How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
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It was probably never an exclusive but they paid for marketing rights, they do that a lot.
gaben could crush kojima's skull with those massive hands
Glad I dont have to buy ps4
did sony themselves even call it an exclusive?
seems like the only people that called it an exclusive were random people online and journalists.
It's because it's gonna be on PS5 you retards
More people being able to play the game is a good thing. Being upset about it would be completely irrational.
I genuinely don't understand who could give a fuck.
I don't give a shit if Mario is on PC, MGS on Xbox, or DS on any platform. Literally who cares? Exclusivity is dumb and shitty and anti-consumer. Fuck it. I want to be able to play every game on every system.
wrong, the game being on two playstations won't get it removed from playstation exclusive list
you can take a look at the list and find multiple ps3/ps4 games
I have a ps4 and a gaming pc so I wasn't really bothered either way. Glad there's a chance more people will be able to play it though.
>that photo
>implying Based Tim won't grab it
Bad, I can't laugh at them for having this movie game exclusively
It's been going on for years.
Great, now I can play it
Is it possible for a person to meet kojima and not befriend him?
Like I'm hearing several year old news when Kojima said they were going to bring it to Pc like 2 years ago.
Tim ain't got the money to pay for when it fails and Kojima all about presentation so siding with Epic would be a horrible move and he knows it.
That fat kike has done more damage to gaming than anyone else.
Only poor fags make these kind of threads to try to make other poor fags mad.
Some irredeemable losers can only derive pleasure from the misfortune of others. I can hardly imagine how fucked up you would have to be to brag on a tunesian flintknapping imageboard about people you will never meet not being able to play a game.
At this point I don't even care what ps4 game comes out on pc, as long as it's not on the egs. Fuck console war bullshit, I hope everything Tim love burns to the ground.
It's going to be an epic exclusive retard
>PS4 gets a physical release
>only legal option on PC is to give that fat kike a donation
Pirate it is
Check the fingers.
Sorry Sony, only Steam can please me.
Rent free
Its still selling on the PS4 just not as a exclusive, who cares?
like i still don't give a shit about walking simulators
What do you think Kojima and Gaben talked about? Does this chink even know Valve used to make games?
Wow be nice.
Feels good, POS4 should not get any exclusives until Sony stops game censorship and makes public apology and pays reparations for the victims of censorship ($1000 per titty not visible).
>free game
Failing to see the problem here.
He's corean you racist pigdog
>he doesn't know calling an asian the wrong slur is double racist and therefore more funny
Solid logic, can't argue with that.
He was there just to say hi to gabe, he was at meeting with dudes from epic. Valve and Epic games share the same building. Not main branch of epic
Bloodborne's next, c*nsolekiddies
Brand loyalist are fucked up, what else is new?
Sony is publishing the game for kojima. Sony published "journey" on pc, if it's really going to pc i'm calling epic exclusive
Humans are programmed to be tribal and in a world without religion people attach themselves to corporations and argue on their behalf online instead.
>"When's the last time you made a game?"
>"I can't remember."
>"Me neither."
And then they proceed to eat 20 burgers.
Sony also published No Man's Sky and Helldivers. Both on Steam.
Valve still hasn't counted to 3 yet...
>And no, Artifact doesn't count, it might have a 3-pointed triangle logo but that means nothing really
makes me feel that its gonna be a shit game so this fucking hack wants to scoop up that multiplat money at once via the hypetrain
nope, it was always officially a PS4+PC game. the only hint of anything to the contrary is the box art using the 'Only on Playstation' tagline - something that they've used for other 'console exclusive' PS4+PC games, in the past.
epicbros WTF? IT WAS OUR TURN.
Bro... Its just shitposting. Nothing srs.
Good. Bloodborne is already kind of on PC but without the DLC. Sony keeping a hands free approach to exclusives is a good thing.
I can now play them in a superior setup and without paying for online.
No man's sky was self published by hello games. You are right at helldivers
>Great, now I can play it
Death Stranding will come out on Steam, but Bloodborne will go to Epic. Screencap this.
cs 1.6
cs source
cs go
1 2 3
They helped publish it. Certainly spent money marketing it. Don't you remember all the promotional material for NMS being handled by Sony? Sean even played the game with Sony's CEO on that couch stream or whatever.
>Just prior to the VGX showing, Murray had shown the title around to various publishers, and Sony, particularly Shahid Ahmad, Sony's head of independent games development in Europe,[17] expressed strong interest in having the title for the PlayStation 4. Murray stated that although Sony offered to provide financial support, he and Hello Games only wanted Sony's commitment to help market the game, including having the game formally introduced at Sony's main media event during the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014 (E3); until that point, no independently-developed game has been demonstrated during these centre-stage events.[7][19] Sony's UK marketing director Fergal Gara has stated that Sony is fully committed to supporting the title, treating the game as if it were from one of their first-party developers and considering a potential retail release of the game.[20]
Sony also helped publish SFV. Which was also on Steam but not on Xbone.
>gaben could crush kojima's skull with his massive fatass
Great, can't wait to pirate it.
Never ever.
Only thing I see happening is that its coming out on ps5 or epic bought pc rights. I'd hop on a bus with my asshole lubed up and drive to epic headquarters if its the latter.
So how long will it take to come to PC? I'll probably wait it out anyways but I don't wanna be spoiled
saved, see you soon
Unless it gets taken off the ps marketplace, I couldnt care less since I'm just going to buy it.
Console wars are absolutely stupid to get caught up in, just buy/play what you want and let the marketing divisions argue about it
and both will be acquired using the High Seas
A little betrayed, honestly. Not mad enough to not buy or not support Sony, but a little... sad.
I'd say about 8 months
Why? What does this changes for you? Why do you faggots treat your consoles as if they were your fucking girlfriends, and everytime they lose an exclusivity it make you feel like you've been cucked? I will never understand this mentality
>imagine being sad over the fact more people will get to play
Corporate cocksuckers are mentally ill.
based as fuck
They need to feel good about themselves somehow, and that extends to the purchases they make.
I dont have a PS4 but obviously because first party games and console exclusives are a huge part of the appeal of a system.
More proprietary features/products/technology etc = more value for that console.
>console exclusives are a huge part of the appeal of a system
They're really not, most sell fucking nothing compared to multiplats
gaben's nip is erect
>gaben has 2 fingers up
>kojima has 1 up
You deserve it for being retarded.
so its okay if steam pays devs to put their games on their platform
You didn't know? Kojima is actually an alien that wears the skin of dead politician saito konehauru
It was announced it would be "console exclusive" the day it was announced you retards. Sony owns the Death Stranding IP it was their own decision to put it on PC after an exclusive period. Retards
lets face it guys bloodborne aint coming
even based Tim cant pull it off
When did they ever say "Only on Playstation?" Never.
I knew day one.
So the game automatically becomes less fun if it's not exclusive? I don't get it.
I got a Snoyess waiting in my bedroom, she's flaunting her ass telling me to RAM my CPenisU down her MotherBoard
4 if you count condition zero
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Death Stranding for either system, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony and Kojima have alienated an entire market with this move.
Sony, publicly apologize and cancel Death Stranding for PC or you can kiss your business goodbye.
What does Cliffy think of nu Epic?
Nips don't but anything but gachashit anymore, kojimbo won't miss those 3 sales
who cares lol
No one counts condition zero.
indifferent. it's retarded to have loyalty to companies that done give a single fuck about you.
The console becomes a less valuable product and you feel like your purchase wasn't as good anymore. Everyone wants to make the best purchases.
And? Exclusives are still a big part of the appeal, despite not selling as much as FIFA or GTA, you fucking idiot
was it ever exclusive? Why are pc cucks such autists that care so much about playstation games and exclusives? I literally only own a ps4 atm and couldn't care less if people got to play the same pixels on a screen as me. Imagine this actually being a thing to you? Think about how much of a gatekeeping loser you must be.
>free game
Failing to see the problem here.
>Everyone wants to make the best purchases.
Then build a PC
Brand loyalty
haha yeah totally Yea Forumsro. Any day now, right? haha yep.... any day now.....
Good. Exclusives in any platform are a cancer and bad for consumers. Wish there were zero exclusives and everyone competed to see who could build the better machine and online services at the lowest price
Wasn't this public knowledge for literally two years? This is NOT news, I always knew it was going to be released on the PC. You guys don't read news? If unironically serious, then good. It actually gives you more peace of mind.
You didn't read the thread, did you?
So, what now?
I dont care too much if it comes out on multiple platforms. Im going to buy it to one and thats it. I just hope its good but knowing Kojimbo, its going to be a fucking mess. At the very least, be a complete fucking game and no missing parts this time
It will sell best on PS4 regardless. All the triple A games do.
To answer OP: I don't care. I bought a PlayStation to play everything the industry has to offer for cheap.
now we wait
You missed Bloodborne. You don't belong here.
Sony gave this man a blank check, just so this game can be on PC too. Sony is not that bright are they?
>friendship with sony ends
>gaben is my friend now
Damn. I always forget about it, but I dont want to buy ps4 just because of it.
>You didn't read the thread, did you?
People read threads? This is an actual thing? A real literally happenizing phenomenon? I'm not wrong.
but you cared enough to reply sweetie
>so(y)nyfags, kojimbotards, and steamcels all collectively shit their diapers
it'd be a dream come true
>Bloodborne is da best geam Eva!
You can keep that garbage
No one cares about your dead forum's memes.
There was a hot minute where Snoy pretended that it was. When it was originally announced it was PS4 and PC, then they pretended it was PS4 exclusive to sell more pre-orders there, and now they're slowly letting it dawn on people again that it'll be on PC
I wouldn’t.
I played it for free with PS+
I uninstalled it about 4 hours later
>A world without religion
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA, in what leftist shithole do you live in to believe such a thing? People are just as religious now as they always were. Bad or good, you decide. Just because some shitty countries in Europe with 10-50 mil people has 70% of their inhabitants not-religious doesn't mean SHIT compared to the total world population. Plus, they'll be muslims soon enough, so we're back to square one.
It is coming to steam, one year after epic release
>neogaf meme
Dude, you're on life support.
>People are just as religious now as they always were
>catholic church has to fly in priests from overseas because nobody gives a shit anymore
>for cheap
>$70 games
>dude i'm a japanese expert lmao
Is there literally ANY reason to buy a PS4 over a Switch?
You can buy most of Sony's """"exclusives""" and MORE with a PC then buy Nintendo games with a Switch. It's literally the perfect set up.
Has Gaben lost weight? I swear, he never looked better.
>dad body
>full head of hair
>thick beard
>firm grip
>welcoming smile
What a dad.
That’s because you can play it for free on Youtube
>it'll sell the most on PS4 regardless
>Sony owns Guerilla who made the Decima engine
>PC sales will give them a cut as a result of it
I've been playing Bloodborne at 4k for the last few days on a fucking laptop from 2009.
What's even the point of a console?
Keep on dreaming, it's PS4 only
you can play bloodborne on pc
>To answer OP: I don't care. I bought a PlayStation to play everything the industry has to offer for cheap.
It would be cheaper if you were a piratefag
Doesn't matter, we will be able to emulate PS4 by the end of the 2030s. PC ALWAYS WINS.
I'll be playing on my PS6 by then but good for you
>I want to be able to play every game on every system.
I know a game just for you, it is called Skyrim and you can play it on the switch too
I don't give a fuck. That "game" looks like shit
Amused by console war faggotry. Who gives a shit?
The reality is that nobody cares. Stop trying to incite console war bullshit that normal people don't give a shit about.
You should let Sony know that so they can stop calling it "console exclusive".
A combination of ebin memers that pretend to pretend to have consolewars, and third worlders.
Dont care. I wasn't going to play it anyway. When was the last time Koji made a good game?
Will you still be buying Death Stranding on the PS4, Yea Forums? M-My paycheck depends on it!
I think the "exclusive" part is pretty redundant, if you do even the smallest bit of research it's obvious the game's a sony exclusive
>Death Stranding playable on PC day-1
>Via PS Now! subscription
>mfw DS is a Nokia Ngage exclusive
>And? Exclusives are still a big part of the appeal
Again, they're really not.
The best-selling exclusive is Uncharted 4, and at least 8 million were sold as black friday bundles, millions of copies were sold to people that just wanted a $200 PS4
>I bought a PlayStation to play everything the industry has to offer for cheap.
The industry has more than 1800 games to offer, Snoiboi
and half of those are PS3 ports
Yeah Steam indieshit and Nintendo.
Lmao snoiboi tears are so sweet.
>lol those tens-of-thousands of other games don't count
>Based Snoi curating and deciding what I play for me
>steampunk dork souls
People keep saying the reason its not on the exclusive list is because its going to be on PS5...
But why is The last of us 2 and ghost of tsushima on the list still then?
Checkmate atheists
underrated post
delete this post
Good. I'm getting it on the PS4 but I get the feeling that Sony is gonna fuck up with the PS5... So if it isn't an exclusive then I'll be able to get the inevitable Death Stranding sequel on the best next gen console, whatever that turns out to be.
Snoys are just pathetic
>less than 10% of sony owners even give a fuck about exclusives
>Exclusives are still a big part of the appeal
Instant buy for me if true. I have no clue what the fuck the game is about but I want it.
If Tim brings Bloodborne to a system that can run it properly, will Yea Forums still hate him?
No amount of game kidnapping will bring back his hairline
Neutral, basically. If it has shitty drm on pc, I'll get it on console. And I'll get it on steam if it only uses steamworks for drm.
He is a billionaire he can literally buy a hairline
Makes me feel good. I became a PC gamer this year and i am glad to know i might not need to buy it on PS4/PS5.
I STILL can not believe he managed to take them for another ride after what happened with V.
Couldn't give a shit. It's going to be an overheated movie filled with creator pandering and nonsensical twists, like all of Kojima's recent works. That won't change, no matter what box it is or isn't on.