
I liked Conquest, but everything other than the maps and the characters were hot garbage. And the rest of Fates was terrible.
Awakening and Shadows of Valentia are so great games and then there are Fates.
So boring.
>the only good game in the entire series
Maybe if you eat paste.
And yet, it's better then 3H
the OST and art were both really good
the overall mechanics were the best the series ever had
birthright was fairly average
seething storycucks who can't appreciate top tier gameplay
Three Houses is what Conquest (and fates on a whole) wishes it could be.
That being said, Conquest did have the best maps in the game (along with some of the most infuriating), largely due to them being pretty gimmicky.
But 3H isn't really that terrible, some of the missions are pretty engaging and have solid enough map design
I can
While Awakening did do some interesting things with its character archetypes, it's held back by a game that hasn't figured out how to balance the new support stuff against enemy encounters.
I'd say Path of Radiance and Thracia 776 were better in terms of gameplay as well as story.
Conquest is nice, the other two can fuck off.
>muh story
No FE game has had a good fucking story
yes but overall game was boring thanks to shit plot
>top tier gameplay
>gimmicks and flooding the map with reinforcements every turn
>Three Houses may not have amazing maps
So you admit that the game is shit then. Glad we are in agreement.
What top tier gameplay? A handful of decent maps? Awful unit and weapon balance? Shitty diet mobile game castle home?
>but gimmicks
Gimmicks aren't a bad thing, I have never understood this "complaint". Gimmickless maps are so dry and boring and amount to nothing because there's nothing else that needs to be accounted for.
Half of SoV maps are pretty gimmickless and they're suffering to go through.
how does shit plot make a game "boring"? if the plot is awful that's pretty interesting in and of itself. the most boring possible plot would be the standard guy's a dick, dragons are back, power of friendship schtick
also, the start button exists, bro
Even the characters are iffy
The Nohr royal family + Gunther are some of my favorite characters in the franchise but that doesn't make up for a lot of the lackluster characters like Captain America and Effie and Beruka and Peri.
>warp and berserk cheese
Look who's talkin, grandpa
Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 would like to have a word with you.
Hell, I'd even say PoR and RD are pretty good in terms of writing.
You're absolutely being reductive to stir the pot, but there is a very large grey area between "actual grass field" and "splitting your main character into 3 copies and avoiding engaging the enemy"
3H will never have fans as dedicated as Fates. Fact.
SoV maps are suffering to go through because they come in two flavours
>open field with enemies that rush you rendering most of the map irrelevant
>heavily fortified enemy position with a gorillion snipers that you need to win a stat war against
Gimmicks are what make a Strategy RPG series fun, because it forces you to use your weirdly built RPG characters in interesting ways.
When every map is like a chess-board without many paths or tools to use, it becomes boring because you can run the same tactic over and over again
>Awful unit
Basically every unit in Conquest is usable. A few are strong, yes, but none allow you to thoughtlessly mash the end turn button.
>And weapon balance?
For the first time in series history, javelins and hand axes have an actual drawback. They're still strong as hell, mind, but that renders the game worlds more balanced. After that, boohoo you sink down to forged Steels rather than Silvers in the late game (Iron if you're a huge whiner who threw out 80% of the units Conquest gives you because they're too tanky for you and the speed bonus actually counts). Who gives a shit?
Hidden weapons can basically only be used by noodle-arms Kaze or a Corrin you munchkined before the whole game, and meanwhile make enemies much more interesting to face.
you can't pretend thracia is good anymore after the new translation.
Conquest has the absolute worst story I've ever seen in a video game and I've beaten most of the Tales series
Conquest's maps are overrated as fuck. Not to say there aren't any good ones, but to pretend that a few great maps make up for how horrible literally every other part of the game (save music I guess) is dumb.
I wouldn't even say the good maps make up for the bad ones.
>Jugdral saga
>good story
the new translation is indeed garbage
No. Even the gameplay isn't actually that good. Conquestfags are just pretentious newfags.
Learn to mash START, retard.
Units are usable, yes, but there is a huge, HUGE discrepancy between the royals and everyone else.
Name a genuinely good Conquest map that isn't the Defend chapter.
>no YOUR favorite fire emblem game sucks
I hate this fucking fanbase
fuga's wild ride
Weren't you fags saying moments ago that story doesn't matter anyway
How is that wrong though?
What's a game that you consider to have good writing?
First I've heard of Thracia getting a new translation. What is wrong with it?
>Three Houses is what Conquest (and fates on a whole) wishes it could be.
what did he mean by this?
>horrible literally every other part of the game
art was good
core mechanics were incredible
some shit you can spacebar through or laugh about isn't even significant, let alone "every other part of the game"
Final Boss, though I'd say the map is only good for the particular objective that is set up.
I also really like the ninja rape cave, the bit where you fight Ryoma and the one on the ship where you have to take out bandits
When talking about FE maps, do we talk about just the maps or the mission objectives and set-up as well?
who is 'you fags'? I'm not whoever you think you're replying to.
Black and White, the one with the dual general bosses and the mage up top is my favourite map in the game.
>horrible literally every other part of the game
art was good
core mechanics were incredible
some shit you can start button through or laugh about isn't even significant, let alone "every other part of the game"
Bloodborne. Can't have a badly written story if there isn't one to begin with.
They're all part of the same experience, I think. I love 4's maps because they sell the sheer scale of the narrative, regardless of how middle of the the road the layouts are
Every Conquest defender in this thread
one example I have is that the translator literally changed the name of one of the main characters because where he lives there also happens to be a small company with that same name.
yes, it is really as retarded as it sounds
Based Mekkkkkkkkkkah
Imagine being the guy trying to defend his game by arguing that "the 90% of the game that is terrible doesn't matter. These 5 good stages justifies all three games worth of shit"
>Thracia gimmicks good
>Conquest gimmicks bad
am I reading you right?
hoshido has
>cuter older sister
>less annoying younger sister
>Older bro who can think by himself
>younger bro who doesn't worhsip the ground you walk on form the get go
still rolling on the floor laughing that you think dialogue is "90% of the game"
name one bad level that isn't the kitsune chapter
the gameplay isn't 10% of the game in conquest, that's three houses
Hot take the only bad fire emblem games in 2019 are the famicom originals and shadow dragon. FE fans just love tedious hairsplitting
Fuck off, Corrin.
Not him but the staircase chapter
Fates wanted to be a story about the political and military struggles of two kingdoms and a noble who is torn between the ruling family off each kingdom. However, a lot of Fates failed because it chose to over-simplify the actual relations between the kingdoms and their vassal states as well as to each other, and used a lot of dumb anime bullshit to move the plot along. It also had an issue where the characters ended up having very little relation to the larger political plot since the only characters that end up mattering on both the political and lore scale are Corrin, Azura, Gunther and maybe Garon too.
I lot of what I feel 3H succeeds at (beyond just having better written characters in general) is actually fleshing out the dynamics between the 3 major players as well as the non-Fodland states and the smaller players within each of the 3 entities. The political struggles exist alongside the larger mystical struggles with beasts and crests, interacting with each other but not neccesarily one being completely subservient to the other (like how EVERY conflict in the world of Fates was orchestrated by the Dragon Illuminati, though I understand there's still some of that in 3H).
It also executes on the concept of a hub HQ better than Fates, the monastery is leagues more enjoyable than the hyperbolic time chamber bullshit
I want to see a three houses sequel. As it is now 3H is a good fire emblem game that could be a great fire emblem game if they executed it a bit better.
>cuter older sister
see pic related
>less annoying younger sister
Elise is a cutie thoe
>Older bro who can think by himself
Xander is azura tier of retarded so its not a fair comparison
>younger bro who doesn't worhsip the ground you walk on form the get go
>still rolling on the floor laughing that you think dialogue is "90% of the game"
I'm a different user, but whatevs
>name one bad level that isn't the kitsune chapter
Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch. 8 is annoying, but alright I guess. Ch.9 was boring, Ch.10 sucks. Like, you wan't me to just go through the whole game?
I'd argue the story is important since a lot of it sets the stakes for why success or unit-preservation matters
I don't understand how people can like Hoshido royal family when they literally don't know Corrin or anything about them, they have literally no personal relationship with them
I think if Lunatic difficulty is adjusted based on the way people cheese the game currently, it'll become great because all these maps really need are better enemy lay-outs and make-ups to really push the tactics angle more
Are those idiots Aqua, Felicia, and Kamui still in the game? If so, I will not.
What is the opinion of 3H? I've seen some people act like it's the best of the best, and others think it's merely okay. I think it's around an 8/10. But personally I don't think any Fire Emblem game deserves any higher than an 8.5/10. Yes, even games like Thracia 776 and Genealogy.
The maps aren't terribly interesting in 3H, mostly everything is rout the enemy, the music is underwhelming aside from a couple standout tracks, and the monastery gets old even before the timeskip. The gameplay is fun, but nothing amazing. The game is pretty heavily carried by it's story and characters.
if you're playing any FE game translated then you really can't pretend any of their stories are good in the first place
These are the kind of posts I like. Cuz fags like you are the ones that will turn around and say the same damn thing about 3h when the next game comes out.
>exposition: the game
>good story
Oh you fucking jugheads, you never played the games, did you?
Same opinion. Enjoying it greatly, but its flaws are painful at times. The paralogue maps are much more interesting than most of the main ones.
>only liking FE for the maps
Yeah, I'm thinking you started with Conquest and aren't really a true fan of the series.
you don't make any sense. most of 3H is dicking around in a hub that never changes even after the timeskip.
It's probably the best FE game to come out in over a decade, but don't let anyone hear you say that around these parts, lest you incite the fanbase's autism like this thread.
It's got middle of the road maps that are made too easy by the new character-building options, and the story and characters are the best written since PoR/RD
It's a mixed bag for me, a 7/10 at the moment but given how competent and well done all the changes to the gameplay itself are (especially battalions and the new weapon-upgrading system), I have high hopes that Lunatic difficulty will push it up to 9/10 for me personally
almost as if corrin was taken from them by some retarded bloodthirsty kindgom
good level that flipped play patterns on their head, requiring aggression and putting special attention on very specific movement
letting you kill ryoma to skip the hallways are dumb but otherwise this was a great test of your tactical abilities and how you built your army
6 hardly counts as a Conquest chapter, 7 really stretches the very minimal resources you're allowed, 8 forces you to play aggressively to get to villages in time while still not actually dying, 9 was basically an above-average level in any other game in the series with the exception some enemies had Seal Defense, and 10 is commonly accepted as the best chapter in the series
you only complain about these levels because they were too hard for you
I didn't say it wasn't. I'm just saying that when the next game comes out, everyone will shit on the new one and praise 3h like it is the literal messiah. Shit is fucking clockwork at this point
Stop lumping Radiant Trash with PoR in terms of story and characters.
It's a fucking disaster. Everyone considered RD to be the worst fucking FE in terms of that before Fates came out.
>game is touted as having complex and intricate story and characters prior to release
>it actually has neither
It’s legitimate criticism of Fates
take your zelda cycle shit and shove it up your ass. I only care about the gameplay and 3H is extremely poor in that area.
No one is actually bitching about 3H. Everyone is praising it while recognizing it's not perfect.
>two out of three posts are maps that can be effortlessly cheesed
>"too hard"
Based shitter
it just shows that IS was being a lazy piece of shit
>you only complain about these levels because they were too hard for you
I beat all three Fates games on lunatic, but whatever user, I'm not gonna argue with people on what they are allowed to enjoy like everyone else here. If you enjoy Fates, you enjoy your steaming pile of shit. You do you man
>Nothing matters except muh tactics
Play chess then you fucking dweeb, playing against an AI will never compare a human.
>actual good gameplay
>indoors not open map bullshit like three houses so those adjacent passives actually matter
>debuff stacking so you can't easily endturn
dont you see he is to brainlet for real strategy games? leave him alone user
oh I apologize that I want to play a fucking video G A M E and not a retard wrangler visual novel.
Yeah, but that was one person in that Kingdom, not the actual family that came to care for him.
For contrast, all of the Nohr siblings treat Corrin well and the Hoshido siblings (with the exception of Sakura) treat Azura like a stranger most of the time (or worse, with passive-aggressive hostility like Takumi)
Conquest most certainly had the best gameplay in the series (and basically took Awakening's ideas to their fullest extent) but 3H has some solid enough map design, particularly some of the paralogue and auxillary maps
People who claim it's a 10/10 must not have played a Fire Emblem.
It's fine but older FE have done better in so many fields: animations, art, maps, music... And the writing is good, better than the previous games I'd say, but I don't play FE just for the story.
And that is why you are bitching about it in a Conquest circle jerk thread. Because Conquest just has such "good" gameplay? Ok user
>playing butchered games
Is the only reason people hate fates really just because of the story? I can't imagine playing a game for anything other than the gameplay and gameplay alone.
Is this true? Why would anyone play Fates if it's this shitty?
the GBA games are the only ones worth playing
because it has da bes maps evur just skip the cutscenes idiot and enjoy da gameplay xdddd
the snes games are better than the GBA games
Fates has retarded gimmick maps and retarded weapons with debuffs that makes them awful to use.
There's literally no reason to use steel weapons over irons unless you're a wary fighter knight.
why not play starcraft? or advance wars for that matter?
Never doubted you.
>literally no reason to use steel weapons over irons
That's FE in general.
Nah man, the nes games are better :^)
Nope. 3H handles steel weapons perfectly because they have the most dura so they're better suited for the combat arts. Also speedy characters can reliably use them to double things up.
Plots aside, will maps and gameplay ever be as good as Radiant Dawn?
I haven't gotten around to Three Houses yet.
Outside of the maps and weapon triangle, I'm ok with the combat. Battalions and combat arts are good additions (though I wish combat arts didn't become totally useless by the end game).
My problem is the monastery part. I feel like there should have been way more optional paralog type missions that had story/character content. Maybe give them way more strict time limits and have them effect stuff like the big mission at the end of the month or even the path the story you can take.
There also needed to be more shit you can do at the monastery. A little after the time skip I basically only ate.
>reinforcement spam
>good maps
my room smells like straight up semen opps
Eh, arguable.
I think Weapon arts seriously fall off way too soon compared to doubling with iron weapons, even on hard mode.
Yeah, basically
Writing overall, I'd say, not just for the story but for 2/3 of the cast.
The biggest issue is that the concept of "reform a corrupt kingdom from within by acting as a moderating influence" sounds really good but it never really happens because all that happens is that you end up invading Hoshido anyways, other Nohrian soldiers just kill people that you spare and it ends with you killing a mud monster dad and the ghost of your jealous half-brother.
Any political or military intrigue doesn't exist and there's a metric fuck-load of dumb plot-holes being made and happenign on the regular. It also has the issue of asking the player to play it like a normal FE game but then at the end you have "Wow, that sure was hard but we managed to knock out all the enemies without killing them" when you clearly fucking killed them. It's unironically a Ludo-narrative mess with lots of unintentional juxtaposition, especially with the hyperbolic timechamber shit that doesnt really need to be there
>What is Darting Blow
>Who is Selena and Niles
>Who are Master Ninjas and Swordmasters
Spoken like a true brainlet. I do agree that weapons in Fates weren't handled with that well (legendary weapons and silver for exemple are a fucking mess) but steel is still pretty good.
>expecting the fatasses that typically make up your frontline like Beruka, Silas, Xander, Keaton, and Effie to ever double the Samurai, Ninjas, and Lancers that make up 90% of enemy ranks
The gameplay and structure of the maps are pretty good, but it hurts when every other enemy is a great knight or a armored knight that all die in one shot.
Not to mention that every enemy is with its own type that move at the same time when you're in range, leading to you just wiping a squad and moving to the next one the whole game.
No, its gameplay is trash too.
>I feel like there should have been way more optional paralog type missions that had story/character content. Maybe give them way more strict time limits and have them effect stuff like the big mission at the end of the month or even the path the story you can take.
Something like "Lord assfuck had his wife kidnapped" and then if you do the map lord assfuck will show his thanks with reinforcements in the battle at the end of the month? That could be cool.
My favorite is FE5 but 14C is also great. I'm looking for challenge runs for future playthroughs, any ideas?
Goddamnit, I wish Fates explored the intrigue between the King's concubines more, or the resource-scarcity of Nohr
They started with it and now they have to defend it due to virgin defloration effect
>RD gameplay, classes and systems
>40 chapters of Dawn Brigade instead of jumping around every 3 chapters after part 1
All it would take to make the undisputed best game in the series
>10 is commonly accepted as the best chapter in the series
By fucking who? I can spew shit out my ass too, but it doesn't make it true. The level is just another tired ass "defend this point while the enemy bum rushes you" chapter. You choke two or three points and then let the dumb ass ai do the rest of the work for you.
Conquest's gameplay is overrated as fuck. It's good but it's certainly not good enough to compensate for all its flaws, and it's certainly not the best in the series.
It's still one of the Fire Emblems with poor unit handling and the focus on gimmicky maps isn't bad but it narrows strategic options. The game is way more one and done than most titles in a series where replay value is amazing.
no, fuck you fates
it's hard for retards who don't want to use Camilla to cheese the entire thing because "noo she'll eat all the exp that way"
>My problem is the monastery part. I feel like there should have been way more optional paralog type missions that had story/character content. Maybe give them way more strict time limits and have them effect stuff like the big mission at the end of the month or even the path the story you can take.
I agree, though I think there's something like 24 paralogues in total, which seems to be a solid number but I definitely wouldnt say no to more.
Maybe have some paralogues be extended over two battles that consume more points and compose of 2-3 battles with no opportunity to re-supply.
And yeah, it'd be interesting if some of the progress of supports affected the way some story-events, like all the shit with Alliance houses.
>There also needed to be more shit you can do at the monastery. A little after the time skip I basically only ate.
I also agree, I wish there were more mini-games to each activity and just more shit to do to increase support.
Choir should have had a rhythm game and cooking should have had something like KH3
CQ is fun the first few playthroughs, afterwards, it gets really repetitive unless you start doing randomizer runs which is really the only optimal way to play Fates if you hacked your 3DS
>Monastery didn't change its appearance in winter
I see. Well, while I tend to value gameplay over story by a strong margin, I can't really blame others for disliking Fates for its story if that's really what they value most in a game.
Also, you don't really see any use of Adjutants or rally.
The best thing about Conquest is that the enemies used all the same tools you had and nearly just as well or even better. You had enemies using ninjas/maids to weaken you, using pair-formations just as competently, using positioning just as unfairly.
I like that the enemies in 3H use Batallions but they could have gone further with them using their own special-attacks and shit
I don't think I encountered a quadruple-attack vantage samurai the entire game
Shit game with gimmicks.
The biggest sin Conquest committed outside of the story was making certain characters way to fucking good. Shit like Azura, Kaze, Jakob, Camilla, Xander, Niles are all so good that you will pretty much play with them in every single playthrough, and since the kids are basically pointless before chapter 22 you're basically stuck playing with the same units over and over again. They really needed to had more fucking chapters for this game.
>not playing gheb FE
I've always been a bit confused by this release. Are these 3 separate games? Or it's like Pokemon where they're slightly different versions of the same thing?
If I pirate them do I have to pirate 3 things or can I just get Revelations and still get the full story?
>Full scope of the game with context for everything is $100+
>America got shafted out of all the DLC
>Child units when it makes no sense to have them
>translators didn’t take it seriously and dumped in memes and completely rewrote characters
>retroactively shits up to elements of Awakening
There’s more, I can keep going...
>b route
Maybe they should have just had a full set of pre and post skips supports. have the pre-skip ones give you the normal stat buffs and the post skip ones give some type of unique trait when both units are next to each other. It would also allow the game to dive deeper on how each character changed over the years.
They're the same until chapter 6 and then the maps are different for the rest of the game.
It's not so much about valuing one over the other, but the issue is that the story became a fucking mess to the point where it took a lot of the tension out of different maps and events. While each map is fun, they're part of a larger campaign that is meant to have weight and set a tone for each battle such that the emotions you feel when making tactical decisions are heightened. They go together in a way that can be very potent but Conquest drops the ball by having a story that's largely without stakes in the grand scheme
They're 3 different games with the same first 6 chapters.
Revelations is basically the canon ending.
keep coping, the lack of fanart for Three Houses speaks volumes.
They're more like the gbc zelda games. If you're playing for story it's recommended that you play something else. If you're playing for gameplay it's recommended you pretend birthright and revelations don't exist.
Definitely, I'd really like that
Each support transfers a percentage of points to the post-time skip era and maybe the personal-skill of each character changes or evolves a bit too.
Yeah, 3H is pretty good but, like Awakening, a lot of the changes and additions it made has me really interested for how IS will build off this foundation.
There's definitely something more going on, you see some weirdo shitters praise Awakening and shit on Birthright, despite that being Awakening but Competent and Designed with some Semblance of Rational Thought
What's wrong with Birthright/Revelations?
I remember Oracle of Seasons being dope and Ages being okayish.
No, conquest was shit and had shit characters
>What's wrong with Birthright/Revelations?
You see how people in this thread are saying that Conquest has good maps so the rest of the bad shit doesn't matter?
Well Birthright/Rev don't even have good maps.
I value gameplay over story, but they're not mutually exclusive and not unproductive to one another. Ideally, a game has both, or at least if it can't have a good story, it should have one that isn't so terrible that it reduces the impact of the gameplay.
But really, Conquest's gameplay just really isn't THAT good. Upper half of the series easily but it's not that special. The DS games easily have the better maps and higher difficulty if we're only arguing on the usual talking points.
>nu emblemfag thinks his bad game doesn't suck
LMAO. At least with 3 houses it mostly properly feels like an FE game when your not doing dumb persona shit.
I wish I could erase all memories of playing this dogshit game and it's counterpart.
they still have good art and music, and the best mechanics in the franchise
birthright becomes alright by virtue of this even though the maps are mediocre
Bland level design makes the maps boring to play through and the writing sucks in all three routes. You can do a lot better if you're looking for a trpg to play.
That said I would put both b&r above awakening. Not that that means much.
I'd say that falls into valuing one thing over another. I would personally be ok with playing a FE game with literally no story at all because I play FE for the tactics and gameplay. I never really get invested in the stories of games and see FE as basically consecutive matches of a chess-like game with pieces being carried over with opportunities to gain and lose them along the way. If people play it for the story, then I'm not one to judge, but I personally never saw story as having much weight.
Awakening really isn't that bad. It's a babies easy title that started a lot of the poor trends in the franchise, but it had a perfectly coherent story and the maps are mediocre but inoffensive. It really doesn't deserve to be put below fucking Fates.
I hate making choices in my vidya.
What's the most straightforward FE game after the GBA ones?
Awakening, Path of Radiance, Shadows of Valentia
Radiant Dawn until part 4 makes you pick 8 favourites out of 60 characters
I've encountered more than enough heroes with vantage, but when I did I fucking was shocked since that was the first enemy to put me in a shaky spot the entire game since I stopped giving a fuck.
Birthright is a better version of awakening. The core gameplay mechanics in awakening are completely fucked up in awakening while they're rock solid in all fates versions. The music is also better in fates. The biggest (only?) draw of awakening is pairing units to produce kids and fates has that too.
The most straightforward game is mystery of the emblem on the super famicom
New Mystery is doomed to get eternally shit on because of the graphics, it'll never get the praise it deserves
Still mad that Road Taken isn't in Smash.
>Easy as fuck (lunatic isn't even difficult it's just borderline broken)
>Pair up is broken as fuck
>Maps are brain dead and almost resemble echoes
>You can beat the entire game with just Robin
>Even if you can't beat it every single map boils down to pairing everyone up and moving them up the map without really thinking at all
>Story is super cliche
Nope, Awakening truly does deserve to be called the worst game in the series. The only other FE that gave me such little entertainment was Revelations.
I think the lack of official release hurt it more. No one even criticizes it, it's just unknown to most of the fanbase when it's the absolute peak of gameplay in the franchise. People at least have complaints for Shadow Dragon.
yea but at the end of the day they're all on your crew so it's not that bad
I hate that I have to kill people in FETH. Also it was easy to choose.
>>You can beat the entire game with just Robin
I don't like awakening either but this is a shit defense for any game
>feels like an FE game
without the weapon triangle ?
without tomes ?
without staves ?
with the broken gambits ?
Excellent post
>Weapon triangle is an important part of FE!!!!
What he means to say is that the player is actively encouraged to use fewer units. In most FE games you can use to field a couple units but the extra units you can deploy make minor contributions so if you want to make the best strategies possible you will be using everyone. However in awakening anyone other than robin+chrom and morgan+lucina are detrimental to your team.
Pure Gameplay
>New Mystery
>Genealogy (lmao 18 1-2 range units in a clump)
>Sacred Stones (ehhhhh monsters are lame)
>Shadow Dragon
Though if I have to make one criticism of the top tier the stat bloat in Lunatic and up in New Mystery can get pretty fucking dumb. Prologue chapters being coinflips even with recommended MU classes kind of dumb. And those final chapters with wyvern lords and manaketes everywhere was like pulling nails
reverse lunatic is just straight bullshit worse than lunatic+
Why put PoR and RD in the same category? I thought PoR was closer to Sacred Stones in difficulty.
Tell me why FE12 is good / why I should play it again.
I remember it having some really awful maps (particularly the gaiden chapters), some of the most bullshit enemy reinforcements ever (esp the fire bridge, but I guess I'll look up the spawns this time), reclassing which makes the best units the best at everything, some wonky maps where you were supposed to be chasing down a unit but since there's no dismounting you catch up easily, many enemies with too much skill so you face a small crit chance on all your units, and forging being super powerful.
Also do you have any suggestions on what to forge? I really hate having to risk missing with a ridersbane or whatever, but forging accuracy on weapons is so expensive. If someone has calculated what's most effective I'd be interested in hearing.
Lastly what's the 'best' way to play? H3 with a fresh save file or H4 with expanded class set and stat booster shop?
I feel like there's been a massive swing in PoR love the past year, this fanbase is fickle as fuck and PoR usually gets derided for being easy from start to finish
PoR has a harder difficulty setting in the japanese version (there's an english patch). It's full of stat bloat and siege tomes and ridiculous amounts of enemies so I think it's weaker than sacred stones despite the difficulty.
>>New Mystery
>>Shadow Dragon
Why the huge gap? You hate playable ballistae that much?
So what I'm getting from this thread is that Fire Emblem as a series is just Good but not great?
Play them your own and form your own opinion on the matter.
Every series that's ran this long has great, good and bad games.
Gameplay's not just about the difficulty. Honestly I'd be more tempted to drop RD because of those 4-5 chapters where you watch green units play with themselves for 20 minutes a piece
Maniac's well balanced up to the half way point but yeah after that it's a waiting out/blitzkrieging siege tome simulator. I'd view it as more of a mixed bag situation since it really does add something to the first 16-17 chapters but after that whoo boy
Honestly I barely remember anything about SD at this point and probably shouldn't have even rated it
>Honestly I'd be more tempted to drop RD because of those 4-5 chapters where you watch green units play with themselves for 20 minutes a piece
Don't forget 5 rout chapters with reinforcement spam in a row in part 4, one of which is a desert map
>Radiant Dawn
>Good story
Fuck off. It completely butchered everything PoR had building up. I bet you like Micaiah Sue and Pelleas.
the franchise is very divided since most games are different from all the others, some more wildly so
anyone who is a legitimate fan of the series generally enjoys most of them (or is able to find enjoyable parts of most of them), but has strong opinions on which one(s) were more enjoyable
Ike's 2 maps barely have any reinforcements, and as annoying as the desert map is you do have 2 passable fliers, one great flier, and hopefully Jill and Haar if you were smart.
I don't like Micaiah but I wouldn't say she's a Mary Sue, most of her powers are backed up in pre-existing lore, and do have serious limitations
No more than most other games. You're almost always better off over leveling a few characters.
Mary Sue doesn't mean the character is powerful, it means the plot is bending it's ass to always have them be perfect and in the right.
NM does nothing special so it's hard to recommend if you've already played it and had problems with it. It's just the tightest execution of traditional Fire Emblem formula and a Fire Emblem with really good efficiency play.
The game avoids the bloat of a lot of titles, mechanically it makes units easy to understand and the stats are kept extremely tight so you can quickly calculate and small numbers make huge differences. This is important because the maps include a lot of splits, but enemy unit formations are tightly calculated. Conquest has a problem of encouraging extremely linear strategies, but NM is challenging while giving you a lot of ways to clear with its map design being built around risk management instead of puzzlers. Same turn reinforcements are fantastic when you get into the zen of the game because they're consistent to the narrative, and there's a huge amount of interplay between mechanics and story telling. Even going into a chapter blind you're supposed to start understanding where they come from and they bust up a lot of the common horse emblem problems the franchise is plagued with. It's one of the only games where infantry is ideal beyond two units having busted stats.
Forging is extremely powerful but money isn't free and a lot of the forge strategy is opening up the map and bumping up a weapon to get enough might to snipe out a single enemy unit you need to kill. It's just a Fire Emblem that rewards planning much better than any other than the franchise.
You do want to play with the expanded class set just because it opens up options.
Apologise for what? You had like 5 or 6 good maps, terrible writing for both story and characters. People keep raving about good map design but I noticed you only talk about same ones over and over.
>Always perfect and in the right
But she isn't after part 1, and if you thought that then you're genuinely an idiot and weren't paying attention because you missed:
Sothe's freedom fighters to bigots info conv.
Soren and Tanith talking shit about her "miracles" and her delusional following
Sothe saying Pelleas is getting them involved in a war that Daein shouldn't be involved in.
The Alliance talking about the horrible tactics used with the oil.
Needlessly killing Pelleas in the first playthrough.
Even in Part 1 she lets Jarod go and causes the death of hundreds of Daein citizens in the capital
never had much of a problem in the first place.
And she gets punished for none of it.
>People keep raving about good map design but I noticed you only talk about same ones over and over.
This is how it goes, notice how literally the only things people talk about FE4's story are Belhalla and incest memes
try newer blizzard games
>Conquest releases
>About halfway or so in the story
>Contract a disease that hits my eyes
>Was unable to play on my 3DS for more than 10 minutes
>Never was able to finish the story
One day I'll finish it, but that day is not today. Thanks for reading my blog.
Based Thraciachad
>Jarod killing people
Obviously not because nobody would know that they could have killed Jarod except Micaiah, Sothe and the BK, who would obviously never say.
Entering the war almost gets Daein wiped out, and Sothe killed, along with any members of the DB you lose in those chapters.
As for the oil, the alliance are facing the begnion senate, and would rather not make any additional units, so obviously they're not going to pursue Daein further into the corner then is necessary.
I always liked the southern Thracia map, where you get revenge on Trabant, and then you get to the 2nd last castle, and the dragoons come charging at 3 different forts
>Siding with nohrian scum
>having stockholm syndrome
Yea no thanks King Garon deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
What games can you play with eyes like that? If anything I'd expect that trpgs like FE would be least affected because you can do a lot of the planning without actually looking at the screen.
>Top tier gameplay
>One good map
>Ninja hell
>Fox hell
>Monster hell
>Fuga's funhouse
>The entire endgame
The maps are garbage except chapter 10. Cope.
>>Contract a disease that hits my eyes
>not even naming it
There is nothing to apologize for, it's one of the few good FE games. Maybe in a few years ISIS will try and make something good again instead of shit like 3H.
Git gud, 3H shitter. Conquest is clearly too hard for you, go play your favorite Persona game so you can solo everything with Dimitri.
6/10 for me, and I say that with 5 being average. It's got too many flaws in gameplay and balancing, plus it straight up runs so bad the game crashes sometimes. The writing is okay but it can't make up for these flaws.
>It also executes on the concept of a hub HQ better than Fates
Ah, yes, the hub where characters spend 30 out of 31 days in a month in and cross an entire continent in one day to battle, then promptly rush back to do more menial shit in the following month.
No, you're horrible.
Seething autismcuck who can't handle people rightlt hating his kusoge.
I'd say it's a great game but some glaring flaws like the map design and the repitition hold it back from being truly spectacular.
Still love the game though.
I hate the art in 3H. Conquest characters are amazing and that's why it has more porn.
the only ones who need to apologize are IS for the blatant weebshit and treehouse for murdering the game with their "localization"
>game that its made for the most weeb with characters who are nothing but tropes and fapbait is popular with porn
i hope you understand the irony of the picture
Thanks for the info.
>really good efficiency play.
What's that, ranked runs? How many turns do I have for A rank?
>the bloat
What bloat?
>mechanically it makes units easy to understand
Not sure what you're referring to here but unit roles are pretty unintuitive due to fitting the stats/growths into the reclass system. Not that it's an issue necessarially.
>the stats are kept extremely tight
Stats are very growth dependent, you can't rely on bases and you don't have many options to modify them
>can quickly calculate
I get it now but I had a hard time figuring out the weapon rank bonuses and weapon triangle bonuses since they differ depending on the weapon and the rank. I still can't calculate quickly.
>enemy unit formations are tightly calculated
How so?
>Conquest has a problem of encouraging extremely linear strategies, but NM is challenging while giving you a lot of ways to clear with its map design
Conquest lets you clear maps in various different ways because of unique characters with unique characteristics like skills and other tools like staves. NM doesn't seem to have many options.
>being built around risk management instead of puzzlers.
Why is this desirable? If there's risk management the puzzle is finding the route with the lowest risk, the only difference is the chance of getting fucked even with the best strategy.
My issue is the opposite of what you said. You're told to advance quickly because in the snes game there were dragons that chased you through the map, but actually if you move quickly the new reinforcements spawn on top of you. Or you spend a chapter capturing the area surrounding a castle then go inside, but reinforcements stream in from the entrance; why are there enemy reinforcements from the area I've already captured?
>Forging is extremely powerful but money isn't free
Fair enough
Yes, and storyniggers refuse to accept that a game can be good even if the story is bad, that's why whenever you see someone complaining about Conquest they usually say dumb shit like "just use iron weapons bro" or "the eternal stairway is too hard" they're just parroting things they read on the internet, pretending they actually care about the game when in reality they only care about the story and nothing else.
based post
Porn > gameplay > story
You should replay them. When I was little I had the same opinion but revisiting it Ages has some of the best puzzles in the series.
i prefer
Porn>story > gameplay
cuz story makes Porn better depending on how the character its constructed but i agree regardless
I remember the underwater temple(?) being shit tier, am I mistaken?
Why does no one ever talk about the greatest Fire Emblem villain ever, Hans the level 2 Berserker???
first post, best post
Efficiency is just broad strokes for formatted runs trying to make good time. LTC, draft play, all flier gimmick runs, whatever.
A lot of later Fire Emblems give units a wide range of different numbers and abilities to keep track of. This isn't a bad thing, but it's not necessarily a good thing either because the presence of potent abilities often lessens the importance of individual numbers. Every point in a stat is hugely important in NM and it's not just for understanding your own units, but the enemy units. Much of the NM meta is squeezing out a single point of STR or SPD in order to break an enemy unit. Reclass isn't a matter of throwing as many units on your best class as possible, you're reclassing right before a map in order to change a point of SPD into a point of STR so you can one shot a general with a forged hammer to break a formation. NM is the Fire Emblem that rewards optimization the most in the game because you're constantly working out single point scenarios that change dynamically due to growths.
Conquest is largely a game where you're trying to figure out how a map is meant to be cleared, then applying your tools against it. That's what I meant by linear, and that's the reason that a lot of its criticisms is that it's a poor efficiency title. You can clear with different units but you're doing the same thing every run because you have to play by the gimmicks, and the strong units are so consistent. Narrow maps get a lot of love in the community because they provide a clear strategy, but they're worse for replay value because they line out your routing. Conquest is a game that goes extremely hard in on making for a satisfying clear experience by providing strategy gauntlets you'll wrack your brain on to understand, but it's really an extremely poor title within the franchise for repeat play because there's always an objective correct answer in Conquest. There're many titles that encourage adaptive strategies better.
>entire rationale to join hoshido is that you're related by blood
>except Ryoma is lying to you and knows you're not related by blood
>your mother and father are Vallan
>accepting Hoshido's path is essentially accepting an offer by an acquaintance of your dead mother to kill the four people who ever gave a shit about you
Hoshido is legit the worst path.
New to the series here.
I've played FE7 and am finishing Awakening, what should I play next?
I'm leaning 3H or Echoes, but I could be convinced to go back to the other GBA or the GameCube one.
It's definitely a harder one to figure out but I still really enjoyed it because I'm a masochist
FE9 and then 10.
no daytime or weather either. Really takes out the comfy when fishing.
Interesting take, thanks for sharing. I guess awakening has a lot of replay value to you because the random enemy skills can affect your strategies? Whereas 0% growths runs have little to none to you. I'm in the opposite camp, likely because I'm dumb and it takes me a lot more effort to figure out an optimal solution (in fact after many replays I'm still far from an answer). I can play a game over and over while testing different approaches, different units, different pairings, etc. and get a ton of replay value even in a "static" game.
Retard. Hate Awakening all you want but this is a series where most of the MC's can solo their games.
>no science fair where the student who discovers gunpowder wins
>winter doesnt let you skate in the lake it could let you skate with your unit that you want to S rank
>no night where you find students trying to get tail and you cockblock them
>no fucking SPORTS