MGSV thread

This game can be pure kino at times. Its a shame you have to manually find those moments

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It gives you alot of freedom, guess some players cant make use of it.

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reminder that MGS5 came out 4 years ago

>voices mission
>autist, enjoy sneaking needlessly around and walking even when well away from enemy camps where I can drive a jeep through
>decide to do it in this mission, turn off my HUD and everything to boot
>do it in night time
>that PT easter egg
>the misty river path you need to cross before it

I remember getting to the building and hesitating from going in, shit was intense desu
>yfw GTAV is almost 6 """"""""""""six"""""""""""" fucking years old

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I love this game. Been wanting to replay it but I'm I heard they might be remaking it. Was that just BS? If it's true I might try and hold out until then.

What you thought you were playing, MGSV, was never actually MGSV. You'll all understand in the coming weeks.

sorta? the rumor does hold a lot of promising things, but not a lot of actual evidence.

fake as fuck, just a "rumour" that user made up to derail threads

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>Its a shame you have to manually find those moments
That's the best thing about it though. You can pull off some incredibly satisfying shit if you're good at the game and you get to see the casuals seethe about the game being boring because they just tranq everything.

Maybe in some parallel universe where Konami doesn't hate us.

It's not a coincidence that indoor areas and elaborate facilities is when the game shines at its brightest. Same for the atmospheric forest that leads to that morgue-ish place where you see volgin
Open world was truly a mistake and I fear for death stranding's use of landscape

And everyone is STILL seething

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how can one man be so based

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was just replaying it last night. It's tied with 2 for second best MGS. It's beautiful in that you can easily load it up and have a great time without having to slog through story. Streamlined MGS is best MGS

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consider installing Infinite Heaven, shit's great and tends to increase the kino factor

I wish Konami would make a spin-off where you can remove the kikongo fucking shits from Africa.

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Fulton a coon, I'll shoot the balloon

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Who played more, faggots?

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How could they fuck up the multiplayer mode so bad?

Man miller was the only good character in MGSV. Robin Atkin Downes put so much effort in.

>Want to replay it
>Remember the opening
I guess I'll play something else


I thought his name was Kaz "Unload my nine on the welfare line" Miller...

i wish i could take a unit with me and do operation flashpoint style operating through woodlands or desert, deploying vehicles and tanks and what not

Yeah he was definitely the best character. I think Skullface and Huey were good aswell. Kiefer did a good job but I wish he had more lines.
The intro is amazing, why dont people like it? I know it takes time to get through, but its a blast all the way.

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>It's midnight
>Wearing sneaking suit
>Play The Man Who Sold The World
>Riding D-Horse
>Get to the enemy base
>Make my way through the shadows slowly taking down each enemy

The closest thing you'll ever get to true free will in a game, pure fucking Kino

>The intro is amazing, why dont people like it?
A vocal minority on Yea Forums doesn't like it. In truth the whole game should've resembled the intro, rather than the empty plains we got.

But were you playing the song into your earpiece so only you could hear it, or on loudspeaker so enemies could hear it too?

>you will feel ashamed
What did he mean by this though?

You'll feel ashamed for fapping to waifu because she deserves better than to be treated like a common slut.

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Lemme show ya how it's done.

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Absolutely dusgusting

Do you have the steam version or a copy? I have the copy of 1.10 and IH won't work on it, I have tuppm working which I understand is IH lite, but no version of IH seems to work for me.

But those are some end game gears he is using...right?

this is why it will be remembered as a classic and top 3 this gen

It's the infinite heaven mod. Normally you can only use the wormhole generator in online play, the mod let's you use it in the normal game. Generally though it should only be used to teleport to mission start points in open world as a QoL mod, otherwise it's pointless even playing.

A linear hallway shooter?

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No, denser areas like interiors and jungles.

He wants a movie, not a videogame

>linear hallway

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